
My Hero Academia: A New Generation

This story takes place after the graduation of Deku and the rest of class 1A when a new classroom of heroes takes up the mantle. The world agrees to send young heroes to train and learn customs from all over the world to bring the the world closer together against villainy! you can go to https://www.instagram.com/amethyst_stone93/ For artwork of my new class 1A. Please leave feedback, I want to improve my writing!

Amethyst_Stone · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Quirk Introduction

It all began in the town of Qing Qing, China. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light! After that, reports of people with superpowers popped up across the globe. Time passed and we couldn't explain the cause of these phenomena. Very quickly the "paranormal" became "normal" and dreams became reality! The World became a super human society, and about 80% of the world population possessing some uncanny ability we called Quirks. Disorder swirled around the world and our streets looked like scenes from comic books. It is in these circumstances that the profession that everyone dreamed of came under the spotlight, it became the "Age oh Heroes"!

With the rise of super powers came an explosive increase in criminal activity. While governments were trying to figure out how to reform laws with Quirks in mind, courageous men and women started performing heroic acts to keep our cities safe. Protecting us against villains who abused their powers for evil. With overwhelming public support, heroes found an official place as peacekeepers, overseen by the government. Those who performed the best were paid the most and got all the fame and glory. Their careers depended on their ability to stay in the spotlight.

My name is Kyū Shippo, and I plan on becoming one of those famous heroes!