
40: Deku

(A/N, I lied. I can't stay away from this fanfic, lol)

I woke up to the sounds of frantic screaming months after I'd told Ren about how I used to be quirkless. Instantly, I shot out of bed, and ran upstairs, with Bakugo behind me. I realized the screaming was coming from Ren's room. Don't panic. It might just be a nightmare. I thought, throwing open Ren's door. "Ren?!" I found him curled up in a ball on the floor, covered completely in his blanket. I knelt next to him, and laid a hand on what I thought was his shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked him, sharing a concerned glance with Bakugo, who was also kneeling next to the boy. "N-nothing..." Ren muttered, but he wasn't convincing me. "You were screaming. Somethings defiently wrong." Bakugo tried, trying to peel the blanket off our son. "Come on, it's alright, honey. You can tell us." I said gently, hoping my tone would show that there wasn't anything to worry about. After a few minutes of silence, Ren let Bakugo pull the blanket back. Revealing our kid, but two things were new. One, he had two fluffy, blonde wolf ears on the top of his head, and two, he had a bushy, green wolf tail. I blinked, trying to find words to say. But my brain wasn't working. "So-how did this happen?" Bakugo asked, straight to the point. Ren sat up. "I don't know. I woke up like this." Before I could think, I patted my sons head, raising an eyebrow. "Hey-stop that..." Ren started to protest, but his tail was swishing back and forth. I gently pulled my hand back. His tail stood still. "What was that?!" Ren panicked, a hand on his head. "Well, you, um, have some sort of quirk now." Bakugo stated, like that wasn't obvious already. "But what type of quirk is it?" "I don't know. But I have a friend or two who might." Bakugo gave me a look, as if warning me. "But she was born with that-this happened overnight. She can't possibly know-" "Maybe not. But we can still take something away from it, don't you think?" Bakugo stayed silent. I grabbed Ren's hand. "Bakugo, you watch the others, and let them know everything's fine. I'll take Ren and we'll talk to Tsu." (A/N, it's pronounced Sue, but spelled differently, and I just now realized that-😅😭)