
My Hero Academia: The customizer

A young man suddenly gets pulled in a void space, and after being there for a while meets a screen who gives him the chance to reincarnate into the last fictional world that he saw before coming there.

overloaded_maxima · Anime & Comics
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165 Chs

Ai Hayasaka

The waitress soon arrived in front of Shun's table and said, "She will be the one you will be sharing your table with. I hope you don't mind." and then bowed her head before walking away.

The blonde girl who was standing behind the waitress looked towards Shun with an apologetic expression on her face and said, "Sorry to disturb you, I hope you don't mind me sitting here."

"It's fine....just don't forget what I told you...Saiko-san" said Shun as he looked at the badge on the waitress's apron.

The waitress had a stiff smile on her face as she just told him that it won't be a problem and walked away after placing the menu and a glass of water in front of the girl.

"I am Ai Hayasaka, nice to meet you and once again sorry for the inconvenience." said the girl with a bright smile on her face.

"Shun Kazami and it's fine." said Shun.

"Hm.....so Kazami-san what was that thing you asked that waitress for? A date?"

"Nope, just told her that if the person she wanted me to adjust with was annoying then I won't be paying the service tax and the tip." said Shun.

"Ehh? Really.... boo I thought it was a date invitation since she was cute too....so what is it like am I annoying you?" asked Hayasaka with a grin.

Shun smiled and said, "Not that much so it's still fine."

Hearing that most of the boys near his seat turned around and looked at him as if he was an idiot and all thought at the same time, '...Did he really call that super cute girl annoying?!?!'

Even the blonde herself widened her eyes in surprise and thought, '...This is the first time that a boy outright called me annoying when I am in this mode....' and showed a wry smile to Shun.

Shun grinned and said, "No need to think much about it Hayasaka-san I just like my peace and quiet at times."

"No it's alright? Everyone have moments like that." said Hayasaka as she looked at the menu and gave her order.

Shun just looked out of the window as he waited for his order to arrive though he still kept his guard up as the one sitting in front of him was no amateur to fighting and all.

Hayasaka too just looked out of the window as she didn't want to get too distracted as she could see that Shun was being cautious of him.

"Which highschool are you going to Kazami-san?" asked Hayasaka.

"It's still my final year of my junior highschool though I will be attending UA from the next year." said Shun.

"Hee, U.A. then you must be quite confident in fighting....but since you just said that you will be going to U.A. then does that mean you gave the recommendation exams and got the letter for admission?" asked Hayasaka with a smile.

Shin turned towards her and with a smile on his face asked, "You are quite knowledgeable about the U.A. admission system....are you a student there too?"

"Nope, I am not in U.A. I am just knowledgeable in these types of things...." said Hayasaka.

"But you must be able to fight pretty good if you are in selected in U.A. and that too with recommendations." said Hayasaka with a surprised look on her face.

"You too Hayasaka-san.....you must be able to fight pretty good yourself, right?" asked Shun with a smile, though rather than a question it looked like he was telling her that he knew about it.

Both of them then didn't say anything and just stared at eachother with a smile on their faces.

"...So you are still a third year junior highschool student, in that way I would be your senpai since I am first year at Shuchiin Academy." said Hayasaka trying to change the topic.

"... Shuchiin, that school famous for being the top choice for the children of high ranking people in different sectors....Miyuki is also attending that school I guess." said Shun as he muttered the part about Miyuki.

"....Ping pong, that's right. I attend that school as well." said Hayasaka.

"Oh, I have heard that the level of the academic is very high in that school you must be working hard to be a student there." said Shun.

"Hmm Hmm, they really make us study a lot and it's very difficult if you don't keep up with your studies." said Hayasaka.

"...It's similar to U.A. in a way with U.A. focusing more on the heroics and all rather than academics, though the business department of U.A. is ranked to be an equal of Shuchiin." said Shun.

"Yes that's true, U.A. is not that easy school as well. If not for it being focused on preparing heroes than it would might have competed with our school for its position in national rankings."

Suddenly both of them turned their heads at the same time and saw the waitress coming with their food.

"Here's your order." said the waitress as she looked towards Shun and asked with a smile on her face, "How was it dear customer, were you annoyed?"

"...You just lost 20 yen from your tip because of that and it was not that bad." said Shun making Hayasaka chuckle while the the waitress just twitched her lips in response.

The waitress just told him how he was bullying her and how pitiful she was before she left the two of them.

While both of them had their meal Hayasaka and Shun talked about some random stuff mostly Shun asking about how Shuchiin was since from what he heard from Miyuki that place was total shit for him since he wasn't from the same social class like the students.

From their chat both of them realised something from eachother, Hayasaka realised that just like her and her lady the boy in front of him was prepared for a lot of stuff and was academically well, to the point that she really wasn't sure whether he was still a junior high schooler or not. Shun on the other hand realised that the girl in front of him was acting since in between her talks her speech pattern changed slightly at some points.

But despite thinking like that, neither of them pointed it out and just let the conversation flow.

Both of them soon decided to leave once they paid their bill much to the waitress's happiness as Shun actually gave her some descent tip.

"Geez, dear customer must be a tsundere." was what the girl said making Shun stare at her with a deadpan look on his face.

"...You really are quite frank with your customers....I will make sure to give you a bad rating whenever someone asks me about this restaurant." said Shun.

"Do what you want the other will just get attracted by cute clothes and hardworking nature." said the waitress as she bowed towards both him and Hayasaka after which they left.

"...She really is overenthusiastic....good thing that I am used to those type of people." muttered Shun.

He then turned towards the blonde beside him and said, "Well then Hayasaka-san, it was nice to meet you."

"Yup, it was fun. Greet me the next time we meet." said Hayasaka.

Both of them then decided to go their own ways and said there goodbyes to eachother.




"....So should I greet you now Hayasaka-san?" asked Shun with a smile as he met the blonde after 5 minutes once they parted ways.

"Don't say that, I am feeling embarrased since we meet so soon after we parted like that.....who knew that you would head to the station as well after going in some other direction." said Hayasaka.

"Well I needed to get some stuff so I went that way..... I was also waiting for someone but it seems that the person itself is busy." said Shun as he got a call from Rumi that she would not be able to be get out of there anytime soon.

Both of them just walked towards the station with Hayasaka being slightly embarrassed by what happened just now while Shun was giving an annoyed sigh while mentally cursing the villains who were keeping his girlfriend busy.