
My Hero Academia: Quirkless

Cloud was abandoned by his parents for being quirkless. Things quickly spiraled out of hand until he met a man who changed his life. (Long Chapters 4-7k~ words per chap)

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Joint Training

Months passed by and it was winter already

Cloud got his costume fixed, Mei told him that she was still working on his new costume and it wouldn't be finished for a while. He told her not to worry about it and take breaks, she didn't sleep at all for the festival when she made the robot suit. Mei smiled and kissed him before scurrying off to her workshop, Cloud sighed and watched her go with a small smile.

Now Cloud was standing with the rest of the class at the training ground when suddenly the entire class heard an annoying voice, Cloud almost threw Blank at Neito, who said "Well if it isn't the 1-A Clowns." Cloud turned around and saw the entire 1-B class glaring at him, he dropped Blank into the ground and sneered "We meet again wet rags!" Katsuki chuckled and crackled his explosions.

Neito grinded his teeth and snapped "We're not wet rags!" Cloud dragged Blank through the ground as he slowly made his way towards their group saying "Oh? Really?" every step he took sounded in the students' hearts as he got closer, some of them took a step back and Cloud laughed lowly and spat "Pathetic, go home doormats."

One of the students from 1-B stuttered "W-W-We're not afraid of you!" Cloud lifted Blank and the whole group flinched, he put it on his shoulder and tilted his head saying "Oh yeah?" his aura exploded out from his body and pressured them. Katsuki cackled and let his own aura loose on them as well, Shoto grunted and pressured them too, Izuku wasn't going to be left behind and his own aura seeped out and joined them.

1-B fell to their knees and Cloud pushed it further, he picked Neito's head off the ground and crouched in front of him, he lifted his own mask and licked his lips saying "I haven't beat the shit out of you in a long time.. This should be fun~" they struggled to get up and Aizawa watched silently with Vlad King.

Aizawa looked at Vlad King and sighed "I'm sorry about this." Vlad waved his hand with a frown "It's not a problem, he pushing them purposely... well I think he meant the last part.." Aizawa chuckled sheepishly and Vlad added "But it's good for them to be pressured or else how can they become heroes? Most of the students don't ever fight back, even some heroes back down. You definitely have a special kid Aizawa."

Aizawa sighed and said "Yeah, he's a handful for sure.." Vlad laughed and shook his head, a blue haired boy was watching the show, standing next to Aizawa and stepped out saying "Hey let them go." Aizawa was intrigued and watched as Cloud slammed Neito's head into the ground and turned to the boy, he opened his mouth and shut it before narrowing his eyes.

Neito sneered "Scared?" Cloud laughed in his face and said "You're truly an idiot, do you know what his quirk is?" the boy grimaced and Neito sneered again "At least he has one!" before laughing, Cloud was amused and said "Do you have one right now?" Neito choked on his saliva and a few kids in 1-A laughed, Cloud shook his head and said "If I answer him I'll get brainwashed, moron. Isn't that right Hitoshi?"

Hitoshi nodded and Cloud laughed before kicking Neito back into his class, knocking them over and saying "Look alive doormats, if you can't even stand up to students go back home to your parents and hide under the covers." before walking back to 1-A, the four's auras disappeared and 1-B was able to breathe again as they glared at Cloud's back between breaths.

Aizawa clapped once gaining everyone's attention as he said "And with that we're jumping into joint training! 4v4, 1-B vs 1-A. Also Hitoshi will be joining and will play 1 game on each side." teh students nodded and Aizawa announced the groups "First group is Team Cloud with Tsuyu, Denki, Eijiro, and Hitoshi." he continued with the other groups, making sure to separate Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, and Cloud.

A while later

Cloud was standing at the starting point, he looked around and flicked on infrared before saying "What have you guys been working on?" Tsuyu said "Camouflage." Eijiro said "Being harder." Denki said "Being more electric..." Cloud looked at him and Hitoshi said in Cloud's voice "I can copy other voices." Cloud nodded and called them in for a huddle, he squatted down and drew on the ground saying "Tsuyu's going to camouflage and attack the first person she sees, Eijiro in going to follow her, Denki is going to make a lot of noise and attract them to him while Hitoshi uses his quirk in open areas."

They were extremely confused and Cloud pointed to the ground, they looked down and saw 'Tsuyu sneak passed them and get their backline, Ejirio deal with the scale boy, Denki silently slip to the air box guy and electrocute him, Hitoshi comes with me.' they nodded and Cloud said "You never got the mucus scent thing down right?" Tsuyu nodded and said "It was really hard to do so I gave up." Cloud nodded and wrote down 'Spread your scent everywhere, even where we're hiding.'

He stood up and they got to work, Tsuyu spit everywhere as she left before camouflaging herself, Eijiro and Denki left to fight their targets and Cloud looked around with infrared before grabbing Hitoshi and saying "You ready Bones?" Hitoshi said "Bones?" Cloud laughed and said "You look like a skeleton man, cheer up, this is easy." Hitoshi sighed and they both disappeared from where they were.

Cloud and Hitoshi reappeared near Denki and Eijiro, who found Jurota and Kosei. Cloud whispered "Now" Hitoshi mimicked Kosei's voice and said "Jurota take Eijiro, I'll go for Denki." Jurota nodded and said "Sounds good." before standing still, Cloud grinned and screamed "Denki, Eijiro! Attack Kosei!" as he shot forward and hit Jurota in the head with Blank, sending him flying into a building, unconscious.

Kosei no longer had a foot hold and fought against Denki and Eijiro together before getting overwhelmed as Hitoshi shot out his binding cloth and wrapped him up. Eijiro knocked him out and Cloud came back with Jurota on his shoulder, he nodded and said "Denki come with me, Hitoshi and Eijiro continue together, look for the scale guy and if you come across the vine chick, brainwash her." the rest nodded and they all left.

Cloud and Denki dropped the two off in the jail cell, Cloud grinned and picked Denki up before saying "You ever gone flying before?" Denki shook his head and said "Wait! I'm scared of he-" Cloud laughed and flew into the air as Denki screamed in fear.

Cloud hovered in the air above and turned on his zoom function, scanning the battlefield before seeing Tsuyu sneaking up on Ibara, while Eijiro and Hitoshi found Hiryu. Cloud said "Denki, throw your lightning into the clouds." Denki was confused and shot lightning into the clouds, the clouds turned black and crackled with electricity.

Denki was shocked and Cloud flew down saying "Tag Hiryu and Ibara." Denki shot out two lightning bolts at Hiryu and Ibara, electrifying them as Cloud picked up Tsuyu and then Hitoshi and Eijiro before saying "Now shot the cloud again." Denki shot into the black cloud and thunder rumbled before striking down on the battlefield, focusing on the positively charged Ibara and Hiryu.

Tsuyu gasped and said "You can do that?!" Denki said "It was Cloud's idea..." the rest looked at Cloud and he chuckled and said "If I didn't know anything about clouds then my name would be pretty stupid no?" they blinked and Cloud sighed "It was a joke.." they chuckled and Tsuyu said "That was the worst joke I've ever heard."

Cloud clicked his tongue and said "Everyone's a critic." before swopping down, Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around Ibara and Hiryu, who were unconscious from the thunder storm and Cloud threw them in the jail, winning the round flawlessly.

When they got back to the students, everyone bombarded Denki with questions. Aizawa congratulated their teamwork and sent the other team to the nurse's office before talking to Hitoshi about his performance. He looked at Cloud, who was leaning against Blank and sleeping, he sighed and turned to Hitoshi saying "How was it?"

Hitoshi said "Easy?" Aizawa rubbed his forehead and said "Yeah, I put you with Cloud because he is skilled at commanding and planning. I thought it would be easier for you to adapt to the situation with him but obviously I didn't expect this.." Hitoshi said "Honestly, the other team was just too weak..." Aizawa sighed and said "Just be ready for your next time, it won't be the same." Hitoshi nodded and walked away.

Aizawa rubbed his temples in frustration and kicked Cloud awake, Cloud looked around and said "Dad?" Aizawa said "I thought I told you to go easy." Cloud rubbed his eyes and said "I did, I only made one move!" Aizawa smacked his head and said "One move that instantly knocked out of the opponents! Tsuyu didn't get a chance to do anything!"

Cloud scratched his head and said "Then what do you want me to do?! I can handle their whole class by myself, with a team of more experienced fighters it was too easy. Some of those kids can't even fight back when I purposely push them, they just fold under pressure." he shook his head and added "Stain would've killed them easier than tricking a child."

Aizawa sighed "They're not like you Cloud.." Cloud grumbled "I know, nobody is." Aizawa flicked his forehead and said "Don't get all edgy on my now kid." Cloud rubbed his forehead and chuckled "Says you." Aizawa smirked and started the next round, Cloud chuckled and went back to sleep, while thinking about how to push those wet rags so that they would finally grow a backbone.

He considered them a little side project, after all, if they were stronger maybe they could be good training partners. What he needed was a variety of quirks to train against so that he could adapt to every situation when he's a pro, not mindlessly fighting against Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuku all the time. He already did that, he wanted to see new quirks and use his brain coming up with counters in tight situations, training his brain to react extremely fast. No only would this protect him in dire situations but it could also give him an edge against the other heroes.

'If only they would fight back one in a while' he sighed as he drifted off to sleep.

When Aizawa woke him up everyone else was finished, Cloud swung Blank in reflex saying "Damn ninjas! I already banged your leader!" everyone else was stunned into silence and Cloud opened his eyes and coughed before saying "Anyway, what happened?" Aizawa shook his head and said "We're done."

Cloud nodded and said "We all won right?" 1-B clenched their fists and 1-A nodded, Cloud nodded and turned to 1-B, Aizawa said "Cloud, leave them alone." Cloud ignored him and stood in front of the class saying "Listen up wet rags!" they all glared at him, he nodded and said "You're all pathetic losers, who will die for sure if you fight in the field against real villains." everyone grimaced, Cloud stabbed Blank into the ground in front of him and continued "Which is why, you will all meet me in the training grounds tonight at 9pm." he took Blank out of the ground and put it on his back saying "If you don't show.." his aura exploded out of his body as he threatened "I'll drag you there myself."

Cloud turned around and walked away, stunning almost everyone, Neito snapped "Why should we listen to you?" Cloud wrapped the cloth around his leg and slammed him into a wall saying "I don't remember giving you a choice." he looked at 1-A and said "You guys can come if you want." before disappearing.

Aizawa sighed and said "That's it for today." Vlad rubbed his chin and brought the 1-B students away, Midnight and All Might were there too and were interested in what Cloud would do, so was Aizawa and the rest of 1-A.

Night rolled around

Cloud was in his P.E uniform, sitting crossed legged on the ground in the middle of the training ground. Blank was off to the side, wrapped in the cloth, and Nejire and Mei were playing with Eri far enough away from Cloud. As the time passed 1-B showed up, along with most of 1-A but 1-A was mainly there to spectate and decide if they wanted to join in once they knew what it was.

Itsuka crossed her arms and said "Well we're here. What do you want?" Cloud stood up and cracked his neck saying "I'm going to train you little doormats into respectable heroes." 1-B was confused and Kinoko said "Why?" Cloud said "Because you're all a disgrace." they clenched their fists and Cloud prodded "A bunch of children playing hero, what a joke." they started grinding their teeth and Cloud laughed condescendingly "You think anyone can be a hero just because they have a quirk? You're all jokes, you would die in a second against a real villain."

He shook his head and added "I can beat you all myself without my sword." Itsuka seethed and said "Shut up!" as she threw an enlarged fist at him, Cloud dodged and said "You're weak little sheep ready for the slaughter! Go home to your parents!" he looked around and saw some of them tearing up, he sneered "Did I hurt your feelings? Are you going to cry?"

He flashed in front of the crying Kinoko and picked her up by the hair saying "Go home and cry then." before kneeing her in the stomach, sending her rolling away on the ground. The rest of 1-B seethed and attacked Cloud, who dodged and sneered "Yes, get angry worms! I'm not a hero now, I'm a villain!" he ducked under a punch and swept the kid's legs before kicking him in the head, sending him flying into the others.

Aizawa, Vlad, Yagi, and Midnight watched from above and Midnight said "Wow Aizawa, even I feel like punching that kid." Aizawa smiled wryly "Let's hope he lit a fire under them." Vlad watched 1-B silently and Yagi (All Might) said "He certainly has a creative way of doing things." Midnight said "But he's right, if they fold every time then they'll never be heroes. They'll most likely die against real villains." the rest nodded in agreement.

On the ground

1-A was watching Cloud provoke 1-B and Koji said "Isn't Cloud being a little bit harsh?" Fumikage said "He's trying to make them attack him out of anger." Izuku watched and note down more notes about Cloud's movements, Katsuki was itching to join in and Shoto said "Also, he's training himself. See how he's not using Blank and his movements are fluid? I think he's developing a new style.." Ochako said "He seems like he'd be a good villain." the rest looked at her and she said weakly "I was just saying..."

Some of the class decided to join in and fought against Cloud as well.

Cloud was expecting this anyway, and spotted Hitoshi in the group as well. Cloud stopped and said "We're going to fight until you all can't handle it anymore. I won't use my sword or binding cloth but I will be using all my strength. If you get injured, that's too bad.." he grinned demonically "Hopefully you don't die." before shooting forward, extremely fast at the group.

Cloud tilted his head and kicked a kid in the head, before swung back and catching another kid with the back of his knee, he flipped in the air and slammed the kid down head first before landing on his hands and spinning around, shooting his feet out and kicking the surrounding students away. He pushed off his hands and stomped Neito in the chin, sending him into the air and following him up before swinging both his fists down on his stomach, slamming him into the ground.

Cloud landed on the ground and scanned the surrounding students before laughing "Welcome to hell." and charging at them, training his new style, his reflexes, and his stamina while also training the others in the same along with their quirks. It was a win-win for everyone, well except for the fact that they got beat to hell and back.

A while later

Cloud stood above them not even a little bit tired as he said "Same time tomorrow night, you can run but I will chase you and bring you back, even if I have to break down the doors to your rooms. Until you can beat me, we will do this every night." he looked over to the rest of the class and said "You guys can join in too. Maybe it'll be more challenging." the class was provoked and they smirked saying "You sure you can handle it?"

Cloud sneered "Just a bunch of wood planks, it's not an issue." they grinned and attacked him as well, Cloud laughed as he fought his class too, albeit, with a lot more effort.

Another while later

Cloud stood victorious and smirked before leaving "See you all tomorrow night~" as he picked up Blank and left with Mei, Nejire, and Eri. He got into his room and closed the door before collapsing onto the bed, Mei and Nejire giggled and sat next to him. Mei teased "I thought it wasn't an issue?" Nejire touched her chin and said "Maybe a certain hotshot bit off more than he could chew?"

Cloud groaned and grabbed them, pulling them close as they yelped in surprise. He rolled onto his back and had both girls on each side of him with Eri laying down on his chest and giggling "Silly daddy! You were so cool but you got tired!" Cloud laughed and said "I still won didn't I? Your dad is the strongest!" Eri giggled and closed her eyes, falling asleep on his chest.

Nejire pouted "Now you're going to be tried every night..." Mei gasped and looked at Cloud, who grimaced and said "You think I can't do both?" he smirked and grabbed both their asses and squeezed before kissing both of them and saying "You can't escape me."

They both blushed and snuggled into him, wrapping their legs around his and closing their eyes with smiles on their faces. Cloud chuckled and pulled them on closer before going to sleep himself with a contented sigh.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Uh what's up? I don't really have much to say.. OH RIGHT um so Twins of the Sea is being re-written by me (obviously who the fuck else is going to do it?) and its called 'Twins of the Sea (Remastered)' go give it a read or don't and it's not in my original works tab because Webnovel bugged out and I can't even get power stones from it but i'm working on fixing that issue.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

Twins of the Sea (Remastered)

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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