
Chapter 2 - Party like it's 1999: 1

[One Day Before the Sports Festival….]

Two weeks flew by faster than Yoshihara wanted to admit. For a while, the media continued to pump out stories about her, but after five more days after the incident, the heat around it started to die down after magazine sales slowed, and so, typically, they moved on to something more worth their time.

In those two weeks, Yoshihara trained, sometimes by herself or, if time allowed for it, with Izuku. Most of the time, however, Yoshihara trained by her lonesome, seeing as she needed a wide birth to actually do what she wanted. Besides, if she wanted to spar, she had Midnight when she wasn't busy, or Midoriya when he wasn't sparring with his mother.

Speaking of Midoriya, he had gotten better at tracking Stands and their movements. He was now able to tell where they were based on air movements. Just because people other than Stand users couldn't see them, didn't mean they couldn't be felt. Of course, they were intangible, so he couldn't outright attack them head-on, but they could be dodged if one knew how to read the air and its movements. That had been the point of his training with his mother, and he had gotten good enough to dodge most of its attacks at a close range.

Dodging projectiles on the other hand, not so much.

Although, from what she had seen of his training, he had made some major progress. He wasn't breaking his bones nearly as often as he used to. He had also gotten really, really fast. He said it had something to do with his mother and her projectile training requiring him to dodge things faster without getting hurt.

His explanation of how his Quirk stopped breaking his bones was… interesting, making a lot of references to plumbing. But, for a more basic explanation, he explained that he had been simply putting too much power into his attacks, and therefore, it was causing his body more stress, breaking his limbs in the process.

In a way, he also told her a way how to easily beat him. That being: pressure him to the point where he broke his bones. Of course, that was only if she fought him in the Sports Festival. She had seen them before on her phone, and while the first two events were always random, the final event was always a 1 on 1 fight between the top 16 contestants.

But, for now, that didn't matter.

Then, there was Josefumi. Every day, up until now, he looked beat. He was physically exhausted, and he had seemingly been exempt from the Hero 101 classes thanks to some strings being pulled behind the scenes. Apparently, his mentor he had, Julius Caeser Zeppelli, had been working him to the absolute bone.

She tried to ask Josefumi what he had been working on, but all he would say was that it was a secret, and that "she'd see it at the sports festival." She wasn't going to lie, it kinda got her worried. Whatever he was training in, it was noticeable, too, seeing as his muscles had nearly doubled in size, though they kept their leanness, kinda like how hers did the same.

That, and seeing as his mentor was a Zeppelli, of which that family was a well-known hero family, it was safe to say that whatever was going to happen tomorrow was going to be devastating.

But on another, completely unrelated note….

Over the past two weeks, Yoshihara trained as hard as she could, physically speaking. She had been working out to the point where she could feel the results. Her arms took on more muscle, though they were still lean enough to not look too obvious. She now had a fully developed six-pack as well as defined back muscles. Her legs were the ones that changed the most, and most of all, her thighs. They went from thick skin to made almost completely out of muscle, as did her calves. There was still some body fat around her waist and chest, but that was fine.

There weren't any new developments with Killer Queen or Sheer Heart Attack. Although she did learn the limits on the sizes Sheer Heart Attack could take, as well as the numbers.

For a regular hand-sized Sheer Heart Attack she could deploy two of them, though the more she summoned the weaker they would get. She could also deploy 10 nail-sized ones, though their explosions were the weakest, only leaving small scrapes and bruises, though the skin that they blew up burnt to the touch, and usually left behind 3rd-degree burns.

The one that did the most damage, however, was the one that took the size of half an averagely sized adult. She had never blown it up before, but that was because she knew instinctively that she shouldn't. If it blew up on someone, that person would die, regardless of what Quirk they had. She would only use that sized Sheer Heart Attack if she absolutely had to.

Another thing that happened in the last two weeks was that Nemuri and herself were able to move back into the suite on the top floor of the love hotel, seeing as the elevator was fixed. And after living with Hizashi Yamada and Shouta Aizawa for almost a week straight, in her personal opinion, she never wanted to do that again. She didn't mind Aizawa, it was Hizashi that drove her up the wall.

He was just too damn loud. She knew he didn't mean to be and that it was a side-effect of his Quirk, but the point still stood. The guy could be annoying, intentionally or otherwise. Still, though, it didn't mean she wasn't grateful—because she was. She was happy that, if something were to happen to Nemuri or the building, she had a place to stay. Although the first thing she did the moment she got back to Love Deluxe was to catch up on all the sleep she lost thanks to Hizashi's snoring.

Seriously, with his Quirk, the fact that he snored made it far worse. She was surprised to learn that Aizawa—who she was now convinced was gay and was, at the very least, the boyfriend of Hizashi—was able to sleep in the same bed as that man and smother his face with a pillow.

He probably had earplugs.

Really, really good earplugs.

Also during that time, she got into a few fights in with Nemuri. Not arguments, but sparing matches. The results of which were staggering. She was able to win against her five times out of the ten battles they did. It was a far better margin than it was back before U.A. began, where she only won 1 battle out of the 90 they did over ten months of training she did for the recommendation exam.

Although, if there was one thing that she absolutely hated throughout the last two weeks; it had to be going to school. To summarize what happened in the two weeks leading up to the sports festival would be to acknowledge the fact that her class—outside Midoriya, Kujo, Ashido, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Ida—were dumber than a bag of bricks.

Well, actually, she could add Jirou and Ojiro to that list, they decided to find out the truth, and when they did, they decided to tell Kaminari and Asui. But the rest of them? The rest of them had decided to show no interest in finding out what happened.

First, there was Bakugou Katsuki. Now she could understand him not giving a hell either way. As far as he was concerned nothing mattered outside of getting ready for the Sports Festival. He also didn't seem to care about the fact that she murdered someone. If he did, then he didn't show it.

But Yaoyorozu? Aoyama? Todoroki? Shoji? Those four seemed intelligent to at least not blindly believe the newspapers and do actual research. Sero, Fumikage, Rikido, Koji, though. She couldn't see them doing that. They seemed like the type to just blindly believe in whatever the newspapers were saying.

Had it only been that then she would've said that school was normal for her. But that wasn't the case.

Most of U.A., and by most, she meant all of it outside of the staff, hated her guts. There had been multiple occasions where some of the members of the reserve course, Class 1 – B, some of the upperclassmen in the hero course, and even some of the support and business course students tried to attack her at lunch.

All of them would get an explosion to the face, usually disfiguring their noses, and having them be sent to the infirmary after the fact. Funnily enough, the Big 3 at U.A., a group of people rumoured to be the strongest in the whole school, all of whom she had yet to meet, had been the only ones not to confront her about it. Either they simply didn't care, or, they just decided to stay out of it.

Or, on the other hand, they just couldn't find her.

She hoped it was the former option rather than the latter.

The classes themselves weren't all that bad. The hero training stuff was abysmal when she was paired up with someone who hated her guts, but that was only 50% of the time, so she couldn't really get too annoyed at it. Although, if it was one thing that she could give one of her more persistent… would haters be the right word? Adversaries, maybe? Whatever, the point being, Yaoyorozu was persistent. Any time she got to defame her, which seemed like every time she opened her mouth, she did so with fervour.

Of course, there had been times when someone stuck up for her, which, depending on who it was, either shocked or annoyed the ravenette. Speaking of Momo Yaoyorozu, she had been the one person who was consistently on her ass about the thing she supposedly did. Well, not supposedly. She did murder Yoshikawa, her supposed "mother" if she would even dignify that word to her. That was an undeniable fact.

What was deniable, however, was her innocence. Every day, for the past two weeks, Yaoyorozu would harass, demean, and prosecute her over and over, trying to make her feel bad about what she had done, with very, very minimal success. Was this self-inflicted? Maybe, but that hadn't been the point. The point of this was to weed out those who were liable to the nonsense the media spat out.

For someone with the ability to look back into sources, Yaoyorozu sure was gullible. She might have been smart, in fact, she was the top student in the class, academically speaking, but she was most certainly an idiot when it came to looking into sources and doing some basic fact-checking.

Still, even if Momo believed that Kira had been a monster, a murderer, and a psychopath; that didn't suddenly mean she could shove her into lockers every chance she got, attempt to trip her in class whenever she got up to go use the washroom, write messages on her desk (she could point out the handwriting pretty easily) or even purposely sabotage her in the hero 101 activities when they were paired up together.

But the straw that broke the camel's back was her directly pointing out her scars and making fun of them. Almost everyone collectively agreed that had been a step too far, seeing as everyone remembered how she reacted when all the girls saw them in the change rooms back during the start of the year. Momo knew, or at least she had to have known, that the scars came with a bit of trauma with them, so for her to make fun of them in front of Kira was outstandingly cruel.

If it had been her choice, she would've turned around and blown that pompous bitch sky high. Unfortunatly, that would be a murder she wouldn't be able to get away with. Not that she wanted to commit any more murders, but that was beside the point.

She could handle a little bit of bullying. Yoshihara could see where she was coming from. But actively sabotaging both of their marks in the hero 101 course was beyond petty. And if there was one thing that Yoshihara hated more than bullies, abusive parents, and enemy Stand users, it was petty people.

And so, she planned to deal with this once and for all. By putting Yaoyorozu in her place. All she needed was the perfect time to do so. And it just so happened that time was coming sooner than she would've thought.

Currently, it was the end of the day at school, and Yoshihara was just about ready to pack up and go home when the aforementioned rich girl grabbed her on the shoulder. "I want to talk to you," Yaoyorozu muttered, harshly, under her breath, earning a silent nod from the blonde.

There was a brief moment of silence as everyone filtered out of the room, minding their own business, though she did note Josefumi glance at the pair. Kira gave him a small smile, which in response to it, Josefumi left. Kira's blue eyes wandered over to Yaoyorozu, the blonde shrugging the hand off of her shoulder so that she could turn to face her.

"What do you want now, Yaoyorozu?" Yoshihara questioned, blankly staring at the ravenette, who had that familiar disgusted look adorning her face. She was about to speak, when the blonde cut in. "Before you say anything, do take note that I am in here with you, alone. That means you don't have anyone to fall back on if you anger me. I think the saying goes: think before you speak. So I suggest you follow that saying to the letter," Yoshihara stated, her eyes narrowing as Yaoyorozu frowned.

"Is that a threat, Kira?" The rich teen demanded, earning no reaction from Kira, only a simple shake of the head.

"No, Yaoyorozu," the blonde said, Yaoyorozu huffing in indignation.

"Hmph, so you're—"

Suddenly, the room became heavy. It hit the ravenette like a truck. So much so that her shoulders tensed. Pressure. Unrelenting pressure-filled the room, all of it coming off of Yoshihara. Momo was no fool. She knew Kira to be a dangerous person. Hell, even the newspapers said so, and that had to count for something. This was all on top of her experiences around the blonde, which only proved it twice over.

Her suspicions over what Kira's motives were all began back during Combat training, where Kira laid out those traps. When she saw the damage done to Jirou, their classmate, she felt sick. All of that blood on a person was not normal. Kira seemingly either didn't care or was careless and shared the same sentiment.

At least, that was what she wanted to believe. But those dead-looking eyes, they told more than they let on. Her mother was a psychologist and a therapist, while her father was in the support department running several businesses at once. This was why they lived such a lavish lifestyle. Though her father wasn't around often, she spent a lot of time around her mother.

Her mother taught her things about people that she, at first, didn't believe. Such as the basic obvious fact that people will do selfish things all the time, and, more relevant to now: murderers start off small, badly maiming people before moving on to killing people. Animals factor in there, as well, but that was even smaller pennies compared to what Yoshihara did. Her first signs of a potential serial killer weren't a simple squirrel's broken neck, nor was it a simple slice on the arm of some random stranger.

It was deadlier, it was planned, and it was mortifying.

While the lacerations on Jirou weren't deep, they bled, a lot. Though Jirou said she was fine, it didn't excuse what Yoshihara had done to the poor purplette. There were even small scars left behind on her arms and legs after the fact, but nothing too noticeable. No one would notice the pain she undoubtedly went through in those moments after those bubbles exploded in front of her.

And what made it so much worse was that Kira didn't even care. When she brought it up to her in the room just before they split apart, Kira only glanced at her, then glanced away. Kira simply didn't care about who she hurt. Either that, or there was nothing she could've done. While prior to all of this, she assumed that there was nothing that Kira could've done, now, she saw it as more malicious.

She saw it as Kira genuinely not caring about the fact that she could've killed Jirou right then and there, but actively chose not to due to the number of eyes on her.

But what baffled Yaoyorozu the most out of all of the thing's that happened up until now, was the fact that Jirou seemed to just "get over" the fact that Kira killed someone. That shouldn't have been possible, especially after what she did to her, but Jirou genuinely seemed unbothered by it. She even got mad at her this morning in class when she tried to put Kira in her place, stepping in for her and telling Momo to back off.

Normally, Momo wouldn't do something like that. But sitting beside a murderer all day made things difficult for her. So could one really blame her for wanting to make it clear that she had no intentions of so much as looking at her, or helping her in any way? Kira didn't deserve it, not after what she did.

Then, there were the scars on her back. She once theorized them to be from something traumatic, but now, all she could see them as were the scars of someone who killed someone, maybe even others. Those scars she had… they could've been put on her by her previous victims.

After all, if someone already killed someone, and if that aforementioned someone had done so once again, recently, and obtained new ones, just like Kira did, then it made it all the more apparent that those scars weren't from something traumatic, but rather from something else entirely… perhaps even something malicious.

So, when she called her out on it, the others in the change room that day should've been on Momo's side. Yet, for some reason, they all called her out on it.

Looking back on it, it might have been distasteful, but then again, a killer trying to become a hero didn't deserve any kind of respect, now did they? At least, that was how Momo saw it. It was how Jirou saw it, too. But at some point, that changed. Suddenly, Jirou was defending Kira from her words, from the truth of the situation.

Maybe she was missing something? Perhaps there was more to the story. And that was what she was originally going to try and find out. But now, that had changed.

Now, she was starting to realize that this must have been the same approach she used on the others. That being scaring them into defending her from the crimes she committed. Whatever pressure she was feeling now, whatever had been holding her down, weighed on her. She could physically feel something laying atop her shoulders, pushing down on them. Momo wasn't going to lie and say that she would brave through this because, in all reality, she was terrified of Kira.

And those dead, corpse-like eyes… eyes that held no compassion towards anyone, or anything for that matter, made it so much worse. It was why she put on an angered front. She was terrified of her.


"It's a promise. Momo Yaoyorozu."

Those words. They sent chills down her spine. It was like a vice-like grip formed around her throat. Breathing became a mental chore in the face of the monster in front of her. Initially, she was going to give Kira a chance, initially, she was going to let her explain what had happened. But now… now she knew better.

The evil swirling in her eyes was clear as day. The look of someone who had killed, and would kill again. The look of a deranged Serial Killer swirled in those blue, soulless pits.

"Y-You… You monster!" Momo choked out, taking a step back. When she did, something slammed into her gut. It hit her, and hard. She spat up saliva, all of which landed on the floor in front of her, making her double over from the impact. The pain had been so bad, that she had begun to tremble, all the while a singular thought radiated in her mind. "What… was that?"

"Wrong choice of words, Yaoyorozu," Kira said, looming over the rich girl. "I'll be honest with you, Momo," Kira began, walking up to the hunched-over form of the ravenette, grabbing her by her ponytail as she lifted her face to make eye contact with her. "I understood where you were coming from. An outsider looking in would have the same viewpoint as you. Anyone would be rightfully justified to think the way you did."

The blonde then violently slammed Yaoyorozu's head into one of the desks, a metal clanging sound echoing out in the classroom as the ravenette winced in pain. "But harassment?" Kira continued, letting go of Yaoyorozu's hair as the ravenette fell back on her rear. "That's a bit much, don't you think?"

Yaoyorozu felt her heart beat pick up in speed ever so slightly as the menacing form of Yoshihara Kira stood over her, her eyes blocked off by shadow, only leaving her mouth and nose visible. It also didn't help that her vision was getting blurry after being slammed into the metal desk. Thankfully, no skin broke, so she wasn't bleeding, but she was disoriented.

"Y-You… of all people… deserved it. Y-you mon—" before she could finish her sentence, once again, something slammed into her, only this time, it was her face that took the hit, blood shooting out of her nose as she was knocked backward onto the floor, blood trailing from her nose as she laid there.

"Monster," Yoshihara said, tasting the word on her tongue before shaking her head. "That doesn't quite describe me all too well," the blonde stated, picking Yaoyorozu up by the collar of her shirt, forcing her to stand up in her disoriented state. "I think the word "victim" carries a bigger weight, don't you think?" The blonde stated, punching Yaoyorozu in the face, this time with her own hand instead of whatever force she had been using before, perhaps invisible miniature explosions? She reasoned that it was possible due to her Quirk being Bomb Creation, after all.

But that one word. Victim. Describing her?! "V-Victim…?!" Momo stammered out, stumbling back from the punch, her eyes narrowed. "T-The only v-victim was that w-woman, who—"

"Who broke into my house to kill me," Yoshihara interrupted, glaring at Yaoyorozu. The ravenette stared at Yoshihara, trying to decipher the meaning behind those words.

"That's a lie. It has to be. There's no way that's true. Not what I know of her. Not what I've seen of her," Yaoyorozu thought. "Liar," Momo spat, creating a bo-staff from her hand. She felt threatened, so she felt like it was necessary to activate her Quirk to create some means of defence. "It's clear that Kira is planning to do something to me." Yaoyorozu thought, narrowing her eyes. "I'm not going to let her—"

Before she could continue that train of thought, a clicking sound echoed throughout the room, and her bo-staff exploded, knocking her into the wall. "You know, it's not smart to pull out a weapon like that, Yaoyorozu," Yoshihara said, grabbing the ravenette by the collar of her uniform. Her blue eyes glared daggers into Yaoyorozu's. "I don't want to do anything drastic, Yaoyorozu. But the way you've been treating me… I don't like it. In fact, I hate it. I know the other teachers haven't done anything about it, and that's because I've asked them not to," Kira stated, dropping the ravenette to the floor.

"Truth be told, Yaoyorozu, at first, I thought that you, out of everyone in the class, would've noticed something, anything, fishy about that news report," Yoshihara began, turning her back on the rich teen. "I think it's safe to say that I put too much faith in you. I mean, I can understand someone like Sero, or hell, even Bakugo not seeing anything sketchy about the situation, but you? I mean, did you only read the headline and not look at the photos? It was clear a fight broke out, was it not?"

"Y-Yeah! One that you—"

"One that I what, Yaoyorozu?" Yoshihara interrupted, snapping her attention back to the ravenette. "Oh, let me guess "one that I started!" Right? That's what you were going to say, tell me, am I wrong?" Yoshihara spat, the ravenette slowly standing up, only to be, once again, knocked to the ground by something that hit her in the face. The blow was enough to knock her into one of the desks and chip a tooth.

The ravenette was on the ground, trying to get her upper body to cooperate with her as she positioned herself in an almost sitting position. "O-ow… what… what keeps hitting me…" Yaoyorozu muttered, looking up at Kira, who looked even more imposing than she ever had before.

"You're pathetic, you know that?" The blonde insulted, making Yaoyorozu flinch. "Here I thought that you would be able to piece together the obvious and take in context clues that should've shown you the truth. But I guess you can't do that, now can you," Kira spat, Killer Queen floating ominously behind her. "But you know what truly goes to show that you're a pathetic excuse for a hero, or hell, a hero in training?" Yoshihara questioned, kneeling to Yaoyorozu's prone position on the ground, glaring at her with intense hatred.

"The answer to that is simple, Yaoyorozu. If you truly wanted to know the truth, you would've sought me out on day one for the truth. But seeing as you didn't, it only goes to show that you don't have a spine, and would rather believe what someone else told you over the facts of a situation. That! Is clear as day. If nothing else, you've proven to me that you cannot be trusted," Yoshihara continued before looking over her shoulder.

In the corner of the room was a small orb-styled camera zooming in on her. She could hear footsteps in the hallway. They weren't just any footsteps, either. They were hurried footsteps. That meant she didn't have enough time to unleash her anger on the person who had been causing it.

"I guess I'll just have to continue this humiliation of yours at the Sports Festival, Yaoyorozu. Except, it will be much, much worse. You know, because it will be on live T.V. And I, for one, am going to enjoy every last second of it. You made an enemy out of me, Momo Yaoyorozu. Most of my enemies don't get to see the light of day after I'm finished with them. But you… you will be different. And I'll make sure you're worse off for it," Kira stated, standing up to her full height, Killer Queen disappearing back into its user as she did so.

The cold look in her eyes disappeared when she saw the door open to reveal Nemuri, as well as Recovery Girl. "Kira! What the HELL are you doing?!" Nemuri near shouted, earning a scoff from the blonde. Yoshihara dusted herself off, giving one last scathing glare to Yaoyorozu.

"Evening the score, that's all. I told you as much last night about what I planned on doing. I guess I went a little overboard, though," Yoshihara replied, walking past the pro hero. "We can talk about this at home, Mom. I don't want to stay in this building any longer than I have to. Especially if it means I have to be in the same building as that pompous, pretentious, idiotic bitch I call a classmate," The blonde spat, walking out of the room, watching as Recovery Girl tended to the rich teen.

Nemuri's eye's flickered from Yaoyorozu over to Kira, then back to Yaoyorozu. The Pro Hero approached the teen and knelt to her, giving Momo a reassuring smile. "Please, tell me what happened. I know she can be a bit… rough. But I want to know what happened. I'll have plenty of time to talk to her at home, so…." Nemuri said, a reassuring look in her eyes, one that seemed to work on the teen.

"She… I… I was going to ask her what happened… what really happened. But… well… she got angry. Really angry… and it scared me. She started attacking me with something… invisible explosions, maybe… and then, and then. She just kept beating me up…." Yaoyorozu said, frowning. "I… I pulled out a bo-staff to protect myself… and she just… blew it up. She started to insult me, and… and then!—"

"It's okay," Nemuri began, standing up, a frown on her face. "I'll talk to her," the pro-hero said, turning to walk away, only to glance over her shoulder. "Although, you did bring this on yourself. You shouldn't have been provoking her over the past two weeks. I know the kind of things you've been saying to her, and while I'm not saying that what she did was right, you should have expected something like this… just, perhaps without the beating. One thing to know about Yoshihara is that she holds grudges. I've learnt that the hard way. I'm actually kinda surprised she didn't blow up your hand when you drew out a weapon. Take this as a lesson, Yaoyorozu-san," Nemuri said, giving the teen a wink, and heading for the door.

Just as she was about to leave, Nemuri turned and flashed another small smile toward the younger ravenette. "Oh, and she wasn't lying. That woman did try to kill her. I have security footage if you want any more proof. I doubt you trust Kira as far as you can throw her now, but… I do think that the footage should prove her innocence. It's why the newspapers have had those headlines die down in recent days. I decided to leak the footage on Herotube a few days back, but that didn't seem to quell the ongoing shit storm. Still, though. If you have any doubts about what happened, seek me out after the sports festival, and we'll give it a watch."

And as the older woman left, Yaoyorozu could feel her tooth pop out and re-grow in a matter of moments, Recovery girl shaking her head. "Class 1 – A… the lot of you are problem children…." The old lady said, walking out of the room, motioning Yaoyorozu to follow. As they walked, Yaoyorozu could only feel a pit grow in her stomach. She had already seen the security footage. The people on there were blurry, but she did see a fight go down.

A lot of the comments on the video decreed that it was fake and that it was made in an animation software due to how crappy the quality was. But for Midnight-Sensei to just… confirm that it was real.

"So… that leaked security footage wasn't faked… I… I'm such an idiot…"


"When you said you'd "deal with it yourself" I didn't think torturing the girl is what you had in mind!" Nemuri all but shouted at Yoshihara when they stepped through the elevator doors, arms raised for exaggeration as Yoshihara rolled her eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady! I get that she was being, for a lack of a better word, a douche-bag for the past two weeks, but torture?! That is not heroic in the slightest!"

"Says the walking Can of Chloroform," Yoshihara replied, giving a dismissive wave of her wrist. "Besides, all I did was chip a tooth. That wasn't torturing. You and I both know what true torture looks like, and it's not that," Yoshihara said, sitting down on the couch, facing Nemuri with a frown on her face, which only seemed to piss off the pro hero more.

"That is not my POINT, Kira," Nemuri glowered. For a moment, Yoshihara was actually scared. Nemuri was pissed. That was the only time she used her last name. Even back in the classroom when she barged in she used her last name.

"Oh god…. This can't be good…."

"I know damn well I taught you better than that. It's one thing to kill villains, which is something I shouldn't let you get into the habit of doing, but attacking a classmate is strictly forbidden. The only two exceptions are if you have to for training's sake, or if they attack you first or have done something horrendous to you in the past. Bullying is NOT one of those things. Do I make myself clear, Kira?"

Yoshihara frowned. As much as she wanted to argue against what Nemuri had said, she couldn't deny that she was right. "I understand…" The blonde muttered, Nemuri sighing as she sat next to Yoshihara.

"Look at me, Yoshi-chan," Nemuri began, the blonde glancing up at the pro. "I know that the things that Yaoyorozu said were downright cruel. I understand that she took things too far. I'm not mad at you for sticking up for yourself. However, to go out of your way to torture someone because they said some particularly nasty things to you is not worth it. You owe her an apology, as she does to you. Okay?"

Yoshihara didn't respond right away. She was too busy thinking about what she had done. In all honesty, she could've done worse. But she didn't. Perhaps that was for the better. Ever since he showed up to help her unlock Sheer Heart Attack after that bitch showed up, she had noticed that there were certain things she had begun to do that were, for the most part, uncharacteristically strange.

She could usually keep her anger in check, but as of late, as demonstrated with Yaoyorozu, Yoshihara had a hard time keeping it in line. Of course, he hadn't shown up since that bitch died; which was a good thing. Despite him being the sole reason as to why she had been able to unlock Sheer Heart Attack, that man's ghost gave off a lot of "warning, do not trust" sirens in Yoshihara's head.

Whoever he was, he was bad news.

"Yeah… I understand," Yoshihara stated, looking over to Nemuri, who nodded. The ravenette gave Yoshihara a quick hug, then got up from the couch and walked toward the elevator. Yoshihara raised an eyebrow and stood up from the couch herself. "Uh, where are you going?"

Nemuri stopped midstride and looked over her shoulder, flashing the blonde a quick smile. "Oh, I'm just going to pick up supplies for the party tonight. When I come back, I want you to be ready in the dress I bought you, okay?" Nemuri said, the blonde raising an eyebrow, Nemuri sighing in response.

"Don't tell me you forgot, Yoshi-chan. Well, regardless. I want you in that dress by the time I get home. I don't want to have to wait for you to get ready. I booked the whole bar last night from 6:30 PM to 3:00 AM. I don't want to be late. Okay?" Nemuri continued, turning back to walk toward the elevator. Once the ravenette got inside, she gave Yoshihara a small wave, then pressed the button to leave, the elevator doors closing soon after.

As Yoshihara sat back down on the couch, she felt the urge to facepalm skyrocket. She forgot entirely about the party that was supposed to happen tonight. To be fair to her, she had been so caught up in training for the Sports Festival that she had completely forgotten about the party.

Hell, she had even, begrudgingly, allowed Nemuri to convince her to get a dress to wear for the party. Yoshihara had tried it on last night, and, to be honest, she didn't like it all too much. But, for Nemuri's sake, she was going to wear it.

The dress in question was a pink, short skirt dress where the skirt went down to just above the knees. Since Nemuri picked out the dress, the midriff was exposed, much to her chagrin. To make up for that, she wore a black, skintight shirt underneath it. The reason? She didn't want anyone to see her scars. That was why.

The top of the dress covered everything up adequately, only leaving the area around her neck and shoulders exposed. The top and bottom portions were connected via thick pink strings of fabric, clipped in by star buttons. They also came with fishnet stockings, but those were linked with bad memories at the club, so she blew them up with Killer Queen, and decided to wear her school's stockings instead.

Oh, and she wore shorts underneath the skirt too. She trusted Izuku since he was going to be there, but she didn't want to flash anyone with her underwear by accident. Therefore, she was going to wear a pair of shorts underneath the skirt.

Doing as Nemuri had asked her to do, Yoshihara got up from the couch and walked toward her room. Once she got inside, she closed the door, pulled down the drapes of her window, then stripped down to nothing but her underwear and bra.

Quickly after she did that, she put her school uniform in a pile by the door, then walked over to her closet, which was where the dress hung, waiting to be worn. Plucking it off the hanger, she placed the dress on her bed, then dug around in her dresser for the black skintight shirt she had bought to go with the dress.

Once she found it, she slipped it overtop her body, the shirt doing everything in its power to show off her chest and abs.

Thankfully, she was flat-chested, but still, even if that had been the case, it still showed off what there was to show off, and in the process, it made her breasts stand out more than they should have. Much to her pleasure, as well as to her sanity, she was going to have something over top of that. That didn't mean, however, that it wasn't embarrassing.

The next thing she did was grab a pair of black shorts to match the black shirt. After slipping those on, she grabbed a clean set of black knee-high stockings. Finally, she then put on the dress. It covered up everything else, leaving a lot for the imagination, while also not doing so at the same time. Once she was done getting changed, she grabbed her dirty laundry and left her bedroom.

The first stop she made was the laundry room. It had been right next to Nemuri's room. It had no door, making it easy to access. Turning on the light, she looked for the white laundry basket before dropping her school uniform into it.

Yoshihara was originally going to just put it into the washer, but seeing as Nemuri didn't have anything else in the basket, it would've been a waste to use the washing machine for JUST her uniform. That, and she had a spare, that way in case her first uniform got damaged, she could just wear the other one.

Once that was done, she turned out the light and made her way to her second stop, that being the bathroom. As soon as she stepped inside, she flicked the lights on, grabbed the hairbrush on the counter, then got to work straightening out her hair, and getting all the knots out. After she finished doing that, she decided to put her hair into a short ponytail.

Satisfied with her work, Yoshihara then brushed her teeth for the second time that day, rinsed off the toothbrush, then turned out the light and returned to her room.

As soon as she got inside, she plucked the fifth volume of Fire Force off the shelf and began reading it, sitting down on her bed as she did so. As she read, her eyes drifted off the page and over to a bag that sat beside her bed. "Strange… when did that get there?" Yoshihara muttered, closing the book, and placing it beside her on her bed as she reached over to the bag. Upon picking up the bag, and upon looking inside of it, her eyes widened. Inside was a card, as well as a wrapped-up gift.

"A birthday present? But my birthday isn't for another 5 months?" Yoshihara muttered, taking the card out of the bag and opening it. The front of the card read "CONGRATULATIONS" in all big letters, with an illustration of a smiling pink cat. When she opened up the card, inside was a 10K yen note, and off to the left was a written message.

Congratulations on getting into U.A., Kira-san! I hope to join you in the hero course in the upcoming week. I know it might not mean much to you, but I put a 10k yen note inside the card. As my mom says, don't spend it immediately. I don't really know what I should've got you as a congratulations gift, so… I kinda just bought whatever I thought you might like. I noticed then when we talked in Aldera that you were gushing about pre-Quirk-Era Manga, so I decided to do some research, and I think I found something you'd like. It's an entire box set. It was pretty cheap, all things considered. I'm sorry if it was something you already had.

From – Izuku Midoriya!

Yoshihara's eyes practically widened out of her sockets. Metaphorically speaking, of course. After reading the note, she kinda felt stupid. How had she NOT noticed this before? Better yet, why didn't Izuku just… give it to her when he showed up that day? Was he… nervous?

Whatever, that hadn't been the point. She was still reeling from the fact that Izuku had got her something in the first place! But why? Why did he get her something for no reason? Was that a normal thing? Should she have gotten him something, too? The blonde looked at the card and took the 10K yen note. She was going to use it to get him something at some point.

He did idolize All Might, so maybe she could get him something All Might-related. That was a possibility.

The blonde looked over to the present inside the bag and slowly took it out. The wrapping paper was a basic black and white colour. It kind of reminded her of Death the Kid due to how it was styled. She placed the present on her bed and carefully began ripping off the wrapping paper. Once she finished, Yoshihara stared at the boxset in front of her.

The box had several characters on the front, all looking behind them, while two other characters were looking forward, one being blind in the right eye, while the other looked perfectly fine. The character who was blind in one eye wore a green and black checker-styled Haori, as well as some sort of uniform underneath it. The girl next to him wore a black haori, underneath which was a pink kimono with what seemed like snowflake patterns.

Friends, perhaps? Maybe lovers? They didn't look similar enough to be siblings. She'd probably have to actually read it before coming to any conclusions.

The two were holding red spider lilies; a common way to represent the dead. On the other side of the box looked to be two characters fighting, one of them looking to have been using some sort of body modification Quirk. Though, considering this was written in the pre-Quirk era, it had to have been some sort of special ability that wasn't a Quirk.

Overall, the box itself looked cool. She would probably keep it and have it on the top shelf, just to be its own thing, along with the other two boxsets of Soul Eater and Fire Force.

"Demon Slayer… hmm…." Yoshihara muttered, crumpling up the wrapping paper and throwing it into the garbage can by her desk. The Blonde picked up the boxset and walked over to her bookshelf. She began placing each volume on her shelf, right in between Soul Eater and Fire Force. After overlooking her growing collection of Manga, Yoshihara couldn't help but smirk.

She looked back inside the box and found a double-sided poster, as well as a little booklet. Just like the other posters, they'd have to wait until she got something to put them on before putting them on the walls of her bedroom.

"I'll have to thank Izuku at the party. That must've been expensive for them to purchase. Most boxsets, especially vintage ones like these are usually 50k Yen. Though he did say this was pretty cheap, so maybe it was 25K Yen. Plus the 10K yen note he put in that card. He really didn't need to do that. I feel so spoiled…" Yoshihara muttered. She couldn't help but feel a little bashful at Izuku's expensive spending. Something that she wouldn't get used to.

Again, she'd have to pay back the favour. She just didn't know how to yet.

As the blonde sat back down on her bed, she looked up at her bookshelf with a sense of pride. In reality, she had been saving up to get the Demon Slayer boxset. Her job as the receptionist of Nemuri's Love Hotel had been paying her well, but seeing as now that she was making money, a part of her paycheque went to the bills for the suite, while another portion went to chipping in with the groceries.

Considering her paycheques usually ranged from around 15K Yen to 25K Yen, depending on how many shifts she worked, it left her with around 7K Yen to 10K Yen, and that was after taxes. Yoshihara didn't know if it was just dumb luck, or if he had a feeling she'd like that series in particular, but whatever the case was, she was glad that Izuku bought it for her.

As she waited for Nemuri to come home, she decided to finish the fifth volume of Fire Force, then move on to the sixth volume directly after the fact. After all, when one did not have homework, and when one had no up-and-coming tests to study for, reading Manga was the best time killer. Besides, it wasn't as if she had anything to be worried about.

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