

(You might as well play "You say run" to get the full experience.)

Watching the fist approach him, Aiden executed the astral shift the moment the punch was about to land. Vanishing into spots of purple light, his body reformed above the nomu with an extra knife in his hand.


Pulling both arms back he thrust both knives at the monster's exposed eyes.

"RAWWWRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" The beast screamed in pain.

Tightening his grip on the knives, he drove them in further until he felt the Nomu try to grab him. Shifting away again he watched as the monster swung its arms around wildly.

Seeing that his knife had penetrated the beast's eyes, he focused his attention on the exposed brain. Constructing another pair of knives, he charged towards the Nomu with only one thought in his mind.


Watching his prized Nomu get injured by a first year student, Shigaraki started to aggressively scratch his neck. "NO NO NO!!"

Ignoring his temper tantrum, Aiden kept shifting out the way of the Nomu's wild swings. Although it was blinded and was enraged, its instincts helped it find Aiden's position.

Aizawa and the rest of the students stood stunned by the spectacle in front of them. To see a monster created to kill All Might being injured so easily by one of their peers left them dumbfounded.

"T-That's Aiden right?" Uraraka couldn't help but ask.

"He's so strong..."

"I-If he beats it, does that mean he can beat All Might!?"

This question left the class confused as they couldn't imagine anyone beating All Might.

"Slash." Aiden's voice caught their attention as a purple arc of energy crashed into the Nomu and left a bloody cut on its arm. The wound quickly healed but the surprise was still there.

"He damaged the Nomu! What's going on Kurogiri!" Shigaraki raged.

Dodging the wild blows made by the Nomu, Aiden kept trying to slash its brain but for some reason the Nomu was adamant on protecting its head.

Shifting above the Nomu, he fired off another slash before shifting behind it and stabbed it in the calves.

Feeling a sharp sensation of pain rising from its lower body, for a split second the Nomu shifted its attention and let the slash touch the surface of its brain before it raised its hand to defend.

Watching this continue, Shigaraki couldn't hold it anymore and cursed. "How is he hurting my Nomu! Its quirk is able to handle the blows from ALL MIGHT!!"

Jumping back, Aiden watched as the injuries on the monster healed. Hearing the words of Shigaraki, he looked over at him in disdain. While the others might see a menacing individual, all he saw was emotionally unstable young man playing the role of a villain.

"You've never played an rpg before have you?"

"Huh?" Shigaraki said when he heard the question.

"If we were going off rpg terms, then All Might would be the type of player who focuses on causing impact/shock damage. This Nomu of yours was designed to counter that kind of opponent. I on the other hand use slash and piercing attacks. Against a player like me your Nomu is at a severe disadvantage!"

"My Nomu is at a disadvantage..."

As if to prove his point, more injuries appeared on the Nomu's body before healing. Seeing this, Shigaraki couldn't help but laugh.

"So what if my Nomu is at a disadvantage! You still can't kill it!" He laughed creepily.

Frowning at his words, Aiden had to admit that the Nomu's healing ability was becoming problematic.

Dodging another attack he realized that the Nomu's movements were sluggish compared to earlier.

'That's it!'

Changing his breathing technique, he advanced on the Nomu's position and started shifting around it while cutting it and letting its blood spill all over the USJ floor.


Ignoring his taunt, Aiden continued until the Nomu started struggling to walk.

"Eh?" Shigaraki said in surprise. "What's going on? Weren't we winning?"

Deku and the rest of the class were also confused by the Nomu's current state.

Falling to one knee, the Nomu forced itself to stand back up but was clearly struggling.

"You designed your Nomu to have a healing quirk right?" Aiden asked standing a bit away from the monster.

"Certainly a problematic quirk but not unbeatable." He nodded. "Your first mistake was not understanding the nature of the word healing. Healing doesn't reverse damage, it just speeds up the body's natural healing process. Your second mistake was not understanding basic biology. See that pool of blood on the ground?" He pointed to the blood below the Nomu.

Everyone in the room turned to look where he was pointing.

"The body needs blood to function, thanks to that healing quirk your Nomu has, its heart is working beyond its limit trying to produce more blood to sustain such a large creature. And when an organ starts to work more than it was made to do, it often leads to organ failure. To put it simply, your Nomu's heart can't keep up with the body's need for blood and is currently straining itself trying."

Shigaraki's eyes widen when he heard this and he started to scratch even more aggressively than earlier. "IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE!!"

"Your Nomu's healing has been disabled, any attack I do now will be fatal. You may as well surrender while you still have a chance." He really wanted to kill him, but with so many people around the best he could hope for was arresting the villain.


Just as Aiden was about to capture him, a loud voice echoed throughout the whole USJ."

"Do not fear, FOR.I.AM.HERE!" All Might appeared at the entrance looking absolutely pissed as he roared.

"All Might!" The class gasped in surprise.

Unlike the rest of them, Aiden felt more annoyed than anything else. With the no.1 hero here there was no way he would be able to kill the Nomu and "Accidentally" kill Shigaraki without looking suspicious.

Totally random: Don't you think Momo looks like Kale from Dragon Ball Super?

Aradacreators' thoughts