
My Hair Length Determines My Super Saiyan Power!

One day I woke up as Raditz in his spacespod flying toward Earth. I know the story, why should I die like an idiot? Eh? How come my Super Saiyan transformation is as strong as Super Saiyan 3!? ---- Just thought it'd be fun with Raditz as Super Saiyan. His hair is already long enough as a Super Saiyan 3 xD Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Toga01

Toga · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Perfect Cell

"Holy shit! What the heck are they fighting for?" Raditz was dumbfounded. He had naturally sensed Piccolo battling Cell. He had even thought that Cell might die before he achieved his perfect form. But who knew why Vegeta appeared, and instead of getting revenge for almost dying at Cell's hands, he was now fighting Piccolo.

"Is that Ultra Super Saiyan state? I can't think of any other ways for Vegeta to get such an incredible power so quickly. But the Ultra Super Saiyan state's weakness it too glaring. I wonder how the fight will end up." Raditz believed only his Half Powered Super Saiyan state could match Vegeta's current Ki. Although Raditz's weakness was the huge drain in stamina to retain his Super Saiyan state, the Ultra Super Saiyan state was too slow to really land hits on someone with equal strength if they have balanced attributes. As long as their speed isn't way too slow, they can easily evade the Ultra Super Saiyan state's attacks.

"A Ki attack? That's smart of Vegeta. The speed of Ki attacks is not subjected to the same weakness after all. Shit is that Final Flash? Does he want to blow up the whole city?" Raditz frowned. The huge concentration of energy was most likely Vegeta's Final Flash attack. But to use it in the middle of a city was too unscrupulous. Although Cell had blasted a large part of the city already, it did not mean the whole city had been destroyed. There were still many citizens panicking and running for their lives in North City. Raditz could sense many faint Ki moving in panic.

Rumble! Raditz felt the ground under him slightly shake. Vegeta's attack had shaken a large part of Earth's surface. Piccolo's Ki suddenly dropped to less than a tenth of his original Ki.

"Shit that crazy bastard!" Raditz no longer had the leisure to observe the battle from afar. He quickly locked on to Piccolo's Ki and teleported over.

"Hah... Hah..." Vegeta panted heavily. The Final Flash had destroyed everything in front of him. Only the part of the city behind him was left. The energy contained in the attack could be imagined, Vegeta could probably not muster up another attack of the same grade.

Swish! Raditz appeared next to Piccolo and was shocked by his state. He had lost his whole lower body and right arm, copious amount of purple blood was leaking out of his open wounds while he laid on the ground. Piccolo's Ki was dropping drastically and turning fainter by the moment.

"Piccolo! Eat this, it's a senzu bean!" Raditz hurriedly put a senzu bean in Piccolo's mouth.

After eating the senzu bean, Piccolo's Ki was stabilized, although his wounds did not disappear, it stopped bleeding.

Piccolo screamed loudly and regenerated his lost body parts. Raditz felt another surge of envy from seeing Piccolo's "Immortal" body qualities. Even the senzu beans could not restore the lost body parts.

Seeing that Piccolo's condition had stabilized, Raditz turned his attention to Vegeta who was also looking at Raditz.

"Vegeta! Are you out of your mind?! Did you just erase half of North City? Why the heck are you trying to kill Piccolo?" Raditz reprimanded.

"Silence! Just because I'm staying on Earth does not mean that I'm one of you! After I'm done with the Namekian, you're next!" Vegeta stared with hostility at Raditz.

"That Vegeta turned crazy after he found out the Dragon Balls are gone." Piccolo explained.

"Oh, I figured that was the reason your Ki became ambiguous and much stronger." Raditz nodded.

"Vegeta, what do you need the Dragon Balls for? It's not like you can wish for immortality, just get over it." Raditz had a weird look.

"None of your damn business! Since you want to die, let me send you to hell!" Vegeta dashed toward Raditz. Even though his Ki had dropped significantly after his last attack, he still felt confident to finish off Raditz.

"Damned mad dog!" Raditz transformed into a Super Saiyan, although his Ki was lower than Vegeta's, Raditz had no trouble dodging all of Vegeta's attacks. This was the glaring weakness of Ultra Super Saiyan, it gave an incredible boost in strength, but the oversized muscles weighed down on your body and slowed you down. While the normal Super Saiyan state was balanced, Raditz no trouble dodging all his attacks. Raditz just had to watch out for any surprise Ki attacks.

Raditz dodged and counterattacked, but due to the big difference in strength, Raditz barely did any damage to Vegeta. Raditz had purposely aimed most of his attacks at Vegeta's face and even given Vegeta a nosebleed. But even so, Vegeta did not get weaker, it was obvious that the minor nosebleed did nothing whatsoever to weaken Vegeta's fighting capacity.

"Raditz! Let me help you!" Piccolo joined the battle, even with his 3x Kaioken, his Ki was still lower than Vegeta's Ultra Super Saiyan state, but that did not mean he was unable to defeat Vegeta with his glaring weakness. Piccolo's Ki was now even higher than Raditz's Ki, with both of them working together, they started piling up injuries on Vegeta.

Maybe due to the constant intense battles he had been having, Raditz felt that he was now able to keep his Super Saiyan state for a bit longer, maybe not as long as 3 minutes, it was still longer than 2 minutes.

After having almost fought for 2 minutes, the three of them had no choice but to stop. Cell had appeared, even though his Ki was not overwhelmingly huge, Raditz knew that the Ki Cell was emitting was just a ruse.

"Perfect Cell..." Raditz was shocked, Cell had actually achieved his perfect form already. Raditz wasn't sure if the earlier release of Cell's Ki was a ruse to trick them to come over here. Since it was impossible to sense the android's Ki. He had no way of knowing if the androids even were here earlier. But considering Perfect Cell's huge ego after achieving perfection, he was unlikely to do this.

"Dammit! Cell absorbed #18!! Piccolo cursed and shot a look at Vegeta, blaming him.

"Hmph, that's all his so-called perfect form is. A single Final Flash is all it takes to kill Cell." Vegeta said in contempt. Vegeta had also realized the glaring weakness in his Ultra Super Saiyan state during the fight with Raditz and Piccolo. But he also did not dare to revert back in front both them, so he could only become a punching bag for them.

With nowhere to vent his anger, he set his target of venting on Cell.

"Give me a senzu bean, I'll handle him." Vegeta said arrogantly.

"No." Raditz gave Vegeta a look and denied. He noticed his time limit and reverted back from his Super Saiyan state.

"You're... Raditz? That's weird, according to my data, you should have died a long time ago in the hand of Piccolo and your own little brother, Son Goku." Cell said in surprise.

"So this is your perfect form. It is incredible. But just give us a bit more time. We'll surely defeat you at that time." Raditz said to Cell. He was sure Cell was soaring in arrogance and was willing to accept his conditions.

"Oh? That is to say, Vegeta's improvement in such a short time was due to this? Interesting, how did you do it?" Cell was intrigued.

"Not answering, huh? No matter, I'll give you guys 10 days. I'll hold a tournament in 10 days." Cell said.

"A tournament?" Piccolo was dumbfounded.

"Do me a favor and become stronger, all of you. I'm especially looking forward to fighting Son Goku." Cell smiled. He completely disregarded the glowering Vegeta.

"Cell! I alone am more than enough to destroy you!" Vegeta shouted in anger.

"Is that so? Will you help me warm up?" Cell asked.

"There is no need for a warm up, I'll kill you right now!" Vegeta spread out his arms and started charging his Final Flash attack. His stamina had dropped considerably, even though Vegeta was arrogant, he knew his limits. Since he could not get a senzu bean, he intended to end everything in a single attack.

"Cell! I dare you to take this head-on!" Vegeta provoked.

"Well, I'll take up your offer then." Cell smiled arrogantly.

After a minute, an incredibly concentrated amount of Ki was gathered in each of Vegeta's hands, he cupped his hands and fused both orbs of Ki into one ball of Ki.

"Holy shit! He's gonna blow up the surface!" Raditz and Piccolo hurriedly ran away and took cover.

"Final Flash!" The ball of Ki shot out into a beam heading for Cell. Just before the beam hit Cell, Cell's Ki spiked up for an instant. The Final Flash hit Cell and then continued flying away, slowly curving up and flew through space. At least Vegeta was not stupid enough to get himself killed as well.

Once the glaring light disappeared, what was left of Cell was just his upper body.

"U- Argh! Damn you!" Cell grunted.

"It's over." Vegeta smirked. He reverted back from his Super Saiyan transformation, he had exhausted all his energy in that attack.

"Aaah! It, it hurts!" Cell shouted.

"Hahahahaha! Hahahaha!" Vegeta laughed.

"I can't believe it, Cell's arrogance led to his demise. Vegeta actually defeated Cell." Piccolo said in shock.

"Don't forget Cell also got your cells... And your disgustingly overpowered regeneration ability." Raditz frowned. Although Cell's Ki dropped considerably, it was nothing close to being half dead. If not for Piccolo and Vegeta being too caught up in Cell's acting, they would also have noticed that Cell's Ki was still stable rather than dropping continuously.

"I had you fooled for a second, didn't I?" Cell's pained expression disappeared, replaced with a calm look.

"Huh?" Vegeta was surprised by Cell's expression.

"Vegeta, you fool. Have you forgotten that I have Piccolo's cells?" Cell smirked and regenerated his lower body.

"So this is a Zenkai?" Cell examined his body.

"Shit, did Cell just turned even stronger?" Raditz wasn't sure since he never got to sense Cell's actual Ki level as Cell had suppressed his Ki earlier.

Bulky Super Saiyan kinda sounds weird so lets go with Ultra Super Saiyan which many ppl call the 3rd form

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