
My Great Phoenix System

"So they are back?" A stout old man asked, a glint of surprise in his eyes. "Unfortunately, yes. And they've not come to dance the Waltz with us." The prince answered swiftly. The end of the world is quickly arriving in a big blue warship! And they have teamed up with the X-terrors! Will the world survive? Will Klimo survive?

Terry_stripy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Old Healer

After he had been awarded the first place in the test, the student's murmurings increased until it turned into an uproar. They didn't see any reason why he would be the one at the top of the list. Unfortunately, none of them had noticed him, apart from the student he'd stolen points from, so they had no idea what his power was.

But they were pretty sure he wasn't supposed to be the one at the top of the list. There was possibly no way he could have destroyed so many robots. Even the student who was supposed to be awarded the first place had just 250 points and the next had 175.

Many of the students shot Klimo sideward glances and Vlad who had begun and ended the test with laughter now had a terrible frown on his face.

Crystal who had come fourth with 170 points however was happy for Klimo. Of course, the other students noticed it but they couldn't chide her because she obviously was an elementalist, one of the most powerful abilities that were rare to find. They feared that if they did, it wouldn't end well for them.

"The second position goes to Vlad Zihech and the third to Terry Eugene." The moderator said, pretending not to notice the rancour going on among the students.

"This is totally unfair." A student said, eyeing an injured Klimo, who at the moment stood, shocked.

"Aren't you seeing the clothes he's wearing? He's probably a noble and he must have bribed his way to the top despite being a low power level."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Yet another reason for me to hate their kind."

Although that conversation was whispered, since they truly believed Klimo was a noble and didn't want to offend him, Klimo heard them clearly nonetheless.

However, he didn't say anything, mostly because he was too weak to do anything at the moment.

The moderator's voice was heard again.

"Many of you may be wondering why Klimo Javier was awarded first place with such points, so we'll show you why."

The floating screens began replaying Klimo's act of valor.

"So he defeated the huge robot and saved a girl. I still don't see how that earns him such amounts of points."

"Yeah. Besides, the robot he defeated was a zero pointer. So it doesn't even count."

At some point, Klimo agreed with the angry students. Perhaps he truly didn't deserve as much points as that just for saving another student.

"So as you can all see, he cared for a fellow student who was in distress, even when he knew that by doing so, he risked being eliminated. This is why he is the first.' The voice said.

"Those of you that got below average, go into the building by your left which has a red signboard on it. Those of you who passed, head into the building by your right that has a green signboard on it. We'll be meeting with you shortly."

The murmuring died down, but not completely. Klimo would make a lot of enemies to look out for in the nearest future because of what happened today.

The two men in white appeared and proceeded to hold Klimo by his sides and promptly vanished from sight.

At first, Klimo felt like he was floating in a bottomless, dark pit, but quickly, the space in front of him began to shine and distort and colors began to seep through, defining the environment. Finally, Klimo appeared in a large building filled with rows of beds.

The building was painted white and the ceiling was dimpled. There were drips attached to some of the beds in which some students lay, and on a desk at the end of the room were some computers.

He'd been taken to the hospital which was still within the environs of the school.

He was immediately placed on one of the beds carefully by the men, after which they vanished. (This part sort of reminds me of Avatar; The last air bender where the introduction to each episode has, '...and after saving the world, he vanished.')

Beside the bed he was placed was another bed on which the girl laid. She was awake and looking at Klimo in a way he found strange.

'If that's how people look at their rescuers these days, I guess I would have to think twice next time before saving anybody else.' He thought, before clearing his throat.

"Uh, how are you feeling?" He asked her. He noticed her left leg which had been terribly messed up was now healed completely, almost like as if nothing had happened to it a while ago.

"I'm fine! The old woman treated me nice. My leg's regenerated fully but she told me to stay in bed for the next three minutes just so my blood could flow freely." She said smiling. "By the way, my name's Maia."

"Great! Mine's Klimo." Klimo replied. 'Although, I'm only saying it like this because I'm not going to be eliminated.'

Klimo wondered why his HP hadn't rejuvenated like it did that day he was bitten by a snake and supposedly died.

'System, is there an explanation for that?'

The system replied immediately to his thoughts.

[That day, you were not rejuvenated. You were reborn.]

'Uh?' Klimo thought in confusion. But he couldn't ponder much on it because the door opened and a woman, much shorter than him just waltzed in. She had pale alabaster skin and gray hair which were surprisingly long.

Her name was Dina. She was one of the best healers out there, and she had been trained right in SH, many many years ago. She'd gone through a lot when she was younger, joining a guild once she was done with training school but eventually grew too old to continue doing such.

Of course due to how well she had developed her powers, she could have immortalized herself while she was still a very beautiful lady, but she didn't.

'...if I do that, I'd be throwing away my last shred of humanity.' She'd always replied to people who asked her why she didn't. She decided to come back to her alma mater and spend the rest of her days within it.

She walked over to their beds with a grin on her face. Once she saw Klimo, it increased.

"So, you are the boy she was talking about? Her knight in shining armor..." She said in a crooked voice.

'The fuck?' Klimo thought, turning his face just in time to see the girl blush and turn her face away. 'Not this again.'

What was with girls and blushing at him?

"I had such a story in my younger years." Dina said, looking Klimo over. "And it ended up in marriage!" She emphasized by showing them a golden ring on her middle finger.

'I can't believe this!' Klimo thought with disgust. Yes, the girl was beautiful and her knockers were pretty enticing...but he had no feelings for her, and neither should she.

Dina placed her hands on Klimo's jaw and right hand after identifying the injured areas and she began muttering some words.

[Healing Energy has been detected]

[Host's body has begun healing]

[HP 5/10]

Klimo watched as his broken fist began fixing itself, making a slight cracking sound before returning to it's right position. His jaw also re-shaped and he could talk more clearly.

[HP 8/10]

[HP is full!]

[HP 10/10]

"That should do." Dina said just immediately after the last notification appeared in front of Klimo's eyes. "If you are both ready, you can leave. I don't hope to see you guys anytime soon. But if I do, we will be discussing about life and death." And once she finished saying that, she walked out of the room.

And it was only after the door closed that a realization set in.

"Tch, we didn't ask her how we would find our way back." Klimo said, standing up from the bed. He didn't feel any pains, making him feel like he could redo what he'd done at the Arena a thousand times more, but he knew better.

"Oh, we just have to press this button and those men will re-appear. The old woman told me." The girl said, pointing to a black button attached to the side of the bed.

'Jeez. I wonder how far you guys discussed before I was brought in.' He thought and pressed the button, after which he sighed.

'Now, it's time to face the crowd.'

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I do hope you guys are enjoying reading it as I do writing it!

Terry_stripycreators' thoughts