
My handsome imperfect coach

Gabriella's day was going bad and to make it worst she had an accident with a masked boy and ended up making a deal with him to coach her on basketball but surprisingly he can't play but is the best coach at the end of the day Henry the masked boy realizes that Gabriella is his bethroted and he will need to tell her he's a fierce being What will be Gabriella's reaction to finding out his real identity Read to find out

The_author3 · Fantasy
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22 Chs


It's been 30 minutes since they were both riding, and the more they drove, the further they went away from the city, or should I say "The civilized city" as their current area was covered in bushes, gardens and farms as if they were in a small but high class village, it would have been better referred to as a village, but the difference was that, this place was too classy.

I mean, yes they were bushes and all, but this place was super neat, the air in the surroundings felt filtered, it was pure.

A village would have farm, yes, but you'll have to once in a while see litters around and mostly dust, and sick looking people, and most times droughts swallow up the beauty of the village...ok maybe, her imagination was a little bit exaggerated


You can't actually blame her, she hasn't been to a village before, she's just working with the settings she sees in movies and animes, seriously, she really needs to get out sometimes and yes, she does watch anime, maybe some isekai anime and more.

Anyways back to the description; a village couldn't have made use of some high quality maintenance machines and digital tools to keep their farms and garden well, it didn't look like what a village could afford, even if they were to sell off their king, his family, the chiefs and their families too.


I'm not saying that they are not worth it, it's just that... you know where I'm getting at.

You don't?

Fine, just forget about it.

Anyways, back to the description. It had beautifully trimmed hedgerows and flowers of different colors, carefully planted in a neat square shape, each square contained one color of flowers planted together, like, all red flowers are planted together, while yellow flowers are planted together, but separately from the red ones. There was no mixture in the flower colors and at each side of the square there seemed to be a digital springer, you know, the one that when turned on, it springles water on the short grasses as it spins.

It had a kind of setting that, was related to Gabriella's farm but, there was a whole lot of difference;

First: Which is that this place was on a whole new level with cool gadgets or should I say 'tools' used in maintaining the environment, plus the neatness of the environment was jaw dropping, although they were plants and few trees, you could hardly see any leaves on the floor talk more of litters like, nylon, papers and the rest.

Another noticeable difference was that, once you came out of Gabriella's farm, you would see a main road leading to the express, but here, no, there was nothing like that, it was like it was an estate on it's own.

Ah, it was indeed an estate, Gabriella remembers seeing a sign board introducing her to the estate, although it had a very funny name, I'm sure you would laugh if you heard it.

No, no, it's not as funny as what you're thinking, I'm guessing you're thinking something as funny as"Beggars Estate", "Garden of Eden" or maybe even "The Estate Filled With Greens" it's not as hilarious as that.

It's "Farmers Estate", another addition to the naming humour was that, there was no farming that was going around, the people were merely planting garden to keep their environment in a good condition, can that also be considered farming?

Anyways, it's clear that the owner of the estate was horrible at naming things, he should have come up with something cooler, like "Green Land" or "Peace of mind Estate" but who is she to talk, she's equally horrible at naming things at well, it was good to finally see someone as horrible as she is at naming, she now knows that she's not alone, she has seen one of her kind and is sure that there are many more of their kinds around the world too. That alone is a relief and a reason for her to love this place.

There was another noticeable, cool yet unique feature of this Estate, it was; it's distance from the mass, or should I say 'main city.' , it was "Isolated" and even more, it was remote, since they started riding through the estate, it was only a handful of people that she saw passing by. It seemed like a suburb. No wonder such a fine and comfortable environment wasn't known to the public, although if it were known, I doubt that many could afford it, the turns they had taken to come here was so long and confusing, even Gabriella was starting to get dizzy, she felt she was already developing motion sickness, how could Henry have mastered the route?

Maybe he has been living here for long, if it was her, she would get lost at least 7 to 8 times before she starts getting used to the route.

The houses were built to be distant from each other, reason which Gabriella guessed to be, increment of ventilation, the spaces gave way for the breeze to circulate properly and also give people their ' Personal Space '.

The further they went in, the more beautiful the site became, although they have been riding for up to, if not more than 45 minutes.

She began wondering how this idea came into the Estate owner's mind, was it a vision, revelation or an inspiration, whichever it is, it was awesome, but the name still sucks though, if she had asked Henry for his house's location and he said "Farmer's Estate" she was definitely sure she would laugh her butt off.

But one thing was still weird; Henry was quiet, as if calculating something in his mind, she didn't know why it troubled her, but she wasn't comfortable around this cool headed Henry, weird, but she somehow preferred the teasy Henry.

She was never comfortable around silent people, you never know what they're plotting, the same goes for everyone, it's just that, the silent seems, more dangerous as their character serves as both attack and defense, if you get what I mean.

You don't get?

Really how dumb can some people be?

N-No no no, I'm not referring to you, hehe


Okay let me explain; When a person build in silence, you'll never know where to attack, but they'll have you all figured out, they'll have studied you; your weaknesses, your strengths and the rest.

So my advice is "Build in Silence" but it doesn't change the fact that those kind of people always keep me on my guard

After some minutes of riding, they came to a part of the road that was divided, he took a left turn and although it wasn't clear, she could only see two houses but very distant from each other.

The houses were the end of the road as they were beside each other, but very far from each other. Gabriella noticed that they were getting closer as she felt the speed of the bike reduce.

Henry seemed to be heading to the plainly designed one, it is a complicated building; between the design of a duplex and a bungalow, like, it's totally unique, It has a line of white railings that seems to cover it's four sides, it was a few steps away from the main building, giving space for the small house that seems like a garage.

Gabriella felt that the railings were useless as thieves could easily jump and maneuver it, but then again, it could at least prevent any vehicle from entering the compound. It had a burlywood brown color, it looked so...down to earth.

Gabriella would have said that the owner was poor if not of the environment the house was located and situated, even armed robbers wouldn't be interested rather they would be busy making plans on how to invade the extravagant building just beside the 'Poor looking' one.

It was a semi-detached house but the gate guarding it's entrance was giving off the vibe of elegance, yes, this gate if sold could more or less fetch more than 5 million, give or take.

It made anyone who saw it wonder, "If the gate is of this quality, then how would the interior be?" and Gabriella was no exception.

Henry rode closer to the railing and as he neared it, it slowly opened as if the railing had a motion detector, Gabriella was actually disappointed, although she knew that, that was where they were headed, she hoped that he would do a miraculous turn and end up going to the rich house which she now thought of as "small castle".

Henry rode into some space and parked his bike in a small garage that could only contain a bike, and gently hung their helmets at the hands of the bike. He came down and ordered Gabriella to do the same, he then reached out for his pocket, brought out his key and then, instead of unlocking the door, he pressed a small black button in the key

~clack~ The door sounded and Henry opened it and walked in.

"Come on in" He said without looking at Gabriella


She answered and followed right behind.

Okay, this time, she was definitely gonna learn the lesson "Do not judge a book, by it's cover"

"Wo...w" was what subconsciously left Gabriella's mouth, you couldn't blame her, the sight before her was beautiful and unique, it's always is with Henry, and most surprisingly, it wasn't extravagant, it was simple, and...pretty. Not sure if you can use pretty for a thing, call it personification, because Gabriella had never seen simplicity look so elegant.

When Gabriella walked into the room, the sweet scent of peaches, filled her nostrils, no wonder Henry sometimes smell like pitches, that aside, the interior was wide, I mean, super wide, you could never have guessed there would be enough space to contain extra rooms, and it wasn't looking like one, or two rooms. It's ceiling had beautiful stylish stripes, it made use of a LED indirect lighting system, to give light to each side of the ceiling, the color the led lights were exhibiting was blue, there were blue bulbs all around and his curtains were closed, preventing the light from the sun to enter, thereby making the blue lights take the "spot light".

The center table was exquisite, the center rug was magnificent, but there was no Tv, but there was an A.C

"Seems blue is your favorite color" Gabriella asked

"No, it isn't" Henry denied

"Then, what is?" Gabriella knotted her eyebrows in confusion

"It's red" Henry replied with a flat tone

"Oh, really, then why all the blue bulbs? Why didn't you use red?" She asked with an ' It doesn't make any sense ' look

"Because, miss Gabriella, my home having red bulbs everywhere would make it look like a serial killers hideout " Henry replied calmly, no trace of teasing, this also worried Gabriella

*Why? he sounded so flat and cold, or maybe I'm just exaggerating it*

"Ok, take the third room by your right, rest up and in next 30 minutes come to the backyard for our training section, make yourself comfortable, there's food in the kitchen, but I'm sure you won't be eating anything for the main time" Henry said and without waiting for a reply, he lazily carried himself to his room

"O...k, I'll make myself at home"

She heads to the room directed to her


Too many words( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

Don't be like that, I don't like words either, so I'm suffering too, I promise there would be more action and less words from next chapter.

And also, I'm too stressed to go through everything now, so there would be mistakes, can you do me a solid and point them out in the paragraph comments? (θ‿θ)

Thanks alot fam. Don't forget to vote and support this author

I'll go take a rest now, if there's time I'll update later again today


The_author3creators' thoughts