
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


Later that day, Gracie and Dave were working together. It was quiet and peaceful in the office. Then, someone came in. Eddy and Emily acknowledged him as he walked past them. Gracie turned her gaze to him. He had both hands in his pants pocket and walked majestically. He looked like a meticulous person. He was tall and had fair skin, dressed in black turtleneck shirt and black pants. His dark hair fell slanting across his forehead, almost to his eyes.

"Ken?" She heard Dave call beside her then he approached him and spoke in hushed tones but the man called Ken just brushed past Dave and locked his eyes on her for a brief second then smirked before entering the office. She blinked in confusion. Why did he give her such a sinister look? She didn't know him from anywhere.

She saw the worry in Dave's eyes when he looked at her. Was she about to be duped or something. But come to think of it, that man did look like Dave. Dave returned to his seat.

"Who was that?" She asked

"Oh that's just Ken." He said in his jovial voice "He's such a menace so you should avoid him at all cost."

"Yea but."

"Oh and he's my older brother." He shrugged


Ken observed the office. It wasn't the first time he came here but it seemed different. He walked around touching a few things. Then he sat right in front of Will. The man just barely glanced at him when he came in and went back to his work. Ken hated how he acted like he couldn't be touched. It was like there was no worthy opponent for him. He scoffed.

"Don't you think you should be more hospitable to me...brother? After ruining my life."

"I'm not in the mood to play."

"I'm not here to play either." He scoffed. He came here to annoy Will but why was he the one getting annoyed. He frowned "I have a proposition for you."

"I'm not interested."

Ken reminded himself to be patient. After all he was the one with the golden card "not even when it has to do with your woman?" He got what he wanted when Will looked up at him. He smirked feeling encouraged then he nudged his head in Gracie's direction "I didn't know she was your type. I guess she's a bit..." He looked at him with humor "pretty."

He saw Will's jaw clench and knew he was exactly right. This woman meant something to Will and he was willing to exploit it for every penny.

"You won't touch her or involve her in your antics. I'll kill you."

Ken didn't doubt it but he chuckled. This was getting interesting. "I'd gladly get you a gun brother." He stood and stared down at Will, he liked it when Will looked up to him like that "here's what you'll do. Break up with her and get together with Diane. I'll take care of everything thing else. I'm pretty sure I can give her what you can." He had thought about it personally and this was the best route. If Will announced that he was with Diane, everyone would take the news well but Ken knew Will will definitely not marry the woman so he would break everything off and make an enemy of Diane's family. That would be bad for business.

The next minute, Will held Ken by his collar and slammed him hard against a wall "the hell."

Ken groaned in pain but he'd never felt more satisfied so he smiled "I'm telling you this calmly now. Don't you want to do It? Then you'll just have to watch me ruin her entire life."

"You!" He lifted his hand to punch him. The door slammed open and he paused when he heard her voice. Ken could feel the anger emanating from the man but he wasn't in anyway worried about it. In fact, he was excited.


Will cursed himself inwardly as he held Ken against the wall, he shouldn't have taken the bait. He never did but this time, he reacted faster than he could think and it'd definitely cost him. He stared with hot rage at Ken. The dam burst open and he would have hit him but Gracie had come in.

In the fraction of a second, he moved towards Gracie and held her behind him "try me." he said to Ken

"I most certainly will."

He shoved his hand in his pocket. Then walked out. He paused briefly to give Gracie another stare "I'm not running the other way." He said to her before he walked out like a lion satisfied with its prey.