
My Hermes System

Author: Romeru
Completed · 6M Views
  • 446 Chs
  • 4.6
    221 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is My Hermes System

Read ‘My Hermes System’ Online for Free, written by the author Romeru, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, SYSTEM Light Novel, TRAGEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A Speedster in a Fantasy WorldMore than a thousand years ago, portals opened up in the world.Swallowing up the world who...


A Speedster in a Fantasy World More than a thousand years ago, portals opened up in the world. Swallowing up the world whole with the vile creatures that came out of it. The humans struggled for years as their weaponry could only get them as far as fending them off. But everything changed when the first super human was discovered, a child that was born after the portals have appeared. From then on, the humans have discovered that there were others, and they all held the same power... A power that was known as the System. And those who were born with it were called System Holders. The System Holders, with their mysterious powers, were the ones who helped recover the world from the monsters, once again reclaiming it. And now, a hundred years later, a System Holder was born, the Holder of the Hermes System, the Gatherer of Souls.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5


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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Hello, poor author here. I would just like to point out the things to expect from this book: The Good: 1. I will do my unyielding best to be an author deserving to be at the top, even though we are currently at the bottom. 2. I am your friend. The Bad: 1. Expect me to make grammar mistakes. I mostly mix up my gender pronouns since they don't exist in my language. 2. Pacing will shift from time to time. Mostly fast, but when it is slow, it is slow. 3. I don't write with an ending, so I am as clueless to the story as you are, we are in this journey, literally together. 4. Plot holes - If we fall in them, we fall together. Always together. 5. Damaged MC - Some of you might not like it. Our MC is a survivor of child abuse, so do expect some moments of weakness and irrationality. Just hints and pieces. 6. Character first, System second - Although this is a System book, I tend to focus more on the characters. 7. Inconsitencies - It's a book about a speedster, so there might be inconsistencies here and there. But I will try my best to avoid it. Here's what to do before reading this book: 1. Play some music. 2. If you are on the toilet, please wash your butt first. 3. Shut your mind from from the notion of realism. I will try my best to be as realistic as possible, but there's only so much I can do when someone can breathe fire from their nose. 4. Please avoid comparing it from other novels, you might end up not enjoying the book :( Got this from Kota btw. Other than that, I hope you enjoy reading :)


best book I read, i love it it is good in everything, there is no flaws to this, I don't know what se to write but you gotta try this out man


At the moment, I like this novel, if this develops well it can be a great novel.......................................................................


Reveal spoiler


So, just finished reading till chapter 50, I will update this when there is more chapters and I actually read them. This is my opinion, if you think otherwise about anything I wrote here just share it, it’s always nice to hear other opinions. First of all, I read the first couple chapters a while back. Till the fifth or seventh chapter I didn’t really liked the start and yesterday I was a bit bored and decided to continue and see if this is any good (that was a good decision lol). I read a couple more chapters till 12-14 and I was starting to get into it, a couple more chapters and I was totally into it. I spent all my time reading this today and I regret none of it. Once you get over the first ~10 chapters it really gets better, the pace is not too slow or too fast, the only problems would be that the chapters are a bit short and that you don’t exactly know how strong the main character actually is. Although I really liked the story and the characters, I was always a bit lost thinking “Is he stronger than him/her?”. It would be a lot better if we knew with some sort of rank or power scale(?) how strong people are. These are the only reasons why I removed 1 star in character design and world background. (I can’t say that I was a bit reluctant about removing a star from the world background, but can’t be helped) :/ I don’t know if the scale I’m talking about is actually planned or not but I would definitely love to see it and be aware if it’s a right choice from the main character to fight/run in his future encounters. Overall I think it is really good, can’t wait for more chapters!


i would like to say a word or two for you, my friend, if u like tha flash? do you u like the mc that doesn't hide his powers then this is for you ........................................... read it goddammit


No offense intended to the author but I hope somebody pirate this novel properly because it is one of the best original novels on this site/app. I miss the days when we complain about watching ads to unlock premium chapters. Then the days when we complain about the need to use SS to unlock those chapters. It was still manageable back then to catch up on chapters of two or three novels. So, F.U.C.K. you QI for becoming such a glutton. I hope authors get paid more now that everything is almost behind a paywall. I apologize to the author for not giving you a gift because I remember that gifts only bought using paid coins are beneficial to you guys and also, I need those coins to unlock chapters of the novels I follow.


I love this book so much, but I have an issue with the new cover art. every time I look at it all I see is pepe. great book tho absolutely recommend


I dont see what the point of reading this anymore when the author literally kill off most the important character for stupid reason .... Meh


first chapters were promising but then it went downhill and became a totally mess.....,,....................................................


So far the book is amazing, and it is already emotional. I came from reincarnated as both god and the devil. It is one of my favorites, and the author did not disappoint.


An honestly great novel the author is aware of the mistakes they make and is willing to get better. the character doesnt completely change due to getting a system and Instead seems to be growing over time. Just a generaly great book


I have read all the chapters released so far and can say that the story is quite good. There are some confusions at the beginning where the author keeps fumbling with the MC's name and some grammatical mistakes but otherwise I felt the story as quite good and hope it improves to even better.


Very very good start but unfortunately so The latter part feels rushed like something thag should happen on chapter 2500 in the fiRst 300 chapters rushed that kinda brings Down the quality of the story badly. plus the harem while well explained gets kinda forced after a wHile.


Hello Author . I started reading your story and instantly fell in love with it. The story itself was mind blowing. There were times when I got frustrated cause of all the unanswered questions but it was worth the wait. Once Volume 4 started I didn't even know what was going on it was just a mess. the story took a wrong turn quick. I don't know what happened to going on journey to kill a few Gods to Evans in Asgard being a teacher. Also the insect not working for me. Why even add the third parent? I was also shipping Evans and Victoria. But that didn't work out. I am also confused on his name, is it Evans or Van? Anyways other elements of the story are great and the story at the beginning was great it just took a wrong turn quickly. So I had to drop the story at some point .




Add romance,[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=recommend] please.


Not much to say yet but it's the first original speedster protagonist I've found in this app so that cool.... The story at the moment is pretty good but nothing much has happened as of yet and mc has hardly even looked at his system for more than a couple seconds so we'll just have to wait and see if it's as good as I think it could be....


Read through chapter chapter 429 and I have to say that I love this story. It has it’s faults and there are many things about the storyline that I personally dislike but it’s still better than the majority of other webnovels. Personal Rating: 7/10 Another great story by Romeru.


Honestly really liked it know fanbase kinda ded but it's great and loved reading it hope ya come back know it's kinda rushed but at the same time feel like it adds to the story and confusion


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