
My Hair Length Determines My Super Saiyan Power!

One day I woke up as Raditz in his spacespod flying toward Earth. I know the story, why should I die like an idiot? Eh? How come my Super Saiyan transformation is as strong as Super Saiyan 3!? ---- Just thought it'd be fun with Raditz as Super Saiyan. His hair is already long enough as a Super Saiyan 3 xD Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Toga01

Toga · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Super Saiyan! Super Saiyan!

A place devoid of life, filled with cliffs, rocks, and sand. This was Gizard Wasteland.

A nervous Raditz landed in this desolate place.

Raditz took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He hoped his confidence was real. The confidence that stems from his heart just came out of nowhere. But he would rather have blind belief in himself than give up on becoming a Super Saiyan.

"I don't want to just be a cannon-fodder, a side-character that can be dismissed with a single thought. I have already changed the story. I can also become a Super Saiyan!" Raditz thought of the original Raditz's fate, Nappa's fate. Everything had changed. This timeline no longer followed the original storyline.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Having done this countless times already, it only took Raditz a moment to transition into Pseudo Super Saiyan. His veins were popping out, but he stayed focused. His Ki continued increasing rapidly, a large part leaked out and spread to his surrounding. The ground rumbled and shook. The ground under Raditz's feet within 10 meters sunk in and cracked.

The golden aura wrapping around Raditz intensified like a raging flame. Raditz's long hair was pulled upwards halfway and turned golden blond. His black pupils turned blue. He had finally become a Super Saiyan!

"HAAAAAAAH!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!" His strength was draining rapidly, Raditz kept holding on with all his might, just to keep the transformation going. His veins kept popping in and out, beads of sweat dripped down his face like a waterfall, not only soaking his clothes, but also slowly trying to fill up the huge crater under his feet.

Raditz's Ki kept rising higher and higher as if there was no limits to his potentials. His Ki continued increasing until lightning crackled and wrapped around his golden Super Saiyan aura.

Crackle! Crackle! Just as the bluish lightning appeared, Raditz lost all his strength, the transformation was undone and he reverted back. His golden blond hair reverted back to black and fell down, his blue pupils turned into black again. With all his physical strength drained, Raditz fell weakly to the ground on his back.

"Haah. Haah..." Raditz panted heavily.

"I. I did it!! Hahaha!" Raditz laughed weakly.

Because he was so focused on keeping the transformation, he did not notice the lightning crackle during the last moment of his Super Saiyan Transformation.

Only after resting for over an hour, did Raditz get back on his feet and stand up.

"I only managed to keep my transformation for a few seconds, maybe not even 5 seconds. But, I really did it!" Raditz smiled.

He was still too exhausted and tired to try transforming again. Using the little bit of strength he had left, he slowly levitated up and floated back home.

The next day, Raditz had fully rested and was brimming with vigor and excitement. He once again appeared on Gizard Wasteland.

This time he managed to keep his Super Saiyan state for 3 seconds.

"I think I just saw something? No, my mind must be playing tricks on me." Raditz felt like he saw something bluish streak past his body, he even felt like he heard something crackle. But the only thing he could think of was lightning. But that was just too unbelievable, Raditz quickly dismissed his delusions.

Days after days passed, Raditz continued training to control his Super Saiyan Transformation. As he got more and more used to the transformation, he would not use brute force to keep it going. He kept making small adjustments both emotionally and physically. Even the way he rotated his Ki around his body was slowly making small changes to conform with his Super Saiyan Transformation.

1 month, 2 months... 6 months went by.

Even though the gains he made were little, Raditz still saw the improvement and did not lose his motivation. The time he was able to keep up his transformation increased little by little.

From 3 seconds to 4 seconds, 5 seconds... 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds.

After 6 months, Raditz was able to keep his transformation for 20 seconds. But he was not disheartened, but rather overjoyed.

Lightning crackled, numerous blue colored arcs of lightning wrapped around Raditz.

"This many lightning arcs are way too many for a Super Saiyan 2, this is obviously Super Saiyan 3!! And this endless Ki and power coursing through my body...!" Raditz felt so exhilarated every time he transformed into a Full Power Super Saiyan.

The transformation immediately ceased and Raditz reverted back. The truth was that he could not keep up the Full Power Super Saiyan. Once his Super Saiyan transformation was moved up to Full Power, it just took him one second to drain all of his strength.

The reason Raditz spent 6 months to reach this stage, was because if he doesn't actively control his Super Saiyan state, it will automatically be moved up to Full Power. In the beginning, he could only keep his transformation for 3 seconds, there was barely any time for Raditz to get a feel of his Super Saiyan state. And he would also be completely exhausted and needed to rest the whole day to recover. Even though Raditz had heavily relied on the Rejuvenation Tanks to recover quicker. He still spent 6 months to reach this stage.

He could now transition between Half Power and Full Power Super Saiyan. The Half Power was what Raditz believed was equal to Super Saiyan 2, and the Full Power was equal to Super Saiyan 3.

"Next is to train the normal Super Saiyan state." Raditz actually got his priority reversed, he should have normally began to control and weaken his Super Saiyan state to the limit and get used to being in the Super Saiyan state for as long as possible and acquire the Mastered Super Saiyan state.

But Raditz's Super Saiyan Transformation was just too magical and wonderful, he just couldn't help but try to find the limits of his Super Saiyan power. But not everything was his fault, Goku and Gohan's first few crude Super Saiyan Transformations was not so difficult to control, Raditz had just been too focused on getting to know his limits, but he was never able to keep up the Full Powered Super Saiyan state and before he knew it, 6 months had already passed.

"But all of it wasn't a waste." Raditz smiled.

"But seriously, my Super Saiyan 1 is equal to Super Saiyan 3?!" Raditz was overjoyed.

"I remember always saying that if Raditz could become a Super Saiyan, he would look just as if he had transformed into a Super Saiyan 3... Don't tell me it's because of Raditz's long hair that my Super Saiyan transformation is so strong? Or... is this also part of my transmigration perk? Just like how I can control my Great Ape Transformation without any training...?" Raditz could obviously just cut his hair to find out. But he thought it was quite stupid, if it really was so, that his Super Saiyan power was dependent on his hair length, he would lose out since a pure-blooded Saiyan's hair doesn't grow out.

Raditz spent 3 months keeping his Super Saiyan state to the lowest power trying to master his Super Saiyan state. He didn't manage to master it, but he made great improvements and could better handle his Super Saiyan state. Maybe due to his abnormal Super Saiyan Transformation, everything regarding his Super Saiyan state seemed much harder to improve and master. Raditz obviously wouldn't acknowledge himself as talentless.

Raditz in his Super Saiyan state held a big bag filled with 40 senzu beans. He would occasionally eat a senzu bean to keep his transformation. Yes, he was being wasteful. But there wasn't much need in using senzu beans for training anymore, now that they had Rejuvenation Tanks. Senzu beans were only useful in real battles. Since Korin was doing his best to produce as many senzu beans as possible, there was naturally a surplus of senzu beans.

Raditz did not believe the Z Team needed over 40 senzu beans just for the Android Saga and Cell Saga. Of course, Raditz only dared to hold 40 senzu beans in his hands when he's not in combat. He had learned his lessons during the battle on Planet Namek.

Raditz had spent two weeks flying around various forested areas and even scouted the surrounding forests of Ginger town, but he still could not find Cell's Time Machine.

He knew that once Bulma and Trunks find the Time Machine, it would probably get taken away so no one will be allowed to use it. Raditz didn't have any plans to use the Time Machine either, but it wouldn't hurt to be more prepared.

Raditz had spent a few days to recall the original storyline. It was only very far into the future after Buu Saga that Future Trunks would come again, and that would only be on his own Time Machine. Raditz didn't think it was feasible for him to steal Future Trunks' Time Machine. Thus, Raditz was searching for Cell's Time Machine.

"That's too bad. I had wanted to use the Dragon Balls to either regrow my hair or refill the Time Machine's energy..." Raditz said in disappointment. He was naturally curious to know whether his Super Saiyan power was equal to a Super Saiyan 3 simply because his hair made him look as if he really was in a Super Saiyan 3 state. He wouldn't cut off his hair unless he could have it regrown in a short time. The Androids Saga was just about to be upon the Z Team, he would not foolishly weaken himself in such a critical time.

The other possible wish was for him to refuel the Time Machine so it would be ready to be used when there was the need. But now Raditz could only choose to collect the Dragon Balls and ask Shenron to help him find the Time Machine instead.

Raditz spent some time collecting the Dragon Balls and had Shenron teleport him to the Time Machine's location.

"Hum... Looks like I need to spend another wish to repair the Time Machine." Raditz looked at the big hole in the glass cover of the Time Machine.

Raditz wiped the moss covering the surface of the Time Machine and found the button to turn it into a capsule.

Poof! White smoke engulfed the Time Machine. Once the smoke dispersed, only a tiny capsule remained. Raditz picked up the capsule and flew to his training room. He wouldn't dare to hold valuable items in case they would be destroyed or lost in a battle.