

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


!!!!!In Tokyo!!!

Saiki and Shirou were travelling through an abandoned alleyway in Akhibara where the fake ID maker had his shop located. After making their identities they promptly exited the shop and is now going back to the hotel Continental.

One might suspect that why are two young individuals very young are travelling late at night but no one recognize them if they have an artifact that hides their appearance.

Saiki was using his power to bend the light around him and Shirou was using hades cap to hide from plain sight.

Both of them were is duress because of a certain magician who thought it would be good to make things spicy.

Saiki: Who would have thought that I would be recognized a lot coming in a different world of my own. The only reason this happened because I did not mind control the world like my own to hide my presence.

Shirou: Woah woah hold that thought you tell me that you mind control your entire planet!

Saiki: No but I make sure to erase my presence from their thoughts to hide my powers.

Shirou: We really need to talk about your moral compass.

Saiki: So, do yours we need to set some rules for the powers you have in your possession.

Shirou: ...…

Shirou: Haa so you know the full capabilities of the powers I was gifted.

Saiki: Magic really caught me off-guard. Especially our stunts on the moon. It was the first time ever I went all-out and even pushing myself to a different level. If I lived in your world I think it would be easier for me live without any fear of being discovered.

Shirou: You would be worshipped as a God.

Saiki: So, would you.

Shirou: .....

Shirou: I haven't really thought about it. The only thing I know and was ordered to is to master these powers with your help.

Saiki: Then it is my duty as a teacher and a fellow transcendent to make sure your powers don't go to your head. You need to draw a line to make sure you don't cross it. Some ground rules to make your separate your human and Superhuman persona.

Shirou: What guideline am I looking at? I assume you have a moral code for your powers.

Saiki: First and foremost, never use your powers on a daily basis. It will make you too dependent and for the worst case bored. It will make you crave to do something that will result in catastrophic consequences. One ability that haunts me of yours is Biokinesis to resurrect people. Not to mention Molecular Manipulation and Reality Manipulation. I will teach you molecular manipulation and Telekinesis. I already taught you how to manage your energy output using energy manipulation. But I will never teach your reality manipulation.

Shirou: Are you afraid what I might do using it?

Saiki: I am afraid you will do something that cannot be taken back or changed. Trust me because I know what happens when you accidentally time travel.

Saiki remembers the time when he accidentally time travelled and caused a history that led to his death. He was not even sure how it was possible but one answer is that the world or reality worked against him to remove him for breaking rules. A doomed timeline for his out-of-control powers. It still haunts him this day,

Shirou looked at Saiki's face and can guess something might have happened looking at Saikis pained face he can guess a disaster happened.

Saiki looked beside and saw Shirou looking at him with concern.

Saiki: Enough about me you told me you would teach me magic but not fight a war. How will you juggle two things at the same time.

Shirou: It's not like we will be here forever. Once I master my powers it will be easy to trace the beings who invaded this Earth.

Saiki: Consequences Shirou consequences did you even what might happen what would happen if you go all out.

Shirou: I am prepared for the consequences.

Saiki: That is exactly what caused you to end up like a criminal in your past life. If something is going okay even if it is broken, do not try to fix it. It will only make it worse. Do you know the reason why I don't use my powers for humanity and be a hero? Do you want to know why? Because it is not worth it people are jealous and self-centered.

No matter how much good you do, how much life you save they will always try to find fault in you. Not only that they will start to fear your power thinking what if? This guy turs against us. Then the leaders of the countries will manipulate the world to hunt you down. Do you want to live a life filled with scrutiny. You saw for yourself in your past life the people who you saved did not even understand or have gratitude towards you for saving them. It is in people's nature to be suspicious of people who help people for no reason without any reward. They think it as fantasy for such selfless people to exist. Because deep inside they know they are twisted somewhere. Look around you there a homeless people here and there. All of the world can help these people if they scrounge up 2 dollars each and make him a home and sent him to an educational institution and help him live a good life. But they don't because why? They have become narrow minded and self-centered to believe in fairy tales to do good.

Why would you even help these people? Who does not take some time for themselves to do good for the world and take responsibility to protect nature? Step by step people need to learn is that to help humanity is to fix the small things that go unnoticed. Like helping cleaning the neighborhood of pollution and to make sure to not waste food or electricity for no reason. Simple math's to not destroy the world. If they can do such simple things to contribute to society then they don't deserve my help. Monkey see monkey do, if they cannot learn from my selfless actions and see the message them, I am saving nothing if I cannot inspire the world to do the same.

Shirou: T-hat-

Shirou had no words to argue about that logic.

His dream was to save everyone but at the end of the journey it was all for not, not only did he get his efforts wasted but he got betrayed by his comrades who misunderstood his intentions for fighting wars. They thought he relishes in blood and carnage but it was opposite. He loathed it he hated it every time he had to sacrifice a few to save many. That is why he betrayed and argued with his comrade's ideology to abandon a few for their own gains of ruling the land.

He berated his comrades for not saving enough people which made them confused as they thought it was a natural action for people to die in battle or to be sacrificed.

That mindset horrified him in people.

Abandoning million to save billions.

If such mindset spread throughout each level of society, in the end there would be anarchy. People always looking to sacrifice some people to make a better life for their own. Sure no one wants to give up a chance on the life of luxury if it was an easy way out.

That is when things get very dangerous.

They are not abandoning people but their humanity along with it.

Their humanity to strive forward and do something better for the world around them. To strive and inspire to make themselves better.

The thirst to live and rise above to the sky.

A purpose to live for.

That is what haunted him when he survived in that disaster of Fuyuki fire.

He wanted a dream, a purpose to live and strive for with all his heart.

It is the dreams and purpose that push humanity to strive further beyond their natural limits.

Shirou gave a sigh.

He cannot take the same approach. Even if he is released from Alaya's grasp and has freedom to pursue his dreams again, he cannot take the same path. He needs to sit back and think what to do so that he is able to inspire the whole world. Using the most of his abilities to make a desired outcome for his goal. Even he has a power of a God he cannot go throwing around his weight. He is regressing back to his foolish past where he like and idiot ran into danger without any plan in head, now that he has time, he needs to carefully plan out his approach. He will save people but in a much efficient way that will send a message. A message of good. He cannot work on borrowed dreams and Ideals but a dream he needs to shape on his own. The core will be the same to save people but in the limits of his humanity. He cannot jump in danger and make it worse.

(A/N: Looking at you Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo)

Shirou: I really need to think on what you said just now. I need time for my own self. Deep down I need to come in term that I cannot save everyone even with these powers.

Saiki: Good think about it when you spend this night at hotel which I am sure will be sleep less. Make it fast because we have pressing matters.

Shirou: You noticed too did you not?

Saiki: Something out of this world and beyond is watching us.

Shirou: Really sorry for this, if not for a certain wizard!

{Zelrecht: Hey don't blame me, I wanted the best course of actions so that you leave no loose ends}

Shirou: How is chucking us to a battle leave no loose end?

{Zlerecht: In due time Archer, trust this man who observed millions of possibilities using second magic}

Shirou: And here you are trapped in my head.

{Zelrecht: I am 100 percent sure we can leave out our traces if we follow this path, just go with the flow. So, what are you going to do with outer being's watching us?}

Saiki: What about the summoning you all were talking about; we might need extra help if we get ambushed. Best case we leave this place and go to a different one to make a mystic code for me.

{Zelrecht: No can do you need materials from those gates to make a proper EX-Rank artifact for you, looking at your powers it is on a different scale. We need a lot for experiments to make sure to create extras. What is better to get materials for free without any consequences?}

Saiki: You have a point, so where are we summoning these heroic figures?

Shirou: Gotokuji Temple would be the best place as it would be void of people at night.

{Zelrecht: Cannot find any better place to create a magic circle. You have my jeweled sword in the gate use it to summoning circle. I'll guide you while making it with Saikis help, since I was the one to make it. I will make sure to make the cup portable so no one can steal it.}

Shirou: Thanks for the vote of confidence. Saiki shall we?

Saiki: Fine I'll teleport you there, grab my hand.

Shirou grabbed Saiki's hand and disappeared in a flash of light.

!!!!GotoKuji Temple and hour later!!!!!

Shirou: Goddam it! Zelrecht why is the spell circle so complex! I am a third-rate magus not a first rate one!

{Zelrecht: Be grateful you are tutored by a Magician; do you know how many people begged me to teach them?}

Shirou gritted his teeth.

If he was going to give nickels every time something went wrong because of the holy grail. He would give a thousand of them.

He hopes this one is not one of them!

The mosquitoes buzzing around does not help in the forest, if not for him erecting a bounded field those tiny critters would give him Malaria.

Saiki who knew nothing was sitting and watching curiously with a soda and book in his hand.

The only help was him using Thoughtography to read the picture of the magic circle which Zelrecht erected in his mind.

He would like to learn a spell from his Library ability to tear this pig out and beat his ass.

{Zelrecht: Now now I know your are cursing me but now is not to time to plan to tear my out to beat me. We have to put the servants under the banner of Blue, so if the whole team goes rouge Saiki here can you save you from the embarrassment}

Shirou: The Apocypha protocol, please don't remind me of it.

{Zelrecht: Don't even dream to, now stab my jeweled sword on the left most magic circle and the cup at the center. I'll jumpstart the holy grail by drawing mana from parallel world's}

Shirou: Are you sure it won't attract anyone if you do this.

{Zelrecht: Relax what can possi-}


{Zelrecht: Oh, shit just jinxed us, you remember the chant, right?}

Shirou: Off-course how can I even forget.

Shirou made a pained expression on his face.

{Zelrecht: off-course let's get the show on the road. Don't worry about catalyst I can loop around it}

Shirou walked towards the left side of the red circle and bought out the Jeweled sword from the golden portal.

He promptly stabbed it on the magic circle with runes and calculations going on.

After some time the circle lit up along with the mana concentration around the area with mystery gathering into the holy grail.





{Zelrecht: Good to go}

!!!Summoning Chant Shirou!!!!

Shirou stood up and picked out the liquid blood of the chicken they stole from the pot beside him and dripped it slowly on the circle.

"Let Silver and steel be the essence"

"Let Stone and archduke of contracts of contracts be the foundation"

"Let blue be the color I pray tribute to"

Let rise a wall against the wind the wind that shall fall

Let the four Cardinal gates close

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the kingdom rotate.

Fill Fill Fill Fill. Repeat five times. And once each is filled destroy it.

Heed my words

My will creates your body, and your sword forges my destiny.

If you heed my call for justice and obey my will and reason, the answer my summoning.

I hereby swear, that I will be all the good in the world, and I swear defeat all evil in the world.

Seven heavens clad in great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, thou guardian of scales!"

With each words the Magic circle gained more power thrumming with more energy as each line was spoken.

As the last verse was spoken the world was bathed in a blue and white aurora reaching the sky as it seemed to piercing the heavens.

Saiki who sat beside stood up the moment the summoning chant started. He thought Shirou became a chunni with all those lines spoken which was similar to Shun Kaido, but the only difference was it was a real magical phenomenon.

Slowly light blinded him as he but his hand Infront of his eyes.

!!!!After summoning!!!!

Smoke was coming out of the area with Shirou putting his hand on his mouth slowly opening his eyes as he saw if the summoning was bust or a success.

As his vision cleared, he saw seven figures and their shapes crouching down on their knee.

Shirou gave a sigh of relief but quickly took actions to make his standing representable to heroes of the past.

He summoned the cup back to the Gate of Babylon so that someone does not steal it to force him to comply.

Such actions however did not go unnoticed as the servants stood up abruptly.

Shirou felt a stinging pain on his right hand and saw the command spells on it.

It was a the same as the ones as Sirius light.


Shirou looked forwards to the canopy of voices mixing together.

Some male and female.

When he looked forward, he scrunched his face in confusion.

Saber Siegfried was there is his silver armor of Fafnir with blue eyes staring at him curiously with his sword Balmung positioned parallel to his body. The signature glowing tattoo on his chest. On his back a rusted sack hung to hide his weakness.

There was Lancer Karna in his gold armor Kavachi and Kundala giving a presence of comfort all around with a golden sheen excluded with heat around. White hair as snow with blue eyes piercing though his soul.

Then there was Rider who has a cocky smile on his face. Green hair and battle garment top to bottom. Spear on his shoulders gifted by his father Peleus.

Then there was Archer Arash with a comforting smile looking around in curiosity. Black hair and green armor. Red bow in his hand.

Caster Hans Christian Anderson in his midget from looking bored face that shows his emotion that screams.

"Ah shit here we ho again"

Blue vest and white shirt with a tie.

Looks like a Kindergarten student.

There were two servants at last which was concerning, he quickly contacted Zelrecht via telepathy.


{Zelrecht: Hold your horses okay, I wasn't able to summon them as they brute forced themselves away from the contract I established}

[Shirou: What was the contract if I may ask}

{Zelrecht: Simple help to save humanity in a different world. Scathach rejected for some reason and Boudica I don't know why, so I had to find replacement as quickly as possible before the connection gets caught}

Shirou was staring at two beings that will give a headache in the future.

Semiramis and Minamoto no Raikhou.

Worst case was Minamoto no Raikhou was summoned as a berserker, knowing her history in Chaldea he stays as far away from her.


Shirou gives a sigh.

Coming days will be a headache.