
My Grumpy Keeper

An ordinary teenage girl who only have a brother as family was favored by fate to be introduced to the world out of her norms. She decided to embraced it and let the people on it be part of her journey to discover herself and experience life that she had not imagine she would experienced. A fated meeting. A fated situation. And a fated love?

Ice_Maiden09 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"It was Uno!"

"The hell I am!"

"You strangled me!"

"I did not do such thing! I haven't even touch you yet!"

"So you are really planning to kill me then!"

"You moron!"

"Stop it!" Mistral interjected.

"Brother, these two are really a pain in the ass, why don't we locked them up and tied them to their bed?" Lucas joined in while looking at the new arrival who's standing beside me.

"You brute!" Andrei and Uno said at the same time.

"I'm here." Someone said from behind us.

It was a man. A dandy? I grimaced looking at him.


This is Robert? He looked like a dandy. Wearing a red leggings? And a neon green shirt. Slender and fair skinned with pointed nose.

"How did you get out of your room?  You're all tied up?"

"It's my room, I know how it works. You're here already." He looked at Uno. "How was it? Did you get the information?"

"Yeah, but it was not easy."

"I personally thought that it was so easy considering they gave you a concealing spell." Andrei commented.

"Well." Robert seated and casted a glance towards me. "You're Nick's sister?" I nodded. It's hard to concentrate with his seriousness while his wearing colorful cloths.

"You're probably wondering why you are here? You've read your brother's letter? It doesn't say much though."

"Why don't we all seat down?" Mistral interrupted.

"You read my brother's letter for you to say that?" I raised my brows.

He shrugged. Marcus leaned on the wall and just remained silent.

"You are here because your brother is in some kind of a mission."

"Mission? Just like Uno's?"

"No. He's supposed to come back a month ago. He didn't. Before he left, he wrote a letter to be sent to you if he did not come back on his scheduled date. That's why you are here."

"You all know what he wrote?" I asked.

"Yes. He told us to get you here no matter what. We understand his intention since he is the only one who has a family left, a sister."

"D..do you know where is he now?"

"No. That's why we are gathering information. Uno's assignment."

"I see." Though I still didn't know what was really happening.

"You don't know what we are."  I looked up to see Andrei with a serious face, the same when I first saw him.

"We are a sort of an association. We are all half-breeds, so is Nick." Andrei explained. "And of course, you."

I was calm but my heart was beating fast. "Half-breeds?" I mumbled. "What kind of breed?" I asked, suddenly sometime flicker on my mind. "Witch I presume?" I asked.

They all looked at me. "Yeah."

"It was our Aunt, she told me before she passed away. I thought my brother doesn't know about it so I kept quiet."

"She was a witch?" Robert asked.

I nodded. "She was a seer as well. I totally forgot about it until now."