

" Sometimes to do the right thing you have to play God". On a Mission. Knowledge given of a forbidden power. Altered timeline by a girl who does not know how to use his power. Jumping across the created multiverse to keep the timeline straight. Gaining Knowledge through the cosmos. Boku no hero with an altered timeline. It all coincides here. The revelation of the origin of quirks. Archer Emiya to save all

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


Shirou raised a mental eyebrow to Saiki's request to study magic. This man sure can kick start his rational thinking.

Learning Magic?

Didn't that gut read his memories that being a mage means walking with death.

Now that Saiki Bought it up, he didn't check if the moonlit world exists here.

But to Zelrecht's explanation it does not.

Thank God for that.

God knows what abomination they would create if they somehow got a sample of DNA from this world.

Not to mention if the Mages Association Exist in Saiki's world or something similar there.

But if Saiki had troubles with such and organization.

Lord knows this Guy would cause a bloodbath.

So this request caught him off-guard.

Though Saiki asked if he can learn magic Shiro though it was a normal request which he would decline.

But now it's serious.

Why would Guy like him would need to learn magic if he had all that power?

Shirou was in these thoughts calculating the risk.

Saiki: Don't misunderstand I don't want to do harm by learning magic just like you are learning my psychic abilities. I want to make a mystic code especially for me so that it can regulate my power output. As you can see these antennae on my head control them. But sometimes they break due to unforeseen circumstances. But this morning they broke.

Shirou: But how? I thought they controlled and regulated the output of your powers.

Saiki: It doesn't suppress them that's the problem. Our little bough caused my powers to increase due to the huge release of my psychic power. All my life I held back but now as I puh them to the limit it seems it is responding to my will to grow.

Shirou: So that's why you need a mystic code. But I think you know what's important for a mage.

Saiki: Magic Circuits. I am not sure I could learn the system of magic you practiced your whole life. Still can you check if I have some.

Shirou: Sure, but I am not sure what the exposure of mana could do to your body. For me it caused pigmentation throughout my body.

Saiki: You do realize I can turn back time. If something bad happens I can just rewind everything.

Shirou: Sure, now take off your Hawaii shirt.

Saiki: Do I need to do a dance ritual or something.

Shirou: Enough with the jokes. You read my memories so you know how this goes.

Saiki: Right right a mental trigger or someone activating through skin contact.

Saiki took of his Hawaii shirt and sat on the sand.

Saiki: If you feel some resistance just stop.

Shirou: All right.

Shirou sat down as well and put his one hand on the back and pumped mana into Saiki with no resistance.

Shirou: Well, that was-

Without any warning Saiki's body started to absorb Shirou mana greedily at an alarming rate.

Shirou: WHAT THE-

Saiki: What's Happen-

Saiki started to glow in a blue hue and soon both of them got covered in a cocoon of energy with their vision changing.

It felt like they were asleep for centuries.

None of them knew how long has passed.

When they finally opened their eyes. What both of them saw baffled them.

Tendrils of energy going through the black space with swirling energy in the middle like a rotating galaxy.

Before both them could phantom what happened a white figured emerged from the energy whirlpool.

It just stood Infront of them making both Saiki and Shirou both on edge.

!!!!????!!!!: THE TIME HAS NOT COME.

With a wave of it's hand Shirou and Saiki came to the beach tumbling away from each other.

Both of them was covered with sand.

They got up spitting the sand that got in their mouth.

They just sat there trying to process what just happened.




{Zelrecht: Wait you can hear me?}

(Saiki: I can gaze in his mind off course I could. I didn't ask as it was personal. I though you were haunting shirou but it seems your situation is complicated. Anyways explain)

{Zelrecht: I have no solid evidence but you are someone who is connected to the root or the unknown that is beyond space and time}

[Shirou: Great another mystery to solve. Was it not God who visited us in that white vestige]

{Zelrecht: No, I think that was Akasha you both met}

Shirou/Saiki: Huh

{Zelrecht: You didn't just gaze at the root but actually got close to it. True Magi users could gaze it and go back before they get obliterated by too much energy or information. But you just got the cake}

[Saiki: So you are telling me I can use True Magic now?]

{Zelrecht: I don't think so. Look inside you with your powers}

(Saiki: ...…..)

(Saiki: Umm Shirou)

[Shirou: What happened?]

(Saiki: There is a white ball inside me)


!!!!!Thirty Minutes of Checking with Structural analysis and X-ray by Saiki!!!!

Shirou: Okay false Alarm you did not become a phantasmal beast.

Saiki: Phantasmal beast? You mean like a dragon?

Shirou: This was a mistake. Yes, like a dragon. Though you have a mana core it is just on early stage developing. This world we are in has in a moderate amount generated at a constant rate but not on high concentration like the Age of Gods.

Saiki: I can see that.

Shirou: Well yeah WAIT! You can see what. You have mystic eyes!

Saiki's world changed completely.

He can see the breath of the world. Energy swirling at a constant rate.

Saiki: Mystic eyes.

Shirou: Quick let me see them.

Saiki: That would be a very bad idea.

Shirou: Why?

Saiki: You'll turn to stun just like Medusa did to you in the Holy Grail war.

Shirou: Yea-h let's not do that. Can you see the ley lines?

Saiki: Somewhat.

Shirou: Okay remember about the trigger. Imagine the light build going out.

Saiki just rolled his eyes at his own example.

Saiki had doubts since he can't turn off his psychic powers. What makes Shirou think he could do that?

Still Saiki does anyways imagine the bulb and the circuits Shirou told which is basically his whole body!

Saiki takes a deep breadth and does what he is told.

Slowly but surely his Sight came to normal.

Saiki: Thank God. Haa I wish I could do this to my powers.

Saiki used his telekinesis and sees his psychic powers are still on.

Saiki: Too much expectations.

A though crossed Saiki's mind and a cheeky smile graced his face which caused Shirou discomfort.

Saiki: Shirou you can travel to different worlds, yes?

Shirou knew things are gonna get bad.

Shirou: Yea-h but please don't tell me you are planning to get something to help your powers with.

Saiki gives a charismatic smile and grabs both of Shiro's shoulder.

Saiki: I have been helping you control your powers, right? So please help your teacher do the same.

Shirou: Haa I knew this would be coming at some point. Okay but some rules are in order.

Saiki: Which is?

Shirou: To not interfere in someone's life or take something that may change the universe. Off course knowing my luck these rules are non-existent.

Saiki: Great! Let's go to a world with magic first with the help of the old man in your head who can use much more powerful magic of second magic.

Shirou: But you know time dilation in your and my universe is different?

Saiki: Don't worry I can extend your training and my stay here. Also, we could time travel, right?

Shirou: Yea-h, I can do that just fine.

Saiki: Excellent! We are packing our bags. To the world of Magic but wait.

Shirou: What now?

Saiki: My powers are not related with magic but psychic powers? So, I would have to pick one first.

Shirou: I would say the Magic one as your core is developing at a slow rate. I advise we go to a world filled with magic to develop it one a higher quality. The concentration of mana will help you thrive. My body is reconstructed already to be better.

Saiki: But what about a world with psychic abilities? Can we find one where people you know deal with psychic powers.

Shirou: I don't think that's wise. I for a fact know those people are butchering humans like lab rats.

Saiki: Same can be said here you know. I saw some labs doing such things here. It's not farfetched to say this happens in every world. So, visiting one won't be a problem. If someone troubles us, we can just beat them up.

Shirou: ...

Shirou: Wow here I though I was heartless and nihilistic.

Saiki: It's not like I support this. It disgusts me in every form. I found work in this world in a news station on several aliases. Gathering evidence and getting these people arrested in no problem. But I leave this to you. I did help but this is a story for another time.

But the main question arises what you are going to do about it? Hero of Justice. Now Will or Strength alone will help you reach your Ideal. What is your goal and plan to accomplish it? You didn't answer me the first time we fought.

!!!!Shirou in his thoughts!!!!

Shirou just sat on the beach looking at the waves.

Clouds covered the sun as he dove into his thoughts.

He remembered his time in middle east.

Where there where several people in hardships due to selfish wars.

Chaos was at an all-time high.

When the fist saw these helpless people, he was saddened at this sight but at the same time overjoyed.

There were people to save and they needed a hero.

There were villains to fight and people to liberate from them.

But soon reality hit him like a bad bitch.

His fist time killing a whole convey to save captured prisoners.

Later he wiped out the base of those same guerillas staining his hands with blood.

He was angry at himself at how cruel the world is.

In order to save someone, you need to sacrifice someone.

Something needed to be sacrificed.

Day by day he grinded himself straying from his path then losing his mind.

But he saved people and the children who had been unjustly had to see the cruelty of the war.

The people who were saved by him called him a saint and a Hero.

But he was far from that and he refused to acknowledge it.

He saved all of them but not truly in the sense of the reality of the world.

Sure, he saved them from death and slavery but what about after that?

He took them to the borders to escape but will the world be kind to them?


It won't be.

Not in his goddam life it will.

They may have died off due starvation or solders who think they are invaders of their borders.

Screw borders.

There are people and children who need protection and shelter.

He even remembers he stole rations from bases of enemies and made fake money to buy some to mage craft to help people not starve on the way.

He did questionable things which he admits were not rational at all. He was Afterall young trying to reach his dreams. Only finding this reason of happiness and existence to help people.

Comrades that he went with to each battle and the betrayal he faced in each war cannot be summed with ten fingers.

So, he became the one to betray them to save people.

Though he never wanted them to understand his heart.

He wanted to show through his actions to save the people in need.

But it became a misunderstanding that he was a war loving mongrel.

Whose only pleasure is destruction.

Which was proved when his comrades saw how he obliterated bases after bases to stop wars with his mage craft.

He didn't mean any harm.

But such secrets and eeriness caused doubts in their hearts.

This later ploughed his way to his execution.

But he wasn't wrong to save others.

It is just he wasn't prepared to have this burden placed on him.

There were no expectations placed on him except for his adopted father.

Maybe that is why he couldn't form a path where he made such terrible mistakes.

If he had expectations, he would have known how to accomplish his goals properly.

He would have known what to discern from right and wrong in his crusade for justice.

He should have learned more in life before he tried to become a hero.

Learn he shall.

Since God gave him such gifts and advice towards his mission to save people. What more he can ask. He can't hope to disappoint the Creator of All.

This is the time for Rebirth.

A fresh start.

"To be a Hero Again"

!!!!End of Shiro's Thought!!!

Shirou: I have a plan but it's nothing solid but I hope you can help me to learn from my mistakes. I need to gain knowledge far and wide to broaden my spectrum. I need train my ability "Kether Crown" and "The Library "for it.

Saiki: Off course I will help but what is the "THE LIBRARY" you talked about.

Shirou: It's a collection of knowledge I haven't tapped into. Maybe later after I am done with the powers of sentry.

Saiki: When do we Start?

Shiro: After the Journey to develop your magic core. This time I will check "The library' in my mindscape. Don't worry with helping with that. I can manage. But if something goes wrong, I can think of something. I am pretty sure God left me instructions there. Also, Zelrecht will help me.

Saiki: Good you are getting your shit straight for once in a while. You were all over the place when I met you.


Saiki: So, when do we leave?

Shirou: Tomorrow after I discuss with Zelrecht which world to visit.

Saiki: Don't you have school little boy.

Shiro Gives a deadpan expression.

Shirou: Yeah, yeah laugh it off. Better start packing. Also, you better expect dragons and monsters to the place we are visiting.

Saiki: Dragons and Monsters? Are you sure this will not kill us?

Shirou Gives a smile of a Saint.

Saiki just gives a blank look.

Then he thinks to himself.

This Trip won't kill them will it?