
Chapter 22

Izuku was doing push ups in his room. After having enough wealth, the Midoriya duo have left their apartment and bought their own house.

Which was a 7500 sq ft, two story mansion with five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a first floor master suite, a pool, garage, a kitchen, a mini bar, and an underground floor for the mini gym.

Their mansion is located in a rather affluent area in Musutafu city, in fact, Momo's villa was rather close to his home.

Since Momo's home was rather far from Musutafu where U.A is located, she was given a villa by her parents and she lived there together with Melissa and several maids, butlers, gardeners, and drivers.

Walking from his house to Momo's will take about twenty minutes. Less than that if you jog, ride a bike, or a car.

Izuku's room was rather big, enough to fit a queen of bed, a large closet, six PC monitors, a fifty-five inch TV, and still have room for more.

He also has a shelf for his trophies and medals from his time of winning tournaments. He also has a lot of hero merchandize, most are rare and limited edition.

Knock! Knock!

"Izu? You there?"

"Come in in mom, the door's open." Said Izuku, not even pausing while doing his pushups.

The door opens, and a beautiful middle aged woman with green hair and green eyes walks in. Izuku sometimes wondered how come her mother looks like she hadn't aged a bit.

Her slim and curvy figure is something that many women would kill for. And since Izuku's father, Hisashi, died when he was born, Inko has been getting a lot of suitors lately.

However, Inko was already satisfied with Izuku, and she was always busy managing her restaurant and doesn't have time for going out on a date or something.

Inko stared at her son who was more focused on his pushups than her and couldn't help but shake her head and smiled, waving the envelope on her hand.

"Looks like you don't have time for this letter from U.A?"

"Where!?" Izuku flashed in front of Inko, who just smiled at her son, not even the least startled as it already happened a lot of times.

She handed the letter to her son, "It says there that it's for your eyes only. I'll be in the kitchen, tell me the results later."

Giving him a kiss on the cheek, she then went out of his room and proceed to HER kitchen.

Izuku closed the door of his room, and placed the letter onto his desk and sat down, staring nervously at the letter.

He knew that he has enough points to pass, but still he couldn't help but be nervous. What if his points were deducted? What if there is a secret test which he failed?

However, after a few moments of silence, he grabbed both sides of the letter and tore it apart with one pull.

Out of the letter, a small circular device came out and landed onto his desk with a small clink.

The device then activated and projected a holographic video of All Might wearing a yellow and black striped suit.

"I am here, as a projection!" All Might said with a close up of his face.

Izuku's eyes widened in shock as he looked from the ripped envelope to All Might. 'What the-!? Isn't this letter from U.A? Then why is All Might...unless he was-'

"You must be surprised, aren't you? To tell you the truth, I came to this town in order to become a teacher at U.A!"

Izuku knew that he should feel excited, but for some reason, he wasn't impressed. All Might is a great trainer, but he sucks at being a teacher.

Though, Izuku also has to admit that All Might has improved his teaching skills after months of teaching him, Katsuki, Momo, and Melissa.

Izuku decided to give him the benefit of doubt.

All Might pointed a finger to the screen, "Now that I've said that, let's move on to the reason for this letter! Izuku Midoirya, your performance on the exam was spectacular! You showed great strength and skills eliminating all of those robots! But what the judges were impressed about the most, was your heroic heart!"

Izuku smirked, "So I was right, there is another way to gain points through helping others."

"You see Midoriya, the exam wasn't solely graded on villain points... There was a whole other category!" He crossed his arms into a dramatic pose. "Rescue points!"

"I totally got it." he smirked.

"It's the other basic ability we at U.A look at! The whole job of a hero requires risking one's own life to save others after all! It was graded by a number of judges here at the school!"

The screen then changed to show Izuku's name with his scores.

"Villain points, with a total of 113 points! And hero points, with a total of 85 points! Coming to a total of 198 points! One of the highest points anyone has ever gotten since the founding of U.A!"

Izuku clenched his fist with a grin, he can feel excitement bubbling inside him. He felt like he could run a few times around Musutafu and he will still have energy to spare!

"You pass, by an exceptional amount." All Might then turned back to Izuku and offered his hand towards the screen. "Come, young Midoirya. This is your hero academia!"

"YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" He screamed loudly as he stood up.

On the kitchen with Inko. The single mom was washing a rice—'she may own an Italian restaurant, but she's also a Japanese, and like most of them, she like rice'—when she suddenly heard her son screaming.

She smiled and looked up with a proud expression, "I guess he passed then. I better cook his favorite to celebrate."

Back to Izuku. The ninth sat back down after screaming, and when he was about to contact his friends, the scene changed, and showed the top ten students in the exams.

(Rank/Name/Villain Points/Rescue Points/Total Points)

1st—Izuku Midoriya: 113 Villain Points/ 85 Rescue Points= 198 Total Points

2nd—2nd Katsuki Bakugo: 102 Villain Points/ 60 Rescue Points= 162 Total Points

3rd—Ochako Uraraka: 50 Villain Points/ 45 Rescue Points= 95 Total Points

4th—Eijiro Kirishima: 53 Villain Points/ 30 Rescue Points= 83 Total Points

5th—Tenya Iida: 52 Villain Points/ 20 Rescue Points=72 Total Points

6th—Ibara Shiozaki: 36 Villain Points/32 Rescue Points=68 Total Points

7th—Itsuka Kendo: 25 Villain Points/40 Rescue Points=65 Total Points

8th—Tesutesu Tesutesu: 49 Villain Points/ 10 Rescue Points=59 Total Points

9th—Fumikage Tokoyami: 47 Villain Points/ 10 Rescue Points=57 Total Points

10th—Hitoshi Shinso: 12 Villain Points/ 44 Rescue Points= 56 Total Points

"Ha!" Izuku laughed seeing that he was in first place, "Take that Katsuki Bakugo! I got first place!"

He quickly took out his phone, "Hehe! Let's see what his reaction is...hehe."


On a different city from Musutafu, on a room inside a certain house, a purple haired young man was staring at the holographic image of the ranking board.

More precisely, on his name.

10th—Hitoshi Shinso: 12 Villain Points/ 44 Rescue Points= 56 Total Points

"I..." Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes when he saw that. Not only did he get into U.A, he was one of the top ten students who passed as well!

Suddenly, the door of his room opened and a middle aged woman with a long curly purple hair walks in. She walked towards Shinso and hugged him from behind.

Sniffles. Shinso turned towards the woman with a teary eyes, "See that mom? Even with this villainous Quirk of mine...I, too, can become a hero."

The woman smiled, "Yes, yes you can my dear son."

Shinso clenched his fist, as his thoughts went back towards a certain press conference a few months ago.

He was watching the live interview of the Four Stars, the four people around his age who are guaranteed to leave their names in History.

When he saw the green haired teen, Izuku Midoriya fighting side by side with All Might, he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel any jealousy.

'If only he has a Quirk like that', 'If only I wasn't born with this villainous quirk', thoughts like that invaded his mind.

However, a certain words said by Midoriya during the conference lit up something in his heart.

'A true hero is not measured by the size of their strength, but by the strength of their heart,' those words echoed in his mind and filled him with energy.

After that, he decided to dig Midoriya's past, and he couldn't help but feel astonished and ashamed.

Midoriya was Quirkless for the majority of his life, but even so, he did not let it bring him down, instead, he pushed through and denied his weakness.

He trained in various martial arts since he was child, and became one of the best fighters after winning the Junior League of the Golden Fist tournament.

And his hard work was rewarded when he awakened his Quirk, which was powerful enough that it lets him contend with the Symbols of Peace himself!

Seeing all his achievements, Shinso couldn't help but feel ashamed. Here was a guy who probably suffered more than he did due to being Quirkless, but still achieved a lot of things.

Yet what did Shinso do? Nothing. He drown himself in self pity and depression, wasting his time getting jealous of others for having a 'heroic' quirk.

He really doesn't have the right to be jealous of Midoriya when he actually worked hard for everything.

It was a week after that conference that Shinso decided to change himself for the better. He went to the gym to train his body, and joined a Dojo to learn how to fight.

And during the U.A practical exams, he only destroyed 3 two-pointers and 6 one-pointers, and help the other examinees who he sees are in trouble.

He actually thought that he failed the exams, but who would've thought that there is a little twist and he passed.

All his efforts for the past months has finally been rewarded!

Shinso looked at the first rank, and smiled, 'Izuku Midoriya, it was all thanks to you that I achieved these. I hope we'll be in the same class so I can properly thank you.'

Next chapter