
My Hero Academia: Throne of Heroes

Well, AHAHAHA, I have Reincarnated to the Word of My hero Academia, I know you know it, You wouldn't be here if you didn't ! and guess what ? I have the power of fate servants, and I have fused bodies with Senji Muramasa, and Shirou Emiya, yeah, Not confusing at all ahahaha, anyway, I will be the Strongest hero, there is no debate, but, How long will it take ? Well if you want to know why not give this story a Try !

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs


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5 Years Later

For five years since the day Izuku took Katsuki as his disciple, the duo had been training relentlessly. Thanks to Izuku's efforts, he could now transform into a servant for forty-five minutes, with the cooldown increased to an hour. Over these years, Izuku had encountered numerous trainers, but the main teachers in each art were:

In the Art of the Sword, his masters were Arthur Pendragon "Proto," Siegfried, and Watanabe no Tsuna. Arthur taught him immense magical power and its control, Siegfried honed his supreme swordsmanship, and Watanabe no Tsuna trained him in flame control, exploiting his extreme affinity for fire.

In the Art of the Spear, he learned from Cu Chulainn and Scáthach. Cu Chulainn proved to be a dependable instructor, but Scáthach, also known as Shishou, was an intense teacher. When accidentally summoned, Izuku knew he had to train with all his might during those forty-five minutes. However, her training was the best among all his teachers, enhancing not just his spear skills but other arts as well.

In the Art of the Bow, he was mentored by Chiron and Arash. Though not as proficient in archery compared to his other arts, Izuku knew he might be the best archer among ordinary people in this world.

In the Art of Magic, he studied under Medea and Merlin. Medea was a great teacher, sharing her knowledge despite her troubled past. On the other hand, Merlin was rather useless in magic, but he excelled in illusion magic. However, since Izuku lacked an affinity for illusions, Merlin taught him swordsmanship instead, which annoyed Izuku because Merlin's swordsmanship rivaled Arthur's.

In the Art of Assassination, he learned from Hassan of the Cursed Arm and Emiya "Assassin." Hassan was surprisingly friendly for an assassin and taught Izuku stealthiness, resulting in his C rank presence concealment. Emiya was also a skilled teacher, although his gloomy nature was a stark contrast to Hassan's friendliness.

Apart from these conventional servants, there were some unconventional ones with classes that wouldn't directly benefit Izuku. Still, he used them for training purposes. These included Mendricardo "Rider," Sakata Kintoki "Berserker," and the psycho Mori Nagayoshi "Berserker."

Then there was Katsuki, who had transformed into a decent person after spending years with Ryo. He had mellowed down considerably, no longer a bully.

"Oi, Master, what the hell are you waiting for? Let's go home. Hey, hey, come on before I burn you!"

Hearing Katsuki's words, Izuku smacked him on the head and replied, "Shut up, dumbass. You never learn, do you? Let's go." Despite the changes in Katsuki, he still retained some of his old habits.

Katsuki's power had significantly increased. Izuku compared him to his anime counterpart during the training arc after season four. Izuku had implemented a strict routine for Katsuki, restricting his quirk usage and focusing on strengthening his body. After two years of this regimen, he showed Katsuki how to control his quirk effectively. Utilizing Shishou's teachings, Katsuki could even fly for a short duration using his legs, something he couldn't do in the anime due to the difficulty of sweating from his feet. To overcome this, Izuku had Da Vinci create something special for Katsuki's legs, allowing him to use his quirk from his palms and fly with his legs.

Returning to the city, Katsuki and Izuku were walking casually when an alarm sounded at a bank. "Huh? Master, it's a robbery! What should we do?" Katsuki asked. Izuku looked at him and replied, "Nothing. Let the heroes handle it." This response infuriated Katsuki, who protested, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? We have the power to stop it!"

Seeing Katsuki's anger, Izuku swiftly grabbed his hand, twisted it, and pinned him to the ground. "Do you want to get arrested? I don't want to get in trouble with your mother and the cops. You're not allowed to use your quirk in public yet. Now, go back home. I don't care about your opinion. Heroes will deal with this, not us. If you want to act as a hero, then become one!"

Hearing his master's stern words, Katsuki gritted his teeth but eventually complied, leaving calmly. However, the distance to the alarm was too far, so he wouldn't arrive in time.

Seeing Katsuki follow his orders and leave, Izuku let out a sigh of relief and muttered, "Thank God, he at least listens to reason. But I highly doubt he would go home that easily. I'll have to wrap this up quickly."

★Throne of Heroes★

Activating his quirk, Izuku's body glowed as he was endowed with green armor, and a man's voice echoed in his head, "Yo, Master, what is it that you need? More training?"

Izuku smiled and replied, "Nah, today we get a chance to actually test our powers. Let's go, Arash. We've got some robbers to take down!"