

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Rigorous Training and Friends

Shirou was having a dream again but not of his past and the flames that engulfed his homes but it was one with Rin and he is pretty sure this one was not in his memory vault.

It was at that time where they were on a picnic together talking about Saber's Ideals to carry the burdens alone without the need of anyone's help.

But it was the opposite of one's mindset.

No matter how capable one was they will always need a shoulder to lean on and the support of one's close ones to pursue their dreams and get chastised if one gets too reckless.

To challenge one's intentions and Ideals to reforge them again into a healthy obsession.

He saw him standing on a hill but this time it is not filled with sword but with the harmony of spring and sunshine.

Wind bellowed his red mantles as he thought about his fight with his past self only to realize that his ideals were not wrong as it had a beauty of its own.

!!!????!!!: Archer!!

A panicked voiced streaked through the field and he is glad to hear that voice again.

The Girl runs up and catches her breathe to savor the final moments to come and the words of farewell to give to the reckless hero.

She proceeds to call in a slow manner.

Rin: Archer


Archer: It's unfortunate, but that's how it is. Give on the Grail this time Rin.

Archer makes a comical pose with his back turned to her.

Rin hesitates and puts her head down a bit.

Archer: Pftt! Heh.


Archer: My Apologies~, I couldn't help it given your state. I am amused that you and I are cut into such horrid state.

Rin: Archer…. Will you make a pact with me again?

Archer: ....

Archer: I can't do that. I doubt I have that right.

Archer: Besides I no longer have a goal to strive towards.

Archer: My Battle ends here.

Rin: But….But this means you wil-l.

Rin: No matter how much time passes you will never be saved.

Archer: A-ah.

Archer was surprised that this is the reason for pleading to him.

Archer: Oh man…

Archer: Rin…

Archer makes his hair in the right state and gives the original earnest look he has.

Archer: Look after me. As you know I am a bit hopeless. Give me a shoulder to lean on.


Rin: A-rcher.

Rin realizes this fool has accepted his fate and decided to move on and to not mope around.

Rin wipes away the tears and shows a brave face to talk back to the jerk.

Rin: Yeah I know, I'll do my best. I'll try my hardest to make sure he doesn't end up a twisted jerk like you!I am pretty sure he will learn to like himself.

So you do the same.


Archer: I have my answer.

Shirou gives a heartwarming smile. A smile that he has long forsaken in his line to help people.

Archer: Don't worry Tohsaka .

I'll….try my best from now on.

With one last smile he gives a farewell.

!!!!!Dream end!!!

Shirou woke up after that thinking if it was a reminiscence or a dream.

But after waking up he can only say one thing.

Shirou: Suck it Rin! I am free!

Ayako: Ara Ara~ looks like someone energetic after his shenanigans.

Shirou mind comes to a halt and slowly looks to his side.

He sees his mother cupped her chin on both of her hands and Is smiling.

Ayako: Who might this Rin be? Is she a new friend or your imaginary friend? I can't let that happen, can I? So, we will be going to the park to make some friends.

Shiro's face falters but he composes himself and asks the most important question.

Shirou: Friends?

!!!!!!After Breakfast!!!!

Shirou had a hearty breakfast with eggs and ham with nice warm milk and now he is going to a dreadful place to "Socialize" if that what it is called.

Though the morning breakfast was nice with family with his father trying to sneak him away to play some games but it was nipped in the bud soon by the main leader of the house.

This was a weekend.

Neets might play games but for him a young child it's time to explore wonders.

Shirous thoughts came to an abrupt halt.

{Shirou: Fuck Zelrecht I forgot to give my new teacher a mystic code to contact me}

[Zelrecht: Great work genius you played yourself. I wonder what he is doing right now]

(Saiki: If you really want to know I am having nice cuisine at a restaurant with your money)

Shirou got spooked with the voice in his head other than Zelrechts and remembered it was Saiki.

Shirou was tying his shoes but jumped to his feet startling his mother.

Ayako: Oh my are you that excited to make friends. Let's Go! To our new journey.

Shirou: Umm yes mom.

{Shirou: You startled me teach}

(Saiki: I get that a lot. So, I'll get to the main point. After you have done socializing which is direly needed for your hopeless mental state. We will start training after lunch and don't worry to set up a puppet, I will make a look alike clone for you which is realistic. Soon you will learn how to do it)

{Shirou: Woah woah hold your horses what's the rush. What made you move the schedule immediately? I know you are short on time but can't we start at evening?}

Author Note: (),{},[] Thoughts or telepathy.

(Saiki: You need to get to space ASAP. I have got to show you something. It's important. Also speaking of space, we are training on the moon. I'll pick you up bye!)

{Shirou: Hold on! Space, Moon what's happening right now!}

!!!!!!30 minutes trying to telepathically asking for answers but no avail!!!!

Now Shirou is walking to the park with his mother so that he can play and make friends.

Henceforth he is in his memory lane thinking about the friends he deeply cared about in the past life and how he abandoned them in his quest to save everyone. Throwing away the precious people he cared about.

Sakura Matou, Taiga Fujimaru, Rin Tohsaka, Issei Ryuudo and the person with the same name as his birth mother of this world Ayako Mitsuzri the captain of Archery club.

Each one of them irreplaceable companion.

Not Shinji though he can die in a ditch.

He will take lancer as a friend if he has to instead of that guy.

As Shirou was being distracted with his thoughts, he remembered the conversation with the psychic.

{Shirou: Zelrecht do you know what that guy was talking about training on the moon. I know I can use my powers in space as God implanted the information in my head but how will it help training in a hazardous situation?}

[Zelrecht: Have faith in him he knows what he is doing as he is someone who can blow up the moon. It is obviously to make sure to make sure no mischap occurs when you go full throttle accidentally. He can wipe the memories of the planets residence if it happens]

{Shirou: I am not sure how to feel about it with me blowing up the moon or he is capable of doing it}

[Zelrecht: Get used to it and look at the bright side, you are starting over again to your path as a hero]

{Shirou: What will be the cost now if I become a hero. I know that I will have to search for targets who caused a time paradox but I don't know anything about the major players in this world except for some powerful individuals. Can you give me a lead with you second magic?}

[Zelrecht: I will in due time, but you will have to concentrate what's in front of you. Make some friends and get an outlook on the world while training]

{Shirou: It's never that easy is it.}

{Zelrecht: No it is not}

The mental conversation came to a halt with excited laughter of children in the playground and parents trying to elevate the mood in the park with gossips. The snitching behind peoples back was legendary.

The inner archer of Shirou scoffs at this by just listening to the conversation with reinforcement.

Darkness runs deep between housewives.

Petty jealousy and contempt.

Ayako: Here we are~ look at those wonderful children and rides. Why don't you pick one and introduce to children playing here. Mama will be here sitting on this bench. If your hungry or thirsty just run over here okay.

Shirou gave a slight node and went on his way amidst the chaos called playing.

He had a blank look while he trailed the whole path while dodging tennis balls and footballs in his path with minimal movement.

He looks calm on the outside but he has social anxiety on the inside.

He was a counter-guardian trapped for millennia with no social contact.

The only conversation he had in his time is when he went back to the past of the fifth holy grail war and grand orders.

Ritsuka Fujimaru and the servants summoned in Chaldea.

He wonders what he is don't in the newly rebuilt universe of God as his data might be erased or a copy is there in the moon cell.

Speaking of moon cell, he had a good time with Hakuno and Tamaoe Mae.

That fox knows how to make things interesting.


Shirou abruptly turned back to see where the loud proclamation came from.

He saw a blond-haired boy on top of dome holding a meek boy with black hair and elf years swinging a flag with a cape on his back.

He can only roll his eyes in this display.

But the kid sure seems fired up.





Shirou just chuckled at these kids antiques but soon frowned about the harsh reality the kid has to face.

[Saving a million? What about saving yourself]

Shirou just walked over to look at show this guy is making. Also, it seems there is quiet the attention.

Since he has nothing to do, he might as well amuse himself with this childish display.

Now he sounds like that arrogant king.






Shirou just sighs and have his eyes glossed thinking about the bullshit this kid is talking.



His pace came at a stop when he stepped on something familiar and he sure hopes someone did not do the forbidden thing.

He slowly looks down and he quickly gave a sigh of relief but when he identified the substance, he became familiar with it and he is reminiscing where he saw this doughy substance.

!!!!???!!!: AHHH!

Shirou looks to his side and recognizes a familiar face.

Long Orange hair with googles wrapped around her head. Brown skin with a beauty spot on the chin.

A blue skirt and a white T-shirt with a red jacket.

When he used structural analysis on the goggles, he got the history and information of the objest and the person using it.

Terra Atoresa.

A girl of European and Japanese lineage.

A girl whose quirk is the manipulation of Electromagnetic force or electricity. But the use of it can tell otherwise. The person who trained her must have given some crazy ideas.

Terra: I know you!

She jumped up from the sand box and pointed her fingers at him.

Terra: You are that jerk who throws swords around!

Shirou got amused with that statement. Rin called him a jerk for his reckless endeavors and disregard for professionalism.

So, he put both of his hands behind his head and closed one of his eyes then gave an annoying smirk.

Shirou: So?

Terra: So? You frightened everyone at the school! How can use a powerful quirk like that! Even if your powerful doesn't mean you can flaunt it everywhere. Only a villain does that!

Shirou: Then what about the kids who attacked me.

Terra: It doesn't matter! You should have ran away and called a teacher.

Shirou: Even if I did they would have done it over and over again until they had their fill with bullying me. Your mindset is narrow I just taught them a lesson to not do it again.

Terra: Hmph! Even if your correct doesn't mean you are right!

At that moment Shiro's mind went blank. Using the same dialogue from his past self on him. Now it means war.

Shiro: Well girls are always right Afterall. Everything you say is right? Isn't it? Standing there watching someone being beat up and waiting for someone to help?

Terra was in fumes with electricity around her she inflated her cheeks with air pouting. She was completely red with anger and embarrassment.

That looked cute.

Terra: T-That's… not what I meant!

Shiro: Then please enlighten me.

Then someone threw something squishy at him only for him to catch.

He identified the preparator who was at the sand box with the tomboy of a girl.

The same girl who gave her own hair to eat.

"Kamijiki Amikayu"

Shorty with hair made out of dough.

Doughy: Don't be mean! Hmph!

She gave a pose with her hands on her waist showing no fear.

Shirou just gives a bored look and goes away not before throwing the dough hair to the tomboy.

Shirou: Whatever.

He refuses to talk any longer and walks away.

Arguing with children makes the conversation goes nowhere and he is an adult which he believes he is, so he has to be the wise amongst them.

Terra: Hey we are not done with our talk.

Shirou: Correction you are not done with your talk.

Shirou uses reinforcement on his clothes and feet and uses mana burst with his current magic circuits. He has a mana core and a strong body now, so this feat is easy now. He thought about it about the implication of the changes so he devised his current training menu and battle tactics.

Just like that he vanishes from Terra's sight and moves far away to another location.

This antic left a fuming tomboy starting a hunt with her quirky friend.

When Shirou used mana burst for his petty pride, he did not calculate what consequences his actions will bring.

Just like his E-Rank luck would dictate he landed right in middle of someone's tea party who was playing house.

Some breaking noises of ceramics were heard under his feet and he wondered what it was.

He looks down and he is shocked that he broke cups and blades with doll house ruptured to half.

Looking at it he knew he fucked up.

He slowly looks around and he sees two girls showed faces of horror at the mishap Shiro caused.

One was a red-haired girl with ponytail wearing a navy-blue skirt and a turtle neck shirt. And a sliver haired girl with shades of magenta wearing a turtle neck pink shirt and a dark blue skirt who are maybe same age as 4 or 3 as Shiro.

Shirou closed his eyes and took a calming breath.

Everything will be fine he can fix this.

He was being taught by zelrecht of restoration magic so he can manage this damage.

Now he has to be very delicate to work with these two girls.

He coughs to clear his throat.

Shirou: Okay ladies there is no crying over this disaster let m-


Here it goes the fountain of tears what did he mistake.

But it suddenly stops. Confusing him.

!!!!????!!!: Get him!!!!

Shirou: WHAT!-

Both girls were surrounded by hot flames signaling activating of quirks as the pounced over them.

Never in wildest dream he though that he would be pounced on by wild kids like this so he was caught off-guard.

He received two fists on his face as he quickly reinforced everything. Air blasted behind him.

He grabbed two of the hands firmly and started to speak to handle the situation.

Shirou: I know I destroyed all of your stuff but I can fix it! So, calm down!

!!!????!!!!: NO! we are going to beat you up and make you pay for it after we capture you!

!!!!????!!!: You viilian! We spent our money from the piggy bank to buy this!

Shirou: Okay calm down now I am going with you so I surrender! No need to be so violent. Seriously what is with people beating up with their quirks these days.

!!!!!?????!!!!!: We are capturing you as our prisoner! Don't think of escaping!

Shirou: Fine fine whatever. Let me fix this.

!!!!????!!!!: Do you have a quirk that can fix this? If there is then there is no need to ask for money from you.

Shirou: Sure, I won't bite I got this.

Their talk was interrupted with an electric blitz tanking shirou like a hard-core footballer.

It was none other than the girl he left fuming.

Terra: We are not done talking yet!

This surprise both of the girls present.

Shirou fell face flat on the tea set further breaking them aggravating the two owners.

But the two of them was acquainted with the person.

!!!!????!!!!: Terra? What are you doing here?

Terra: I am looking for this jerk to give a piece of my mind Akemi-Chan!

Yukino: So this person is going around troubling everyone around.

!!!!????!!!!: Terra-Chan it's nice to see you!

Terra: Satsuri-chan! Are you playing house again!

Meanwhile shirou is on the ground looking at the sky cursing his E-Rank luck.

Satsuri: By the way do you know him?

Terra: Now that you say it I haven't asked his name.

Akemi: Yes it's important to know the preparators name.

Akemi folded her hands looking at Shirou Menacingly.

While both girls put hands on their waist Judging Shirou who laid on the ground.

Terra: You have been a bad boy! Now it's time to give you a proper lecture.

Satsuri: Now tell us your name.

Akemi: You are not going anywhere today.

Shirou did a flip and got up.

Shirou: Geeze is it necessary to be violent?

Teera: Yes because you're a jerk umm

Shirou: Shirou Fujimiura

Akemi: Okay Shirou you are going to fix our tea set or else.

Shizuka: Yes and we can settle this right here and now!

Terra: But isn't your quirk sword making? Shirou.

Shirou can only curse under his breath.

Akemi/Satsuri: You lied to us!

Flames rage as they thinking of roasting Shiro.

Shirou doesn't answer and gets down putting out his palm Infront.

Every night he used to take out the book about mage craft from the Gate of Babylon and teleport outside to practice with garbage. Now it is time to show its fruits.

Slowly but surely something surprising occurred Infront of the girls shocking them how each piece of the doll house and the tea set just mended itself.

Akemi/Shizuka/Terra: ...…


Satsuri: Umm Terra Chan didn't you say that his quirk is sword creation?

Akemi: Yes, I am confused but most importantly.


Terra: But But-

Shirou: She is correct but at the same time she is not.

Shirou just made a makeshift of the dialogue he was told.

[Zelrecht: What a petty son of a bitch you are]

Shirou: .....

Shirou: Since everything is all right I am going to take my leave.

Mirio: Woah! What are you arguing about I heard screaming from here.

Satsuri: Ugh Mirio are done with your hero screaming.

Mirio: What can I say I am very excited to be a hero!

Akemi looks behind at the boy trailing behind him

Yukino: Amajiki kun how have you been. You are always hiding so why not have tea party with us!

Amajiki got startled and hid behind Mirio.

Mirio: Tamaki why are you shy! Akemi-Chan is asking nicely. Come let's have fun. Oh I didn't notice all of the people here. I am Mirio Togata nice to meet you all.

Terra: Terra Atrosea!

Shirou: Shirou Fujimura

The conversation came to halt when fell on Tamaki as he released a girly scream.

Terra: Oh I forgot of Doughy. Doughy are you allright!

Doughy doesn't respond as chasing Terra has drained most of her stamina.

Terra: Haa look how clumsy you are! You need to work out like me!

Doughy doesn't respond as she fell asleep on Tamaki to his distress.

Mirio: Tamaki are you allright?

Tamaki just hides his face as he shakes his head sideways.

Satsuri: Now that all of you are here why don't we have a tea party! The more the merrier!

Akemi: Let's play house too!

Everybody just groans except Shirou. He is trying to make sense of the chaotic situation.

But it's not bad at any form.

Reminds of the days with Taiga

!!!!One Tea party later!!!!

Terra: Neh Neh Shirou how did you do it with those tea cups.

Akemi: Yes, we want to know.

Satsuri: Is it time control?

Terra: Woah Shizuka your smart.

Mirio: What's time control?

Tamaki: Just as it implies it rewinds or fast forward's time.

Everyone looks at Tamaki due to his quick quip.

Shirou was sweating bullets. These girls are smart.

Shirou: Not exactly but something similar.

Terra: But you were making swords when you were fighting bullies at school!

Shirou: Haa let's keep it a secret okay. My quirk is a little unusual so I don't know much.

Akemi: Hmmph! How boring keep your secrets to yourself!

Satsuri: Hmm~

Mirio: Still it's cool! That what it needs to be.

Doughy: Cookies cookies. I like cookies.

Terra: Oh no quick Shizuka hide them! She is turning into a cookie demon.

It was late as doughy pounced on them as the four girls wrestled for dominance.

The boys moved away.

Mirio sweated looking at this encounter.

Shirou started a conversation with the charismatic blonde.

Shirou: So you want to be a hero Mirio? Why do you want to be one?

This question came at seriousness from Shirou as he himself tried to strive to be one. He needs to test the waters of this world's mindset.

Mirio: Not long ago I fell into a river. I was drowning. I though this is it I am done for. But no soon a hero came a swooped me up and saved the day. I though could I save a lot of people like him and make others smile by doing such good deeds.

This did not help Shirou as his Trauma came on full cycle as he held his mouth from puking falling over to his knees.

Mirio: Woah are you allright!

Tamaki: There some water if your not feeling good?

Shirou just stood up and ran away startling everyone.

The despair that was in his heart resurfaced.

The hell he walked to and met his demise.

He can't see that happen again.

Being a hero is not a road of flowers.

Sooner or later like him that boy who aspired to be hero will face the true reality.

I would not be now or 10 years to the future but there will be a time Mirio will despair of not saving anyone.

Before he can delve Saiki came and grabbed him from his shoulder.

Saiki: Haa and here I though you were socializing. Did the past scar you that much that you cannot turn over for a new start?

Shirou: Fuck off! What do you know! This world is nothing but creating soldiers for suppression. Child soldiers not knowing the cruelty of a battle field. Do you want me to sing happy to merry with them!

Shirou: Sooner or later they will know the cost to protect someone and they will break down eventually.


Shirou took a moment to process everything. He has been mulling over everything. Thinking about the consequences of what might or might not happen due to his actions. It is the idea he forgot that has long been rusted in his mindset. The idea to save people. But this time he has a choice or rather several choices to prevent the bad day from happening. He can start anew fresh. Shirou calms down.

Shirou: Haa trying to be a teacher once in a while for your student. I need a break. I am going to go straight home. Days ruined for me.

Shirou looks at Saiki but he is not there as it was just an astral projection.

Mirio: Shirou! Are you all right?

Mirio came running with others.

Terra: Why did you run away. We were fighting over cookies that's all. We didn't want to include you probably.

Akemi: Did Mirio say something that hurt you?

Satsuri: Don't get running on us like that. You haven't told us about your magic trick of your quirk.

Mirio: Sorry if I have said something horrible

Shirou just shakes his head.

Shirou: No it's okay I just remembered something bad that's all.

Mirio: Something Bad?

The subject was not elaborated as Shirous mother came over.

Ayako: Shirou! Where are you it's time for lunch.

Ayako noticed Shiro due to his white tuft of hair and noticed a few others as she came over.

Ayako: Ara who are you adorable ones? Are you friends of son anyhow? If so please take care of him. He can be distant some time but he can open up if he wants to.

Terra: Are you shiros mamma! I have lots of things to complain about him.

Mirio: Hello! I am Mirio! The future hero that will save millions!

Akemi: My name is Kamei Akemi

Satsuri: Satsuri Veena

Doughy: Kamijiki

Tamaki: …..Tamaki

Ayako: Oh, my how wonderful. Looks like I was worried for nothing my little Shirou made lots of friends.

Ayako: Also what were saying about saving Million Little Mirio.

Mirio: It's my goal to save that many people. I know I can't save everyone so I will try my best to save the people I can. That's why I am Mirio who will save Millions!

Ayako: That is a great goal Mirio I hope your dreams come true.

Mirio: Thank you! I will try to live up to the expectations.

Ayako looks at shirou looking at Mirio being surprised at his statement.

Shirou looks at something distant something he one held.

[How cruel looking into a broken Mirror]

!!!!!!After having Lunch and Giving Farewell!!!!

Shirou was going home with his mother after the huge get together. It seems Ayako made a lot and shared with all of the kids present with them asking for their own parent's permission and some their butler?

It was a nice weekend for all of them knowing each other and their aspiration to be heroes. Some questionable like to be brave and increase one fame.

It was most of the time playing and doing goofy things which children do but it was nice change of pace.

Ayako: Did you have fun with all of them.

Shirou gives a nod and a rare smile surprising Ayako. Shirou always had a stoic or blank face not knowing what he was thinking. Looks like taking him out was a success. She didn't do it with all those villains around.

Ayako: Then I am glad you are growing up.

Shirou: ....

This is the first time Shirou was at a complete loss. Growing up?

That is something he though was questionable.

Did he have room to grow.

Ayako: Now come on you need to take a bath. You have too much sand in your hair.

Shirou can only sigh as the girls recounted of their encounter and oh boy is his mother going to ask about it.

They reached home with Shirou quickly getting a bath by his mother by completely stripping him.

Even he can't win against this.

!!!!!30 minutes of bath and Saiki looking out for Shirou!!!

Shirou was relaxing in his room and at the exact time Saiki appears.

Saiki: It's time.

Shirou's attitude completely took a 180 degree turn.

Fun time is over and now it's time for preparations for war.

Shirou: Where to?

Saiki: To the Dark side of the moon.

Shirou: I am not liking you already.

Saiki: You wont.

Shirou grabbed Saiki's Hand and vanished preparing for what is to come.

Author Note:

New Chracters and their Pics will be given beside their name here.

Kaemi Akemi

Satsuri Veena