
Chapter 15 : Talking with Midnight about Love Energy

The clock struck 3 pm, and Yugen woke up from his slumber with a lazy stretch. Finding himself with an empty schedule, he decided to pass away the time by indulging in some anime. The living room became his refuge as he immersed himself in the colorful world on the screen.

As time passed, the episodes blurred into one another. The vibrant narratives on the screen temporarily overshadowed the reality around him. Unbeknownst to Yugen, the hours slipped by unnoticed.

Suddenly, the tranquility of his anime marathon was interrupted by the soft padding of Nemuri entering the living room in all her natural splendor.

His attention immediately shifted to her perfect mature naked body as if drawn by a magnet, he couldn't help but to swallow his saliva as he felt a fire ignited in his lower private area urging him to do the deed again. he licked his lips and temporary resisted the urges.

Stretching luxuriously, Nemuri yawned, her exhaustion seemingly evaporating. In an unusually excited tone, she greeted him, "Yugen, my charming little man," she purred, her voice dripping with playful allure. "For some reason, I feel unbelievably energized. All my tiredness just got swept away!"

Yugen, a knowing smile playing on his lips, looked up at her blue eyes and said "Well, I might have something to do with that," he teased, this is a suitable opportunity to talk about his lust empowerment, since he plans to use it on her in the future she will naturally discover it, so it doesn't matter if she knows it now. of course he is not stupide to reveal the existence of the lust system.

Nemuri's eyes widened in curiosity, her flirtatious demeanor momentarily giving way to genuine interest. "Oh, really? Do tell!"

With a mischievous glint, Yugen admitted, "Seems like I awakened a new quirk. I decided to call it 'Love Empowerment.' I can enhance both the spiritual and physical aspects of those I made love with. and it's effect seems permanent!"

Nemuri's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide in a genuine shock. "A new quirk? how is this even possible? not to mention that your mother's quirk was partial cloning while your father's quirk was partial teleportation, there is no link between them and the ability you just mentioned!" 

Nemuri sat next to Yugen and observed him closely, she starts mumbling and thinking loudly about the origin of this new unexpected quirk of Yugen.

seeing this Yugen had to interfere, the last thing he wants is to let his sister think in the wrong direction like thinking his ability was given by All For One...

"ahem, sister, I think this is a mutant quirk that I must had since i was born and only after we made love to each other that it got activated. this is the fruit of our love! thank you for helping me discover it." as he said this he gave her a tight huge and kissed her in her lips.

Nemuri was caught off guard, all her thoughts stopped, after escaping Yugen's tight kiss, she let out a long sigh and said : "That's really... soo unexpected."

"well, I myself hadn't come from this big surprise, If we didn't do that thing in the morning maybe I won't have discovered it until a late period in my life, that would be too bad and such a waste of time. fortunately it seems we are lucky." Yugen used his half baked acting skills and starts flickering Midnight with all his might.

Midnight nodded her head still unable to fully accept this shocking news, after all, having two quirks is an extremly rare occasion, but She accepted his theory and suppressed her doubts and worry in the bottom of her heart, instead she became curious at the new quirk of Yugen.

"So...the reason why i'm feeling energetic is because you used your love quirk on me? can you tell me in details how it work? what are the conditions and limitations of this quirk? those it had any side effects on you? what's the cost? such a strong ability must Definitly have a trade off!"

Hearing the barrage of question of his sister, Yugen thought for a moment as he organized his ideas.

"this love empowerment quirk works like this, when I performed love actions with you, such as kissing, or grabbing your OppAi, licking your *ahem* pussy, or when you gave me a blowjob, and when we had sex..." Yugen Starts blushing as he recalled all the things he had done with the woman in front of him. at that time he was in autopilot mode, letting his primal instinct take control.

Nemuri on the other hand, her mind drifted back to these moments, she subconsciously squeezed her right boobs with her left hand and her right hand reached into her crotch and used it to grind and calm her throbbing private part. her face checks had a rosy hue on them, her eyes closed as she recalled the taste of Yugen's dick inside her mouth and her womb.

"Mmm...Yugen...I really wants you inside me again soo bad!" Nemuri opened in her eyes and looked at Yugen with hot eyes.

a woman in her 30s is like a wolf, and Nemuri who had not experienced any sexual activity in decades is like a tigress in heat, a simple words of Yugen aroused her to the max.

"Ahem...sister, at least wait until i fully explain my quirk." Yugen said helplessly, he didn't think a few simple words will have this effect on his sister.

"oh my, sorry, sorry, my darling, Please, do continue with your quirk explanation." she cooed in a sultry tone, Yet, her hands continued to playfully dance across her body, making Yugen' dick get hard from her tease.

With a dry cough, he continued, "In the process of making love, a pinkish energy that only I can see will be generated. I call it love energy. The more intense the love we make, the higher the love energy will be generated, and it will automatically flow into my body. But I can divide it with you. Once it enters my body, I can decide either to use it to improve my physical strength or my spiritual strength. I tested only the physical aspect on you and me, my body got strengthened a bit, and the same for you. Because you were tired, I think it helped you recover your vitality. And I believe with enough time, and constantly making love, we could reach the level of physical strength at least equal to that of Mirko within two years! As for the spiritual aspect, I didn't try it as I had run out of love energy, but I guess it must be able to enhance our willpower, perception, and even quirks!"

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