
symbol of pain

A person came from the shadows. "We can help you, without hurting you." Is he real, or am I dreaming. Does the one person I looked up to really hate me, does me want me dead, gone... why was Minu there, did they let her in, was she planned for, why didn't they tell her to leave, it was my vacation form that sick, annoying, stupid, "Brat! of a... low... life sister." I walk towards the figure in the shadowy light. "She should get killed at an instent, now wouldn't that! be a show. So much beauty, her screams will be music to my ears." I was shattered, like a mirror everyone forgot about... all but one. "now tell me. Where is your symbol of peace now. He's not here to help you. He can't save you, only you can save yourself. would you like to help me show the rest of the world how vonirable they are. Because without their symbol, they are nothing but useless." He was right, society has gotten too soft, relying on others to save them, instead of themselves. Who is he, why does he know me so well. "Do I want to join you?" I do hate them but... "Do I... ha... wanna join you?" I think, "Hahahahahahahaha...No! Haha...Hahaha...Hahahahahaha." I'm more affective, "Haaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!" on my own. "Hahahahahahahaha, your so funny!" I touch him with my hand, then I stab him. "Hahahahahahahaha, that's the last time your gonna relive anything... cause your not living anymore! hahahahaha isn't that helarious!" I fall to the ground, holding my arms, tear flowing down my smiling face. "Hahaha! I wanna be a symbol! haha. How about... The symbol of pain! Huh dead man, it has a ring to it right!!?" I lift my hand attaching strings to the joints of his body. "yes... you are the most helarious person ever... Symbol of Pain!" He agrees with me... "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" They'll all agree with me.