
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Track meet

Gracie had gone to work that day even though it was Saturday. She just wanted to finish all her tasks in time since she had the time and had been off for a while but when she got there, she was told that everyone was in the hall and led there. She was surprised to see how it was. It was like a mini stadium with several benches and a space in the middle that had been set up for sporting event. Everyone was dressed differently in sports wear and casual clothing. She looked around in surprise not knowing what was going on.


She heard her name and looked up one of the bench, it was Dave, he sat with Emily and Eddy. She made her way to them, they also wore sports wear with black t shirts

"Whats going on?" she asked as soon as she got to them taking her sit beside them

"we have our track meet today." Dave explained "all the departments are competing against each other." He pointed the teams out in different shirt color and described the events of the day to her including three-legged race, obstacle race and other events

"Why didn't anyone inform me?"

"Isn't today your day off?" Eddy asked "we thought you might need it."

"And your foot is hurt," Emily added "the boss didn't want us to bother you with this."

"No way." She happened to enjoy these kinds of activities a lot and her foot was way better now "I'll participate. Whats our team?"

They exchanged glances "We are the winning team and only participate after this round." Dave said

The teams that would be participating were being selected currently

"We're the winning team?"

"The boss is here, lets stand up."

Gracie stood with the others and whipped her head toward him. Her breath caught when she saw him. She wasn't one to droll over someone but she could've drolled right then seeing him in his track suit, he had zipped down the jacket to reveal his dark shirt that clung to his body revealing his toned body, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off him at that moment.

He addressed the crowd briefly before walking towards his team. Gracie's breath caught the closer he was to him. She saw the surprise in his eyes as he saw her. She caught a whiff of his scent as he got to them. she swallowed. Why was she suddenly out of breath?

"Miss Anderson."

"I…I'd like to participate sir." She managed with her gaze low

He nodded and turned his gaze to the others "you guys ready?" he asked

They looked at each other in shock "no pep talk today?" Eddy asked

"We must win with our lives and anyone who doesn't will be cast to work in toilets for a month?"

Gracie saw him give the others a fierce look. She nodded. Was winning not the point of participating in a game anyways? "I won't let you down sir."


Everyone had been given tasks, Dave participated first in the obstacle course and came out first in a glorious way, he bowed to everyone and gave her a smirk as he approached them. Next was archery and Eddy participated coming in first.

Gracie was excited, her team was good. She had put on the black t-shirt and it was her turn to participate in the three legged race. It was originally taken by Eddy and Emily but it had been assigned to her and Will since they considered her foot and the fact that she hadn't participated before.

She was a little nervous to be running with him but seeing as she didn't want to let everyone down, she sucked it up, they went to the start line.


Will took off his jacket and bent to tie the rope, he made sure to attach her sore leg to his so it would be easier for her. He stood and turned to her, she looked flustered so he gave her a small smile.

"If it gets too difficult, put your arms around my waist okay?" he had honestly anticipated that she would do that. In fact, that was the only point for participating now and he didn't even care if they lost as long as she was this close. She nodded

Immediately the whistle went off, she put her arms around his waist. In his shock, he almost forgot what he was supposed to do but seeing the determined look on her face, he held around her shoulders and they set off in speed. It had been going well and they were in front halfway when he felt her squeeze his shirt. He looked over and noticed she was probably in pain. Her foot hadn't healed properly for this. He wanted to slow down for her

"I'm fine sir, its just a little more."

They kept going but he glanced at her regularly, she was already in so much pain and he couldn't bear it. The race was not worth it. It didn't matter if they lost anyways. He started to slow down.

"Sir?" she looked up at him in surprise, she tried to go faster but because he was holding back, they ended up falling close to the finish line, the others went past them and they were only able to come in last.

Gracie looked in horror at the leaderboard to see her team come in second since they had come in last this time. She looked at her boss in anger, they could have won if he didn't slow down. Who knew he was such a person to lose? She saw the other teams shouting in celebration. It would have been them, she untied their foot and slipped out of the hall.

"Wait." She heard him call when they were out. She couldn't well ignore him. He was her boss after all but she turned to him with fury in her eyes forgetting all her previous nervousness and fear "we could've won."

"Your foot…"

"could have lasted a few more seconds." She interrupted but noticed she was being rude, she lowered her gaze "I'm sorry."

"I should be the one sorry." She noticed he approached her and lifted her gaze. He put his hand in his pocket and to her shock, he produced a caramel candy. It was the same one. She looked at it not able to utter a word as he unwrapped it "take this sweet candy," he said calmly "then you'll be full of sweetness for me." He held it close to her lips.

Her eyes fluttered to his. How did he know this? This was the same thing… it couldn't be. he smiled at her at that moment and she almost fell back. No it couldn't be. she looked away. That boy was a little ordinary boy not…her eyes looked back at him. But of course he wouldn't be a little boy anymore, what was she expecting to see? He had been older than her back then and even now. This was more than just a coincidence, how could it be so precise? Did he always carry a candy in his pocket like that? Besides he had said he hadn't met his girlfriend in years then could it be that it was…her?

"Won't you take it?"

His soft voice interrupted her thoughts, she shook her head subtly and took the candy with her hands, she smiled faintly before she ate it. She looked at him. Was he going to ask?

"is it delicious?"

She nodded "very much."


Eddy and Emily sat on the bench to watch Dave participate in the last event. It had been a while those two left and they weren't back yet

"I think something fishy is going on here." Eddy said to Emily


He hadn't suspected it at first but when he started to pay more attention, he picked up subtle clues. Will was different but it only when Gracie was around. Yes ,Eddy knew the man loved his sister and would do anything for her but this was way past that "I think Will likes Gracie."

Emily turned to him and slapped his arm "how could you say that? you're spreading awful gossip. Don't you know that Will and Diane…"

Eddy shook his head "when have you ever seen them in a romantic situation? Have you seen the way Will looks at Gracie? Like she's his personal property and he just cant wait to possess her."

"You're talking nonsence."

He knew she wouldn't believe him easily. No one would. Afterall, Will didn't like women and was only close to Diane. Besides Gracie was his student and employee so who would suspect that he had such feelings towards her "you shouldn't be quick to conclude."

"and what about you? Why did you conclude this?"

"I'll prove it to you." He originally didn't want to take revenge on Will since he thought it would be a waste of time but now that he knew his weakness…he smirked, it would be fun.

"don't smile like that, you look so creepy."

At the end of the day, their team still managed to win because they had come out first in most events. It was a good fun day and everyone went home happy.