

A couple days later, Aiden was walking to school with Mina and Kendo. He tuned out most of what they were talking about but there was one part that caught his interest. During their shopping trip over the weekend, Shigaraki Toumura ambushed Deku at the shopping mall and the two apparently had a lengthy conversation. According to Mina, Deku said that they mostly talked about him and the herokiller. Apparently Shigaraki couldn't understand why people gravitated towards the herokiller's message and not his own. He also seemed to have a weird fixation on Aiden and his abilities. He even threatened to kill a couple of civilians if Deku didn't give him any useful information about his quirk. And of course being the hero wannabe that he is, Deku gave him a plethora of information about Aiden and his abilities.

Hearing this, Aiden couldn't help but have murderous intent towards the green haired fool. While he understood that innocent lives were at stake, he couldn't stand the fact that his abilities were being documented and given out to villains without a second thought. This thought hammered the final nail in the coffin for him about Deku. He had a strong quirk but could barely utilize it, he was a good strategist but his plans heavily relied on luck, he looks up to a kid that treats him like dirt, and he cried to often for a normal teenager.

At this moment in time, Aiden had turned completely hostile towards the boy known as Izuku Midoriya.


The minute Aiden and Mina walked into the classroom, the noisy class quietened down as the looked between Aiden and Deku.

Uraraka had already told everyone what had happened over the weekend and the class knew that Aiden wasn't the type to brush off Deku's actions.

Sensing the tense situation, Deku wanted to say something, but the moment he opened his mouth he felt a chill run down his spine as he felt something sharp pressed against his neck.

Standing behind him, Aiden was holding a constructed knife towards his neck while the class were just realizing that Aiden's figure had vanished from Mina's side.

"C-Cross-san..." Deku stuttered feeling the knife dig deeper into his skin.

With his eyes flashing a malicious purple, Aiden blocked everything out as his mind came up with various scenarios of how he'd kill this little shit stain in the most painful way possible.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Iida shouted after seeing Aiden's actions.

"Aiden calm down!" Momo said trying to defuse the situation.

"Aiden think carefully about your actions, what you're doing now can get you expelled and incarcerated." Shoto tried appealing to his logical side.

Noticing that he wasn't making a move, the class watched with bated breaths as Aiden grabbed onto the back of Deku's collar and threw him into the back wall. Towering above him, Aiden pointed his knife at the boy's face and said in an emotionless voice. "Go blab about me to anyone else and I'll make you, your mother, and your father suffer an unimaginably painful death." Adding in a wisp of killing intent to his words, Deku felt his heart stop as Aiden's words washed over him.

Deconstructing his knife, Aiden shoulder barged past Iida and left the classroom.


After that little event, Aiden's first semester at UA came to a close with him missing the last day of school. But he wasn't worried, he had Momo text him the details and talked about it with Mina over dinner. The two told him that after he left the classroom everyone rushed over to check if Deku was alright. But the only response they got out of it was a week smile and him telling them that he was okay. Some wanted to report Aiden's actions to Aizawa and All Might but Deku stopped them saying that he got what he deserved for giving away information to someone as dangerous as Shigaraki. Uraraka couldn't accept his decision but chose to stay quiet.

Surprisingly, of all the people to speak up for him, Bakugo turned out to be the loudest. He agreed with Aiden's handling of Deku and said if it was him he would have tossed him out of the window for what he did. After a while a couple of others understood Aiden's anger as Deku had just painted a bigger target on Aiden's back. And while they didn't condone his actions, they couldn't say they blamed him for his reaction.

The two also gave him the details of what was happening with the whole forest lodge trip. According to Aizawa, the location of the trip would be changed as the school was worried about how the villains were able to find them at the USJ. Due to this fact, they decided to announce the location on the day of the actual trip, this would stop any information being leaked.

That night, Aiden pulled out a small note pad from a secret compartment in his bookshelf. In the note pad was the names of all the students in class 1-A and all the information he had gathered on them. Flipping to Deku's name, he wrote in bold red marker.


Thinking about it now, Aiden had yet to find anyone who fit his criteria and started to doubt his own mission.

'Am I just wasting my time...'

Shaking such thoughts out of his head, he put the note pad back and climbed into his bed. Tomorrow was the start of summer break, and the day of the school trip. The only benefit he saw to this was that he might actually get time to practice using his astral energy in a different environment that he wasn't used to. With such thoughts in mind, he closed his eyes and let sleep take over him.

Deku really fucked up huh.

Aradacreators' thoughts