
My Goddess System

Kayden lane, an average male soldier that died in combat, finds himself reincarnated into a goddess, and yes, a GODDESS. He finds a new way to live life more enjoyably. But finding some difficulty living an enjoyable life, he will do anything to live the life he loves. ========= Please at least read the first 30 chapters. This is my first novel, so the beginning might be slow but gets seriously better later on. And you also might find the MC kinda naive. But it gets better, later on, I swear. === Note: I do not own the cover. All rights of the cover belong to the original artist. === Other novels: Reincarnation of the Empire’s legend(It’s also genderbend)

Rimpa · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Sivel's little problem

"But until then, is there some library I can visit?" she inquired. "I want to know the history of this world."

Galena responded with enthusiasm. "Books? I have the perfect place for that. The royal library at the palace has all sorts of books – about magic, martial arts, swordsmanship..."

Lilith's excitement was palpable. "I would love to go there," she exclaimed, her curiosity clearly piqued.

"Of course, the library is open to you," Galena assured her with a chuckle and a smile.

Sivel, eager to contribute, quickly volunteered, "I'll take her there!" Her face lit up at the prospect.

Lilith, hardly able to contain her eagerness, stood up. "I would like to get there right now," she said, her enthusiasm evident.

"Of course," Galena said, giving Sivel a meaningful look. "Guide her well."

"You don't have to tell me," Sivel replied, watching as Galena left the room.

Turning to Lilith, Sivel then remembered something important. "But don't you want to go back to your group or at least tell them what's going on?"

"Oh yeah..." Lilith suddenly remembered Shota and the others. She had been so caught up in the moment that she had completely forgotten about her companions. 

Lilith and Sivel stepped out of the hot springs, their time there having come to an end. Sivel guided Lilith to the changing room, where she handed her a fresh, dry towel. Once dry, Lilith opened her Dimensional pocket and retrieved the casual clothes that Suzuki had made for her.

Dressed and ready, they exited Galena's private residence, making their way toward the bustling center of the Elven city. The streets were alive with activity, a vibrant contrast to the serene atmosphere of the hot springs.

Sivel mentioned that they would likely find Lilith's companions at a bar down the street. "They always go there when they visit," she explained.

Upon entering the bar, all eyes immediately turned to Lilith. The events of the morning had spread rapidly throughout the small city, and the rumors of the red-eyed human had become a topic of interest.

Lilith, somewhat taken aback by the attention, commented under her breath, "It seems that I'm quite famous now..."

"Hmmm... don't worry you'll be fine. I'll be waiting outside." Sivel spoke as Lilith nodded in acknowledgment.

In the bar, Lilith spotted Shota and the other men seated at various tables. As she approached, one of Shota's men noticed her and swiftly alerted the rest. The news of Lilith's arrival rippled through the bar, instantly energizing the atmosphere. 

"Lilith!" Shota greeted her enthusiastically as he rose from his seat, offering it to Lilith with a mix of respect and a slightly rigid manner.

Confused, Lilith asked, "Eh? What's going on?"

Shota explained as he guided her to sit down, "We don't know why, but we received extra supplies from the Elves. We figured it had something to do with you." He added, "They even let us eat here for free today."

Before Lilith, the table was laden with steaming sausages drenched in sweet and sour sauce and surrounded by a plethora of beer. The environment was lively but somewhat overwhelming for Lilith, being the center of attention amidst the burly men.

Under their enthusiastic encouragement, Lilith found herself drinking a few glasses of beer. As the alcohol began to take effect, she found the courage to address the group. "I won't be able to go back with you guys today," she announced.

Shota, surprised, asked, "Huh? Why?"

"I have some matters to attend to here," Lilith replied, her tone firm yet apologetic.

"That's fine, but you're coming back, right?" Shota sought confirmation.

"Of course," Lilith assured as she stood up to leave. "But I have to go now."

Shota, a hint of disappointment in his voice, said, "Unfortunate that you won't drink with us. But thanks for the beer."

Lilith quickly made her way out of the bar, where Sivel was waiting for her.

"Everything fine?" Sivel inquired, observing Lilith's expression.

"Yeah," Lilith nodded.

As Lilith and Sivel reached the Elven Royal Palace, Lilith was immediately struck by its stunning integration with nature. The palace seemed to have sprouted from the very trees around it, with the trunks forming part of its structure and vines draping elegantly over its walls. The entrance was especially grand, with arches carved to look like intertwining branches welcoming them.

A guard recognized Sivel upon their approach. "Lady Sivel," he greeted. "The queen informed us of your arrival with a guest."

"That makes everything easier," Sivel replied, walking confidently past the guard with Lilith following closely.

Inside, the palace was a harmonious blend of nature and artistry. Streams of light filtered through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the floors and walls.

Lilith observed the high security. "Security here seems tight," she commented, noting the numerous guards on watch.

"It's because of the delegations from other countries," Sivel explained, pointing to a group of armored men with swords at their waists. "Those are knights from a human nation."

Lilith nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "It seems that tomorrow's banquet is more important than I thought," she remarked

"It's a banquet that aims to bring the human and elven nations closer together," Sivel explained, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. However, as she spoke, a sudden headache seemed to strike her, causing her to grasp her head in discomfort. "It's also an opportunity for me to get closer to the Duke of the human empire. They're trying to arrange a marriage between us."

Lilith reacted with shock. "Eh?! Is Galena supporting this?"

Sivel shook her head. "Of course not. My sister, the Queen, doesn't support this marriage personally. But she has to think about the betterment of the nation first, and I understand that."

Lilith, concerned, asked, "But what do you think of the marriage?"

"I hate it," Sivel confessed bluntly. "I've only met the duke once."

Lilith nodded, sympathizing with Sivel's predicament. It was a complicated situation, one where personal feelings clashed with political responsibilities. Suddenly, Sivel stopped talking, her expression changing.

"What's wrong?" Lilith asked, noticing the change.

Silver's face was a complex mix of emotions – a blend of dislike and non-acceptance, a clear indication of the internal conflict she was experiencing.

Lilith's gaze followed Sivel's to a strikingly handsome man. The man's short black hair was styled, framing a face that was both chiseled and handsome. His eyes, deep and black, held a sharpness akin to that of a hunter.

His attire spoke of nobility and refined taste. He wore a doublet of rich blue velvet, embellished with silver embroidery that caught the light with every movement. The addition of delicate lace at the collar added a touch of elegance to his ensemble.

"Is that..." Lilith began, intrigued by the man's appearance.

"That's the duke I was talking about. Eldric Whitewood," Sivel said, her voice low. "I don't know why he's here."

Eldric, noticing Sivel, paused his conversation and approached her with a composed and gentle demeanor. He respectfully bent down and brought Sivel's hand to his lips for a light kiss, a traditional noble greeting. "I greet Lady Sivel," he said, his voice smooth.

Sivel, however, did not seem pleased. "What are you doing?" she asked, her glare sharp.

Realizing her discomfort, Eldric straightened up, his expression shifting to one of understanding, accompanied by a charming smile. "This is just a way of greeting. You are my fiancé after all," he explained, his attention then turning to Lilith. "A human?"

Lilith, still reeling from Eldric's casual reference to Sivel as his fiancée, was surprised by the sudden turn of events. She hadn't expected this revelation, especially not in such a direct manner.

Eldric, seemingly unfazed, looked at Lilith with curiosity. "A new escort?" he inquired, eyeing the two katanas at Lilith's waist.

Sivel was quick to correct him. "You're mistaken. She's a guest of mine," she clarified, her tone firm.

Eldric, with a thoughtful hum, remarked, "Hmm... that's what I was thinking. She's too gorgeous to be a simple escort."

Lilith was taken aback by his comment, especially given the context. 'What is this guy saying in front of his fiancée!' she thought, her face a mix of shock and disbelief.

After an awkward pause, Sivel decided it was time to leave. "We will be on our way. I hope you enjoy your time here," she said, her voice indicating a desire to end the conversation.

Sivel then took hold of Lilith's hand and began to walk away, purposefully leading them away from Eldric. Meanwhile, Eldric watched them leave with a smile, seemingly amused by the interaction.

Ascending the stairs to the second floor of the palace, Lilith couldn't contain her curiosity. "He's your fiancé?!" she asked Sivel.

"Yes," Sivel replied with a sigh, her voice carrying a hint of resignation.

Lilith, trying to find a positive angle, commented, "But he didn't seem all too bad."

Sivel, however, was less optimistic. "You never know with any type of man. They're all perverted dogs," she muttered, her tone laced with disdain. This remark seemed to strike a chord with Lilith, who appeared visibly taken aback.

"Huh? Are you alright?" Sivel asked, noticing Lilith's sudden change in demeanor.

"Yeah..." Lilith managed to nod, still processing Sivel's harsh words.

They soon arrived at their destination. "Well, we're here," Sivel announced, standing in front of a grand wooden door.

Lilith looked at the door in awe, her momentary discomfort forgotten. "Oh," she uttered, impressed by the grandeur before her.

"I'll go back to my sister's place," Sivel said quickly, her eagerness to avoid Eldric evident in her voice. After opening the library doors for Lilith, she left swiftly, almost like a gust of wind.

Lilith stood there for a moment before finally stepping inside the library.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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