
The League of Villains Attack! (4/4)



The villains started their assault. Various kinds of Quirks were thrown at the hero group. However, before the villains could gloat in happiness, many of them were suddenly being frozen on the spot.

Todoroki used his Quirk to freeze a large area of the battlefield. His control over his Quirk was quite good since only the villains were affected by this attack.


Not wanting to be left behind, Bakugo used his Quirk [Explosion] to blast the villains away.

The attack power of his Quirk was extremely formidable and since the battlefield was quite wide, he didn't have to worry about the consequences like in the battle trial.

"DIE!!" shouted Bakugo literally after every attack.

Not wanting to be outclassed by the two, the others also attacked. Mina and Kirishima, who both had occasionally trained with me back then, coordinated quite well with each other. The durability Kirishima's Quirk [Hardening] gave him was excellent for both delivering attacks and receiving them.

Midoriya had a slightly harder time than the others since he still couldn't fully control his Quirk. Although I had already given him a hint for improving his control over his Quirk, it still happened only a few days ago. He needed more time to experiment with it and to properly control and use it.

All in all, Class 1-A were doing exceptionally well in their first fight against villains, but naturally, the one who dealt the most damage on the villains was the Pro Hero, Thirteen.

Thirteen's Quirk allowed her to suck in many villains and immobilize them.

"What the hell is up with these kids?"

"How are we losi-.. Arghhh!!"

The villains finally got flustered and panicked. They did not imagine that the opponents in front of them, who they had looked down upon, were actually that strong.

Forget the Pro Hero here, even the kids were overwhelming them. There were clearly some of the students who could overwhelm them alone, and those who couldn't cooperated with the others and did it with teamwork.

The battle got more and more heated between the two sides. Although the hero side had the advantage in the fight, there were still a lot more villains present for them defeat. It won't be that easy.

Unbeknownst to any of them, the until now unconscious Kurogiri slowly started to wake up..


- Central Plaza -

"No use, huh? Really? Then let's try this, shall we?" I muttered under my breath and immediately distanced myself from the Nomu.

The Nomu mostly relied on his instinct to fight, so when he saw me running away from him, he immediately chased after me.

It quickly became a game of cat and mouse. Naturally, Shigaraki was happy to see that, because he thought that I finally couldn't go on anymore and thus was instead escaping from the Nomu.

Seeing that the Nomu was continuously on my heels, I decided to use a different approach.

"Sensei, close your eyes!!" I shouted towards Aizawa-sensei.

Although it was extremely dangerous for him to close his eyes in the midst of an encirclement, he somehow trusted me and did what I told him to without delay.

I placed my hands close to the center of my face with the fingers spread toward my eyes and used the technique that I had recently learned.


Suddenly, an extremely bright, white light projected towards the surroundings and blinded everyone watching.

This technique was called 'Taiyoken' or 'Solar Flare'. It was used by many of the 'Z-Figthers' and was effective even against the stronger opponents. This technique was defensive rather than offensive, and it was mainly used as a way to gain the upper hand, in order to make a hasty retreat, or to set up for a more complicated attack without fear of interruption.

Obviously I used it for the latter reason. While everyone, except for me and Aizawa-sensei, got blinded by the bright light, which by the way could also be seen from the location of the other battlefield, I instantly distanced myself from the Nomu and flew up, since I now had gained enough time to do so.

Razor-sharp discs of energy formed above my two hands.

'Destructo Disc'. That was my other plan. Since this monster had such an absurd regeneration, I should just slice off his limbs to bring him nearer to his limit.

"HAA!!" I shouted and threw the attacks on the Nomu.

Other than Aizawa-sensei, no one else could see what I was currently doing. The Destructo Discs flew towards Nomu, intending to cut off his limbs.

But even though Nomu couldn't see right now, he still managed to somehow, narrowly dodge the attacks since he was mostly relying on his instinct. But even though my attacks didn't manage to fully fulfill their purposes, they still managed to graze his body and inflicte him with many cut wounds.

Furthermore, I didn't stop my assault at all. Discs after discs flew towards the Nomu. I kinda had a déjà-vu doing this.

And finally.. After several more discs, two of them lastly succeeded in cutting off his limbs. To be precise, his right arm and left leg had been cleanly cut off.


The Nomu loudly screeched in immense pain. And hearing the Nomu cried out in pain, the currently blinded Shigaraki was more than shocked.

"What happened?!" He couldn't see right now, but he was sure that something didn't go as planned.

The Nomu was bleeding heavily from his severed limbs, but dozens of seconds later, his immense regeneration ability kicked in and already regenerated his limbs back.

Though, I had already anticipated this, so I didn't my cease my attacks. I inflicted more and more wounds on him with the razor-sharp attacks I threw at him.

Nomu had to continuously regenerate his wounds, thus bringing him closer and closer to his limit. The time it was taking him to regenerate his wounds was getting longer and longer, though my stamina was also depleting faster and faster due to my never-ceasing attacks.

I didn't mind though, since I could sense that All Might was already in the vicinity. Since he will shortly arrive, I will just try to push the Nomu to his very limit and then let All Might handle the rest.

After a few more seconds, the blindness finally subsided for the villains and they could finally see again. However, after opening their eyes, they wished that they would've never seen the sight that was playing out right in front of them. To them, I looked like the villain instead, who was repeatedly torturing the opponent.

"Damn! What is happening?!" Shigaraki was the most shocked by this sight. He just couldn't understand how this was possible. The tables had turned once again.

All of sudden, a black portal appeared right next to him and a bloody and injured figure came out of it. It was Kurogiri who somehow managed to escape from the heroes. He used the distraction the small fries created and quickly escaped the moment he woke up.

"Kurogiri? What happened to you?" Shigaraki turned towards him with a frown on his face.

"We miscalculated, Shigaraki Tomura.. There's a variable among this year's students." Kurogiri answered and looked towards me.

I naturally noticed his arrival and couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in contemplation seeing him here.

'What happened to the others?' I pondered whether something unexpected might have happened to Mina and others.

"I see that. Normally, I would want to kill you for your failure, but now seeing him beating up the Nomu, I can't do that, right?" Shigaraki said irritatedly.

"Shigaraki, we have to leave right now. The other teachers are already on their way. We can't fight so many of them." Kurogiri urged.

"Huh? Huuuhh? What did you say? So this kid was telling the truth, huh? It's game over. Aaaaaahhh.. It's game over.. For now." Shigaraki lamented with immense anger reflecting in his eyes.

"If you don't mind, could you please destroy these on me first?" Kurogiri stretched out his hands

Momo had created many chains to bind him on the request of Thirteen. He was still shackled by them, since he had to escape quickly, as well as unnoticed by the others.

Shigaraki looked at him for a while before using his Quirk to destroy the chains.

"Thanks. Let's leave now before the reinforcement arrives." Kurogiri expressed his gratitude and then urged him once again.

"Wait. We still have a little bit of time left, no? Since we are not able to kill this kid, let's kill his teacher instead." Shigaraki evilly said.

He didn't even wait for a reply and immediately rushed towards Aizawa. Aizawa was already extremely exhausted by now. There were almost no more villains left on his side. He really deserved to be called a Pro Hero with this achievement.

But despite that, he didn't expect the leader to suddenly ambush him. He had no time to fully evade his attack. He had to somehow block his attack, but this was naturally also not the ideal solution since he was told by me that Shigaraki's Quirk was dangerous.

Seeing that Shigaraki was trying to attack Aizawa-sensei, I immediately ceased my attacks on the Nomu and rushed towards Aizawa-sensei. Despite having consumed a lot of my stamina in my fight with the Nomu, I was still very fast, so I successfully managed to arrive in time.

Shigaraki was shocked by my appearance and quickly stopped his attack on Aizawa and, instead, directed it towards me.

I knew that his Quirk was [Decay]. It allowed him to disintegrate whatever he touched with his hands. Whether the target was organic or not, it will work without fail. It was a highly dangerous Quirk.

Since I knew that it only worked on me when he touches me, I simply shot a energy ball at him. In such a short distance, he couldn't react in time and was sent flying.

Unfortunately, I had also diverted my attention for a split second when doing this which was costing me greatly right now. Right after I sent Shigaraki flying, the Nomu already arrived right beside me and used his immense power to deliver an extremely strong punch at me. I had no time to evade it anymore and had to block it somehow, instead.

Though, I wasn't successful this time.

His large fist connected with my ribs and, ironically, sent me flying towards the exact opposite direction of Shigaraki.

"JIN!!" Aizawa shouted in worry.


I heavily slammed onto the ground. Blood spurted out from my mouth. This was a freaking heavy punch. I could feel that my ribs had almost been broken by this attack.

'This bastard still had so much strength left.. Ugh..'

I was groaning from the pain. But even despite suffering from this attack, it wasn't enough to take me down. After the initial pain I felt subsided, I was already grinning broadly at the direction of the three main villains.

How long had been since I last received such an injury?

I stood up, dusted off the dirt from my clothes, and then walked smilingly towards them. I didn't have enough, yet. I still wanted to fight.

Seeing me smiling even after having received a full power attack from the Nomu, Kurogiri was already sweating bullets.

"What a lunatic.. Shigaraki Tomura, let's not delay any longer!"

"Aaaahhh.. Die.. Die.. Die.. I want to kill this bastard!!" Shigaraki was still immensely angry from getting injured by me.

"You won this time.. But the next time will be different." he hatefully spat out.

I naturally didn't plan to let them go, but before I could take one more step forward, I suddenly stopped in my tracks. My smile disappeared and a helpless sigh replaced it.

"You're here." I muttered softly.


Right on my cue, a loud noise sounded out from the location of the entrance. The entrance door got destroyed and the man, who we'd all been waiting for, had finally arrived.

All Might.