

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


Thinking that coming back from the hospital and catching a break was an understatement of the century.

First, he got a lecture of a lifetime from his mother who looks like the female version of Ritsuka fujimaru and his Father who has white hair and looks like Caucasian descendance with white hair.

Question after questions at why he was out there looking at hero videos at night and it seemed that his effort to hide his night outing was for naught. There were baby cameras hidden in the house which he for his young adolescent body and mind not detect with mind's eye.

They mistaken it as for worship for heroes as he was so fixated about looking at them.

He can only cringe at those thoughts idealizing heroes again.

Fuck that shit he is done with that.

But as he is four years old, he cannot say his thoughts aloud.

Also, his search for heroes is not to only watch but analyze their weakness and moves.

To his disappointment they are corny as HELL.

Who the hell announces their move by screaming before attacking a preparator?

Also, the hell with the racism of people with animal and mutated traits and transformation?

If Tamamoe no Mae was here, she would have burnt the world down.

He learnt the dark truth of the world by observing it in a larger standpoint.

The world is not grey at all but completely towards the dark.

The world might seem to be still moving even though with all the superpowered beings the same problem still exists all over the conflict.

Why is the world categorized as heroes and villains? In fact, why should there be heroes at all? Should they not deal with the inner working of society and mindset?

People fight because they are oppressed or forced into it. They can't help but feel that they are left out of the world.

Why is there not a question in the society filled with superpowered individuals.

"Why do people become a villain?"

Existing here he realizes that the heroes are nothing but protecting material property, except for few others who try to save lives.

People like All Might.

People like Endeavor haa!! Looking at how he beats down villians and the records of crime management.

That dude got issues, lots of it.

That brutal beating is not normal.

What is he mad about?

His sex life?


He has now pressing matters to look into then delving into another person's life.

In this week of constant loving care from his parents which includes sleeping together. Lots of toys given to him by his parents, one of them including All Might action figure.

There was Endeavor action figure bought by his father which was kept in the corner by his mother.

Sucks to be number two.

Maybe this how Buzz Aldrin felt like being second person on the moon.

Being number one isn't his concern but what comes afterward by the news given by his constant loving care from his parents.

!!!! Shiro and Ayako Mommy POV"!!!

Shiro was on a king size bed with several fruit juice by his bedside and in his mother's embrace he is eating porridge much to his dismay. There is chicken as a side dish making him sooth his bland tongue by eating porridge.

Shiro feels comfy and home under a women's care. Time's like this reminds him of Taigaa and Sakura who he remembers for some reason after his rebirth. Remembering Sakura makes him shudder. He remembers the time he visited the universe where he had to give up his arm to that brat who gave up his dream to be a hero.

He is blessed here in a peaceful environment, but how long would it last.

His thoughts were interrupted by the soothing head pat from his mother.

"Shiro did you know there is a place where other children like you go and play with each other, it is really a fun place you know with games and friendly people"

[ Yeah, right fun place and friendly people. Last teacher I know tried to kill my younger self and one of my trusted friends was a massive asshole with a screw loose, a horny asshole.]

Even though shiro hates it he has to oblige. He takes deep breath and comes out of his thoughts.

'What place mama, can I not study with you here.'

"You can but it's a large world out there you know, place full of wonders! You can make friends and have adventures"

[If she was a sales pitch manager, his mother would fail horribly. But for the sake his mother's happiness he must maintain his calm]

' But won't I be alone without you, can you not be with me'

"I will be always be with you in your heart and your memories"

She points to his heart and his mind

Shirou them puts his head back to his mother's bosom.

He though that he never knew his mother in his previous life nor his last name.

Sitting here he realizes he is free and full of love.

What can seven crappy hours of school can do to him? He will just wing it as long as it lasts.

He will entertain his mother in her needs.

He now starting to think like that arrogant king he muses to himself.

'So where do I have to go? Mommy'

[ God this reminds him of Jack]

"It's called a kinder garden a place where children meet. There you can make friends and learn many things. I talked to your dad and will take you there tomorrow"

[ Sometimes Archer wonders why he has to act like a kid, his acting is great but acting like a kid is taxing to his mind]

( Zelrecht: So school huh ? looks like you have a battle Infront of you great hunter of the red planes)

[ Don't Jinx it! After school I will take Vimana to Pacific Ocean to activate my power]

(You sure? According to my calculation it's going to be a huge energy surge, you have the perfect golden sentry body. This will attract foes to you that you cannot imagine)

[ Kether crown will stop any image being leaked but the spectrometers and the sensory type heroes are going to be a drag]

(Whatever floats your boat)

" Yosh! Mama will take you to you first day of school"

[ Oh boy]

(Oh boy)

{Here we go again}

!!!! Next day at Kyoto Hotaru ( Firefly) Kindergarten!!!!

What everyone is looking at including archer is a massive cluster of trouble with the instructor Aiko Takakura failing to maintain order.

Shiro's parents were trying their best to maintain there smile and decorum to not just up and leave the place.

[ And here I though I would get shits and giggles trying to socialize, but this is great! A cluster of madness]

A guy with features of a bear wearing a suit arrives to greet them.

" Hello My name is Daisuke Takahashi the principal of this Kinder Garten, I heard you were coming to enroll here with your child nice to meet you"

[ Archer hearing his first name Daisuke which means helpful knows this guy is useless, as sometimes people take opposite role of their names]

Archer parents was fixated at the scene where a child with a mole transformation quirk just nosedived taking a nosedive with a boy with mouse features crying for his life. That straight there was horrifying. The caretakers dived in so that the boy is not buried to death.

At that Zelrecht laughed his ass off looking at that scenario. Archer still can't make heads or tails at how they transform.

Ayako: I think we came at a wrong tim-e.

Hanzo: Ye-a-h.

Daisuke: No worries! This is just daily occurrences. Children become excited and rebellious when their quirk shows. Thi-s chaos will soon calm down.

As if murphy descended to give judgement the mole boy that buried the mouse came out of the ground and grabbed the principles leg and pulled him in, causing him to cry out in misery with a growl.

[ Yup not helpful at all, fuck it I am out]

Hanzo quickly grabbed the principle and pulled the principle out.

As if the mole was not satisfied as E rank luck would have it, the mole came out a third time and smelt shiros foot. Causing him to be alarmed he quickly used minds eye and reinforcement to pull out his foot at the last moment causing the mole to come out. Shiro noticed that when he took in Avalon his Magic circuits opened which is 80 of then to his surprise of high quality.

As the mole came out, he reinforced his hand and gave the brat a punch throttling him away and fall far away on the ground making a crater.

[ Now that's Yamcha pose right there, well done Shiro you just alerted every one of your powers]

Shiro can only bite his lips for his blunder, but all these years fighting in the battlefield has made his senses sharp and fluid, making him react to danger immediately.

Everyone who was there making a scene and just stopped at the sudden explosion of violence. There was horror etched at everyone's faces.

No one could figure out what just occurred.

Shiro realized these are kids not threats and he just did a massive blunder.

To Everyone's the mole got out of the crater and fell on his back showing his belly to the sky.

[ Zelrecht: Intriguing! Looks like transforming into a mole not just changed his appearance but his physiology as well].

{Which would mean enhanced durability?}


{That means every transformation quirk user has this trait? this is going to be a bitch to deal with.]

Shiro's musing was cut short by the large shout from the children with incoherent whoa and surprised wow to his direction.

Some girls were pointing at him and gossiping how strong he was.

Some boys sending a stink eye towards his direction.

And some younglings were running towards him and in time surrounded him.

'Whoa! That power was like All Might?'

'What quirk do you have?'

'Can you punch a mountain?'

Question was thrown around and he swears that someone asked if he can fire beams out of his ass.

Shirou:{Damned brats! And here I will be spending three years here!}

Zelrecht: [ Lookey here already having followers and fans little hero]

Shirou:{ Shut up!}

Archer was swept here and there trying to exit the crowd of children but no avail as he is child himself.

Ayako and Hanzo can only look at this situation and sigh at least can someone look at that mole kid.

That same mole kid stood up and looked up in archers' direction, for he with his intense gaze found his lifelong rival.

Archer feels the gaze and ignores it.

For the mole boy his pride has been hurt as his durability was unmatched and he was the boss of this place. But now someone is here usurped it? He cannot let that happen!

For his name is Goro Mogoru!.

The famous heir to the rescue operators trapped in rubble.

Mogoru Hero Agency and Mogaru Builders company.

Their battle will be legendary!

!!!! Few hours after the Fiasco!!!

Archer is now sitting outside the principal's office taking care of by Aiko Takakura a porty women with short brown hair but homely appearance.

She is wearing an apron with long Black sleeved shirt and long red skirt.

She is checking for any injuries he must have taken.

Aiko: That was a dangerous thing you did there, what if he got hurt?

Shiro: What of his actions against the principle and the students. Looking at it it's not the first time he did it.

Aiko: Yes, but you have to deal with such situations peacefully.

Shiro: Sometimes you have to drop the iron fist to make people listen. For Bad deeds to thrive it means that good people are doing nothing.

Aiko: But it is also the good persons duty to understand each other.

Shiro did not argue but only looked at the sunset. This was a long day to pry students who want to know the secret of his strength. There would be more people in the field trying to pester him.

While he was thinking about the words he was grabbed from the back, before he could punch the daylights out. Aiko quickly took notice with her intuition and stopped it. While Shiro was grabbed his fellow peers he shoved them harshly sometimes kicking and punching if they got aggressive.

"So Warm!"

A clumsy voice made its presence known.

Behind archer in a common blue KinderCare uniform and firefly logo and and yellow pants, a white haired girl with a pony tail grabbed onto him.

Aiko: Ara~ Nagisa chan what brings you here. You are always so clumsy you never show your face.

Nagisa: Sunflower~ Sunflower~ lovely sun flower. I will dance like a bee to the lovely sunflower.

The weird clumsy girl kept singing holding archer from the back but he suddenly noticed his power he harbored resonated with her.

Maybe she has a similar quirk related to fire but for some reason it feels like her power is trying to drain it.

That was scary and he quickly moved out of her embrace much to her displeasure.

Nagisa: Mou! I was feeling comfy holding you.

Shiro: It id rude to hold someone without their consent.

Nagisa: He he sorry but you felt so warm I couldn't help it. My quirk sometimes make me act like that. I am Nagisa Saito! What's your name?

[Name huh he has thrown it away but now he has to acknowledge the fact he has one and exchange it from now on begrudgingly]

Shiro: Shiro Fujimura.

Nagisa: Nice to meet you Shiro and see our hair is white though you have some red tufts. We are matching.

Before he could reply the door opens from the principal's office.

Ayako notices their conversation and rejoices that her son made a friend.

Ayako: Oh my you made a friend already, how wonderful.

Hanzo: That's my boy already hitting the ladies.

By hitting Hanzo got an elbow to his stomach.

Shiro can only roll his eyes to such conversation, not knowing Nagisa went asleep on Aiko's lap.

!!!! Home POV!!!

After confirming the registry to his kindergarten Shiro with his parents went straight home after the days fiasco, they were to tired to do anything. They ordered Takeout for dinner and went straight to bed with Shiro.

But Shiro used Kether Crown and a puppet from the Gate of Babylon to disguise his retreat.

He used the spatial function of the gate and went out.

He enlarged the gate and took out the sun god's chariot.

This looked like an alien spacecraft.

With green fin like wings and a golden ship module as a body.

He jumped up with reinforcement and landed on the seat.

He used full power of the Vimana and headed straight to an empty Island at the Pacific Ocean.

{Shiro are you sure you don't want to think over? You just got you powers and you are already jumping the gun. Think carefully, relax another four years and then awaken}

[Sorry Zelrecht but I am an impatient man who needs to complete his duties at right time]

{What is your duty after you got freed from that Devil?}


[ To make sure this timeline is not screwed up]

{What happens if the people responsible for it does it again? will you kill them}

[ ….]

[ I will decide when the time comes]

{ You better not become the previous person you were you hear me!}

[ I will be the judge of that]

In ten minutes with Vimana's capabilities Archer with the Kether crown Accessed all Satellites and created an Illusion.

He landed on a lone Island and kept the Vimana inside the treasury.

{Think again you want to do this again}

[ I am sure with 100 precent confidence]

Making and Illusion of the Area he is prepared to let loose.

Now he needs to say those words



The words etched in his mind by the Presence spoken to reclaim his power was finally spoken.

At that Instant all hell went loose.

A Huge Blinding light encapsulated the Pacific Ocean with a beam of light piercing the stratosphere.

It seemed as if the light was piercing the heavens.

Archer made a miscalculation.

His power is relater to the sentry that is for sure but he has the perfect golden sentry power.

Void and the sentry tied with his strong will of iron.

An then the world knew the sun with Alarms blaring with all the nuclear satellites of countries who own nuclear weapons.

But the ones who could be alarmed and detect the presence of such power has already been alerted.

Two in Japan.

Two in the Western countries USA and UK respectively.

Two in Europe.

Two in Russia.

one in China.

One in Africa.

Few of them can't help but have a smile on their face but for some they have a look of excitement and annoyance.

A storm is approaching.

Something the world has never seen before.

That person who is the center of it has now graced his presence with a Yellow S at his chest and a black outline of the skinsuit body. With a white cape.

Archer Sentry was born.