
My Grandfather is a wealthy business man

Li Wan a college student from an underprivileged family worked hard, but was looked down upon by others. He was mocked and bullied by the wealthy second-generation student at his class reunion. One day, he received a mysterious phone call:"I am your long lost Second Grandpa . My child, our family has too much money, go out and Splurge!" From then on Li Wan succeeded in his counterattack and had the problem of not knowing how to spend too much money.

Rahmon_Lora · Urban
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1 Chs

Celebration of the class beauty.

Star City, Galaxy food center, Room 223. Li Wan nervously handed the gift in his hand to the girl in front of him.

"Dai Mengting, I hope you become more and more beautiful, and keep smiling in your new university."

Li Wan felt a bit guilty, Dai Mengting was the class monitor with a great personality and good looks, she also did well academically and was admitted to Huada university with exceptional results. Her family was also a well known entrepreneur in the city, making her a high class white swan.

"Thank you, it's already great that you could come.

Come on, you guys go sit over there, this table is for us girls."

Dai Mengting skillfully took the gift and put it on the nearby table, At that moment a young man wearing a silk shirt, pink cropped pants and a big back-combed hairstyle took the gift and sneered.

"Li Wan, this is so thoughtless of you, we're all classmates here and Dai Mengting has been admitted to Huada university but you only gave her such a cheap gift.

Tsk tsk tsk, did you pick it up from a dumpster? don't embarrass yourself, if it were me i would have thrown this thing out a long time ago."

The speaker was Zhao Guangzhou, a rich second-generation student who had some connections with some local gangsters, he often ridiculed Li Wan and other students from poor families because of his family's wealth.

" That's right, you didn't even clean up before coming to the celebration and you are wearing such shabby clothes, if i didn't know better i would think that you just crawled out of a dumpster, "said Zhuo Tingting another student who also despised Li Wan and others from poor families. She felt insulted just being in the same room as them.

If you are short on money, just say so,. My family is hiring waiters i will give you two dollars more per hour as a favor to a classmate. Don't say I'm not taking care of my classmates,"another student sneered.

That's right, he looks like he's destined to be a waiter. How dare he come to the class monitor's celebration? if it were me i wouldn't even bother coming.

Li Wan clenched his fists as he listened to these words, he wanted to lash out and leave but he forced himself to stay afterall he didn't have any money.

Morever, after this gathering he might not see Dai Mengting again. She had helped him alot over the years and he just wanted to look at her a little more.

Maybe he should take a picture as a farewell souvenir, Li Wan thought as he took out his phone from his pocket.

Just as he was about to take a picture of Dai Mengting, his phone was suddenly snatched away. Zhao Guangzhou looked at the phone in his hand and chuckled, "Oh, an iPhone and it's dual sim.

" Hahaha, it's a knockoff, many of his classmates laughed.

This is hilarious, wearing clothes that cost only a few dozen yuan yet still able to afford a fancy iPhone. Li Wan are you still alive after selling yourself out? Hahaha.

Don't joke around, maybe Li Wan caught the eye of some rich woman and ran off with her, someone else chimed in.

"Hey, you know what Li Wan actually has a bit of a young master's aura, another person added.

The laughter of his classmates echoed in his ears again," Give it back to me!"Li Wanzhen was getting angry, although the phone was bought from pinduoduo for only a few hundred yuan, it was the result of his hard work in the restaurant for half a month.

''Oh, I'm so scared, "Zhao Guangzhou said pretending to be afraid. He let go of the phone and it fell into a nearby beer cup with a clatter. "Sorry, I accidentally dropped your phone into the beer, he pretended to be careless and picked up the phone from the cup with his fingers before tossing it back to Li Wan.

Don't go telling people we stole your phone when you leave, we are returning it to you in it's original condition, he said.

The phone fell to the ground with a clatter and the brand new screen was twisted and cracked revealing it's inner workings." Damn it! "Li Wanzhen was so angry that he wanted to punch Zhao Guangzhou but he knew that he would only face retaliation later, so he forced himself to hold back.

Zhao Guangzhou pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and patted it in his hand, there was more than a thousand yuan and he waved it in front of Li Wan.

Li Wan this is over a thousand yuan, it should be enough to buy you a new phone, if you bark like a dog here a few times i will give you a hundred yuan, how about it?"

" Hahaha, Zhao Shao is really awesome,He came up with such a way to entertain us."

" Oh my, Zhao Shao is so mighty, he even gave a thousand yuan as a reward.

How generous,"someone said.

" Li Wan, hurry up, Zhao Shao (Shao means classmates or friend) is giving you face, but you are dragging your feet. You are not being straight forward,"another person urged.

"Yeah, come on don't keep Zhao Shao waiting,"What's wrong?Do you think the reward is not enough?Then I will add another thousand, don't be ungrateful," Zhou Tingting said as she took out a thousand yuan from her bag and threw it at Li Wan's face.The red bill fluttered down like confetti.

"Hmph, just you wait," Li Wan grabbed his phone and stormed out of the room feeling humiliated.

"Hahaha, what a loser. He can't even take a joke, Zhao Guangzhou laughed and slapped the table.

"Exactly, it's just a joke, Why get so angry?But it's good that he's gone so that we can have more fun without him,"Zhou Tingting agreed.

" Come on, let's toast to our class leader's eternal beauty,Cheers!"

" Cheers!"

The private room was filled with laughter and cheers.

Dai Mengting watched Li Wan storm out, wanting to stop him but seeing the other students around her, she could only sigh and go back to deal with the waves of congratulations from her classmates.

Li Wan walked out of the restaurant in a rage wanting revenge.

But how could he get revenge?

The other guy was a second-generation with power and influence.His family owned a decoration company and they had millions of assets.

His own parents works as a bricklayer and a vegetable seller at the market, they were poor and had no power. Li Wan was an ordinary- looking student with average grades who had only been admitted to a second-tier university.

He had to rely on the meager allowance his parents sent him every month to make ends meet. He was just a poor guy with nothing to his name.

As Li Wanzhen thought about his situation,he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with despair. He sat down by the roadside feeling like the world was a hopeless place.

Suddenly,a black sedan pulled up beside him,Li Wanzhen didn't recognize the brand but he could tell from it's appearance that It wasn't cheap.A middle-aged man in a sharp suit got out of the car and approached Li Wanzhen with a smile.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Li Wanzhen?" the man asked.

"I did Li Wanzhen, but I'm not a 'mister' or anything like that, are you sure you have the right person?"Li Wan looked at the man with suspicion.

" You look exactly like the person in this photo but just to be sure let me verify your identity."The man took out a small device from his briefcase and pricked Li Wan's finger to draw a drop of blood.

" Beep, Verification successful,"The device beeped.

" I knew i had found the right person, you are the only heir chosen by your grandfather,Mr. Li the man said relieved.

"Well, even if you did found the right person,what do you want from me?I have nothing to offer," Li Wan said feeling like he had nothing to lose.

"Here's the thing, Your Grandfather worked in the united state for many years and became one of the country's top billionaires. He has so much wealth that you can't even imagine however, he never married and devoted all his energy to his business. Now that he's getting older he wants to find a suitable heir and you are the one he has chosen,"the man explained.

" My grandfather? Well I've heard of him but I've never met him. What do you want me to do?I have no money to offer,"Li Wan said nonchalantly.

" Before you can inherit his wealth, your grandfather has set a small test for you, you have six hours to spend 1 million yuan.

If you can spend it all you will become his heir,"the man said taking out his phone to send a message.

" Beep."The sound of a message came through.

Li Wan quickly took out his phone with a cracked screen from his pocket.

"Your card ending in 1024 has received a transfer of 1,000,000.00 RMB. Your balance is 1,000,324.00 RMB. From [X Commerce Bank],"the message read.

" Alright, young master Li Wan, the money has been transferred to your account. We'll wait for your good news,"the middle-aged man said before getting into his car and driving away.

Looking at the numbers on the message, Li Wan pinched his thigh hard and realized that he wasn't dreaming.

" Holy crap, I'm rich!"

Li Wan instantly felt a surge of fighting spirit!

Before,he had no money and was poor,so he had to endure.But not that he had money,why should he still endure?He must seek revenge!!.

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