
Mountain Training


Right as we woke up the entire class was brought to a clearing right outside the building, Aizawa was facing us and began explaining today's training.

"Ever since you joined UA you trained nonstop, but now it's time we ramp up our training. Bakugo, do you remember your score from the first exam?" Aizawa threw a ball to Bakugo, who caught it and inspected it.

"Throw it as far as you can, Let's see how much you improved" Bakugo stepped back and wound his arm before swinging with all his power

"Go ahead and DIE!" An explosion propelled the ball even further into the sky, now only a small dot on the horizon.

"761.3, it is better than your last score" Aizawa showed his score, which was surprisingly not much higher than his first score of 700~

"What-" Bakugo was surprised as his improvement wasn't as big as he expected, luckily in recent times, Bakugo's temper became a lot more controllable.

It was like that ever since the class found Bakugo hung up like laundry on one of the trees, he still refused to elaborate on what happened. Kaminari and Ojiro though, started calling him bird's-nest hair.

"What I am trying to explain is that from today until you leave the camp, you will be continuously training your quirk" Aizawa turned to the WWPC,

"You will be helping train them. Pixie-Bob, create MudMonsters to train combat quirks. RagDoll you can point out weaknesses in some of them. Maladay, keep the students from leaving the perimeter. And tiger... Just help"

"Yes meow, yes!" The four saluted making Aizawa sigh, he turned back to us and began giving specific instructions on how to train our quirks


"Rimuru... Your training will be" Aizawa pushed me toward the base of one of the mountains, and pointed at the summit.

Cold sweat ran down my forehead as I realized how I would train my 'Quirk'.

"You see the top of the mountain?" Aizawa asked which I answered affirmatively.

"Teleport to the top, and back down" ... Bruh is he crazy?

"By the way, you can use the same smoke 'gateway' or whatever. You need to train your range and precision the most." Aizawa patted my shoulder before heading towards the next classmate.

I stared at the summit of the mountain before sighing loudly, I emitted some smoke before controlling it and started climbing the mountain. Due to [Beelzbub] being in a gaseous state, its speed wasn't fast enough but I slowly made progress.

Unfortunately, that was only the beginning, as the smoke got farther away It began becoming harder and harder to move the smoke, just sitting on the ground and focusing on control felt like running a marathon

And the worst part is the obstacles. Mountains have rocks and trees that could block my path. But I gritted my teeth and continued to concentrate on control, but then came another problem! I had no idea where the smoke was, so not only did I have to focus on control but also on sensing it!

Aizawa, how did you even come up with that?


"I think that's the summit" I muttered, I no longer felt any change in altitude from the smoke, Instantly teleporting I fell face-first into the rough ground.

"Let's hope this is enough- wow" I had to admit, maybe it was worth it... The scenery in front of me came straight from a Windows background, the calm sky gave no hint to the storm that was approaching (provoking~..... Ok sorry)

"Sh*t I have to do it for the way back" I stared at the slope in front of me, maybe jumping off the cliff wouldn't be too late right?


An hour and a half after Rimuru first teleported, he appeared again. Falling face flat into the dirt, a muted scream rang out in the clearing.

"Good job Rimuru, now do it again" Aizawa who was just surveying Yaomomo and Sato's training turned to Rimuru, he gave light golf claps before his smile turned sadistic

"Pixie-Bob will now create Mudmonsters to stop you from reaching the summit. Have fun"

"Groan" I sat back up before trying to reorient myself, I focused so hard my head ached and my ears rang

"How is this even fair?" I looked at Sato and Yaomomo who's training is just eating constantly!

"Yaoyorozu's quirk is based around her fat cells, thus eating improves the capacity of her creation ability," Aizawa said matter-of-factly, if he had glasses he would've raised then making a glint

"Her quirks require fat? I don't see any fat on her! Except for those gigantic"

"Alright stop complaining or you'll find a mud monster inside your bedsheets" Aizawa waved me off. Clicking my tongue I emitted more smoke before sending it off.


It wasn't only Rimuru's training that was merciless. For example, Bakugo's training turned him into a firework machine, forced to make as big of an explosion as he could and resist its recoil.

"DIE!" Bakugo screamed over and over between each blast, putting his rage in each explosion. His arms ached and his bones cried for help but he kept going, each explosion getting bigger and bigger.

"Can you be a little quiet" Shoto shouted in between short breaths, his training was just as difficult as the others

"Shut up Icy-Hot! Go get a brain freeze!" Bakugo created another blast while screaming

"Tsk" Shoto clocked his tongue before continuing his training, he froze his surroundings and cooled them down as far as he could before bursting into flames, the frozen tundra was replaced with a burning inferno


*Jiro POV:*

"Keep your focus, filter the noises, and only concentrate on the important sounds"

"Shhhh I'm trying" dammit where is it? I just heard it! I repositioned the jacks again but no luck


Is that it? I closed my eyes and focused on only the sounds




It's definitely it!

"There it is!" I pointed behind a bush where I heard the sound, Am I getting better?

"Wahh! Wrong! It's here actually!" Pixie-Bob made an X before pointing at a tree, out of its leaves a monkey made of mud jumped down

"You were close!" Pixie-Bob put her hands around my eyes again, and the monkey left and began hiding again

"You need to learn to identify and recognize noises and frequencies and extrapolate- blah blah- why does Aizawa write like an Edo-period novelist" Pixie-Bob slapped away the instruction she was given... I quickly realized that Pixie-Bob isn't the brightest lightbulb in the Mariana trench.

"Well anyway start already! Get my revenge against that femboy!" Was she talking about Rimuru? I heard he called her an old hag.... She's 31... I don't blame him...

I reconnected my earjacks to the floor and began listening yet again...

*Rustle* *Rustle* no... That's just leaves...


The wind blew my hair around but I continued listening...

*Tap tap* ...? This sound is different

*Tap tap*

"Is it there?" I pointed towards one of the faraway trees

"Yes! Congrats! Now onto level two" She made a V with her fingers and pointed at the mud monkey that just jumped out of the tree

"Now go catch it!"

"What? Catch it?"

"No time to think! It's getting away" I saw the monkey running away, I sighed inwardly and began running after it.


"Huff huff- where are you damn..." I breathed heavily. i've been running after that little bastard for 20 minutes already.

I connected my ear jacks and listened again

"There you are! No getting away this time" I connected the earjacks to the aux I had attached to my costume, and in a burst, shockwaves shot out at the monkey dispelling it into liquid.

"Thank God it's finally done" I turned back to return to Pixie-Bob.. wait

"Huh? Where am I?"







I... May have gotten lost

I turned in circles trying to figure out where I came from...

"Tsk this isn't going to work" I came up with another plan, I connected the earjacks to the floor and listened.


*Woosh**Jiro-san!**rustle**step step*

2 people? I heard Pixie-Bob's voice but there was something behind me, it wasn't very far ...

*Step step**step step*

It's getting closer... Is it Aizawa-sensei?

I looked in the direction of the sound, I saw some of the bushes move


What is that thing?

A tall figure was shambling nearby... It has grotesque muscles and metals sticking out of it. Wearing nothing except pants and its brain was exposed... Just like those monsters in the Hosu/USJ incidents... A Nomu!

"Sh*t" I fell on my butt and began crawling back... I hoped it didn't hear me, I quickly hid behind some of the trees

"Oi dumbass there's nothing here" another voice! I peeked and saw another figure, this time much shorter but its body just as grotesque, skin grafts all around his body in a sickly purple color.

"We don't have much time, we gotta hurry" The man slapped the Nomu's back making it jerk, it turned around and began walking away

"Oi Tomura! Why is this one so stupid!" The man screamed into something like a phone

"Are you sure that thing can kill them? It can barely walk right".... Kill? It's the League of Villains again! I felt terror and panic spread through my body


"Huh?" Shit, he heard me! I slowly backed away, I didn't even try to get another look at him

"I think I've heard something"




"...? Ignore it? If someone finds out early the whole plan is f*cked"

"What a damn bother..."

The man put the device back into his pocket before taking another look at the trees

"If I kill everyone it doesn't matter if they find out anyway" Dabi walked back the way he came


"Oi Kyoka you're late as hell!" I waved at Jiro as she returned with Pixie-Bob, apparently she completely lost her... Damn old hag

"Yeah... Sorry" Jiro scratched the back of her head and sat down

"We need to cook our own food now... But luckily you missed out" I winked while looking at one of the broken grills... How do you break a grill you ask? You bring Bakugo to cook.

"Y-Yeah lucky me..." Jiro is acting strange... Is it because we're only 2 at this table?

"Tokoyami lost control of his quirk so he couldn't come..." I sighed trying to change topic

"I-It is pretty dark out right now" Jiro kept stuttering... Is she really okay? Do I ask?

"Jiro are you Alright? Your face is pale" I stood up and felt her forehead... No fever... What did Pixe-Bob do to her?

"W-what are you doing?!?" All of a sudden my palm felt scalding, her entire face turned red, and heat radiated from her

"Checking if you're alright" I answered back

"I'm perfectly healthy!" She snapped back pinching my nose with chopsticks

I could tell she probably wasn't... Maybe I've been ignoring it for a long time, but there was definitely something between us other than friends...

Maybe I've been scared of confronting this for far too long... I'm scared of romance

(A/N: and the FBI)

I was scared I was wrong or that my feelings didn't actually exist but man... It's hard when she's this cute. Mind out of the gutter yall... Ahem

I stared at her blushing face as she averted her gaze, a small pout on her lips.

"Uhmmm Kyouka-san..."

"Huh? What?" Her cheeks puffed while pouting, so damn cute...

"I don't know how to ask this but... Do you like me?" I played with my fingers as I began feeling nervous, I felt my face flushing.

(A/N: imagine this "👉👈đŸ„ș")

"Eh? Huh? Eh?" Her face got redder by the second .. she isn't going to explode right? Her eyes widened and she began playing with her ear jacks

"I... Lik- I don't hate you" She averted her gaze yet again... Is that a success? I can't f*cking tell...

"Thanks" I smiled before getting up to leave/run away, my brain hurt from training and from trying to understand this situation


"What does 'I don't hate you' supposed to mean?" I muttered out loud while staring at the ceiling

"You alright Rimuru?" Midoriya must've heard me, he slept on the futon right next to me. His hands kept writing on the notebook but he was looking at me... Damn wizard

"Do you think 'I don't hate you' means yes?" I asked him but that caused a small silence in the room

"Did you confess to someone?!?" That was what the entire boy's room said in unison, some of their eyes shined

"Huh? Why do you all care?" Started angrily at those eavesdroppers, I stood up turned off the light switch, and laid back down wandering into Dreamland


That night someone was in fact, unable to wander into Dreamland

'did I just get confessed to?' Jiro rolled around in her futon her face still flushed from dinner.

'it has to be! That dumbass likes being blunt! I'm sure of it' Jiro stared at the ceiling with a strange expression but it quickly morphed into worry

'I don't hate you? That's the worst reply ever!'

'I hope he isn't stupid enough to not understand'

Jiro kept rethinking the same thought throughout the whole night, completely forgetting about reporting what she saw in the forest that day.


A/N: couldn't upload yesterday, it's was too damn cold, I couldn't get out of bed without dying.

Also, I have no idea if the romance was too hurried or not... I'm too inexperienced in romance or writing 😭

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