
Chapter 371 Forgiveness

The doctor quietly shook his head and mouthed to Jin Yanzhao that he was not sure. Jin yanzhao had to talk to Lin Again just to see if she was in her right mind.

Until the doctor nodded, Jin Yanzhao got up and looked at Lin Youran with confidence.

"You have a good rest in the hospital, I still have things, go first." Cold tone, not too different from what I just said.

"Yan Zhao elder brother, you don't leave me good, at the beginning you are so I left."

Jin yanzhao's voice made him recall that he had left Lin Yuran because he could not stand her character.

In the days that followed, Jin yanzhao would occasionally think of Lin Yuran. After all, there were times when they spent time together that really made him happy.

"I'll take care of your Twitter." Straightforthrightly tell Lin Youran things, grim expression let Lin Youran back hand.

"Yan Zhao brother, I'm sorry..." Jin yanzhao's sad tone did not arouse his heart or pity.

"That's it. You get better." Jin yanzhao did not tell her that the leading actress in the play had planned to be replaced. One after another, it was clear that Lin Yuran could no longer play the role.

Looked at her, after all, is not said to export, now this situation, or wait for the future.

Looking at the back of Jin Yanzhao leaving, Lin Yuran asked the doctor about her ward and left.

When I got to the ward, there was a bag on the bed, and what I put inside was a set of casual clothes. Beside it lay the neatly folded hospital gown.

Next to again, is to be dropped halfway of the bag, there are Lin Youran's various documents and cosmetics, but at the moment to see it, Lin Youran can only feel shame.

Lin Youran was in a coma when sent, Jin Yanzhao also did not have the patience to wait for them to change her clothes, wearing a bodyguard's clothes to check.

Lin Youran looked at his clothes. The black suit was big, like a dress without a waist wrapped him tightly.

Just the bruise on her leg gave her away, and anyone who looked at it would know what had happened.

The casual clothes were delivered by my assistant last night, so I posted that tweet overnight, took a nap, and then went to the bar.

She was still wearing the pink dress she had worn at the party.

Lin Youran took the hospital gown into the toilet, the expression on his face can only be described as Yin deep terror.

After taking a bath, she looked at herself in the mirror, the bruises and hickeys on her body she rubbed again and again, all red, still did not erase.

Lin Youran looked at the mirror of his oath, today she suffered all humiliation, all want to double in Su read back.

She blamed it all on Su-nyen, without whom, in her opinion, none of this would have happened if she had been Mrs Kan, who was in the spotlight.

Naked out of the bathroom, from the bag to take out the body to cover the frost and other things, wipe again.

Put on the hospital gown, Lin Yuran went to bed to lie down, this discharge procedure has not been completed, she returned to here.

Take out the mobile phone, already low battery, charge Lin Youran buried his head into the quilt inside, soon fell asleep.

Jin Yanzhao returned to the villa, Su Read is sitting in the backyard to see Qiao Yue play with small yichen.

Far to see Jin Yanzhao back, Qiao Yue stared at him, but still did not say anything.

Su Read back to her, standing next to Li Ma, two people are talking, did not find Jin Yanzhao standing behind her.

"Young master is so good-looking. I'm sure he'll be the same."

"A... The sample? I'd rather not..."

Su read murmuring way, and Jin Yanzhao a appearance, will certainly attract many yingying Yan Yan bar.

"Why don't you want to be like me?" Jin Yanzhao's voice sounded behind her, and Su Nian's body shivered slightly.

"Jin Yanzhao, are you back?"

"Er, read, I'm sorry..." This sentence sorry, in addition to apologize and tender feelings, than he told Lin Youran said, I do not know how many times better.

With his head down, the sun was just shining on his head, his eyes Shadowed by his broken hair.

Li Ma quietly left, stay here for a long time, will not be what the third wheel this annoying role.

Qiao Yue heard this and looked at Jin Yanzhao in surprise. Was this the jin Shao she knew?

He he he... I can't believe he apologized!

No matter how unbelievable, Qiao Yue is holding a small Chen to leave after all, she knows, no matter how, Jin Yanzhao will not hurt Su Read.

"What have you been doing today?" The tone of questioning came from Su Nian's mouth, which looked like a wronged but arrogant daughter-in-law.

"Lin Youran had an accident." Simple words, Jin Yanzhao want to embrace Su Nian, under the sunset her thin figure let Jin Yanzhao love dearly.

Su read straight away from such a warm peace of mind embrace, Lin Youran had an accident Jin Yanzhao so anxious to leave, that she?

What about when she was verbally attacked? Finally others to help her, Sue read good hate so cowardly incompetent themselves.

Jin Yanzhao knew what she was avoiding and also knew the reason for Su Nian's avoiding. He took out his mobile phone and opened the previous recording.

"Yan Zhao elder brother, Yan Zhao elder brother help me, I am in the fragrant leaf bar, here someone wants to arrest me... !"

"Run, I'll see where you can go!"

"Eldest brother, this woman good look familiar, seem or which star."

"Stars? Don't celebrities rise to the top by stealth? Look at this woman, she's been fucked by I don't know how many men, she must be good in bed..."

Su Nian looked at Jin Yanzhao incredulous, which meant that Lin Youran was...

Jin Yanzhao looked at her incredulity and nodded for a long time.

"Is you think so, Lin Youran was round, in the suburbs, I track the mobile phone to half, the bag was they left the car, lost the direction, this just..."

Jin Yanzhao was very guilty, if last time because he did not receive a phone call caused, then this time, Lin Yuran in Jin Yanzhao's opinion, he has half the responsibility.

Jin Yanzhao did not know that even if he caught up with the car at that time, Lin Yuran had already been boarded and was in the car.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that's why..." Su Nian put her arms around Jin Yanzhao's waist. Is that why Jin Yanzhao ran out in such a hurry this morning?

She knew what had happened to Lin Youran, and in her opinion, no one could stand it again.

"Yan Zhao, micro-blog that thing you can not tube, let it pass, now this situation, Lin Youran heart will not feel good."

Su read with entreaty said, although she is not willing to let Go of Lin Youran, but looking at Jin Yanzhao so guilty appearance, how could she bear it?

Besides, Now You Ran Lin has been retribution, she simply thought those big coffee are the road to see injustice, see her wronged poor, so just help her.

As for why there are several people, Su said to Yue Qiao, maybe one retweeted, another star saw, this kind of butterfly effect is very normal.

Although Qiao Yue has explained their own views, but Sue read still stubbornly adhere to her own ideas.

"More..." Jin Yanzhao did not know whether to agree or refuse, but he was more distressed at the moment.

Obviously suffered so many grievances, but in the key time to think for others, really worried that she was sold one day to help the number of money.

"Yan Zhao, I have no matter of, Lin Youran she how?"

"Nothing happened, I took her to see a psychiatrist, the doctor said there is no mental problem, it should be true."

But they two who do not understand, although mental illness is good, but psychologically, more or less will leave trauma.

Under the setting sun, the shadow of two people embracing each other was pulled long, in Jin Yanzhao's heart, unexpectedly suddenly thought of their old time.

After that, although Jin Yanzhao had explained, there seemed to be something different in Su Nian's mind.

After that, Jin yanzhao began to search for a new leading actress suitable for the play.

Fortunately, the construction has not been long, the beginning of Lin Youran's scenes are not much, everything is still too late.

On the other side, Jin Yanzhao has sent inquiries who is behind the protection of the Su Read.

Long before, he had sensed that someone was protecting Her out of his sight, but there was no malice in it. He had been busy, so he had not looked into it in detail.

In the end, the point was made to Nan Chen. Jin Yanzhao was not surprised and left him alone.

Back at jin's house in the evening, Su Nian was still up and playing with little Yichen downstairs.

Jin Yanzhao did not allow Xiao Yichen to go up to the second floor to sleep. In spite of Su Nian's strong objection, He gave Li Ma a big room, saying that he would take good care of Jin Yichen.

"Read it. Tell you something." Jin Yanzhao came back to su read back to the room, mysterious and slightly worried about the appearance of su read scared a leng leng.

"Why? Yan Zhao, don't frighten me."

"My parents are going home to Shanghai for the Spring Festival, so let's go together."

When this was said, Su Nian did stop talking. Jin Mother had never liked her. Jin yanzhao's other family members all approved of her, but that person was Jin Yanzhao's mother.

After those days before getting along, Su nian's heart has left a deep sense of terror to jin Mother.

"I... Is it okay not to go?" Asked weakly, but it was clear that was impossible.

Su read the fate of the fall on the bed, this is not a typical Chinese mother-in-law and daughter-in-law before the problem, really nerve-racking ah.

After taking a bath, Jin Yanzhao only covered his lower body with a towel and came out. He saw su Read lying on the bed and couldn't help smiling.

"Well, she's nice, actually. She doesn't hate you, I can tell."

Jin Yanzhao tried to comfort Su Read, but was su read a refute.

"I know, Mom, it's not me she hates. It's my infidelity."

The idea of resignation lingered in The mind of Su Nian, who was absolutely respectful to her mother-in-law, but also afraid.

"In this case, you should take care of your husband in marriage, so that your husband will not cheat on you."

Jin Yanzhao said with a smile, I do not know the speaker has no intention to listen to the heart, this in Su Read sounds, how all is not a taste.

A few days later, Su Nian is watching Mosen and their villa completely dressed up, although they are not in Puxi New Year, but here still have a New Year's appearance.

"Ma 'am, it's for you." A servant took Su Nian's mobile phone. It was Jin Yanzhao's.

"Yan Zhao, what's up?" Sue took her cell phone and headed out the door. Mawson and his friends were busy and she didn't want to disturb them.

"My parents will come back tonight and arrive at the airport in Shanghai at 4pm."

"Ah? Are we going to pick up mom and dad?" "Su Nian asked cautiously, thinking of the two days before the Chinese New Year.

How is this coming back in four days? Su Nian bit her finger, the tension inside her unable to hide.

"Don't worry, I told them I had some unfinished work to do and I would take my grandson back to see them in a couple of days."

Jin Yanzhao said with a smile, he deliberately did not finish to frighten Su Read, across the mobile phone he can think of su read just that lovely appearance.

"Why didn't you say so? You scared me to death."

She felt the horror of a schoolboy meeting a teacher. She didn't like it at all.

After hanging up the phone, Jin Yanzhao's company had a complete holiday today. This day, there were only a few people left in the company.

Watching the leaves fall from the yard, Sunny crouched down to pick up a leaf.

Remembering what Jin Yanzhao had said, he took his grandson back to visit them.

For a while, Su Nian thought of several people in Su's home, but she knew that it was no longer her home.

She was, to put it bluntly, an unwanted, unwanted person. Until finally was picked up by Jin Yanzhao, gave her a lot of warmth.

Two days passed quickly, and Suzanne sat on the sofa in her pink woolen overcoat, thinking of her first words when she met her parents and older siblings.

After thinking about it, Su Read the brain are confused, until Jin Yanzhao dressed downstairs also did not think how to say.

"Come away, my lady." Jin Yanzhao stretched out his hand and motioned su Nian to take him out together.

But She just looked at him and, without saying a word, her eyes melted his heart.

"Read aloud, if really don't want to go, can not go, live here."

Jin Yanzhao some distressed looked at Sue read, the big deal for Sue read capricious once, anyway, parents are not do not understand him.

"No, I'm fine. Just thinking about what I'm going to say when I see mom and Dad." Sue read distressed patted head, this suddenly, intelligence quotient seems not enough.

"It's all right. You can tell me exactly what I'm going to tell you. Don't worry." Taking Su Nian's hand and patting it, Jin Yanzhao tried to make Su Nian feel at ease.

This time, Mawson and Li Ma will also go, the whole villa left only a dozen bodyguards to protect, and a few servants to clean.

By the way, leave this place for them to celebrate the New Year, is like having a home.

The idea had come from Suzanne. The place was decorated anyway, and when they left it empty, it would be better for the rest of them to enjoy the beauty.

"Yan Zhao, mother she can hate me very much?" On the way to the airport, Su Read leaned on Jin Yanzhao's arms and asked weakly.

"Can't of, my mama she be stiff mouth, in fact in the heart early approbation you."

Ah Sheng drove the car, silently thinking: madam is so lovely and gentle a person, how can hate her?