
My Guardian Mr Bo

"""The 18-year-old An Geer was born into a wealthy family. She was originally the eldest daughter of the family, but after her abandoned sister returned home, she was framed and bullied. All her family members pampered her sister without restraint because her own background didn't seem to be that simple. An Geer didn't mind her family's cold treatment because she also had her own pride. In front of people, she was an ordinary straight-A student, but in the back, she was the chief firearm designer of a mysterious group! And this man, who she called 'Little Uncle' in name, was the king of City A whose influence shadowed everything. After returning from overseas, he crazily schemed against her with all his might just to hold her tightly in his arms. In one night, the overbearing and proud elder became her husband. She gritted her teeth in shame and anger, but she had to admit that she seemed to enjoy sinking into his warm embrace and security. Scene 1: Bo Yan tugged at his tie in frustration and said, ""No other man can do it, remember!?"" Hearing this, An Geer turned around to look at him. The man in front of her was tall and well-built. His exquisite and perfect face was gloomy while there was anger between his brows. His dark and long eyes were staring at her without blinking, and it was as oppressive as an abyss. There were too many complicated feelings in it. Seeing this scene, An Geer's heart suddenly skipped a beat. She was not stupid. Even if he was her uncle, he had warned her with such harsh words. This feeling was completely different from the warning from her parents and elders. It was more like a strong desire to possess her… It was like a man versus a woman… Scene 2: Bo Yan and Qin Mo sat in the car. ""Leave her!"" Bo Yan's voice suddenly became cold and firm. Qin Mo stared at him. ""The reason?"" Bo Yan said coldly, ""She's my woman."" Although these few words were not loud, they were enough to shock people. Qin Mo's expression changed drastically. ""Are you kidding me? You're her uncle!"" ""Is that so? That's unfortunate, but we're not related by blood."" Qin Mo was shocked. How was this possible? Then who is truly with the An Family?

Ninth Fu · Teen
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60 Chs

She Lost Her Cool Completely

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

There was a toughness in his deep voice. An Ge'er thought he was angry and apologized continuously, "I'm sorry. I really didn't do this on purpose, Little Uncle."

She looked at him, her eyes filled with a mist that was forced out by shock and fear.

There weren't many expressions on Bo Yan's face, but too many deep meanings were exposed in his bright eyes.

He stood up and got closer to her step by step. But, An Ge'er backed out subconsciously until her back touched the bookcase.

At this moment, Little Uncle's hoarse and mesmerizing voice rang out, "I agree for you to be the spokesperson."


An Ge'er opened her eyes. However, she saw Little Uncle staring at her and then removing the hands he had placed next to her head.


He turned and returned to his seat. His tone turned calm and formal," I agree for you to be the spokesperson, but your audition photos have to be edited again."

He opened her photos and showed her the ones that he had done altering.

An Ge'er's breathing paused.

So… Little Uncle was personally editing the 3D pictures that were to be released for her? That was why her pictures were on his laptop?

However, she couldn't care about it so much now. Her mind was in a frenzy.

Little Uncle's thin lips moved and said something to her, but her brain was still replaying those scenes earlier. That scorching touch, that gentle caress, that deep gaze…

Even though he didn't do anything to her, she still lost her cool.

Little Uncle sent her edited audition pictures to the related department. Although she had resolved one issue that was bothering her, she didn't feel as relieved as she thought she would.

Complex thoughts filled her mind at that moment.

She left the study in a hurry. Bo Yan watched as she disappeared from his sight before he opened an encrypted folder.

An Ge'er would get a shock if she saw this stuff.

These were all her photos from when she was little until she had grown up. It contained everything from primary school, middle school, and high school.

Many of them seemed to have been taken secretly, but they were exceptional.

He was afraid she would have seen this earlier.

The large-scale online game "Dominate the World" was well-known, as it was based on a famous author's popular book that had billions of clicks online.

The Jianghu fantasy genre was immensely popular; hence, many media outlets and figures guessed who would be the star before the game officially went online.

Most believed that An Ruxue was the one among the current most popular female stars.

Furthermore. in an earlier interview, when the reporter asked her this question, she smiled sweetly and said she really hoped to work with them. Although she hadn't admitted anything, the underlying meaning was not far from it.

No matter how the people were speculating online, the entertainment games company collaborating with SUM's subsidiary media corporation refused to say a word. This made the event even more mysterious.

"Dominate the World" was finally released on March 20th!

The posters and 3D endorsement pictures successfully grabbed every entertainment media's headlines when they were released!