
Chapter 17

Izuku, Momo, Bakugo and an unconscious Melissa was back to their yacht and put Melissa on a bed with Momo making sure she was okay.

"Shit," Bakugo cursed as he stood at the deck of the yacht. He was actually blaming himself for what happened, after all it was he who told Melissa to try checking the cave again, and look what happened!

"Just what the fuck is hiding there!?" He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"It's not your fault."

Bakugo turned around and saw Izuku walking towards him while holding two canned drinks and tossed one at him.

He caught it and immediately opened it before drinking it all in one go and threw it at the trashcan at the side.

"Of course it's my fault!" He glared at Izuku, "If I didn't tell her to go and check the cave again then this wouldn't have happened!"

Izuku shook his head, "If you didn't tell her to do that then we'd surely enter the cave without knowing the danger in it, and our lives will probably be in danger."

Bakugo sat down on the floor and grabbed his hair and bit his lips, "...Still. I couldn't stop blaming myself for this!"

Izuku sighed, "If that's the case then we were all partly at fault. Monkey Elder already warned us that the place is dangerous yet we didn't listen."

Bakugo remained silent.

Hearing some footsteps, both Bakugo and Izuku turned their heads and saw Momo who now wore a lose white shirt over her bikini was walking towards them.

Bakugo quickly stood up and went towards her, "How's Melissa? Is she fine?"

Izuku crossed his arms and listened from the side.

Momo looked at Bakugo and nodded, "She's physically fine at least. Medmax made sure of it,"

Bakugo sighed in relief as did Izuku. Medmax is a bot made by David Shield himself to help the hospitals in I-Islands, Medmax is a medical expert and only a one of the few in this world.

They were thankful that whatever causes the device to malfunction in the island doesn't affect anything outside it, so Medmax is still completely functional.

"When will she wake up?" Asked Izuku.

"Medmax estimated that she should wake up in around three hours." Said Momo, "But nevertheless, we should still get her a real doctor just to be sure. I don't really trust robots and such due to that 'Virus Incident' years ago."

They winced, remembering that incident that was surely recorded in history books, the incident where an A.I called 'V.I.R.U.S' which stands for Virtually Intelligent Record Utility System, almost took over the world.

Virus was an A.I that UN poured their wealth into making. It's objective was to protect Earth from any and all domestic and possibly extraterrestrial threats coming within the future.

Virus however soon deemed humanity itself as the greatest threat to peace on the Earth and attempted to create it's technological singularity by committing genocide against them.

The A.I, along with its army of robots and androids completely demolished every Heroes who are sent after them. They planned to use a device and pull the Moon to Earth.

Virus nearly succeeded with this, but its plans were foiled by All Might, Nezu the principal of U.A, David Shield, and along with hundreds of Heroes from all over the world.

In the end, Virus was destroyed by Principal Nezu.

"...Yeah, you're right. We could probably ask Recovery Girl, she's one of the best doctor in Japan." Said Izuku, "Trustworthy too."

"Let's go then," said Bakugo, "Let's not waste some time here. But one day, one I became strong enough, I will surely go inside that cave and kill the one who did this to Melissa!"

Momo smiled, "Let me in on that. I will cut that thing into pieces."

Izuku grinned, "Oh yeah? I'll smash that thing into bloody pulp! I'll leave some for Melissa too, I'm sure she also wanted to take revenge."

The three laughed, completely oblivious to the fact that they are planning ways to murder something...or someone.

---A few Hours Later---


"She's waking up! Medmax call Izu and Katsuki!"

"At once lady Momo."

"Melissa...Melissa are you with me?"

Melissa groggily opened her eyes, staring at the blurry face of her friend and sister in all but blood. "Mo..mo?"

Momo broke into a smile of relief, "Oh thank god. Are you alright? Any headaches? Memory loss? How many fingers am I holding up?"

Melissa couldn't help but giggle at her friend's reaction, "...I'm fine Momo. I feel a bit dizzy, I don't think I loss some memories either, and you're holding two fingers."

"Oh..." Momo sighed in relief, before her onyx eyes narrowed, "How would you know that you didn't lost any of your memories? Tell me who's your father?"

Melissa rolled her eyes but decided to humor her, "David Shield is my father."

"Uncle? You know, the pro hero one."

"Uncle Might, or Toshinori Yagi."

"Your crush?"

"Izuku Mido—...what?" She stared at Momo who covered her mouth with her hand and was looking at her with a wide smile.

"I knew it!" Momo jumped in excitement. Though she pushed the rather uncomfortable feeling on her chest as she gushed at her friend.

Melissa blushed and was about to speak up when the door suddenly opened, as Bakugo and Izuku walked in.

The blonde inventor's face turned even redder seeing Izuku coming close to her.

Izuku narrowed his eyes and placed the back of his hand on her forehead before turning towards Momo, "You said she's physically fine? I knew it! That Medmax cannot be trusted!"

He stood up and was about to search for the medical robot when Melissa grabbed his hand.

"It's fine Izu," she said with a small smile, her cheeks still has a hint of red, "I'm alright, Momo just said something that really embarrassed me."

Izuku stared at her and sighed, "If you say so." He then glanced at Momo who look away, conveying that she doesn't want to talk about it.

Melissa smiled before turning towards Bakugo who couldn't look at her on the eyes.


"I'm sorry."

Melissa just smiled, "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself over this."

"I ain't blaming myself! Shut up!" Bakugo roared before crossing his arms and glared at her. "I just felt sorry for your weak self! Nothing more! Don't go around and saying wrong things about people! You got that!?"

The three just chuckled at his words, annoying the blonde bomber even further.

"Anyway," Izuku started after he calmed down as everyone turned towards him, "Melissa, I'm sorry for this but, can you tell us what you saw in there?"

"Izu..." Momo frowned in disapproval, their friend just suffered from the experience for god sake!

"It's fine," Melissa smiled as she sat up and turned looked at her friends, "I didn't really saw anything there aside from darkness and...a pair of deadly and malicious red eyes."

"Eyes?" Izuku frowned and began rubbing his chin, "Could it be another animal that got a Quirk?"

"Maybe aliens?" Katsuki offered with a shrug as the others stared at him, "What? It's not in the realm of impossibility!"

"He's...right," said Momo, "There are theories that Quirks are related to extraterrestrial life forms. Though not proven, no one can also deny the possibility of it."

They went silent, contemplating Momo's words.

Izuku looked at his friends and sighed, "Enough of that, we won't know anything unless we go there and find out ourselves. And sad to say, I don't think I'll be going there until I can safely use at least fifty percent of One for All."

Momo nodded, "Indeed. Though I'm really curious, after all we might find some clues about the beginning of Quirks."

"Meh," Bakugo shrugs, "It's not worth risking our lives."

"I know." Said Momo, "Anyway, let's go get you a real doctor. I don't really have much trust on robots even if it was made by your father. No offense."

"None taken." Melissa giggled.

Izuku smiled and clapped his hands, earning him the attention of his friends.

"Alright," he turned towards Bakugo, "Katsuki, you come with me and bring back our things from there on the island, Momo stay here with Melissa."

They nodded as Bakugo Izuku went out of the yacht, leaving Momo and Melissa alone.

The creation girl sat down beside Melissa and smiled, "So...Izuku huh?"

Melissa blushed and threw a pillow on her friend's face, "Shut up!"

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