
My Hero Academia: Ajin Gamer

Join our discord! https://discord.gg/zf87PSe It's fun talking to haters and people who like my garbage! My grammar considerably improved from my latest novels which I deleted btw. Check out my patreon and support me! https://www.patreon.com/AkiHuiWriting?fan_landing=true ************** First volume is about Izuku's childhood. It's pretty much about shaping Izuku's and other character's personalities. It's also a relationship development arc. Second Volume will be much more darker with people dying and there would be mature content with 18+ scenes as well. -------------------------------------------------- Cover was drawn by myself. Obviously, I don't own BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA NOR IT'S CHARACTERS... Well I added some of my own characters to the list. Chapter releases will most of the time be 1 per day when I don't have any work. Right now I am trying to make 2 per day but I am a soldier. I go on missions and I am not always available. I also have life. Please do understand. ALSO IT IS GENDER BENDER SO PLEASE, REFRAIN FROM SPAMMING ME ABOUT HE,SHE GRAMMAR, CUZ I MAKE SURE THOSE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT.

Disappoinment · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

Troubled Midnight RE:W

A tall and attractive woman in her late twenties could be seen walking towards a certain door.

Her name is Nemuri Kayama and her pro hero name is Midnight.

She has beautiful aqua eyes and a gorgeous face.

She has been a hero for a long time. She defeated tons of strong villains and saved many people. Her fame as a sadist is widely known to almost every person.

Currently, she was being summoned by the principal of the U.A. the prestigious and the best hero academy in Japan together, with a hero called Edgeshot.

Their mission, was to go to the Junior High to look at the results of the Hero and the IQ tests.

She entered the door and greeted the principal.

"I have arrived, sir."

"Ah, Midnight, welcome."

A small furry creature replied.

Even though it's such a cute animal and she couldn't help herself from smiling every time she saw him, she still tried to hide her smile, since it would be disrespectful towards her superior.

Even though she likes to fool around, she takes her job seriously.

Edgeshot, who was also in the room, was trying to avoid eye contact with the R rated hero Midnight.

"Ah, Edgeshot-san. Hello there...Cutiepie." Midnight spotted her new prey and licked her lips.

"A-ah hello there, Midnight!"

Edgeshot never had an experience with a woman before, despite his age.

He ended up pursuing the will of a ninja, as he preserved his virginity.

He could resist most women, but Midnight was an exception.

Her way of talking and her clothing were too direct for him to handle.

Even though he knew that she was just teasing him, he couldn't help but gulp when he looked at her clothes.

'These are too revealing! Change your costume, woman!'

"Ara Ara, see something you like Edgeshot-san?" Midnight teased him.

"No! I will not let my desires take control of me! That is a path of a true ninja. Yeah!" Edgeshot screamed.

"What a perv... What did you think I would do with you? Heh."

Midnight smiled but deep down she felt really miserable since she wasn't able to find a good man.

She is almost in her thirties. But she was a virgin, how sad.

Teasing and flirting are for fun and enjoyment but she would never do it with a person she doesn't know anything about.

She pretty much enjoys torturing her opponents, but she wants to feel the warmth of love at least once in her life and the biological clocks were ticking.

God, who knows what would have happened if someone knew that she didn't have any experience despite being so flirty and old. She would be teased till the end of her times and her image as a dominatri- *Cough* Hero, would be ruined.

"I am glad that at least some of you top heroes are friends." The principal smiled at their interaction.

He placed his small paws on the desk and continued.

"I cannot say the same about All Might and Endeavor. The top 2 best heroes in Japan. Endeavor is visibly pissed at being unable to surpass All Might.

Of course, being the best has its own price.

He needs to remain undefeated, or else, people will lose hope in heroes. Not to mention his popularity forced him, into going to America for a while because the media didn't even allow him to leave his house. The poor man can't even go out shopping normally, because he has to wear a disguise to get some food haha." the innocent creature laughed at All Might's misfortune.

"I see, that is certainly annoying. I am one of the top heroes myself and I get really annoyed at these fans that keep on disturbing me as well. I can't imagine what is it like for sir All Might" Edgeshot sighed in admiration.

"Anyway, now that both of you are here, let's get going."

The principal stood up and walked towards the door.

"I've received a call, that there are 2 amazing students at Huei elementary school. One of them is also a special case."

Both of the top heroes looked confused and asked, "What do you mean by that sir Nezu?"

"He is quirkless. Supposedly. However, despite being quirkless, his intelligence is most likely higher than mine." Nezu calmly smiled.

"Pardon my language, but that's just a bunch of crap." Midnight shook her head. I won't believe that a quirkless kid is more intelligent than you are, sir. That's just impossible."

Midnight refused to believe his words. There is just no way that a kid is smarter than him because principal Nezu has an intelligence enhancing quirk. He had proved time and time again that his intelligence was unparallel compared to anyone else in the world.

"Well, I agree that I am pretty intelligent thanks to my unique quirk, but we cannot rule out the possibility that there is no one better than me. Remember, remain humble, as there is always someone better than you."

Nezu looked away from her and said, "Life is full of wonders kid. Not even god can predict the outcome of the future."

Nemuri thought that his words made sense and she didn't talk about the issue any further.


"Listen up students!"

Both Katsuro and Izuku listened closely to the principal, afraid that they will not hear something important that he wants to say.

"Do you know about the prestigious U.A. Hero Academy?"

Both of them nodded.

"I believe that Midoriya has heard about the principal of the U.A. but how about you Bakugo?"

Katsuro looked confused, but Izuku nodded and said, "Yes, I know of him. He is the smartest person with an intelligence strengthening quirk.

He unites the heroes in the academy as a great leader that supports heroes as much as he can and while he was accepted as a principal recently, he already made changes that helped tons of people." Izuku said with a voice full of passion.

"That's correct. I just called him. He should be here any minute now." the Principal replied.

"Actually I am already here haha."

A cute response came from behind the closed doors, following which 3 people entered the room.

"Whose damn pet is this and why can it speak?" Katsuro growled.

She actually loved cute things but it would be too embarrassing for anyone to know so she acted tough.

"Hey! Watch your mouth brat! You are speaking to the principal of the U.A." Midnight shouted.

Katsuro looked at the animal in front of her, with a confusion evident on her face.

"Oi, Tits. Is that true?" Katsuro asked.

"Of course it is, he is the symbol of our acade- wait! You brat! Why are you calling me Tits?!"

"Because tits are fat. You are fat if you have big tits and your tits are swaying with every move you make. It's evident that you are a fat pig." Katsuro replied with a hint of jealousy. She was already 12 but there were still no signs of growing.

Tears welled up in Midnight's eyes, as she clenched her fists.

"Y-You brat! That's the only redeeming point I have as a woman! Don't take it away!"

Meanwhile, Nezu just smiled. He silently observed both the boy and the girl in the room.

'The boy is supposed to be quirkless and the girl has an explosion quirk fused from her parent's quirks. That also explains her temper.'

He then looked at Midnight and Katsuro and saw that Midnight was close to crying. "Now now... Let's not be so unfriendly, we didn't come here to fight, Midnight." He wanted to resolve the situation but it was pointless.

"This is personal, Nezu! I can't back down!"

"Stay out of this, fluffy cat!"

Both of them shouted at him and started throwing more insults at each other.

Looking at their reaction, Nezu was speechless and didn't know what to do.

Izuku looked at the commotion and sighed.

'This is gonna be my whole day, isn't it?'