
My Great Phoenix System

"So they are back?" A stout old man asked, a glint of surprise in his eyes. "Unfortunately, yes. And they've not come to dance the Waltz with us." The prince answered swiftly. The end of the world is quickly arriving in a big blue warship! And they have teamed up with the X-terrors! Will the world survive? Will Klimo survive?

Terry_stripy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Another test

Klimo woke up the next morning and the first thing that assaulted his eyes were notifications from the system.

[Congrats on turning sixteen, Host!]

[Special Mission:

Celebrate your birthday by doing something memorable...Kiss a girl in your class!]

Time span: 24hrs.

[Rewards: +20 exp, 1 stat point, waving off of tomorrow's daily quest while the rewards will still be given!]

[Daily Quest updated!

Run 5km in the open sun.]

[Reward: +5 exp]

After reading it, he blinked his eyes multiple times and even slapped himself just to be sure what he was reading was real.

'This definitely cannot be real.' He thought, rereading the whole thing.

Today, was his sixteenth birthday in truth. But he was surprised the system knew when it was. But not only did it know, it gave him a 'special mission' that had only one ending. Expulsion for harassment!

However, he did notice the rewards and it got him excited. Apart from the exp he would gain, there was something else. A stat point!

If he did get it, that would mean the [Skills] tab would finally be unlocked! Also, he wouldn't have to complete tomorrow's [Daily Quest] which had been updated from something so easy to something very tiring.

'But this is so crazy!' Klimo had never thought of kissing a girl less of actually doing it. He couldn't even imagine himself smooching any girl at the moment and he doubted if he would ever.

But the rewards were too tempting.

'Let's see how today goes.'

He stood up from his bed and glanced at the time. 7:45. He had less than two hours to get to the class. And he didn't want to go late as he didn't want to test his Trainer...yet. Mostly because the man looked like something ripped out from a zombie movie, only with a bit more color.

He looked at the other beds in the room. One was empty while the other two had students in them.

'It seems Vlad's already up.'

Yesterday, had ended with Klimo having to take careful steps around Vlad. After Vlad had made that statement, Klimo knew that Vlad wanted his pound of flesh. He knew why but he didn't know just what Vlad was planning, and he doubted if he would ever be able to get on his good side.

Of course, when the last roommate—who was a bit plumpy and quite short—joined them and he noticed Vlad was one of his roommates, he carefully arranged his things at the last corner of the room and barely moved from his corner. Or talked with them.

It may not have been intentional, but Vlad had already created a name for himself during the general test. As of now, he was the only first year who seemed to have immense potential. But that was for now, as Klimo had plans of his own. He didn't bother waking the other two since they were not in his class

'I better prepare for class.'

* * *

By 8:35, Klimo walked into the first year class. It wasn't a large building, considering it was only meant to house twenty students due to the division that had been done yesterday. Nonetheless, it was very beautiful and well equiped.

By this time, some other students who had picked the card with a 1 on it, were seated, some chatting casually about yesterday's event while some others just used their phones.

Klimo sat on a chair by a corner of the classroom, and heaved a sigh of relief when nobody noticed him. While he waited for their trainer to come, he took out his brand new phone—which Crystal had bought and sent to him through her butler in addition to a lot of clothes—and began chatting with her. He decided he would at least keep talking with her since she was one of the major reasons why he was still alive. But that would be all.

The thought occurred to him that he could use her to complete the special mission given him by the system, but he discarded it just as quickly as it had come. There were many reasons why he could never do that with her, and one of them which was very potent, was her father. Klimo was sure he'd assigned somebody to be watching him, so it would be foolish to just kiss her... His life could go for it.

Crystal had been grouped to class 1D so they were far away from themselves and wouldn't be seeing eye to eye for sometime. At the moment, she texted that she was in class and that all the girls were talking about his deeds yesterday during the general test.

Klimo couldn't tell if she was exaggerating or not, but still he thanked her for telling him. It wasn't really a news that could help him but still, it was something. Now if any girl approached him from her class he would know how to reply them without causing bad blood.

He continued chatting with her, but stopped when he heard a bubbly sound.

It was 9 on the dot, and the trainer for class 1A had appeared.

He wasn't looking any better than yesterday. The black and purple bags were still under his eyes and his face was still very pale. The only difference Klimo could notice was his change of clothes. He was wearing a track suite today.

"I see all of you made it." He said, scanning the twenty students wearily. "However, some of you will cease to be in this school after today."

He snapped his hands and all the students, including Klimo were enclosed in a bubble and promptly disappeared, leaving the classroom empty.

When they reappeared, the students were very surprised to find themselves in the Arena once again.

"I thought we were starting classes today?" A student whispered to another.

"I thought so too. But apparently it seems we were wrong."

Klimo was also wondering why they were back in the Arena, but he decided to observe as that was the only thing he could do at the moment.

"We are here because, some of you are not supposed to be here. You all will be taking another round of tests, and the penalty for failure is immediate expulsion."


"I can't believe this."

"Is this even allowed?"

The students began whispering among themselves furiously after hearing the words that came out from their trainer's mouth.

However, he didn't mind them and just continued speaking.

"Also, these tests will be used to guage your current potential, which will be recorded and updated to your devices."

He took them to the race track and proceeded to divide them into groups of five. Then he took out a whistle from his pocket.

"The first test is going to be a race of 100m. I'll blow this whistle to signify the start of the race. If you don't get to the finish line before a minute, you are disqualified both from the test and from taking any classes in this school. Also, the last position will be punished for two days."

The students quickly realized that their trainer was most probably a sadist but they could do nothing about it. They could only count it as lady luck turning her back to them.

He beckoned for the first group to set themselves on the race track.

"Of course, you can use your powers any way you feel best, however none of you should dare carry out any underhanded tricks against your mates. If you are caught, you'll have to face me, and of course, expulsion."

'Jeez. This man just loves saying expulsion doesn't he?' Klimo thought. He wasn't expecting this, but it wasn't something impossible to do, for now. Besides, he could use it to begin his [Daily Quest], which would bring him closer to filling his exp and levelling up.

'Hopefully, these guys in my group would be weaklings or have little control over their powers.'

If that was the case, not only would he not have to come last and be punished, he could actually get the first position.

The five students took their positions on the track and waited for the whistle sound.

'Unfortunately for this group, the first position has already been bagged by him.' Klimo thought, looking closely at Vlad who had a slight grin on his face. He knew as all the other students did, that Vlad was already tasting victory, all that stopped him was the whistle which hadn't been blown.


The shrill sound of a whistle being blown pierced into the ears of everyone and promptly, the five students began running.




Terry_stripycreators' thoughts