
My Golden WeChat

Su Zhen, an ordinary bartender with a slightly eccentric personality, suddenly encountered a series of coincidences on a faithful day and gained a plug-in attached to his WeChat app which gave him a daily income starting from 100 yuan. But that was not all, as long as he could complete tasks issued by the plug-in, he would earn more and more! -------------- Disclaimer: The world inside the novel is not the real Earth, so anything and everything are made for the sake of the plot, and any similarity is purely coincidental. PS: This is a wish-fulfillment type of story, no cultivation or any magical change, no cliché, no early romance, just read it to your heart’s content!

Venerable_Linfeng · Urban
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42 Chs

Children Next Door Chat Group

Su Zhen drove back to the orphanage slowly while enjoying the rare slow-paced atmosphere of this small city at night.

It was 8:30 when Su Zhen arrived at the orphanage. Entering the main building, he saw that several elders were still chatting and drinking tea in the living room.

Seeing Su Zhen coming over, they beckoned Su Zhen to sit with them and join in the conversation.

The topic of the elders was quite comprehensive, from personal habits to world's problems. Fortunately, Su Zhen read books and browsed through the news regularly, so as a consequence, Su Zhen was able to share his insights with them.

Before everyone knew it, two hours had already passed quietly, and they yawned one by one.

Su Zhen had more energy than them but sleeping at this hour was indeed a good thing. He walked to the guest room on the second floor and saw that Lele was already sleeping on the bed.

After taking a shower, he moved Lele to the head of the bed and also laid on the bed.

The night in Putian was truly more silent than in Fuzhou. Normally, Su Zhen would only hear the harsh sound of vehicles from time to time in Fuzhou, but here in Putian, there were only occasional cries of dogs and cats.

However, it was also very different compared to the past. In the past, it was not so silent in the vicinity of the orphanage, there used to be lawlessness and chaos all the time. The kids in the orphanage were strictly supervised and not allowed to go outside in the evening at all.

But as the development of infrastructure and other systems prevailed, the disorder was gradually controlled. Although crimes still happened, they were not as frequent as in the past.

Su Zhen gradually fell asleep unknowingly.

The time waited for no one and the night also went forward in silence…

Early in the next morning, Su Zhen was woken up by the cries of Lele. Su Zhen knew this cat's habit and woke up to feed it in a daze.

Walking back to the bed, Su Zhen lay down and closed his eyes.

After five minutes, he opened his eyes with irritation, got up, and looked at his phone. It was 5:00 in the morning, and he really couldn't sleep again after waking up.

Therefore, Su Zhen could only open his bag to take out something to eat, rest for a while to let the food be digested, and start working out downstairs.

Half an hour later, Su Zhen wiped the sweat on his face and walked back to his room to take a good shower.

People in the orphanage had a good habit, most people woke up at 5:00 and started doing their respective work. Well, the sensible kids started cleaning the floor, some adults started to get busy in the kitchen, and some adults were occupied by the little crying babies.

When it was 6:00, the kids were already dressed up and came to the canteen to have breakfast.

Su Zhen had already eaten so he didn't eat with them, instead, he stayed in his room and made a call to Ye Decai.

Quickly, the call was connected.

"Hey, Little Su, why are you up so early?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask about the progress of the decoration."

"I see, well, I have good news for you. Yesterday, my friend who opened a decoration company took his team to Fuzhou City, so I borrowed his professional team and this sped up our work a lot. If nothing else, the work will be done in 5 days at most."

Su Zhen didn't expect such a good thing happened, but he didn't know if the borrowed team was free or not, so he asked Ye Decai, "Then should I pay your friend as well?"

"Haha, you don't have to. That guy owes me a favor and we are also best friends, so there's no need to pay him a cent."

The two chatted for a while and hung up.

A notification popped on Su Zhen's phone, when Su Zhen looked at it, he saw that it was a chat of the Children Next Door chat group.

Su Zhen suddenly remembered that it was those guys that added him to this chat group.

In the past, Su Zhen was in several chat groups as well, but those were all work chat groups and he was rarely active in the groups. He only opened them when the leader of the group sent out a notice of the company.

Now that there was a chat group where people chatted normally about their daily lives, Su Zhen couldn't help but want to join in as well.

With a curious mind, he opened the chat group and started looking at the conversation.

The one who sent a message just now was someone called Lei Ying Luo in the Bush. Su Zhen was amused by this name, it just sounded similar to "laying low" in English. When he clicked on the profile interface of this person, Su Zhen found that this guy was actually Qin Wenshan, nicknamed Little One, and also the youngest person in the group.

Lei Ying Luo in the Bush: "Is anyone up yet?"

The next person to reply to Qin Wenshan was Ting Zihong, but her username was "Ting family's 3rd Miss".

Ting family's 3rd Miss: "Oh my god, Little One is up so early today! Is the sun rising from the north?"

Lei Ying Luo in the Bush: "…"

Market Master Fang: "Maybe because he didn't get to have a sip of beer last night."

Ting family's 3rd Miss: "Let me guess, is his big brother home? His big brother is very strict with him when it comes to alcohol. Am I right? @Lei Ying Luo Behind You?"

Lei Ying Luo Behind You: "I just came back from the business."

Su Zhen guessed that Market Master Fang should be Fang Jialan, and Lei Ying Luo Behind You was Qin Wenshan's big brother.

Soon, more people also joined the conversation, such as Kang Xiaobai, Wang Kai, Li Baicha, Xia Yue, and some other people that Su Zhen didn't know.

After watching them tease each other for a while, Su Zhen decided to also join the conversation.

Bartender Su: "Hi."

Ting family's 3rd Miss: "It's Brother Su! Hello, Brother Su."

King Kai: "Brother Su, were you lurking around earlier?"

Lei Ying Luo in the Bush: "He was laying in ambush…"

Market Master Fang: "Welcome to the group chat, Brother Su."

Ting family's 3rd Miss: "@Everyone, let me introduce you to our new member, Brother Su Zhen. You guys can also call him Brother Su."

Oriental Fishing Net: "Nice to meet you, Brother Su."

RGB Keyboard Warrior: "Welcome to our group, Brother Su."

Su Zhen greeted them back one by one.

He chatted with everyone for a while and found that the other members in this group were quite interesting, everyone had their own personality and unique traits, and all of them were young people who had similar interests and ways of thinking.

After chatting with them a little more, Su Zhen turned off his phone and took out a book to read instead.


Two days later, his days at the orphanage soon came to an end, and Su Zhen was already prepared to go back to Fuzhou City.

During these two days, Su Zhen accompanied the kids and helped the old uncles as much as he could, and he also got an update about the decoration of his villa from Ye Decai on time. He estimated that everything would really be done three days later.

At this moment, Su Zhen was bidding farewell to everyone. He got wishes from the old people and was asked to come to the orphanage to play often by the kids.

Soon, the old dean and everyone else stood at the gate of the orphanage, waving goodbye to Su Zhen's leaving car.

The old dean sighed with a smile, "A bright star has risen."

Other people nodded silently in agreement. Just not long ago, Su Zhen was just a kid who gave up college to study a professional bartending course instead, but today, he was already a man with wealth and a bright future ahead.

This star was unstoppable…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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