

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


Kusuo and Shirou was going at it, throwing fist at each other's face and exchanging several blows with it.

The Collison of power was equal at first but t was soon obvious who had the upper hand.

Saiki Kusuo who has been a psychic his whole life has spent time honing his senses and maintaining the balance of ability and strength.

One slip of emotion and a whole block gets obliterated.

Saiki had learned Tai-Chi the manipulation of Ki to control his overwhelming power and Aura.

If he wanted to, he could blow up the moon or planet.

The quick study of Martial Arts gave him smooth and minimal movement to dodge the flurry of attacks and rapid fist that Shiro is throwing like a mad man.

Shirou could use his minds eye to cook up a strategy but his emotions are his turmoil.

He wasn't wrong to save everyone that needed to be saved.

But Saiki's word gave rise to doubt about the way he is going to plan and going the the same thing.

What does he need to do so that he doesn't reach the same path he one failed at?

If Will, Strength and power is not enough then what is?

Then he remembers the clue and the additional power God gave him with the piece of advice.

The Library.

Knowledge to make wealth and inventions unseen.

He was distracted in his thoughts.

He may keep up with his enormous power.

But sad to say that his hand-to-hand combat experience is non-existent.

But he has balance in Centre of gravity that he has obtained through several battles and encounters.

If anyone could notice at the dark side of the moon. Several lines of Yellow and Green is covering the surface in an erratic pattern.

Craters were made with each collision of the fist.

Each much released a massive burst of energy covering the planet.

Though one thing was for sure.

They were having fun.

The Thrill the tension of battle with the release from one's chain is exhilarating.

Saiki was now dodging every strike and giving body combos to Shirou. Then the final impact was the Fa-Jin with the strike of a palm having all of Saiki's energy in it.

It was not looking good for Shirou as he was thrown at the other side of the moon which was Illuminated by the sun.

Saiki had Shirou spitting with all the air out of his lungs.

Then he noticed the most important thing he forgot at battle.

How the hell is he not chocking in battle?

He couldn't mull over it as Saiki Teleported behind him and dropped a cycle kick on top of Shiro's head.

Shirou shot out like a cannon ball on the surface of the moon and had his face planted on it.

A stay though crossed his mind.

He might just die today.

!!!!!Saiki POV!!!

Saiki: Dear Lord what type of monstrous power did you give him?

Saiki was shaking his hands due to slight pain on his wrist.

He admits that he held back.

But the power of Shiros fist would have caved his skull in.

Each punch had a power to obliterate blocks and cities to dust.

Looks like he might had to get serious today.

His though came to a halt when a voice crossed his head.


!!!!Shirou Point of view!!!!

Shirou was aggravated that he did a reckless action going head fist with a powerful being that can blow up planets.

But he can't stand it that someone denounces his Ideals to save every single person he comes forth.

He will not abandon it.

As it makes the very fiber of being he is.

He will do it again if he gets the chance to chase after that dream again but in a different way.

But what is the different path he is walking on.

Just what is he searching for?

Why does he fight?

Should he not lay down his arms and finally take the rest he wanted so much after all the killing as a counter guardian.

What is the reason to fight for?

He lays on the surface on the moon prone in his position.

He closes his eyes.

He is back again on the hill of swords lying on his back but now it is different.

No rust.

No large mechanical wheels in the sky.

Swords on the hill in pristine condition.

He gets up and lays on his knees.

The only difference there are numerous stars in the sky shining its light in this desert.

Something calls to him in a distant Wisper.

He turns his head and looks at the top of the hill.

There lies the promised sword of victory with Avalon shining atop it.

Avalon signifying the ever-distant utopia.

Long forgotten by mankind.

The hope of a world with no barriers, war and famine.

The Garden of Avalon.

There was a time he once tried to search for this place of wonder.

But death came when he least expected it.

"Death doesn't come when you are ready for its Shirou"

His teachers word ring in his head.

Are his Ideal wrong.

Was it all for naught?

[Author notes insert 2006 Emya theme]


His body is of swords and his will is of Iron.

If it breaks, he will forge it again.

As he walks up to the hill, he recalls his chant.

The story of his life the miracle he made with his hands.


He runs up to the Ideal he admired too much.

A better way.


He will not call reckless abandon when all seems hopeless.


'That's hell you're walking into'

His past self speaks to him like a lingering shadow in his mind.



He must change but not his Ideals.

He will keep on pursuing such hopeless ideal.

Even if there is nothing at the end of the line.


He finally reaches the top of the hill and grabs Avalon.

He will again become a hero of justice. With a Unrelenting hearth to strive forward.

With a Calm mind and a soul.

"My whole life has been"

"Unlimited Blade works!"

A whole new world was Unleased for the Earth to see.

!!!!Saiki POV after the Chant!!!!

Saiki had no idea about the chant but he knew that Shirou is casting his reality marble.

Saiki: What Recklessness combining two powers. Haa this Kid should have known better.

Saiki: Now how am I going to clean the mess he has made.

!!!!End of Saiki POV!!!

What Shirou casted wasn't a reality marble but something of a Higher Grade Compared to Archetype.


The Moon Became a hot bed for Unlimited Swords and small stars at top of them.

Sun shone at his face from the further side of the moon.

The Fight is Far from over.

He turned over and looked at the person he has to defeat to prove he can do it.

A World that can be at peace without projecting his Ideals that people would laugh at.

But a different way with the powers he has bestowed upon.

He remembers the library he was given with knowledge and Gods words not to go in alone.

He needs to remove the reason for Injustice Itself if he wants to save everyone.

His past ways that he took to accomplish his Ideals isn't enough.

He rises to his feet and dusted it off the moon sand of his suit made from pure energy.

Shirou: You are right in some case Sensei. But I am not abandoning Millions to save Billions. That is something I could never do. As long as this power is within me, I can find a path. So please help this hopeless student. I can't do it alone.

Saiki: Looks like you woke up from the dream you had hold and found clarity. There is going to be sacrifices but if you manage your power and work smart. You could accomplish wonders.

Saiki was sweating bullets now.

A world of swords directed at him.

He knows has an amused smirk.

Looks like he finally ticked his student off.

Shirou: I got lots of present Sensei. I hope you won't hold back now.

Saiki: Looks like I can't now. Just so you know I am having fun. Here is all of my power at its limit.

Saiki raises his hand on top of his head and summons the greatest attack he could accomplish.


Saiki took the energy from the solar radiation of the sun and made the meteorite superheated.

Saiki: I got a present for you too.

Sweat was trickling down from Shiro's head.

Yeah, he might just die today but not before giving his all.

Shirou Stretches both of his hands backward and releases a command to every single sword.

Shirou: With all of my sword stored in my armory I will beat you.

Shirou launches both of his hands forward.

With that signal all the swords on the surface of the moon of his Marble phantasm gets launched to the scorching meteorite descending on him.

From the darkside and the light side of the moon the swords came in waves to strike the meteorite.

The spectacle was truly astonishing with gleaming swords covering the whole world moving like waves.

Numerous explosions occurred as Millions and Billions of swords made impact chipping away the meteorite.

Shirou wants to bring out Ea and Excalibur but he wants to prove his conviction.

This a battle of wills not to the death.

The people from who was watching it was shook to the very soul.

This was not something you see every day with a sudden meteorite appearing on the moon with scorching heat.

Shirou closes his eyes and focuses deep inside pulling as mush power in his fist.

This is his last attack and he doesn't know what will happen when he is spent but he perseveres.

He will win.

The moon became void of all the swords but still couldn't chip away all the meteor.

Only a quarter was chipped away.

The meteor Saiki summoned wasn't a normal one but mixed with several material even he can't identify.

Now he watches as Shirou makes one last effort.

But he realized something and his eyes become wide.

Saiki: Shit the power of the Sun is hitting Shirou with full force.

Saiki looks with Clairvoyance crossing his eyes and sees the energy in Shirou has been growing day by day, but now coming to the outer atmosphere has made him reached his peak.

Looks like this outing was a success to see his limits.

Shirou opens his eyes and looks up and sees the scorching meteor getting the drop on him.

With no hesitation he jumped and released the full packed energy punch he could muster.

A supernova went off.

Ayako from Earth can't help but look up as her motherly instincts flared up thinking of Shirou.

Making all of the cameras of nearby satellites going out.

Saiki teleported just in time to go away from the blast radius.

Saiki: Crazy Bastard. Yare Yare looks like I have a lot on my plate gain. What a drag. Let me teleport him before he suffocates in space.



CAPTAIN BALLARD: Sir I don't think it is. People are taking videos and uploading them in their Hero Book account.

George Bradely: I don't care what those cunts do! Get me on line with the nearest Meteor Reconnaissance satellite!

BALLARD: Sir the President Richard Carlson is on the phone.

George: Off course he is! You take care of it I will talk with the guy in the charge with the Satellite.

BALLARD: He is on the line now.

George quickly went to the comms and picked up the headset.

George: I want everything! Not a single fucking detail should go away!

David: Umm ye-s Si-r!

David is going to have a time of his life submitting his resignation.

He is done with this shit.

Not knowing everyone in the world is having the same thought.

This event will be known as "Advent of the Gods"

!!!!!End of POV!!!!

Saiki was on a nice private Island of his with a nice house he made with his own hands.

Shirou was on the bed resting after the expenditure of his mana and power of Sentry.

Saiki nursed him to his best capabilities and it seems there is no problems.

Except Shirou turned back to a kid again after using all his power.

Something to note.

Saiki has been reading comics and criminal novels for two hours waiting for Shiro to wake up.

Now he is worried that he overdid it.

He didn't like this worlds superhero comics as it was too tacky and predictable.

But the criminal ones are fire.

The crimes did with superpowers is something intriguing to him and to solve them was another blast.

Detectives need a mind on a different level from Sherlock homes to solve this.

Too many possibilities of quirks and so many people to pin down. But in the end people are human. They will make mistake living clues.

Toru Mugami can suck it solving such cases.

He came out of his thoughts when a groan was heard making his worries go away.

Shiro was not having a good time at all.

Fist he had to face a guy from another world blowing up planets.

Then he had to face an extinction level meteor.

Curse his E-Rank Luck he better call it E DOUBLE MINUS.

Saiki: Thank God you woke up, you were starting to worry me. I did go hard on you. Here is a lemonade.

Shirou: Aaaah what happened? Last thing I remember getting knocked out by an explosion.

Saiki: Knocked by your own explosion if I may add.

Shirou: Ufff! So how did I do.

Saiki: Well if honestly give a review it would be not bad.

Shirou gives a deadpan look at Saiki.

All this chaos for what?

Not Bad!

Saiki: Calm down I was testing your limits and weaknesses and your scope of improvement.

Shirou: Preach it Doc.

Saiki: Energy control is a must learn as you release too much energy to transform to get more output but low efficiency.

Saiki: Also, you flight pattern is erratic so you need to do a crash course of travelling meteorite belts and their gaps between them.

Saiki: Moreover, the last stunt you pulled on me. Were you trying to kill me you asshole?

Shirou: Are you talking about the punch? Then let me ask you what the fuck was that meteorite.

Saiki: I am asking about the sords "THE SWORDS!" you made a goddam world with it. Thank God it got cancelled by whatever force of nature. Then I would have to clean up that huge mess you made by removing every single one of the swords and throwing them to the sun. You altered reality Shiro combined with your power and it's not normal. You now understand the dangers of your powers, right?

Shirou: ....

Shirou: Give me a break will you. I am just thousand and four year holds. I just got reborn and got into this mess.

Saiki: .....

Saiki: Yare, Yare looks like I have to be the one responsible about the actions you do in the future. Such immaturity for an old coot like you.

Shirou: Then I am depending on you to clear my mischaps of Great Saiki Kusuo. The greatest psychic. This Senior will learn from the junior

Saiki: ....pffft!

Shirou/Saiki: Hahahahaha.

With this a new friendship was sealed.

Saiki: I am going to charge you some noble phantasm after this.

Shirou: ...