
My Hair Length Determines My Super Saiyan Power!

One day I woke up as Raditz in his spacespod flying toward Earth. I know the story, why should I die like an idiot? Eh? How come my Super Saiyan transformation is as strong as Super Saiyan 3!? ---- Just thought it'd be fun with Raditz as Super Saiyan. His hair is already long enough as a Super Saiyan 3 xD Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Toga01

Toga · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

The Afterlife

"Oh no! Cell is actually still alive! And he's even stronger than before! Now, Gohan doesn't even stand a chance!!" King Kai said nervously.

Raditz transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"I barely feel the stamina drain..." Raditz mumbled.

"You still want to keep up with your foolish actions?" Cell sneered and prepared to teleport to Earth.

"What about Half Power? As expected, it's still draining, but much less." Raditz Ki doubled, electricity sparked. After Cell's Zenkai, his Ki was no longer inferior to Raditz's current Ki.

"Then. If I take it a step further?" Raditz's Ki quadrupled. Raditz's golden aura was clad in numerous lightning arcs. The golden clouds in the surroundings were shaking and drawn to the sky above Raditz as if a vacuum was sucking in all the clouds.

"I-impossible!!?" Cell was taken aback. Raditz's Ki was now 4 times as big as his own.

"Kamehameha!!" Raditz had no time to spare, he fired a Kamehameha that swallowed Cell whole.

Cell cried in injustice before he completely vaporized.

"Ha...Ha...Ha..." Raditz reverted back and panted heavily.

"R-Raditz! Tha-tha-that Ki?!" Even King Kai was shocked by the level of Ki Raditz had just displayed. It was so strong that the sky had been shaken and almost congealed.

Raditz made sure that there wasn't the slightest cell left of Cell before he departed with King Kai and the rest.

Because of the shock from Raditz's Full Power Super Saiyan, King Kai was still in shock and had completely forgotten to complain about his sacrifice as well as his planet's sacrifice for just saving Earth.

Since they had no abode, King Kai suggested building a house on a cliff near the Snake Way. Raditz instead suggested them to take up residence at the Snake Princess' castle.

When they arrived, the servants and the Snake Princess were shaking in fear upon seeing King Kai. King Kai's status was just so noble that they feared offending him. It looked like the Snake Princess had become a servant in Raditz's eyes. She was so observant, caring and subservient in front of King Kai.

All the Earthlings were mourning Raditz's heroic death that saved Earth from Cell's self-destruction. This was thanks to the news reporters' efforts. King Furry was especially saddened since he had just met Raditz a few days before the tournament, Raditz's warning had save millions of Earth's military men.

The Z Team had just gone back to the Lookout and had summoned Shenron. Their first wish was naturally to wish back to life all the people Cell and Vegeta had killed. But luckily King Kai had helped him transmit his voice to the Z Team. Raditz told them to not be in a hurry to revive him, there were a lot of things for him to explore in the Other World. If he were to be wished back to life just like that, he would have wasted all his effort in order to go to the Other World.

Seeing Raditz's attitude, Goku was no longer sad and was back to his nonchalant attitude. But Gohan and Piccolo were stumped by Raditz decision to stay in the Other World.

The Z Team had no idea what to wish for with their 2nd wish, Raditz asked them to remove the bombs inside the androids, namely #16, #17, and #18. Of course, Raditz made sure King Kai was transmitting his voice to everyone on the Lookout. #18 had awoken and was feeling out of place, she hid behind a pillar and watched the Z Team make their wishes, and "eavesdropped" on their conversation.

She had a complicated expression on her face as she pressed her palm on her chest, where the bomb used to be. After she woke up, Piccolo had explained that she had been saved by Raditz, and Raditz had also sacrificed himself to save Earth.

"I guess... I can't visit you anymore..." #18 muttered. Raditz's face surfaced in her mind. That cheeky smile that was asking for a beating when he teased #18 and then asked her to pay him a visit when she was free. Another thing was that Gohan just bluntly said out loud "Uncle Raditz saved her because he loves #18." And she could not get that sentence out of her head anymore.


Raditz had just boarded a patched up half-broken looking airplane with King Kai.

"Seriously, this place looks so... Modern like the human world..." Raditz saw the numerous airplanes on the landing pads that had endless lines of spirits boarding them. These were the planes flying to Heaven. King Yama would just make a hole in his office to send those judged to Hell, but for those going to Heaven required them to take airplane trips.

Raditz's plane flew over Heaven and continued flying until it reached Grand Kai's planet.

"I had thought Heaven was a flat plane, but turns out it's a spherical planet." Raditz muttered. Heaven Planet was incredibly big, maybe so to accommodate the endless streams of spirits and those who would arrive on Heaven in the future after they die.

King Kai brought Raditz around Grand Kai's Planet. All the fighters there had a halo above their heads. And maybe because King Kai was purposely walking in the territory occupied by the North Galaxy which was governed by King Kai, every fighter they met, greeted King Kai respectfully.

There were short dwarf-sized fighters with chicken legs, various alien races of various colors, some had faces looking similar to bugs, fish, chickens, and also some that looked just like humans.

"Some of them are over 2,300 years your senior!" King Kai said proudly.

"They look so weak..." Raditz muttered. Considering just how old they were, the Ki they emitted was just too, too weak.

After walking up to Grand Kai's Palace, King Kai and Raditz stumbled upon the West Kai, he was even shorter than King Kai. West Kai brought Pikkon with him. He hoped Grand Kai would take notice of Pikkon and take him as his disciple.

King Kai and West Kai, the two quarreled, West Kai was especially happy and made fun of King Kai's halo, he couldn't believe a King Kai could possibly die. And his reason for dying was even worse, he died for an insignificant blue planet.

Raditz rolled his eyes and stopped listening to their quarrels.

Boom! Grand Kai landed in front of them and kicked up a dust cloud. Raditz had quickly put out a Ki Barrier to keep out the dust. The rest of them had dusty faces as they looked at Grand Kai in shock.

After a while, they heard some rock music, Grand Kai wore shades and jeans clothes, had a boombox resting on his shoulder and danced to the music.

"Lord Grand Kai!" King Kai, West Kai and Pikkon hurriedly said respectfully and went down on one knee.

"Nice hairstyle!" Grand Kai snapped his finger and complimented Raditz's long hair. Grand Kai's hair was just a bit shorter than Raditz.

Grand Kai came to ask them to take care of the trouble in hell. Cell had just arrived and had teamed up with Frieza and the rest to cause havoc in hell.

Pikkon hurriedly took up the mission and dashed to Hell.

"I guess he's strong enough to take care of everything." Raditz remembered that Pikkon was really strong in the anime.

A few hours later, Pikkon came back full of wounds, his clothes were in rags.

"I apologize for having failed your expectations, Lord Grand Kai." Pikkon had failed to put down Cell. Frieza and the rest were easy for him to take care of, but Cell was just too strong for him.

"Ah! Cell might be a bit stronger in this timeline..." Raditz had a weird look until he remembered that this timeline was a bit different.

King Kai had Raditz go take care of Cell, King Kai had seen Raditz kill Cell with his own eyes and had proudly pushed Raditz to take care of Cell in front of West Kai. It was also in a way for him to show off that Raditz was stronger than Pikkon.

Raditz shrugged his shoulders and locked on King Yama's Ki and teleported away. After arriving in King Yama's office, King Yama opened a passage to Hell for Raditz.

"Raditz!!" Frieza stared in hatred.

"Raditz!!" King Cold still felt great injustice over his death. He had believed Raditz was still Frieza's subordinate and had completely let down his guard when Raditz killed him. He had been clueless until Frieza had explained Raditz had already defected.

"Raditz?!" Unlike the others, Cell was shocked by Raditz's appearance. He still could not get over Raditz's Ki being 4 times bigger than his, it was an overwhelming and unbridgable gap. The moment Cell saw Raditz, he had already given up on rebelling in Hell. There was no meaning since he didn't have the slightest hope of winning against Raditz.

A few minutes later, Raditz had put the Ginyu Force, Frieza, King Cold, and Cell into a prison cell in Hell.

After Raditz returned and reported his mission, King Kai danced around West Kai to annoy him. He kept shouting that Raditz was strongest.

"Hohoho, young man, you've got great potential!" Grand Kai praised Raditz.

I imagined Cell having about 1.3-1.5 billion BP in normal timeline. While here he has 2.2 BP after self-destruction.

Pikkon probably has somewhere around 1.5-1.7 billion BP

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