
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

His Plan

Will sat in his office days later looking sullenly at his phone. That little brat. Did she suddenly forget that she had an older brother? Will had lost both his parents at a tender age. He had been sixteen at the time and his little sister was only nine. It was worse for her and even though it had been rough, he'd tried his best to be strong for her, to be there for her. He wanted her to have everything even when he denied himself. Some would say he spoiled her rotten but he would do anything just to see a smile on her face, he was that attentive.

How could she conveniently not call? He scoffed and picked up the phone. There was no need to sulk about it, if she didn't pick up his call, he had no problem going to her. She had denied any relationship with him just because she entered college and now she wasn't even calling.

The phone rang, it was a long time before she finally picked. She was probably looking for a private place to answer his call.

"Will, I told you not to call me like this during school hours." she said in a pouty voice "What now?"

He rolled his eyes at her drama, he didn't see the need to go through this whole charade "what did you expect? You don't call."

"I only missed a day!" she whined

Will knew that she loved him more than anything most especially since he spoiled her rotten but he always had the urge to keep her close. He couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to her so he demanded to hear from her daily. That was the condition he had given to play along her charade "Lori Anne!" he called in an exasperated voice, he did not enjoy going through this conversation over and over again. He massaged his temple with his free hand.

"I'm sorry Will, I was busy," she started. There was a knock on his door distracting him momentarily from Lori Anne's chatter. It was Eddy, he'd come in to drop off a few papers. He met his gaze and Eddy gave a glare. Apparently, the man was still sulking from his revelation days ago. He wondered how that went. His ears perked when he heard something interesting from Lori Anne

"What?" he asked

"I had to accompany Gracie to look for a part time job." She repeated

Will bolted from his chair in shock, his eyes wide. She was looking for a part time job? This was an opportunity he could harness if he played his card right. He couldn't stop himself from imagining it. Gracie would be close to him. She'd probably fetch him coffee and he could pretend to drink it while he watched her up close


"Oh yea…um…" he raised his head to find Eddy staring expectantly at him. He frowned and shooed him away then turned his back. He waited for Eddy to leave before he continued "Why not let her apply here?" his heart was beating frantically in his chest, he needed to calm down. There was a slight pause from her and he almost had a heart attack

"It's okay Will, I don't want to bother you."

That brat! She always bothered him "no really, I could use an assistant."

"Dave is there."

He rolled his eyes "a reliable one, she could fill in whenever Dave isn't around or if he's too busy to do it." He tried not to come off too desperate. This needed to work

"But then I can't come over to see you there." He could sense the hesitation in her voice. She loved to come over to his work whenever she could and she was always bubbly about it and he suspected it wasn't entirely him that brought that smile.

"you could always come home or just tell her about it"

He heard her sigh. In the end, she'd do what was right "Okay I'll tell her." He could feel her smile, she was so unsuspecting. He wasn't doing this for her this time "she'll be so excited"

"I'm sure she will" but not nearly as much as him, he could literally feel his heart pounding and blood rushing around his body at a rapid pace. He sat back on his chair, a smile on his face as he imagined everything play out right before him. He put down his phone on the desk forgetting he was still on call with Lori Anne. He would make her fall in love with him first. Women often liked him so he didn't think it would be hard then he would shock her by confessing his feelings to her too. Would she be surprised or excited? He was known to be very patient and ambitious so he was sure everything would fall right into place without interruption.