

Bella is kidnaped and forced to marrying a carclus monster, who claims to be the love of her life but Bella despises and wants nothing do with him ,her only desire is to escape the cruel life she was forced to live and will stop at nothing to free helself from the horrid life she but Calel who has held captive wont allow her such a luxury cause he believes they belong togther but bella wants nothing do with him. With pure blind devotion and love for Bella ,Calel will stop at nothing to win back the heart of the woman he loves and willing to go allthrough all types hurdles and anything that may come his way in order to see this through the question is will he succed ? And win back the love he desperatly craves

Khole_Willinton · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Can one survive their demons


It had been days since Calel saw daylight or had anything to drink his throat was parched, the skin was pale ravaged by the effects of war. He had not eaten in 2 weeks, lying awake covered in sores burns, the pain was sharp intense calel couldn't believe his father could let him go through this , in his cage he laid beaten bruised and battered covered deep raw wounds with cysts covering his entire body he knew if he didn't get treatment soon the wounds would become fatal

He was badly starving his body began to feed on itself to survive like parasite it was eating away his stomach walls, it already gone through reserves now it was eating up the connective tissue Who knew being mortal was could be so weakening, out of strength he pleaded for any crams of food that could be spared.

Only to remember that one could hear him, cause he was in the sanctum are enormous dark prison, that was solely built to house him. As a prisoner in world he once called home , the sanctum located beneath Cania in the belly of the under the beast, the sanctum was a different dimension altogether.

It was said that it pains inflicted on you would last mellinum a wretched unforgiving place, absolutely vile, where the trapped souls here would be boiled alive, tortured and slayed by blue great demon Ochus. A torture chamber where no soul would survive. Calel has lived in this darkness for a month now, ever since. his sentencing with no sign of daylight anytime soon.

As part of his punishment was that his food rationed as well as the water he wasn't used to being this Venerable, It was a pittyfull existence at the mercy of his enemies, who could kill him at any time, he couldn't break the metal shackles on his arms and legs that bound him or the cage that has held him captive. burns, wounds cover his skin for I had been whipped by the whip of Destiny a poisonous whip that burnt through the skin with a toxic gas

That melted him slowly like rubber from the inside out throbbing in pain he knew, he couldn't survive any more of this I had to do something and first cause one more whip from the whip of Destiny and that one more slash of the whip would be his in doing the only way out was to ally with the mortal Bella, now a slave to Calel's dad And as a slave, she had no voice and only did as his father wanted

She was in charge of rationing Calel's meals, drinks She knew she would be coming today, he had to convince her to help him or he would die. This was out of necessity, he needed her to help him, the sun rays burn his eyes With forcisty giving him his first sunlight in days.

With a bloody lip and his arms and legs bound with chains, Calel wondered what he did to deserve such an assault, his backfilled with bloody marks and bruises caused by the whip of destiny. He was barely alive, the sores on his skin were excruciating, He was dying as the pain He felt reached a new high.

doors drew open to reveal Bella with my ration of food which always got once a every two weeks throbbing in pain and barely alive, he wondered how much more of this can he take with his heart bleeding from within it was like 1000knives kept stabbing him. Shattering his organs and soul a pain so deep that was eating away at him, his father was torturing him both physically and emotionally if he died, he knew he wouldn't be missed cause his life meant nothing to his father yet, he was just flowing orders.

Bella walks towards him almost in tears, with his ration food in her hands, he was sure they harmed her yet again and his fears are confirmed by her bruised swollen face. Here in demon land, un demons wee seen as absolute garbage, they're only seen as slaves, to them none demon could be killed.

Or brutalized, raped, and judging from red marks all over her body, he was sure Cornelius and his rotten crew tried rape again. She looked malnourished, judging from the way from her petite stature, she barely got anything substantial to eat. The drastic weight loss only confirmed it, Calel knew that he would die here, the only way out was to ally with the mortal or they would both die a miserable death.

Bound by slave shackles Bella made her way to Calel's cage handing him, his meal, She was dirty, naked With leaves covering her privates her arms and legs bound in chains with a trial of slaves behind her also bound to the same slave shackles. Wounded and belittled by scars, I could tell Bella and that she wouldn't be able to survive any more torture at hands-on Of Cornelius the ghost demon, he was a heartless inhumane creature that only got joy spilling the blood of others

To survive I had to get his message to Bella and fast I wrote a note begging for help, cause the only way out was an alliance between me and the mortal, I had to find a way to give the note without anyone noticing so dropped my steel plate the noise causes brief destruction threw the note at her and she covered it with her foot

Bella pov

My wounds and scars still ravage my being after I was captured by these horrid monsters I had not showered in weeks my hair was matted skin covered in cinders they had stripped me of my clothes, now my only covering were leaves on my private's what could do we were back to slave trade years, and the life slave was never easy.

I was tortured, burnt, battered and almost raped by the crazy demon whose sole mission is to make my life a living hell, I hate to say it but that bastard was succeeding They called him Cornelius the ghost demon

Binding me by slave shackles he always tried to rape me his filthy hands caressed my skin and touched me inappropriately he would grab my breasts arse even some times my pride as a woman he was disgusting vial condescending creature I wanted to skin him alive and watch the blood ooze out of him until there was nothing left, all this happened because of calel , a vampire I had been studying I thought the discovery of vampires will make me undoubtedly the most famous scientist in all of England but instead, it was the sole reason why am in this mess had her family friends finance now all a thing of the past cause knew no matter what I would die

Now after ruining my life Calel wanted my help that for me was impossible I will not help him I rather he dies for what his father put me through I wasn't going to help him I was going to escape on my own without his help if I wanted to succeed everything had to be perfect. I had been planning my escape for a month now I knew everything the guarding routes where the keys were kept all the secret passages So tonight was the night I was finally going to be free

I woke up quietly used my feet to reach the keys on a hook outside my cell using my legs since I was quite flexible I reach the keys and dress them in my toes I slowly bring them into my cell taking them from my toes I unlock the slave shackles Sneak out of the cage I was going to be free after all the pain and suffering I endured Smilling I run past other cells which had 1000 of girls just likl mI stuck and locked up I wanted help but there was no time someone was coming so I hid behind a large boulder hoping not to be found my heart was pounding so fast I felt as though it will fall out of the chest

I wasn't planning on letting my fear control me I was going to escape tonight no matter what Ryan needed me and he was my world I had to get back to him no matter what breathing heavily I slowly made my way through the hallway of the dungeon I couldn't believe it I was going to be free at last taking one deep breath I turn the door nob and make run for it I was finally free tears escape my eyes as I run so overjoyed I was finally going to free at last I run through the gardens to the courtyard and if made it to the woodland I will be free

Running and smiling I was free at last as ren letting my hair flow with wind Suddenly a thud as I hit the ground looking at my attacker I recognized him as evil who keeps mocking torturing me it was Cornelius and for trying escape, I was sure he was going to behead me like all the other slaves but instead he dragged me to woodland in the cover night and raped me as he tore in tore into me that night and his body was riding mine mercilessly shattering my core as he went deeper with his shaft he was the pig.

The man laughed evilly at this and began running all over Bella's chest, down to rest her body the only thing Bella felt was total disgust pure venom, and hatred as the man was running his filthy hands over her body she wanted to kill him, but tight hold her made it impossible with rage and anger Bella felt she spat in Cornelius' face

"You will regret that bitch . "he said before began slapping her repeatedly across the face, he mercilessly runs his filthy tongue over Bella's body as Bella continued to cry and protest the man's action the wicked man playfully liked the side of Bella's face before laughs tauntingly Bella continues to cry and pleading for Cornelius exercise mercy but as the man, he chose to ignore her, now on top her like the animal he was Bella could feel herself dying   as a man thrust into her 

Bella cried in pain as the pervert, Got his way and added more pressure and weight into her like a calculus monster,   he drove his shaft deeper ignoring Bella's cries of pain. She was   dying of pain  as he drove his weight deeper  into Bella, tears continued to flow from Bella's eyes as As she protested his actions but he was an inhuman demon  

Who only so Bella as an  object his pleasure, "you're   crushing me   ." Bella cries under the weight of his body, but he doesn't care about the weight. shaft repeatedly violated her inside over and over like the monster and beast. the pain Bella was feeling  could not be put  in words, but all could She could say  was as if someone  put chili powder  in her undergarments burning sensation was unbearable, Her insides were on fire due to friction caused by his weight  that was ravaging her core

  All she remembers was being torn from the inside out and   The blood she lost as the calculus man raptured into the flesh causing her to bleed uncontrollably even after this the man kept violating her repeatedly,    Deeper and deeper ignoring  Bella's pain. The pain was like you have a wound and a person kept cutting it repeatedly even if you bled death, He wouldn't care his only desire was to satisfy his disgusting needs.

He willing his weight and kept cutting me into like a sharp blade destroying my insides blood oozed out me as I protested, but it didn't shake wedging his bulging weight   Into me Ferociously like a monster bleeding in excruciating pain, I pleaded with him to exercise some humanity but didn't even flinch, he just kept mercilessly digging into my flesh like digger scraping and digging into my vaginal flesh until there was nothing me for me to salvage.

   Tears run down my chick as he continued his an ending assault, pounding driving himself further into me inflamed l just want to kill him, but he was way too strong for me to fight off I just resigned myself to let things be tears continued to follow as pounded into me, now fully satisfied he left me as an empty hole of nothingness and numbness. As my body lay there lifeless on the coldness of bare ground as blood continued to ooze out of me, he had destroyed mercilessly and could barely walk.

that's  when he let me go after stealing everything  from me my purity,  my innocence,   my pride  as a woman I was  now I'm complete  as the woman I was  a complete  shell of who I was  he had destroyed  my life,  it was all  this ass hole fault

   I walked home  in  a lot of pain  bearly able to walk I moved with my legs a parted   Cause couldn't bear to close them cause it hurts to close them I was still sore From my ordeal My wounds were fresh and painful I was in excruciating  pain due to what Cornelius did to me I cried  myself  to sleep  in the morning  notice scratch marks and wounds over my body  he had destroyed  my life I  was now  I couldn't even  feel safe in my skin and clothes  cause each time  I tried anything on could still feel his disgusting hands  run all over my body

Conerliu's weight pounding into me as  living a constant nightmare  of her ordeal over and over   Everything She wore breathed felt or touched smelt like him, she showered all almost every minute to try and get rid of him feel  him I just wanted to tear off my skin so I wouldn't smell or  feel him destroy her any more

After that horrid night, Bella was terrified she was the shadow of her former self her jolly nature seized to exist her kindness was no more she turned into a heartless rogue vail being who will do anything to survive even if it meant making a deal with the devil himself cause it was going to be last time any man or demon made fun of her or use her body for their amusement if they did they paid in blood