
Suns Out, Guns Out

Stepping through the portal I'm greeted with the sight of many other portals, like the one I just stepped through, and a massive Atlas monument surrounded by fountains. I see one guy pull a gun and try to shoot someone only for flowers to pop out the end of his Barrel. That answers that question, No harm aloud.

Looking around some more the entire 'wherever' is like a blank canvas. Other than the statue and fountains in the middle the rest is blank and white with portals sitting on platforms dotting the scenery.

Walking down mine I'm greeted with my system. *Ping* "User DoYouKnowDaWay has logged into the Hub. A new feature "Hub Upgrades" has been added. Note: Participant DoYouKnowDaWay can only see upgrades personally made. Any made by other Participants will only be seen by the corresponding Participant."

That's cool. I open the new tab and see that upgrades take Optional Points, whatever those are.

Looking around I see the people around me are also looking at their screens. Stepping off my platform I take a closer look at the Atlas statue and then stop in shock. The statue is alive or should I say it's a real being instead of a statue. I step back and sit on the edge of one of the fountains and wait for the games to start.

A few minutes go by and soon 'Atlas' stands up and holds the planet to his side looking over us. The planet turns into a different item, one everyone recognized, a Microphone. 'Atlas' taps it before speaking. "Welcome Participants of the Golden Finger Games. Today I, Atlas your host, shall go over the rules and regulations.

1.) There can be no killing or any act of violence while in the Hub.

2.) Those that fail their games are sent back home with memories of their time with a G.F. forgotten and revoked.

3.) Death means nothing here. So long as the game is in play death will not stop you, unless it's a battle to the death.

4.) You are here for entertainment. So make sure to entertain your audience. Some may even give you more points for your transactions with us.

5.) Those that go out of their way to complete optional tasks shall be rewarded depending on how well the task was completed.

6.) Most games will take place in worlds of fiction. That seems to stimulate you and your peers to do better, and yes depending on what world we send you to you can acquire the power base there. Like Magic from Harry Potter.

7.) You only lose your Golden Finger if you can't complete the task assigned to you, and yes most tasks vary entity to entity.

8.) Those with the most tasks done shall receive a reward at the end of the game.

9.) You can take out any item from the game so long as you are able to physically carry it.

10.) Don't be an uptight emo bitch. In every game we've had one, they die first.

Now there are more rules but they can be accessed in your system under options and help. Don't know what the Fuck you're doing, well look it up. You're in a game so we obviously provide a walkthrough. It's the most generic one though that doesn't cover much other then the do's and don'ts.

Now ladies and gentlemen may the 4892 Golden Fingers Games begin!"

With that I feel my body being pulled back to my portal. Not resisting I fly backwards until I'm tossed through. The trip takes as long as you expect, which is an instant. Looking around I find myself in some type of ruins. My gaze however stops on a Mirror. A beautiful mirror that I instantly recognize. The Eluvian, a magical mirror crafted by the Elves before the Fade was turned into a different dimension.

My excitement keeps growing more and more at the idea I'm in Dragon Age, but which one.


"New assignment. Learn how to remake the Dwarven Golems of old without using a sacrifice or find an alternative.

Optional assignments:

Assassinate Loghain Mac Tir before he betrays the crown.

Become a Grey Warden.

Learn how to use magic.

Become the wealthiest person in Fereldan. 0/173,846,573

Save the Hawks from the darkspawn.

Prevent Riordan death.

Save as many Conscripted characters as possible. 0/6 (Origin characters)

Get a pet.

Find a way to prevent the Warden Calling.

Kidnap The Architect and learn all he knows.

Map the Deep Roads in Fereldan.

Become a Legend.

Find a proper container for the Arch Demon."

(Give me some ideas on what else he should do. My idea is to have sponsors, AKA you guys, doll out missions for him to complete.)

I whistle in appreciation at the amount of "Side Quest" I have. Plus I already have an alternative. I just need my people to tweak the Synth creator from Fallout and boom, a new avenue of success.

Now then, I pull out the tiny bag from my pocket and pull out something we all know and love, The Helicarrier from marvel. I fly upwards with my thrusters and let the Carrier fly away from me once I'm at a decent height. Once it expands the Synths I have inside start the camouflage process.

Flying back down I secure some cables to the Eluvian and tow it back to the Carrier. Touching down on the runway I drag the mirror to the Control Center. Looking over everything all I can say is... I have no idea what I'm looking at. I'm not tech savie, I'm just a guy with a little to much power. I make, they understand. Them being the Synths or other artificial life forms.

Walking back to the runway I pull out thousands of jacks, the robots from G.O.W., and have them start with mapping the Deep Roads here in Fereldan, I also have them pick up the mini teleporters to place down in interesting spots. You know Jack would also make for an awesome spy. Invisible and undetectable, food for thought.

I really want to start exploring the world around me, but I've got shit to do, like figure out when I am. So I send out spy bots the Synths came up with and start going through what I brought with me. I mean I can always bring out more.

Anyways, while I wait for a report I start on one of my "Side Quests". The money one, yes I know inflation and all that, but it's just a test to see if I can bring money from Dragon Age: Origin to this world and have it count. So doing just that I pull out about 500 gold then I look at my counter and see that, yep, it counts.

However Atlas did say that it all depends on how well executed the task was completed. I don't think spamming gold is going to get me many points.

With that test out of the way I have the Carrier fly towards Ostagar... I think. Don't look at me in that tone of voice. Do you think I have a single clue what I doing. I'm just following FanFic logic.

Don't mind the broken 4th wall it will repair itself in time. Hovering far above the ancient fortress I see no sign of anyone in it's immediate vicinity. Looking around I become nostalgic, I remember playing in this place so many times that's wired seeing it in the flesh. Stepping out of the Carrier I fly down and start walking through the ruins on my own two feet instead of by camera.

I wonder if I should repair it. Wouldn't cost me anything and in the long run I need a place to operate from that the locals won't find weird. Okay I've decided that you shall be my first base in this world. The haunted Warden Keep is good too I suppose.

With distracted thoughts I have the Synths start repairing and upgrade some of the design flaws. I don't have them bring it up to date, more like a renovation to bring it back to what it once was. Why you may ask? Well because... I don't know I like it this way. There's no real thought behind it. I just want my own Medieval fortress, I mean who doesn't want to be able to brag about having your own fortress.

With all this going on I get an unexpected visitor. One that I honestly shouldn't of been surprised at. The one the only... Flemeth.

Standing at the new door I've installed I have one of my more... respectfully Synths great the old hag and bring her to were I am. Why not great her myself you ask? Well... um... Powerful people don't show weakness or something like that. Not the fact that she scares the absolute shit out of me. Nuh uh, not this big boy.

While I'm off in my own world of denial the Synth and Flemeth walk in. I can feel Flemeths eyes wander over me like I'm the chadiest Chad that's ever Chad, or something. "My, my what do we have here. A child playing with things he doesn't understand. It's one thing to see so many Soulless but you. You don't even have a shred of magic in you. How did you get so many loyal soulless to follow you I wonder? Oh don't mind me, just an old woman muttering to herself."

I may or may not have started sweating under the old crows gaze. Bite me damnit, she's scary and I don't know if anything I have will keep her dead. Ok, embrace your inner 8th grade syndrome. You got this me. "You stand before the majestic and mighty Marcus. Know your place old hag, for you stand in front of destroyer of races, and planets, my kill count is within the billions and growing everyday. My empire expands unfettered. You will show me the respect I deserve Bitch or I will cast you into the flames of Hell myself."

Flemeth looks startled for all of .5 seconds before she starts laughing and bows to me. "Oh yes your Royal majesty, forgive this humble one for she did not see your greatness." All while laughing. "Stop laughing Flemeth, did you know how hard it was to say that with a straight face. I feel like I'm going to be sick."

My words make Flemeth come up short. Her laughing comes to an immediate stop and I know I just screwed the pooch. Although the name drop was more effective than I thought.

"So you know my name. Tell me child, why are you here. What purpose do you have with these old ruins?" You know how Killing intent can make your blood freeze. Well call me popsicle Marcus cause my ass is frozen.

Taking a few deep breaths I manage to unthaw so to speak. "My name is Marcus and I'm here to entertain entities far above what you can comprehend Mythal." I say with a bit of heat in my voice. Why? IDK! Inside I'm freaking the Fuck out. Outside though I'm like Mr.Freeze with how chilly my voice is. "I was given tasks to complete in a short amount of time. I needed a base of operations and this was better than nothing. You come into my domain and use your Killing intent on me? Bitch please, I was not boasting earlier about my deeds (yes I was). Cross me again you two and I will find a way to permanently remove you from this reality. All I need to do is find the Dread Wolf. So Fuck around and find out bitches. You will not like the out come, neither will that willful daughter of yours." With that I stare her down to the best of my abilities. While screaming inside my head FUCK, FUCK, FUCK.

Flemeth actually looks taken aback. She then does what I guess is the equivalent to a royal bow. "Forgive me for my crass behavior. It has been some time since I've met an equal." Wait what? "I believe that proper introductions are needed. I'm called Flemeth by many as well as Mythal to those long passed. To know of Fen'Harel survival means you know the truth of the world. My deepest apologies Marcus for my previous behavior. Let us start again."

The only thing that pops in my head is a simply sentence that sums up my thoughts. "Da Fuck!"