

Bella is kidnaped and forced to marrying a carclus monster, who claims to be the love of her life but Bella despises and wants nothing do with him ,her only desire is to escape the cruel life she was forced to live and will stop at nothing to free helself from the horrid life she but Calel who has held captive wont allow her such a luxury cause he believes they belong togther but bella wants nothing do with him. With pure blind devotion and love for Bella ,Calel will stop at nothing to win back the heart of the woman he loves and willing to go allthrough all types hurdles and anything that may come his way in order to see this through the question is will he succed ? And win back the love he desperatly craves

Khole_Willinton · Urban
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18 Chs

Here comes the bride

Bella was terrified as she forcefully walked towards altar , wondering what she must have done in her life to deserve such a cruel fate, she was on verge of tears as she thought of all things she had been through, after being held captive for almost five months.

Loosing her mother in a fatal plane crash , she felt that she had been through enough, now on top of her internal pain she was to marry a monster. she hated everything minute of it, she rather they kill her than put through a painful existence as she made her away down the aile, it was if someone had stabbed right in her heart .

As if no one saw her pain, it was if she screaming out for help but none of them seemed to care, she she was dead from inside as she made her slow walk down a dark aile. That was lit with white candle light and decayed black roses, tears well up in her eyes, she wanted out of this horid arrangement not mentioning the odor she had endured for all these days.

An dying smell of rotten decaying flesh was unfathomable, she was disgusted and hated fact this was her life now, her loveless marriage to are non doubtly dead decayed monster with such a horrid smell. She couldn't help herself but cry, as she made her remaining walk down aile, she finally to end of painful walk down aile.

When suddenly the room cause dark, all the candles and lights Had gone out, the room is covered inpitch blackness, without a soul insight Bella trembled in fear, she knew she was a gonna as her life flashed before her eyes. Trembling she wondered if she would survive, the calamity that I waited her, she was sure of one thing is that she wouldnt survive another tradegy.

She wanted out of this, but she sure was giong to die and was struggling to make sense out of it , the only thing she knew was that she was a dead man walking and whatever was coming, was going to take her afterlife. She didn't want to die, yet she had no choice in there matter, so like a dead Man walking she accepted Her fate. Life had played a cruel and heartless game towards her , her which didnt at all help with her axniety and total fear of the unknown.

The ternado kept turning whooshing around causing untold havoc and destruction, after worldwin of spins it stops just next to Bella, Dark black fog sorounds the altar as golden thurbil floated by in the mist . As the fog grew thicker and more dense a shadow of man began to emerge from the mist, it was a dark ,tall , bulit frame of an enity that didnt seem human, it large , enormus carclus , she was sure that bieng had the wrath of underworld itself.

With large cannines that would fit a vampire reddish burnt skin , that looked as if enity was dipped in blood , with a horrid ugly looking face. With a pungent smell of 1000 year old corpses mixed with dirty socks and toe jam, it was killing her . It gripped her nose in an effort to block the nasty revolting smell , but it was no use, The ordour was way to strong.

Bella wanted to die , for it would save her but she was bound to this life now, that she was about to marry monster , she couldnt help but cry out of fear and desperation,the pain , hate , anger all her emotions were boiling with in her .As the entity approached the podium, she knew, she was to marry monster. But a hideous one was out of the question , she wasnt giong to marry it. Angered she ripped off her wedding dress and shreds before breaking into tears.

"I wont marry him or whatever it is cause its hedious and I love my Ryan , kill me but i wont marry him." Bella barked venomously at Alec

"What makes you think you have a choice you will marry my king and be next Queen." Alec spoke

"Go fuck yourself ." Bella spat back

"You bound to my king or I will kill your family starting with little sister Nicole is it then your sweet mother Ashely its your call baby girl Alec spoke in threating tone

"Please dont hurt them , I will do everything you say

"Now thats a good girl now wear a fresh princess stlye wedding dress and walk down the altar."

In tears Bella ran to the back to change the dress she had destroyed, she was so upset not only was she marrying man she didnt love , she was marrying bloody horrid looking monsterous creature. She wanted out but she was already deep necked into this , that she had no way out, so taking deep breath she wore her dress made her walk down the same dark cold aile to the altar.

Where a bloody demon like being a waited her, couldn't it be atleast presentable she thought to herself , but no it was hideous, taking one leap of faith . She steeped on to step on the podium and exchanged hands with the creature besides her, its scalely hands were sticky , it was an comfortable for Bella to be in them.

Bella exchange vows with caraculs monster and alas there were married

"My love I have waited centuries and life times for us to be together , finally we are here and I will love un conditonally ,my heart now belongs to you ."the creature whispered in bella ears

"Will never love you that's a promisse cause your renderous and I dont love you , I will never love monster , never do you hear bella whispered back before storming off in tears



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