
Chapter 5

"AHHHHH" I shot up and started panting. There was sweat dripping down from my face. I looked at all of my surroundings and saw that I was back in my room and no longer in that strange place. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was almost 6 am 'great, I didn't wake up late. I should probably get ready for school.' I then got out of bed and got ready for school.

I got out of my bathroom all completely ready, I went around my room to go and get my phone, books and my bag for school and went down to the kitchen. I was greeted by the smell of freshly made pancakes and eggs and Mingyu. I greeted him good morning and sat down to finish my breakfast. Mingyu then sat down next to me and we both ate breakfast in silence. As I was eating I kept on thinking about the dream I had and what granny said to me 'who is 'he' and who was that thing that touched my shoulder?' I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that I finished my breakfast and that Mingyu was talking to me.

"JIWON?!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Mingyu "yeah hyung, what's wrong?" I asked him confused. "are you alright? You finished your food but you kept on cutting as if you were eating" he asked me concerned "what do you mean-oh." I asked him as I looked down and saw that he was right. "is it because of yesterday? Do you want to stay home today and rest?" Mingyu asked me, I could see the worry in his eyes. "no thanks hyung, I was just too deep into my thoughts that's all" I told him to try and calm him down, but it was the truth though. He looked at me for a moment and then said ok and told me to go and get my lunch ready. I then got up and did exactly what he said 'wait, did granny mean for me to listen to whatever Mingyu says?' I then pushed that thought to the back of my mind and continued making my sushi. I then put it in my bag, said bye to Mingyu and left to walk to school.

As I was walking to school couldn't get the image of the creature out of my head. 'let's see... The creature was tall and taller than me, it looked like a male and had short blonde hair, he had big black feather wings, he wore a big black witch-like hat that covered his face and had two deadly looking swords and he looked kind of like a human with black angel wing... But angels don't have black wings... Do they?' I then noticed that I was at the school's front gate and I then checked the time '7:30 okay great I'm not late' and then went inside. I walked to my locker and got all of my stuff for history and then walked to my classroom. I slid open the door and saw that no one was there yet 'makes sense honestly, I mean basically everyone in my history class is all idiots and for some reason, they never check the time' I then went and sat down in my seat and just went on my phone until the teacher came.

While I was waiting students would come in gradually until everyone was there and was talking about a bunch of shit that I did not care about "omg Jisoo did you hear about what happened with Jieun and Jiwon yesterday???" that then got my attention, I stopped what I was doing and listened to what they were talking about "no, like what happened Rose?" "well like I heard that Jieun tried to get Jiwon to fuck her yesterday after school!" she told her "wait, do you mean the Jiwon in this class? Like Park Jiwon?" Jisoo asked her trying to talk quietly so then I couldn't hear them "yeah! That Jiwon!" Rose replied to her "omg! Didn't Jiwon used to date her?" she asked "yeah!" "can't he hear us?" Jisoo asked "of course not! Look, he's reading, not even facing our direction!" Rose told her but what they didn't know was that I can hear them, I could hear everything single word they said.

Jisoo and Rose and two other girls: Lisa and Jennie, were part of a group of friends that Jieun hangs out with and they were the biggest gossipers in probably the whole world. After that, they just went and talked about other stuff and I just stopped listening.

After a while, the teacher finally came and everyone went back to their seats "Alright class today we have a new student" after the teacher said that everyone started talking about who the new student was "I hope it's a hot guy" "please be a sexy chick". The new student then entered the room, it was just below average with brown eyes and pink hair which I'm sure that it was dyed. He had a smile and introduced himself to the class and bowed "annyeonghaseyo my name is Kim Kikyung! Please take care of me!" he said with a big bright smile. He seemed nice and friendly. "okay now Kikyung go and sit next to Jiwon, he will show you around and be your tour guide. Jiwon raises your hand" the teacher told him, Kikyung then looked around the room and I raised my hand. He then saw me and went to go and sit next to me on the desk to my right and then the teacher went on with the class.

"okay class you all will be working on a project about an important person in South Korean history. You will be working in pairs and your partner will be the person next to you. The project is going to be due in three weeks" the teacher announced, some students groaned and some students were happy and I then realised that I was going to be working with Kikyung. "now get started!" the teacher said to us and then she went back to her desk. Kikyung then moved his desk right next to mine and then smiled at me "so Jiwon, what do you think that we should do?!" Kikyung asked me brighter than ever. I started to think about some people and then one came to my mind "maybe... Yi Hwang?" I asked him, he started to think for a moment and then agreed.

We got started and worked on the project until the bell rang indicating that it was lunch, I packed up my things and was about to leave the classroom until I remembered that I was supposed to show Kikyung around. I turned around and offered Kikyung if he wanted me to show him around now, he looked at me and asked "no it's okay, but can I have lunch with you?" honestly, it seemed as if his smile is permanent... I then let him and we went to my locker.

When we got to my locker it turned out that our lockers were right next to each other's so we both got our lunch while I also got my stuff for the next lessons. "hyung why are you bringing all of that?" Kikyung asked me "it saves me from having to wait for everyone to leave their lockers and then I can go straight to my next classes" I replied (a/n I actually do this for school as well, anyone else?) he then looked at me like I was some kind of genius and said "that is so smart! I'm also going to do that from now on! What class do you have next?" I then replied with "English double period, you?" he then looked at his timetable and said, "oh, me too!" I then looked at his timetable "wow, we're in all of the same classes" I said as I analysed both of our timetables, he then started to bounce up and down like a little kid while clapping his hands "great! That means you can show me all of my classes!" 'little kid much?'. We then both went to my secret place and ate lunch together.

While we had lunch we had conversations with each other about random things. It turned out that he was one year younger than me and that he had an identical twin who is in Japan right now and that his name is Jaehyo and that he was going to be back in Korea in 5 days. We both were having fun and all when Kikyung suddenly asked me something "hey Jiwon, do you wanna be friends?" I was shocked. No one has ever asked me to be their friend, Haneul didn't even ask me, our parents made us. "o-okay sure" I replied "yayyyy!" he then hugged me and then the bell rang. We both walked into the building to our next class "btw do you want to go to your house and finish the project after school?" Kikyung asked me and I then agreed and gave him my number and address. And we then went into our class.

No hate towards BLACKPINK if you're a BLINK! I simply just picked the first girl group that came to my mind!

Queen_Kukkicreators' thoughts