
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 2 - Growth

Soon after, exactly ten years passed in the blink of an eye. Izuku had been training diligently under the guidance of Igneel, who taught him how to absorb the Ethernano in the atmosphere through meditation. Slowly but surely, Izuku learned to utilize Ethernano, showing remarkable intelligence and adaptability, qualities that made Igneel regard him as a prodigy.

Izuku's talent and combat skills grew significantly, far surpassing expectations. Under Igneel's tutelage, he developed a unique fighting style, blending the power of Fire Dragon Slayer magic with advanced martial arts techniques. Izuku had also been enrolled in a martial arts dojo, training rigorously even without a quirk, and mastering everything they taught him.

His progress was impressive. According to Igneel, if Izuku and Natsu, his fellow dragon brother, fought at the same age, Izuku would have the edge. However, Igneel also noted that Natsu had a unique ability to grow stronger as he fought, making any battle between them unpredictable.

[ A/N: If you consider the whole event of Mha took a few months and Izuku already became a force to reckon with means he is extremely talented in combat compared to Natsu who has been training since childhood. ]

Under the watchful guidance of Igneel, Izuku embarked on a rigorous training regimen unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Each day was filled with challenges, from mastering control over his newfound abilities to honing his combat skills against formidable opponents conjured by Igneel's magic.

Inko stood by her son's side every step of the way, offering words of encouragement and unwavering support. She watched with pride as Izuku pushed himself to the limit, determined to become the hero he had always dreamed of being.

As weeks turned into months, Izuku's progress was nothing short of remarkable. His mastery over Fire Dragon Slayer magic grew stronger with each passing day, and he soon found himself capable of feats that once seemed impossible.

But along with his newfound power came greater challenges. Izuku faced trials that tested not only his strength and skill but also his courage and determination. Yet, through perseverance and sheer force of will, he overcame each obstacle, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before.

And as Izuku continued to grow and evolve, so too did his bond with Igneel. The dragon became more than just a mentor; he became a trusted friend, ally and father figure, guiding Izuku not only in the ways of magic but also in the ways of life.

Though it was likely due to Izuku being the only one who had access to the near-endless amount of Ethernano in the surrounding area, he almost became a central conduit after prolonged exposure to it. This vast reservoir of magical energy significantly accelerated his growth and mastery of Dragon Slayer magic, giving him an edge that even Natsu couldn't match.

However, this power came with a potential cost. Izuku learned that, unlike Natsu, he might actually become a dragon. The differences between the magical systems of his world and Earthland posed unique challenges. Igneel, aware of this transformation risk, had been working tirelessly to slow down the process and find a solution.

"Igneel-tou-san." Izuku asked one evening during their meditation, starting to call Igneel father to warm the non existing heart of the fire dragon king.

"What exactly will happen if I turn into a dragon?" Igneel's fiery eyes softened with a hint of concern.

[ "If you turn into a dragon, you may lose your humanity, Izuku. Your mind and spirit could be consumed by the dragon within you. We must avoid it." ] Izuku nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"What can we do to prevent it?"

[ "We need to find a way to balance the Ethernano within you." ] Igneel explained.

"Your body must adapt to the immense power without succumbing to it. Until we find a permanent solution, I will continue to slow the transformation. It is crucial that you remain vigilant and continue your training."

With this new understanding, Izuku redoubled his efforts. He trained harder, pushing his limits while maintaining a delicate balance within himself. He also devoted time to researching and understanding the magical systems of both worlds, seeking any clues that might help him control the dragon within.

Not only Izuku the one working hard but also his mother who had been motivated to pursue her dream using the child support that her ex-husband had been providing them with.

She started working as a model in the fashion company that her friend Mitsuri worked on and gathered enough money to open a restaurant that blew up giving a stable finance to be used in investing in Izuku's Growth.

And because of Mitsuri's influence, she retained her youthful appearance through rigorous exercise and healthy diet along with motivation through her son who showed unwavering perseverance.


Present day.

Aldera junior high School

Inside in an ordinary high school where they sat down in their chairs quietly waiting for their teacher was a young man tall for his age with a body that makes anyone ashamed showing the hard work built through the years busily writing complicated formulas. He had a perfect body neither bulky nor thin showing individual muscle that was hidden under his clothes.

His messy green hair and sharp eyes made him appear fierce yet a sense of calmness was exuding from him. He also had a scarf wrapped around his neck.

His name is Izuku Midoriya and he had a dream.

The scarf was similar to his brother as a memento and gift from Igneel having requested Inko to make it for Izuku. After connecting to Inko, Igneel was able to appear in her mind allowing the two to chat about Izuku in private.

The young man went from a weak scared baby man into chad energy that stole any woman's heart. He had learned to lessen his view of heroes from the training opting to view the world realistically.

His life has been stuff but his change allowed him to lessen the problem and even caught the attention of many female students much to the male student.

They are unable to defeat him even with their quirk that only made their hatred burn higher. He was too skilled of a fighter that was able to exploit the arrogance and their recklessness to his advantage.

Additionally, being dragon slayer or partially a dragon can intimidate weaker individuals by pressure alone. Not to mention, he exudes a certain scent that attracts mates, something that shouldn't be possible if it weren't for his rapid growth and difference in magic system. It is similar to how computer language has a different flow but has a similar foundation.

[ A/N: Cliche but don't care. Also, Izuku still a cinnamon roll. ]

"You all are in the third grade, you all should take your future seriously."

The teacher came in announcing their graduation from junior high school. Izuku ignored them and focused more on his research than joining in to hypocrites that would turn a blind eye, always biased when it comes to anyone beside Izuku.

Every time he is challenged and retaliated always faces ridicule. Izuku ignored them and due to his skills none had tried to bully him, opting to go to weaker students and being a hero that he dreamt of always interfering and gaining quite the backing from weaker students.

From his experience of the world through the weak and ridicule shine a new light in his eyes. He did not only aim to be a hero but the one who will help others to be better. Izuku doesn't even need to use his magic and can beat them through his experience in combat.

"Who am I kidding, all of you want to be a hero."

Everyone roared in excitement that made Izuku raise his brow. In the past, his self-esteem had been squashed by the world but this only tempered him and turned him into someone unrecognizable all thanks to his father figure.

'All of these people only wish fame, money, and glory….though to ridicule them is hypocritical.'

He thought inwardly since everyone needs money and heroes are ordinary people who need food to get paid to survive. However, these soon to be heroes had their ego fed with nothing but praise that they were doomed to fail.

Unlike them, Izuku had learned the hard truth of heroes where there would be death and sacrifice to save others. He was not naive and learned this through the masters that taught him.

'Never be naive and know when to act. Bear the consequence and stand firmly.'

Those were the words from one of his masters. If he had a choice to save one life to a thousand then he would bear the sins to kill one to save the thousand. This also applied to his mother that if she were in danger then he wouldn't hesitate to save her.

Selfish? Yes. Izuku would bear it and stand firmly unlike these children that once faced with reality would crumble and fall.

'There's nothing selfish about it, Izuku.' A voice echoed through his mind and it was none other than Igneel.

'I know but my heart still finds it difficult to make the decision. Being a hero means I've accepted the role of saving as many as I can.' Izuku was hard on himself and even how much you try to justify it still feels wrong.

'Remember, Izuku. You're not alone. I know your friends will surely be there to help you through those hard decisions.' Igneel mentioned the friends that Izuku had over the years.

"You alright?" A female voice came and turned to see a small green furred cat sitting next to him named Mizuna.

In the past, when he was six years old and found her lost in the forest wounded where he brought to his home to be nursed back to health. They found out from Igneel that she was an Exceed from a parallel world of Earthland and Edolas.

It's a mystery how she was able to arrive on Earth but regardless she was adopted by Inko naming her Mizuna Midoriya. She was the same age as Izuku and grew up with him treating each other as siblings though Mizuna developed a crush on Izuku due the things he had done. Mizuna had no memories except the time she was saved by Izuku.

She only learned of her origin through Izuku rallying the information given by Igneel. People on Earth only think that Mizuna is a mutant type quirk and didn't think much of it. She can summon wings and use Ethernano. Igneel finds it unfortunately he doesn't know transformation magic.

"I'm fine, Zuna. Just got talking to Igneel-tou-san." Izuku said to her and Mizuna's face softened.

"Don't place me with this extra, teach!"

A young woman with a loud mouth placed her above the table that the teacher let her be since her quirk was the strongest among the students. She was Katsumi Bakugou, a childhood friend of Izuku and love Rival to Mizuna since she has a crush on Izuku ever since he beat her and put some sense when she was having a superiority complex saving her from being corrupted by people who shower her with praise.

"Except Deku, no one else is worth mentioning! But I'll be number one and not you Deku!"

Even though she isn't the same bully as before still acts arrogant and shows off. Her personality remains crude, arrogant, short-tempered, and aggressive. She sees Izuku in terms of following their dream as her rival.

"Bleh don't get your hopes up! You would never know." Izuku playfully said to her.

"Tsk. Just make sure to not disappoint, Deku!" Katsumi smirks when hearing this, having both incredible abilities.

"Same here, Kacchan."

Both had smiles showing their friendly rivalry with each other. The day had passed and their class ended relatively early. Izuku, Mizuna and Katsumi were about to head home when a hand blocked the former's eyes that made him smile.

"Guess who?" A young woman's voice could be heard that he had been far too familiar to forget about it.

"Itsuka-san, I know that's you." Izuku regained her vision looking at a young girl with the long orange hair that was a high ponytail on the left side of her head.

Her bangs are split into three clumps around her eyes, and some of her hair sticks up in large tufts at the top of her head

Itsuka Kendo, a fellow disciple from one of the dojos that he had trained that became a childhood friend of his. Unbeknownst to Izuku, she had longed developed an attraction to him due to his perseverance and hard work to be better.

He has powerful ability but still strife to do better and explore other areas to make sure he wouldn't have any weakness. Though, his motion sickness remains even though he tries to fix it. This is the reason why he had Mizuna at all times to get home.

"Why are you here, Ginger!?" Katsumi angrily said even though she acts this way still considers Kendo as a valued friend since she also joined in their training sometimes.

"Still a firecracker huh? Kacchan?" Itsuka said while having a glaring contest. They were competing for the dense Izuku who didn't realize what's happening.

"Hahaha good one, Itsuka." Mizuna said with a thumbs up as she was laying on top of Izuku's head.

"Shut it, Pussy Grass!" Katsumi said while the two girls giggled at her frustration.

"Calm now, play nice." Izuku places his hand on Katsumi's shoulder to calm her down and it works as she only clicks her tongue in the process.

"Anyway, I thought you had more training with sensei?" Izuku asked.

"Nope! I went straight here since sensei gave me a break." Itsuka replied with a smile.

"Is that so? Then how about we all hang out?" Izuku suggested receiving a smile from Itsuka

"Sure that would be awesome but let's wait for Himiko and Camie to arrive."