
My Hero Academia: Quirkless

Cloud was abandoned by his parents for being quirkless. Things quickly spiraled out of hand until he met a man who changed his life. (Long Chapters 4-7k~ words per chap)

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Toxic Chainsaw

All Might smashed through the door of the class and said "Training time kids!" Aizawa looked at the door and said "Can you just want in like a normal person..." All Might laughed and said "Nope!" Izuku laughed and Cloud chuckled as All Might said "Get your hero costumes on and meet me at Playing Ground Gamma!" Cloud was excited as he ran out of the room saying "I need my new costume!" Izuku chased after him and said "I want to see too!" Aizawa sighed and All Might laughed as the rest got ready.

Cloud opened the door and hugged Mei, who was working on something, she yelped in surprise and Cloud said seriously "That was the cutest thing I've ever seen." Mei hit him with a wrench and giggled "I'm working on something here!" Cloud kissed her and said "Time to try your suit!" Mei immediately forgot what she was working on and grabbed a box before dragging him away, Izuku followed them as he said "Wait!" before chasing after them again.

Mei threw Cloud and the box into a room and said "Change partner!" Cloud laughed and shook his head at how she was able to drag Blank with him around like it was nothing. Izuku was thrown in the room as well as Mei said "Tell him he looks cool!" Izuku choked and Cloud laughed.

He changed into his costume and walked out with Blank on his back. Izuku had stars in his eyes and Mei grinned. Cloud looked in a mirror and said "Cool!"

He had a white mask with lenses for eyes over the left eye hole there was an 'X' mark and over the right one there was a cross-hair mark. He smiled to himself as he looked at it before looking at Mei, who smiled back.

He had a white metal chest plate that hooked up into a white jet pack on the back and attached to everything was a tight, flexible, fiber shirt. It was black, gripped to his body and had no sleeves as his arms were completely visible, he wore black fingerless gloves with a little 'M' on the wrists and black pants with pockets and a bag on the side. Finally he had white hover shoes, that had a flexible top with a metal bottom.

He hugged Mei and lifted his mask as he kissed her all over her face, she giggled and blushed as she said quietly "You like it?" Cloud said "I love it!" Mei cheered and started explaining how to use everything, before finally saying "Give it to me later and I'll make a slot for Blank!" Cloud nodded and stared at her, she looked at him and said "What?" Cloud kissed her and said "Nothing, you're amazing that's all." She rubbed her nose and blushed as she said "You're not too bad yourself..." Cloud laughed and pinched her cheeks saying "I'll let you know how it goes!"

Mei said "I'd love to see it in person..." Cloud put his mask down and picked her up saying "Perfect!" before running and saying "Race ya!" as he laughed and disappeared, Izuku gasped and said "You cheated!" as he chased after him, with One for All on.

The trio reached the Playing Ground Gamma and Cloud put Mei down, she ran over and explained why she was kidnapped from her workshop, All Might nodded and said "I'm excited too!" Mei high-fived him and said "I KNOW RIGHT!?!"

Cloud stretched out his fingers and All Might said "We're gonna be racing! 4 groups of 5 students will race each other through the course to the middle where I will be at! First group will be Izuku, Mina, Oijiro, Hanta, and Tenya!" Cloud watched as they raced and saw Izuku go head first into a pipe after slipping, he chuckled and Ochako smacked him saying "What are you laughing for!" Cloud looked at her and said "What are you waiting for to ask him out?" that shut her up real quick as she turned completely red and stammered "W-w-well he's supposed to ask first right?"

Cloud laughed and whispered "Maybe someone else will ask him before you do." she gasped and said "Oh no!" he laughed and All Might said "Excellent work! You've all improved!" he gave Izuku a thumbs up and continued "Next up is Cloud, Ochako, Momo, Denki, and Kyoka!"

Cloud grinned and ran forward in front of the others and used the jet pack, he flew into the air and landed on a pipe before shooting forward and flying passed a bunch of pipes, he stepped on the ground and jumped in the air, clearing all the pipes before landing in front of All Might. Mei was sitting on All Might's shoulders and said "It works!" All Might gave him a thumbs up and said "Nice! Though you kinda skipped the purpose.." Cloud rubbed the back of his head and said "Sorry.."

The rest of the groups went and All Might ended the class as he talked to Izuku. Cloud was walked away with Mei on his shoulders as she said "You were really cool!" Cloud smiled and said "Of course! My partner made my costume!" Mei smiled and leaned on his head as she said "You never took me for ice cream." Cloud realized and said "Want to go tonight? Are you doing anything?" Mei shook her head with a smile and said "I'm okay with tonight!" Cloud said "Perfect!" as she hummed to himself as he brought her back to her workshop, she smiled too and leaned on his head.

A while later

Cloud put on normal clothes and left Blank in his room, he didn't really want to bring it with him on a date, he felt it would be weird. He forgot about it and spotted Stain's knife, he silently grabbed it and put it on his belt, just in case.

He ran through the streets towards Mei's house, he arrived and knocked on the door. A beautiful woman with pink hair opened the door and said "You're Cloud?" Cloud nodded and said "Nice to meet you, is Mei home?" Mei's Mother smiled and nodded as she said "Mei! Your boyfriend is here!" Cloud watched as Mei jumped from the stairs and came out the door saying "I'll see you later mom!" her mom sighed and waved with a smile as she said "Be careful." Mei smiled and nodded and her mother closed the door.

Mei said "Hey!" Cloud was staring at her in a daze, she was wearing jeans with sneakers and a tight black tank top. She giggled and knocked on his head saying "Hello?" Cloud blinked and said "Beautiful!" she giggled and hugged him saying "Where we going?!" Cloud kissed her nose and said "Ice cream shop! Unless you had somewhere else?" as they walked further away from her house.

She hugged his arm and said "Nope!" Cloud smiled and went in the direction he remembered as Mei said "By the way.. What happened with Stain?" Cloud said "Well.." he explained what happened with Stain and the police, she gasped and said "Really?!" Cloud nodded and pulled out the knife, she grabbed it and said "He just gave it to you?" Cloud nodded and Mei said "Why did you keep it?" as she put it back and hugged his arm again, he smiled and said "I don't know. He was the first real villain I 'defeated', if you count the help from Izuku and the other two.."

Mei looked at him and said "There's something else?" Cloud looked forward and said "He was the first person to acknowledge me as a real hero." Mei smiled and said "You are a real hero! If you weren't what would that make me? A fake partner?" she shook her head and Cloud laughed as they continued talking.

They walked by and a shop keeper squinted and said "Is that the alley boy?" another person said "It is! Why did he come back? I thought he was a big shot now." the shop keeper shrugged and said "Maybe he missed the alley." as he laughed, Mei frowned and Cloud ignored them as he walked into the ice cream shop across the street.

He walked up to the counter and said "Two chocolates please." the man narrowed his eyes at him and said "Money first, alley monkey." Cloud ignored the last part and paid for the ice creams, the man gave him the ice creams and he handed them to Mei saying "I'll be right back!" she nodded and he left to the bathroom.

The man watched him go and said "You're okay being with a murderer?" Mei frowned and said "Murderer?" the man sneered and said "So he never told you, makes sense." she said "What are you talking about." the man said "When he was a kid I saw him burying a body in a garden in the middle of the night, dragging a sword with him. If he didn't kill him, who did?" she was stunned was silent as she thought about it, the man scoffed and said "The police have been looking for him but he was protected by that Eraserhead hero. Should lock him up if you ask me." as he cleaned his hands and walked away.

Mei frowned and Cloud came back, he smiled and said "Ready to go?" she tried to smile and said "Y-yeah.." he didn't notice and she handed him his ice cream, he reached out for it and she dropped it as she took her hand back, he caught before it fell to the floor and let out a breath of relief as he said "That was close!" before walking out of the store with Mei, it started raining he took off his jacket and covered her head with it as he smiled.

They walked under cover from the rain and sat on a dry bench, he ate his ice cream silently but she didn't touch it. He looked at her and said "You don't like chocolate? I thought it was your favorite thing.." he rubbed his chin and mumbled "Or was it coffee.. No it was definitely chocolate.." suddenly she said "Why didn't you tell me." Cloud was confused and said "Tell you what?" Mei looked at him and said "That you killed someone." Cloud was even more confused and said "I did! I told you it was an accident at USJ, I already went to the guidance counselor he said it happens sometimes. I don't have my katana anymore so it probably won't happen again though."

Mei shook her head and said "The other time! The one that wasn't an accident." Cloud frowned and said "There was no other one." she teared up and said "The man at the ice cream shop said he saw you burying someone in the middle of the night when you still lived here.. Why are you lying to me?" Cloud realized and said "But I di-" she cried and said "Leave!" he said "But I didn't k-" she screamed "Leave! I don't want to see you anymore! You're a monster!"

Cloud was stunned as she cried "Please leave me alone.." he nodded silently and got up, he threw his ice cream in the garbage and walked away in the rain, she cried as she watched him go. Cloud was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't notice an old lady walking towards him, he bumped into her and mumbled "Sorry.." as he walked away, she watched him go and saw the girl crying on a bench, she walked over to the girl and sat down on the bench.

Mei cried in disappointment as the old lady said "Why are you sad young lady?" Mei said "The guy I liked is a murderer.." the old lady giggled and said "Oh my! That's quite something, how did you find out?" Mei said "The ice cream guy said he saw him, and I asked him to his face. He knew what I was talking about but lied to me.." the old lady sighed and said "Think for a moment sweetheart, why would Cloud lie to you?"

Mei looked at the old lady and said "How did you know it was Cloud?" The old lady smiled and said "The garden he buried the man in was mine, coincidentally I also healed his eye and all his other scars. Quite a fighter that boy, but now he seems to be lost." Mei said "You healed him after he buried a dead body in your garden?"

The old lady smiled and said "I was quite upset at the beginning, mind you but he explained who it was. It's not a victim, he made a grave for a friend." she sighed "Quite a sad story actually, would you like to hear it?" Mei nodded and the old lady told her about Nathaniel.

Cloud was standing in front of Nathaniel's grave, the old lady bought a small tombstone after all these years. He looked at the flowers growing out of the mound and left some of his own on the tombstone as he chuckled and said "I'm a semi-hero now. I hav-had a girlfriend too, she called me a monster though. I'm going to school and I have a bunch of friends, oh and rivals too! I'm almost there, in a few years i'll be a full fledged hero! I also met this interesting guy called Stain..." he talked to the grave about how he was doing since he's been gone as he tried to get his mind off other things, before long he said goodbye and left towards his house.

Cloud was walking alone in the rain, thinking about Mei, he didn't even get a chance to speak, maybe if he explained himself instead of leaving this wouldn't have happened, he sighed and kicked a rock, it hit a man sleeping in an alley, Cloud said "Sorry." the man woke up and narrowed his eyes at him before standing up and grabbing a chainsaw saying "Say aren't you that hero from the papers.. The quirkless hero?"

Cloud gripped Stain's knife and said "Who's asking." the man cackled as he walked out of the alley, he had lime green hair that looked like sludge as he started his chainsaw and said "Toxic Chainsaw!" before charging at Cloud and swinging his chainsaw at him, Cloud jumped back and Toxic Chainsaw smashed his chainsaw into the ground with a loud bang.

Cloud held the knife in a reverse grip as he shot forward towards Toxic Chainsaw, he swiped with the knife and Toxic Chainsaw dodged before swinging his chainsaw wildly while laughing. Cloud ducked and swept his leg at Toxic Chainsaw's legs, knocking him to the ground as he plunged the knife down at his stomach. Toxic Chainsaw slammed his chainsaw into the ground and it pulled him out of the way, he got up and used his quirk. His hair dripped with toxic sludge and his chainsaw blades got wet with it as he cackled and charged at Cloud, who got serious and collided the knife with the chainsaw blades and the two started fighting.

Mei's eyes widened as she listened to the story and the old lady finished and said "The police were looking for Nathaniel, the poor boy.." she sighed and Mei teared up as she said "But I called him a monster! I said all these terrible things! What if he hates me now!" as she cried again, the old lady patted her shoulder and said "You'll have to ask him yourself sweetheart, but I bet he likes you a lot. He didn't even recognize me when he walked by! Go find him!" Mei thanked the old lady and ran off in the rain, the old lady smiled and sighed "Ahh young love.."

Mei ran in the rain for a while before hearing bangs, she headed in the direction of the noises and saw Cloud fighting a guy with a chainsaw, she gasped "CLOUD!"

Cloud jumped back and saw Mei, he said "Mei! Run! Go get a Pro or the Police!" Mei said "But what about you!?" Cloud said "I'll be fine! Run!" Toxic Chainsaw shot passed him and cackled "You're not going anywhere girlie!" Cloud's eye widened as he screamed "MEI!!" and chased after him.

Mei only saw Toxic Chainsaw swing his chainsaw at her, she closed her eyes but nothing came. She opened them and time stopped for her, Cloud was standing in front of her with his back to the chainsaw as he said "Please, run. I know you hate me but just do me one last favor and run." before turning around and slashing at Toxic Chainsaw with his knife, Mei was stunned at his words before she saw the long green gash on his back, she cried and ran away while calling the Police for help and looked for a Pro Hero.

Cloud spat out some blood and Toxic Chainsaw laughed as he said "Aww what a cute couple, too bad you won't live long enough to see her again!" Cloud grinned and said "Even if I die, i'm taking you to the grave with me." as he shot forward and swiped knife first, Toxic Chainsaw swung his chainsaw and Cloud flipped the knife over and bumped the chainsaw up before punching him in the chest with his free hand, Toxic Chainsaw coughed out some saliva and Cloud shuffled forward and kneed him in the stomach.

Toxic Chainsaw held his chainsaw upside down and stabbed it at Cloud, who rolled out of the way before getting kicked in the chest and going flying into a building. Toxic Chainsaw chased after him and slammed the chainsaw at the rubble, Cloud jumped down from a window above him and stomped on his head, smashing him into the ground before kicking him into a park and chasing after him. There were no people in the park it was a good place to fight.

Cloud got there and stood in front of Toxic Chainsaw who produced more and more sludge from his body and covered himself in it as he laughed and said "What are you going to do now?" Cloud frowned and ripped a branch off a tree before throwing it at him, the branch hit his body and quickly dissolved into nothing. Cloud frowned and dodged the chainsaw swings as he tired to formulate a plan, he could potentially kick him twice fast enough to only dissolve his shoes, he decided to get an opportunity and do that, he would think of something else when he was out of options.

Cloud dodged the chainsaw and got close before jumping in the air and kicking Toxic Chainsaw in the chin, sending him flying back as he quickly took off his shoe and ripped the part of his pants that was dissolving. Cloud watched him get back up as he got ready for an opening, Toxic Chainsaw grit his teeth and said "You're annoying!" as he jumped in the air and slammed his chainsaw down at Cloud from above, Cloud lunged forward and rolled out of the way and Toxic Chainsaw slammed his chainsaw into the ground with a loud bang.

Cloud pushed his hands against the ground and spin kicked him in the head with his still lasting shoe, knocking Toxic Chainsaw into a tree and dissolving it. Cloud took off his shoe and ripped his pants a bit before jumping back, dodging the chainsaw attack. Cloud kept dodging the endless swipes as he racked his brains, he got an idea and put the knife back into his belt and ripped his shirt off and into two, he wrapped the shirt around his hands completely and ducked under a swing and uppercut Toxic Chainsaw into the air.

Cloud jumped up and punched him in the stomach, sending him back down. Cloud threw the dissolving shirt scraps out of his hands as he landed on the ground, he grabbed his knife and cut his pants from half-way down his thigh before cutting both into 2 and wrapping the 4 pieces around his hands and feet and putting the knife back. It sounds long but he did it in a flash while Toxic Chainsaw got up off the ground.

Cloud had his hands and feet covered as he stared at Toxic Chainsaw, who seethed and snapped "You think you're a hero?! You're just a quirkless loser! Just die!" as he charged at him in rage, Cloud rolled on the ground and blocked a toxic kick with one of his hands as he went flying into a tree. He threw the pant away from his, now broken, left arm and stood up quickly before dodging another chainsaw slam.

Cloud got in close and punched him in the stomach before rolling to the side and kicking in the same place, sending Toxic Chainsaw back and coughing up blood. Cloud got rid of the straps and had only one left before he was out of options, it had to be a good one.

Toxic Chainsaw got up again and spat out some blood before grinding his teeth and overflowing the chainsaw with sludge, it shot out toxic balls at Cloud who dodged them carefully, he didn't know what would happen if it touched his body and he wasn't willing to find out, only a small amount was in the gash in his back and he couldn't tell what that looked like, neither could he feel the pain as his body pumped adrenaline fiercely.

Cloud dodged them all and Toxic Chainsaw spun in place, shooting sludge everywhere and picking up speed before shooting towards Cloud like a tornado, Cloud jumped up into a tree and avoided the toxic tornado, he jumped to another tree as Toxic Chainsaw followed him, after several trees, he finally stopped spinning and snapped "Get down here you damn monkey!"as he looked around, Cloud was crouched on a branch and shot forward, he hoped that his sneak attack would work, or else he was fucked.

Cloud flew towards Toxic Chainsaw, who turned just in time to get kicked right in the face and sent flying head first into a thick tree, he slammed his head and slumped to the ground, unconscious as he bled from his mouth and the sludge receded into his body. Cloud wrapped him up with a swing chain from the park and tied him to the tree before sitting down against a tree in front of Toxic Chainsaw and watching him wearily as his vision started to blur.

The police arrived with several heroes and saw Toxic Chainsaw chained to a tree while Cloud looked at them and said "Finally.." before throwing up a mouthful of blood and slumping to the ground with his back wound completely visible, the toxic sludge spread from the open wound onto his skin and seeped into his body. The Pros were shocked and the police identified Cloud as Null, who, they found out, did not have a licence to be a hero. They took him to a hospital quickly and brought Toxic Chainsaw in at the same time.

A while later

The old lady, Mei, Aizawa, All Might, and Izuku were in the hospital waiting room. They were all silent and Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and said "Explain what happened, one more time, clearly this time." Mei sniffed as her eyes were all puffy and red before explaining everything from the ice cream shop to the talk with the old lady to Cloud saving her life before crying loudly "It's all my fault!" the old lady sighed and rubbed her back, Aizawa was silent and All Might said "He took down a big time villain though!" Aizawa added "Illegally. They want him arrested."

Izuku was shocked and said "What?! Why? Was he supposed to run away and let all the people get hurt?" Aizawa shrugged and sighed before mumbling "I need to put a leash on this kid..." All Might stood up and said "I'll talk to the police, maybe they can do me a favor. The Pros were late after all." before leaving, Aizawa looked at Mei and said "Why did you think he was a murderer?" Mei explained what happened in more detail with Izuku adding in what she missed, Aizawa heard the full story and rubbed his temples before saying "Let's just hope he's okay first."

The doctor came out and said "He's alive but he'll be out for at least a week, the poison got pretty deep." Mei cried again and Aizawa said "What's recovery looking like?" the doctor said "Full recovery, around a week or two. He'll be back to normal, whatever normal is for him." Aizawa let out a breath of relief, he didn't know what was worse for Cloud, dying or living unable to be a hero anymore. He thanked the doctor and the doctor said "He's awake now, if you would like to see him." Mei rushed into the room and the rest followed her.

Mei slammed the door open and Cloud looked at her with a sad smile as he said "You're safe.." she choked up and tears pooled in her eyes as he lunged at him and hugged him while crying loudly, Cloud was shocked, he said "I thought you hated me." She slapped him and said "I don't hate you at all! I was upset because I thought you lied to me and.. and.." she closed her eyes and yelled "And I fell in love with you, you stupid idiot!" his entire world froze and she slapped him over and over again saying "I thought I fell in love with a murderer! I thought you lied to me! I thought you were a different person!"

Cloud's brain overloaded as she slapped him, the rest of the people inside, including the police, Aizawa, the old lady, and Izuku, just stood there stunned at the show. Tears fell from Mei's eyes as she said "I thought you were going to die and leave me alone..." before collapsing on him and crying loudly as she gripped his shirt mumbling "You're my partner..." Cloud hugged her tightly and said quietly "And I always will be." she looked up and kissed him.

Aizawa coughed and Mei froze, she got off and said quickly "Anyway! That's was my part in the play!" before walking away with her head held high, the old lady laughed and Aizawa shook his head as he walked over and said "Did All Might talk to you guys?" one of the officers said "He's talking to the chief at the moment." Aizawa nodded and said "Do you mind if we talk to him alone?" the police men nodded and left.

Aizawa looked at Cloud and said "Mind explaining to me why you decided to fight an A-class criminal by yourself?" Cloud said "We were in the middle of a town, there were a lot of people around, and I was trying to distract myself from being depressed." Aizawa felt his eye twitch at the last one and Mei lunged at Cloud saying "Awww!" Aizawa grabbed her head and spun her around the other way as he said "What happened?"

Cloud said "He came out of an alley, introduced himself and attacked me. We fought in the middle of the street for most of it, I smashed into one building with no casualties, told Mei to get help, then brought him to an empty park." Aizawa nodded and said "Explain your fight." Cloud frowned and said "First it was easy hand to hand, with a knife. He used his quirk and covered his chainsaw in toxic sludge which resulted in my wound. When we got to the park he covered his whole body in the sludge, I assumed it was deadly and threw a branch to test it. The branch dissolved on the sludge. So I took quick shots with both shoes and threw them off before they touched my skin, I used my shirt on my fists and cut my pants into 4 pieces, the last kick took him down before I succumbed to my injury."

Aizawa nodded and said "Good work. Next time call for help immediately." Izuku gave him a thumbs up and said "Super cool!" the old lady touched his forehead and used her quirk to heal him, she visibly became a little older as Cloud fully healed. Cloud was shocked and said "You can't! You're too old for that!" The old lady smacked him and said "I still have at least a dozen years left boy!" Cloud was still worried and said "Still! You need those years not me Granny!" she waved and said "I completely healed you, even the old injuries are gone, though you know the deal, the scars stay." Cloud shook his head, it didn't matter to him, he was completely scarred almost all over his body, he got three new ones across his chest from the flying Nomu, and now a long oval explosion across his back.

Cloud got up and held the old lady, bringing her to a chair as he said "Anybody ever tell you, you're too nice?" the old lady waved and said "Shut up, damn brat.." the other three got a nice look at his new scar as the bandages fell to the ground, Mei almost collapsed and Izuku touched it before saying "It's completely healed!" Aizawa was impressed and said "You're quirk?" the old lady nodded and said "Aliza, nice to meet you." Aizawa waved and said "Aizawa, the stupid kid's adoptive father." Aliza smiled and said "Great! Thank you, I had to take care of him for a while as well. After he put a dead body in my yard my husband didn't like having him around too much."

Cloud was embarrassed and Aliza laughed, Aizawa smacked him and said "Apologize!" Cloud bowed and said "Sorry Granny." she waved and giggled "I got over it." Cloud stood up and grinned as he looked at Aizawa, who sighed and stepped to the side, Cloud tackled Mei and Izuku and said "I always seen you guys when I wake up in the hospital beds!" they both chuckled and Izuku said "I don't think that should be a good thing.." Cloud laughed and the trio started talking, Cloud opened his eyes wide as Izuku talked about the Final exams, he started to sweat as he had never studied a day in his life.

Aizawa sat next to Aliza and said "You've been using your lifespan to heal him every time? Doesn't that take a toll on your body?" Aliza nodded and said "It does but my quirk is double sided. I can heal for lifespan, but I can also take lifespan from others in exchange for injuries. Strangely enough I can heal almost anything but the scar always remains." Aizawa nodded and said "Does the severity of your injury equal the amount of lifespan?" Aliza nodded and Aizawa held his hand out and said "For keeping him safe all those years and now, please have some of mine."

Aliza smiled and closed his hand, she patted it and said "The best payment you can give is to be a good father. So far I think you are doing a good job." Aizawa wanted to speak but she shook her head and got up saying "I'll leave him in your care. Cloud I'm leaving!" Cloud hugged her and said "See you later Granny!" she smiled and Mei hugged her as well saying "Thank you for everything." Aliza smiled and said "Anytime. I'd love to help a cute girl like you." she looked at Cloud and glared at him saying "You better treat her well, or else!" Cloud started to sweat as he nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Izuku just stood there with a goofy face as Aliza healed him as well before saying "Oh my! A strong one too! Take care of Cloud." Izuku clenched his hands and felt like a million dollars as he said "Thank you so much and I will try my best!" as he bowed repeatedly, she giggled and left.

All Might passed by and said "See you later Aliza!" she smiled and patted his shoulder, All Might smiled at her and said "Do you need help getting home?" Aliza shook her head and said "No, but walk with me." All Might complied and Aliza said quietly "That boy is the one you chose?" All Might nodded and said "I liked his spirit! He was quirkless as well." Aliza smiled and nodded "Very good choice, I healed him for you." All Might was shocked and said "Why? You don't have very long left!"

Aliza shushed him and said "Toshinori! Quiet down!" he quieted down and she said "I couldn't heal you when you came to me. This is what I owe you." All Might said "I told you, I didn't need that." Aliza waved and said "I'll do what I can until I can't anymore." as they reached the door, she smiled and said "Best of luck Toshinori!" before leaving, All Might watched her go and sighed before going back to Cloud's room.

All Might walked in to Cloud pale on the ground mumbling "I'm fucked.." and Mei choking him saying "Why are you not studying?!?!" he was shocked and said "What did I miss?" Izuku said "Cloud forgot about Final exams and he hasn't studied a day in his life." All Might said "Oh. Anyway The police will cover it up again." Aizawa sighed and said "Perfect!" All Might said "It's a shame though. You did an incredible thing!" Cloud smiled and said "As long as the villain is gone, I don't care who takes the credit." All Might and Aizawa looked at each other before smiling.

Time passed and there was one week left until the Final Exams

Cloud was face down on the lunch table with Izuku, Shoto, Tenya, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Toru when a kid walked by the table saying "That damn tech bitch!" Cloud swung Blank and stopped right in front of his face as he growled "What did you just say?" Izuku held him back as he said "Sorry Neito.." Neito scoffed and said "If it isn't the Hero Killer fighters? You're going to get the rest of us in trouble along with you."

Cloud seethed and said "I didn't hear an apology, worm!" as he lifted Blank, Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya were holding him back now, Neito sneered "You gonna hit me? You and that bi-" Cloud dropped Blank and tackled him to the ground and punched him in the face as he seethed "I don't want to hear her name in your filthy mouth!" Blank smashed into the ground and shook the whole cafeteria, the rest of the students looked over and saw Cloud beating the shit out of Neito.

Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya used their quirks and pulled Cloud off Neito, but they frowned as well, he could have just apologized, Cloud struggled in their arms as he tried to break free. Neto stood up and spat out some blood before saying "An eye for an eye, I guess." Cloud said "What do you mean?" Neito sneered and said "Maybe you should check on your girlfriend." Cloud broke free and bolted out of the cafeteria, leaving Blank stuck in the floor as the rest said "What did you do?!" Neito shrugged and said "She wouldn't help me. So I forced her to."

They heard Cloud scream from the entire school "NEITO! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE!" Neito touched Shoto and bolted, Cloud ran back and picked up Blank before chasing after him, Izuku and the rest followed after him as Ochako said "I'll go check on Mei!" as she went to find Mei.

Cloud smashed Blank down and Neito used Shoto's ice to slide down the stairs, Blank smashed a hole in the floor and Cloud chased after him again, the rest heard booms every now and then as they followed the destruction. All the way outside, where they saw Aizawa and Hound Dog holding Cloud back as Neito sneered, Izuku shot forward and punched Neito in the face, sending him flying.

Cloud threw Blank at Neito and hit him in the face and smashing him into a wall. Cloud struggled free and charged at Neito before kicking him across the yard, Aizawa smashed his face into the ground and said "Calm down! You're going to get expelled if you continue!" Cloud glared at Neito and Cementoss manipulated the cement around Cloud, Izuku, and Neito.

Cloud stood up and charged forward, he hopped in front of Neito and head butted him, Aizawa wrapped him in bandages and pulled him to the ground with a frown. Kamui was there today for something and used his quirk to pin Cloud down as he said "What happened?" Aizawa said "I don't know. But he won't stop." Snipe shot a sleeping dart and hit Cloud in the neck, Cloud struggled a bit before passing out.

Aizawa let out a breath and said "What happened Izuku." Izuku glared at Neito and said "He was insulting Mei-" Aizawa frowned and said "That's it?" Izuku continued "No, he said he beat her up because she wouldn't help him with something." Aizawa frowned and looked at Neito, who was unconscious and bleeding from his mouth and nose as teeth littered the ground around him.

All Might grabbed Blank and brought it with him as the teachers brought the three inside. Mei ran into them with bandages on her face, Aizawa said "Leave before he wakes up, Mei." she looked worried and said "What happened?" Aizawa said "Nothing, just go please." she opened her mouth and Ochako dragged her away.

Cloud woke up in Hound Dog's office and couldn't move, he looked around and saw several teachers along with Neito and Izuku both in cement, just like him. He glares at Neito and struggled to hit him again, Aizawa smacked him and said "Relax!" Cloud grit his teeth and stopped struggling but still glared at Neito, who sneered at him.

Nezu walked in and said "I heard what happened. I want an explanation." Cloud seethed "This trash bag beat up Mei for no reason!" Neito said "She would do her job! I need help and she helps!" Cloud struggled in the cement and it started cracking as he snapped "She's not your personal maid!" Kamui wrapped the cement in wood and said "He's pretty strong! Nice! I should've taken him for nominations.." he sighed "Too bad I couldn't watch it.."

Nezu said "Izuku?" Izuku said "Well Cloud and Mei are my friends and Neito wouldn't apologize when he insulted Mei so..." Nezu raised his paw and said "Anything else?" Neito said "Am I wrong? Is she not there to help the heroes?" Cloud said "You?! A hero?!" before laughing out loud and sneering "Yeah heroes beat up girls because they're useless by themselves."

Power loader said "They can help but they are not required to help you. I'm extremely upset about this Neito, I expected better from you." Nezu nodded and said "I as well. You three are all gone until Final Exams." the three of them said "WHAT?!"

Izuku said "What about homework?" Neito said "For what?!" Cloud said "That's it?!" Nezu rubbed his head and said "Homework will be sent to you. You beat up another student for no reason whatsoever, and you wanted more?" Izuku let out a breath of relief, Neito grumbled and Cloud said "He beat her up for no reason! This is bullshit! Just because he has a fuc-" Aizawa wrapped the bandages around his mouth and said "Enough! You're going home, that's it!" Cloud seethed and Nezu nodded before leaving, along with most of the other teachers, leaving Kamui, Power Loader, All Might, and Aizawa.

Aizawa unwrapped Cloud's mouth and Cloud said "Fucking stupid bullshit!" he turned to Neito and struggled in the cement and wood as he said "If I see you anywhere near my girlfriend again i'll break your fucking legs!" Aizawa punched him and snapped "HOME! NOW!" Cloud glared at Neito and Power Loader dragged him out, Aizawa sighed and said "So many damn problems.." Kamui said "Ohh! It was his girlfriend, that makes sense." All Might sighed and dragged Izuku out saying "Let's go kiddo."

Power Loader dragged him to the tech department along with Blank, the cement and wood fell off and disappeared, Cloud stretched his arms and Power Loader patted his shoulder and said "Thank you. The Tech Department students get threatened often because they are weaker than the heroes, most people don't say anything. I know it was for Mei, but still thank you."

Cloud smiled and said "No problem. I would do it for any of my friends, it sucks getting bullied for being weaker than someone else." he sighed and Power Loader gave him a thumbs up saying "Anyway, hopefully the other students will start being kinder to the tech students." Cloud nodded and said "I hope so, or else I'll be getting sent home more often" as he chuckled, Power Loader laughed and shook his head saying "While I am happy you stood up for my department please don't make it a habit, Cloud." Cloud nodded and smiled "I'll try not to." Power Loader chuckled and said "Mei's in her workshop" as he walked away, Cloud smiled and put Blank on his back as he walked to Mei's workshop.

He opened the door and saw Mei sitting down looking sad, he closed the door and hugged her saying "Are you okay?" Mei nodded and said "What happened to you?" Cloud kissed her forehead and said "I got sent home until Finals." Mei sighed and said "What are you going to do now.. You won't study at home." she shook her head and lamented "You're going to fail! Why are you so dumb!!" Cloud choked and Mei giggled, he squished her cheeks saying "You're teasing me, you little cutie?" Mei said with her lips squished "Yesh!"

Cloud laughed and kissed her saying "I love you." she froze and said "That's the first time you said it!" Cloud blinked and said "Really?" Mei nodded excitedly "Yeah!" she tackled him to the ground and kissed him, he held her waist and kissed her face saying "I love you!" over and over every time he kissed her.

Mei laughed happily and accepted all the kisses, he said "I have an idea!" Mei laid on his chest and closed her eyes as she hummed and Cloud said "You can come over every night and tutor me!" Mei giggled and said "We have different classes." Cloud said "So? You're super smart." Mei looked up and smiled saying "You want me to tutor you, while also studying for myself." Cloud looked away as he said quietly "I guess so..." Mei giggled and said "Okay!" Cloud rolled around on the ground and laughed.

A while later

Cloud was working out at home and Izuku texted him saying 'Can I stay with you and train?' Cloud smiled and said 'Yeah sure! I have extra weights!' Izuku said 'Great! I'll be there in a bit!' Cloud smiled and sent a party gif before putting his phone on the table. Aizawa came home and wrapped Cloud up and snapped "What are you doing, beating up other students!?" Cloud grimaced and said "He beat up Mei." Aizawa rubbed his forehead in frustration and said "You can get a teacher! Now you have to stay home too! You pulled Izuku in this as well!" Cloud looked down and said "Sorry. I was angry he hurt her."

Aizawa sighed and let him go as he said "I understand, but you have to control yourself. If not you're just as bad as the other person." he patted his head and said "Just come to me next time okay?" Cloud smiled and nodded, Aizawa smiled and gave him a bag saying "This is for you." Cloud held the bag and pulled out bandages before saying "This is for me?" Aizawa smiled and nodded before saying "I'm going to teach you how to use them, then you can try and use it with Blank. I thought it would be a good combo for you."

Cloud teared up and hugged him saying "Thanks dad." Aizawa rubbed his head and said "No problem kid.." Cloud wrapped the bandages around his neck and smiled "How do I look!?" Aizawa gave him a thumbs up and said "Come with me." Cloud followed him and said "Izuku's coming over later, he said he was going to stay here and train. I said okay.." Aizawa nodded and said "That would be good for both of you, what about you studying?" Cloud said "Mei." Aizawa nodded and said "Good. Let's get started." he started teaching Cloud how to use the bandages with his Binding Cloth style.

A while later

Izuku came by and Cloud waved and brought him over, they talked and Cloud told him about the bandages Aizawa gave him, Izuku said that they could train during the day before eating then spar before studying at night. Cloud nodded and said "Mei's coming over after to tutor me. I din't know you were staying here, sorry.." as he scratched the back of his head, Izuku laughed and said "It's alright, I need some help too!" Cloud smiled and said "You want to spar? I'll only use the binding cloth for now because I want to get the hang of it quickly." Izuku nodded and said "Alright!" they sparred for the rest of the day until Mei came over.

They had dinner and studied together as Mei tutored Cloud and Izuku soaked up the information and helped as he did his homework. Cloud held Mei's hand under the table and intertwined his fingers with hers as she smiled and taught him. The days passed just like that and quickly the Final Exams were the next day.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! A lot of character, relationship, and world building along with explanations about his past and stuff! Hoped you liked it!

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

Twins of the Sea (On Hiatus)

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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