

- 3 years later -

It had been three years since I started training with my father. In these three years, I already grew incredibly strong. I was confident that no one at the same age as me could beat me. In fact, I was pretty sure that even some Pro Heroes might not be able to defeat in a battle.

In these three years, I literally went to hell and back. Not only did my father continually increased the intensity of the training when he noticed that I was immensely quick in adapting to it, my mother also decided to join the training sessions with the absurd reason that I didn't spend enough time with her due to my training.

Originally, I thought that she wouldn't be that hard on me because she was still a doting and loving parent nonetheless. And as a matter of fact, she did beat my father up when she saw all of my injuries from my first training session. So in the end, I thought that she won't be that strict with me during the spars.

But I was absolutely wrong.

It was rather the other way around. I didn't really want to ferociously attack and fight against her. However, my mother didn't care about all of that at all. My mother, on the contrary, was even stricter and fiercer than my father during our spars.

Although she was ranked lower than my father in the Pro Hero rankings, she was still immensely powerful. She told me that because I wanted to become a Pro Hero, she won't hold back in the battles, just so I could get stronger for the future.

This sounded plausible and I actually agreed with her reasoning.

After that, we trained for whole three years, battling almost every day for many hours. I gained a lot of combat experiences and already created many unique skills and techniques.

Of course, I mostly took some inspirations from Dragon Ball.

During these years, I also told my parents that I wanted to enroll at U.A. High School in Japan. My parents were quite curious as to why I suddenly decided to go there but they still supported me nonetheless.

They were also quite familiar and comfortable with Japan since their origin was also there. My grandparents from my maternal side lived near a mountain side in Tokyo. I only met them once when I was 6 years old, though.

I also decided to move to Japan at an earlier time and enroll at a middle school there. I wanted to adapt to the environment first, before enrolling at U.A. High.

Unfortunately, my parents were vehemently against it due to them being unable to leave, yet. My father was still a Pro Hero and if he would just quit so suddenly, many people would become confused and panicky due to the absence of one of the top heroes.

And although my mom had already quit being a Pro Hero for some time now, her fame didn't diminish in the slightest, and she still had some responsibilities to take care of.

I tried to resolve this issue by suggesting to just move alone to Japan and live at my grandparents' house, while waiting for them to follow suit after they had taken care of their issues.

They were still very reluctant about my idea, but with a little bit of more convincing and some puppy-eyes, they finally, reluctantly agreed to it.

I also told the news to my two best and only friends in school.

Kyle Tyson, my best male friend since the start of elementary school. He had long blonde hair, tied in a ponytail, and emerald green eyes. He was also almost of the same height as me. His skin was quite tanned and his body was also quite impressive for a kid. He had an extremely powerful Quirk, called [Netherflame].

It allowed him to generate and control powerful green-colored flames at will. He was also able to change the temperature of his flames, granting him the possibility of either choosing to emit cold or hot flames.

Though, the weakness of this Quirk was that the Netherflame will respectively raise or decrease Kyle's body temperature to dangerous levels if overused due to successive powerful attacks or drawn out battles which would seriously affect his physical abilities.

My other best friend was Yuki Alice. She was also half-japanese. She was a very clumsy and cheerful girl. She would always brighten the mood of everyone around her. And although I had a mature mind, I still very much enjoyed being in her presence.

She had long, pale blue hair and purple-pinkish eyes. She was neither tall nor short, and she had really pale skin due to her Quirk.

Her Quirk was also quite good and it was called [Blizzard].

She was able to generate and manipulate snow to attack or distract the enemy. The snow could be frozen to either capture or trap them as well. Though, she'll still get incredibly cold and could end up freezing herself, should she overuse her Quirk.

In Alice's case, I thought that the actual potential of this Quirk was still not really identifiable at the moment, since Alice was still a kid and couldn't properly showcase all of the abilities of her Quirk.

Nevertheless, I was sure that this Quirk will be very strong once Alice grew up.

When I told them that I was moving to Japan, they were really sad and reluctant to part with me, especially Alice. She was crying and sticking to my body like a koala, as well as constantly begging me to stay.

Honestly, her reaction affected my resolution a little bit. I was attached to them more than I thought at first, but at the end, I stood firm in my decision.

With the help of Kyle and a lots of promises that I would text them often, we somehow managed to calm her down.

Kyle was also sad about my departure but he composed himself right after. He pledged that the next time we meet, he'll catch up to me and become stronger than me.

He always saw me as both his best friend and his rival, so hearing that I wanted to become a Pro Hero, he also decided to become one.

Of course, our cute little Alice also boasted about how she would become stronger than both of us.

After a lengthy and emotional talk, it was finally time to part. Alice broke out in tears again, and even Kyle and I were slightly affected by her and cried a little bit with her.

In these kinds of moments, I always thought how fortunate I was, to be able to live this kind of life and have people who genuinely cared about me around me.

Other than my family, these two were the only ones who displayed such emotions towards me. I had been really lucky to be able to meet and befriend them.

After a nice and long group hug, we finally parted our ways, promising each other that the next time we meet, we will be awesome Pro Heroes.

After saying my goodbyes to my friends, I also had a lengthy and tearful parting with my parents. My mother was even worse than Alice, although we will be seeing each other again soon. My clothes were even completely soaked in her tears..


Finally, after having bid farewell to everyone, and a long and boring ass flight, I lastly landed in Tokyo.

My uber was already waiting for me, so I immediately put by belongings inside the trunk and gave my uber driver the address to my grandparents' house.

After a once again long and exhausting drive, I finally reached my destination. My grandparents lived in a small house located near a mountain side in the prefecture of Tokyo.

The environment was really peaceful and soothing. The location was also not really cut off from the outside world.

My grandpa and grandma were already standing in front of the entrance, waiting for my arrival. When they finally saw me, my grandma immediately ran towards me and gave me a powerful hug.

'I guess, my mom inherited her doting side from grandma, hehe.' I chuckled inwardly to myself.

"Jay-chan, I missed you so muuuch~" my grandma emotionally said.

"Look how much you've grown and I wasn't there to see it."

"IT'S ALL YOUR PARENTS' FAULT! I already told them numerous times to move to Japan but they never listened!"

"Wait until they arrive here, I will punish them accordingly!"

I was sweating bullets, hearing my grandma venting her anger on my parents. Simultaneously, I was also praying for their safety..

'My mom definitely inherited her traits..'

"Ma ma~, honey, calm down. You're frightening him with your bear hug and your sp-"

My grandpa couldn't even finish his words when he saw her turning her gaze towards him. He instantly began to sweat nervously with fear visible in his eyes. He abruptly shut his mouth and didn't dare to say a word again.

'Déjà-vu?' I silently mumbled to myself.