
My Hair Length Determines My Super Saiyan Power!

One day I woke up as Raditz in his spacespod flying toward Earth. I know the story, why should I die like an idiot? Eh? How come my Super Saiyan transformation is as strong as Super Saiyan 3!? ---- Just thought it'd be fun with Raditz as Super Saiyan. His hair is already long enough as a Super Saiyan 3 xD Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Toga01

Toga · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Uncontrollable Emotions

Captain Ginyu had wanted to step forward and fight Goku. But seeing Piccolo being so weak and had voluntarily stepped up, he let Burter fight first.

"Since you're voluntarily sending yourself to me. I won't reject it." Burter said and flew to Piccolo.

"That's weird, Piccolo couldn't achieve 3x Kaioken last time, unless you can do it now. He shouldn't be so confident." Raditz thought. Even though Piccolo's battle power was 30,000. Burter's Ki was about twice as much as Piccolo's. Even if Piccolo activates 2x Kaioken, it would still be a very close fight.

"2x Kaioken!" Piccolo activated Kaioken and shot forward like a cannonball, sending a kick right onto Burter's left kneecap.

Crack! A clear cracking noise came from Burter's left kneecap. It did not seem like his kneecap had broken, but it was most likely fractured.

"AAAAH!" Burter yelled in pain. He did not expect the weak Namekian to suddenly ambush him like that.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Burter's scouter beeped after noticing the sharp increase in Piccolo's Ki.

"What!? Namekian! You actually hid your power! Your battle power is actually 60,000! Only slightly less than mine. You planned that sneak attack!" Burted yelled indignantly.

"That's dirty!" Guldo and Jeice chimed in.

"Shit! So devious!" Raditz was shocked. Piccolo had sneak attacked and fractured Burter's left kneecap. Now his battle power dropped significantly because he won't be able to put too much force into his left knee anymore. Both his speed and power had been badly impacted.

Raditz even felt a chill down his spine. If two equal fighters fought each other, it was hard to tell who would be the victor, but if one of them manages to ambush the other, he would naturally win the fight easily. Raditz raised his guard and started building up his Ki without releasing it.

Piccolo continued fighting Burter while fully exploiting Burter's fractured kneecap. In just 10 minutes, Burter was reduced to a sorry state.

"Die!" Piccolo saw an opening and went for the kill. He stabbed his right hand like a knife into Burter's chest and punctured his heart.

"Hey, hey, hey. Did you see that? Burter just got himself killed!" Jeice had an unnatural expression.

"What are we gonna do now?" Guldo said distressed.

"Yeah, with one of us missing, our Ginyu Force fighting pose is incomplete now." Captain Ginyu agreed with their distress.

"..." Goku, Gohan, and Raditz had an odd look as they stared at the remaining Ginyu Force discuss their so-called distress.

Piccolo had a poker face and no one knew if he was just indifferent or just good at keeping his face straight.

"But first, let us decide on a new fighting pose." Captain Ginyu started discussing again. Recoome was finally able to move about and the four of them started making foolish poses.

"Captain, our fighting pose doesn't look as striking with Burter missing." Jeice complained.

"Damnit! Namekian, I'll make you pay!" Captain Ginyu said angrily.

"Now it's my turn!" Gohan stepped forward bravely and raised his Ki.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Their scouter's automatically scanned Gohan's battle power due to the sudden spike.

"It's 8,000! This runt can also freely control his battle power!" Jeice was shocked.

"It seems Raditz is also hiding his battle power. Interesting looks like our fight won't be as boring as I had thought." Captain Ginyu smiled.

"Jeice, be careful! Don't leave yourself wide open like Burter." Captain Ginyu reminded Jeice to watch out for Gohan if he suddenly raises his battle power like all of a sudden like Piccolo.

"I don't recall Gohan having learned Kaioken..." Raditz looked oddly at Gohan's bravery. Except for Guldo being really weak and having to mainly rely on his superpowers to stop time or paralysis, Recoome, Burter, and Jeice all have a battle power around 60,000.

5 Minutes later...

An all beaten up and dust-covered Gohan lied on the ground.

"Ahahaha! You maggot! You actually dare to challenge me! You're just an insect!" Jeice laughed out loud while kicking the defenseless Gohan.

"Stop!" Goku got angry and rush forward.

Bam! Goku jump kicked away Jeice. Goku went forward and put a senzu bean in Gohan's mouth. Where did the senzu bean come from? It naturally came from Raditz's pouch. It happened so fast Raditz had only turned his head before Goku had already snatched his pouch filled with senzu beans from him. Raditz was left with 4 senzu beans since he had fed one to Goku and one to himself when he had returned back to Earth and fought Turles. Now it was down to 3.

"That's dirty! We're fighting one on one!" Guldo yelled.

"You...!" Jeice wanted to curse, but seeing that it was Goku who Captain Ginyu had estimated to have a battle power of 80,000, kept his mouth silent.

"It seems Gohan has no awareness... We've been sparring to friendly recently that he did not think of the consequences of fighting someone much stronger." Raditz shook his head and stepped forward.

Gohan did not jump around after healing up, therefore not shocking the Ginyu Force. It was likely that he had learned his lesson and decided to not stand out and followed Goku back to their group.

"Alright, let's end this." Raditz said and started releasing his Ki.

"You look confident. Just as I guessed, you all are capable of freely controlling your battle power." Captain Ginyu smiled and stepped forward.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Captain Ginyu tapped his scouter and scanned Raditz's battle power.

"10,000. 20,000. 30,000. 40,000 And it's still increasing. No wonder you are so confident. Hehehe... Unfortunately for you, you have completely underestimated my, Lord Ginyu's real strength." Captain Ginyu was very confident in his battle power.

"80,000! It's still increasing! 100,000...!" Ginyu was shocked.

"Impossible! How can a Saiyan have such high battle power!" Jeice said in disbelief.

"Impossible!!" Guldo and Recoome were shellshocked.

"Hm... Let's see. His battle power is 120,000. Only noticeable ability is... Body Switch...!" Raditz sudden remembered Ginyu's ability. But it couldn't be helped. He had lived over two years now in the Dragon Ball World(1 year in Hyperbolic Time Chamber), it was natural for his old memories to get a bit rusty. Especially since he had merged with Raditz's soul and gotten his whole life's several decades worth of memories.

Raditz was just about to suddenly burst out with all his Ki and instant kill Captain Ginyu, but somehow after seeing the Ginyu Force's shocked expressions. He just couldn't help himself feeling smug and want to show off.

"Heh! Then let me show you my real power!" Raditz said and clenched his hands into fists.

Boom! A strong shockwave blasted out with Raditz in the center.

"It! It's over 200,000!" Captain Ginyu yelled out in shock.

"It's still rising!" The dwarf-sized green-skinned Guldo exclaimed and his body shook in fear.

"300,000! 400,000! Impossible! Impossible!! It's still rising!!" Jeice stared in disbelief at the smug Raditz smile at them.

"Haaaah!" Raditz yelled and pushed out all his Ki.

Boom! Yet another shocking shockwave shook his surroundings. Goku shielded Gohan from the shockwave blast.

"Uaaah!" Guldo was just too weak and got flung away. While Recoome was stronger, he was in no condition to withstand the shockwave with his current injuries.

Even Jeice who was uninjured was push back by the shockwave.

"Wow! Uncle Raditz is so strong!" Gohan said in worship.

Piccolo was no longer calm after sensing that incredibly large Ki release by Raditz. Goku just had a smile on his face. Since he was on site when Raditz had his Zenkai, he might not have felt it all too surprising.

"It's 620,000! I can hardly believe it! This is your real power?" Captain Ginyu's body shook.

"Ah!! Don't tell me! Don't tell me you're a Super Saiyan!?" Captain Ginyu said in shock.

"A Super Saiyan? The all-powerful warrior of legend?" Jeice yelled in shock upon hearing Captain Ginyu's guess.

"AAARGHH!! How! How could this be!?" Captain Ginyu shouted to the sky. He looked as if he had lost his mind.

"He, he is a Super Saiyan, the ONLY thing that Lord Frieza fears?!

"A Super Saiyan? Hmph. Ignorant fools!" Raditz said in derision.

"Do you fools believe a Super Saiyan is only this strong? Too weak! How dare you insects compare a Super Saiyan with my 620,000 battle power?" Raditz looked incredibly arrogant as he looked down on the Ginyu Force in pure contempt.

"Is that so? I'm glad you explained. If you're not a Super Saiyan, then... Heheheh..." Captain Ginyu had somehow calmed down all of a sudden.

"Jeice! Hold my scouter." Captain Ginyu took off his scouter and threw it to Jeice.

"Captain Ginyu is going to...!" Jeice mumbled after catching the scouter.

"Heheheh. I've taken a liking to your body." Captain Ginyu said and stabbed his own chest.

"Oh shit!!" Raditz had just managed to rein in his uncontrollable emotions upon seeing Captain Ginyu's actions. Because he knew just what Captain Ginyu was about to do, Raditz was feeling panicky.

Raditz had just experienced the Saiyan genes' uncontrollable emotions which had led to many Saiyans to make many foolish actions. Just like Vegeta in the original storyline had defeated the imperfect Cell that had only absorbed one android. Vegeta was so arrogant and had complete confidence in his own strength that he willingly helped Cell absorb #18 and make Cell perfect.

Likewise, Cell who had the arrogant Saiyan genes, after becoming perfect was similarly arrogant and full of confidence. He had let Vegeta blast him with his strongest attack which vaporized a small half over his right body. Wouldn't it be incredibly painful? Was Cell a masochist? Of course not, but he was too arrogant to dodge nor block the attack after being provoked and challenged by Vegeta to stand his ground and get hit by Vegeta's strongest attack.

Cell continued being everso arrogant to not kill everyone but to hold a tournament and let Goku and his team have another 10 days to train themselves. Cell even reminded them to bring plenty of senzu beans. Ultimately, his actions had led to his downfall.

Raditz did not even have time to regret his earlier actions nor curse his Saiyan genes' uncontrollable emotions.

"Change!" Captain Ginyu stretched out his arms and shouted.

"Damnit! 10x Kaioken!" Raditz cursed and activated Kaioken and tried to get out of Ginyu's line of sight.

Captain Ginyu's body started to shine yellow like a ball of light, soon the light shot forward, and even though Raditz had tried to get away, the beam still hit him.