
My Goddess System

Kayden lane, an average male soldier that died in combat, finds himself reincarnated into a goddess, and yes, a GODDESS. He finds a new way to live life more enjoyably. But finding some difficulty living an enjoyable life, he will do anything to live the life he loves. ========= Please at least read the first 30 chapters. This is my first novel, so the beginning might be slow but gets seriously better later on. And you also might find the MC kinda naive. But it gets better, later on, I swear. === Note: I do not own the cover. All rights of the cover belong to the original artist. === Other novels: Reincarnation of the Empire’s legend(It’s also genderbend)

Rimpa · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Big news for Sivel


As they stood in front of the royal palace, Azriel turned to Lilith with a question. "Why must you personally go find this Eldric man?" he asked, his tone laced with concern.

Lilith's decision to meet Eldric wasn't entirely spontaneous. Back at Galena's private residence, she had found herself agreeing to talk to Eldric, partly due to the conversation's flow and partly out of her own curiosity. She wanted to form her own opinion about Eldric, to understand the man who was set to marry Sivel.

"To see what he thinks about Sivel," Lilith answered.

Lilith entered the royal palace, striding down the long red carpet of the hallway.

Noticing a group of human guards stationed in the hallway, Lilith approached them with a friendly smile. "Do you know where Eldric is?" she inquired, her tone polite yet direct.

The reaction from the small group of two guards was immediate and unexpected. Their faces turned a shade of red, and they awkwardly tried to avert their eyes from Lilith's enchanting smile. It was clear they were somewhat flustered by her presence and charm.

'What the...' Lilith thought to herself, slightly taken aback by their reaction. She had a suspicion about what was happening, but it was still a bit surprising to see these trained guards become so visibly discomposed by a simple question.

Lilith's attention was abruptly drawn away from the flustered guards by a sharp voice. "Who are you to look for our Lord?" the voice questioned authoritatively, instantly bringing the guards back to their senses.

Lilith turned towards the source of the voice. Her gaze landed on a striking man who had just approached. He had a black ponytail that cascaded elegantly down his back, lending him a somewhat unique appearance that contrasted with his undoubtedly masculine features. His chiseled muscles and pronounced jawline were evident even from a distance.

His brown eyes met Lilith's, and there was an intensity in his gaze. It felt as though he was sizing her up, assessing her with a keen, scrutinizing look. Lilith, while slightly taken aback by his direct approach, held his gaze, her expression calm and composed.

'Who is this?' Lilith thought.

The two guards immediately recognized the man and reacted with a mix of respect and urgency. "Captain Thorin!" they exclaimed, their voices carrying a tone of greeting mixed with an undertone of apology for their earlier lapse in decency.

Thorin's sharp gaze moved from Lilith to the guards and then back to Lilith again. His question was direct and somewhat accusatory. "Did you do that on purpose?" he asked, implying that Lilith had intentionally charmed the guards.

Lilith, taken aback by the accusation, raised an eyebrow, her expression clearly conveying her disbelief. 'Are you serious right now?' her look seemed to say. She quickly clarified, "No, no," and waved her hand dismissively, trying to dispel any misunderstanding.

Azriel's sudden interjection caught everyone off guard, especially Thorin. "Do not talk to my master with such disrespect," he stated firmly, his voice emanating from behind Lilith.

Thorin was visibly shaken by Azriel's unexpected presence. 'What? Since when was someone there?' he wondered, a cold sweat breaking out on his back. The realization that he hadn't detected Azriel until he spoke was unnerving for someone in his position.

As Thorin lifted his eyes to meet Azriel's, he found himself staring into a pair of bright red eyes, set in a stern, unyielding face. The intensity of Azriel's gaze sent an involuntary shiver down Thorin's spine, causing his expression to falter momentarily.

Sensing the escalating tension between the two, Lilith quickly intervened. She reached out and tapped Azriel's chest with the back of her hand, signaling him to ease up. "Oi, stop that," Lilith sighed.

Azriel's response to Lilith's intervention was immediate and graceful. "I apologize, my lady," he said, his smile genuine as he offered a quick bow. It seemed as if he almost appreciated Lilith's scolding, acknowledging her authority and guidance.

Lilith, observing Azriel's reaction, couldn't help but think, 'Ugh... this guy.' Her expression towards Azriel was tinged with a mix of amusement and mild exasperation.

Noticing the change in Lilith's demeanor, Azriel inquired with concern, "Is something wrong, my lady?"

"No..." Lilith replied, brushing off the moment and shifting her attention back to the situation at hand.

Thorin, seizing the opportunity presented by the slight pause in the conversation, quickly stepped forward to make amends. "I apologize, I meant no disrespect to you. I simply..." he trailed off, his voice filled with sincerity. Thorin had realized that the man accompanying Lilith – Azriel – was not someone to be taken lightly or offended in any way.\

"Then may I see Eldric?" she asked with a smile, aiming to keep the conversation pleasant.

Thorin hesitated, his eyes briefly darting to the weapons hanging at Lilith's waist. His concern was evident, but he found himself unable to dismiss her request outright, especially under Azriel's watchful and somewhat intimidating gaze. "That... will be hard," he muttered, the conflict clear in his tone.

Lilith, understanding his apprehension, tried to reassure him. "I can't do that," she said calmly. "If you do not know, I am a guest of the Elves. I would do nothing so foolish." Her words were meant to alleviate any fears regarding her intentions.

Thorin, weighing her words, offered a compromise. "Even then... then please allow me to accompany you," he suggested, showing a willingness to find a middle ground.

Lilith's lips twitched slightly at his proposal. The subject she intended to discuss with Eldric was delicate and potentially awkward, making Thorin's presence a bit inconvenient. However, understanding his position and the need to maintain a diplomatic approach, she nodded in agreement.

Thorin's knock on the door was respectful yet firm. Inside the room, Eldric was found in a state of relaxed ease, basking in the morning sunlight, dressed in a comfortable gown.

"My lord... you have guests," Thorin announced, subtly ushering Lilith and Azriel into the room.

Eldric appeared somewhat surprised and mildly irritated at the interruption. "Guests? I'm sure that I said that I wouldn't be meeting anyone..." His voice trailed off as he sensed an uncomfortable presence behind Thorin.

"What did you bring?" Eldric asked, his tone sharpening. He moved to grab his broadsword, instinctively preparing for a potential threat. However, upon seeing Lilith's face, his expression softened slightly. "Ah... it's you," he acknowledged, recognizing her.

But then, Eldric's attention shifted to Azriel, who stood just behind Lilith. The sight of the stern-faced and imposing Azriel instantly put Eldric on high alert. Without hesitation, he drew his sword, adopting a defensive stance against Azriel. The room was charged with tension, Eldric's reaction showing caution to defend himself.

Thorin, sensing the escalating tension, attempted to intervene and calm the situation. "M-my lord...!" he said, his voice laced with a hint of urgency.

Eldric, still holding his defensive stance, addressed Azriel with a mix of suspicion and recognition. "You are that suspicious man from before," he stated, acknowledging Azriel's previous encounter with him. "But it seems that this lady is truly your master. I apologize, but I still feel uncomfortable energy coming from that man."

Realizing the situation was not as threatening as he initially perceived, Eldric sheathed his sword and settled back into his seat, his posture relaxing slightly.

Lilith, keenly aware of the social faux pas of their unannounced intrusion, especially given Eldric's state of casual dress, spoke up. "But it looks like I came at a bad time," she said, her tone apologetic.

Eldric, however, dismissed her concerns with a wave of reassurance. "No, it's fine if you are fine with it. I'm more comfortable in this attire," he said, indicating his preference for the informal setting.

"Is that so..." Lilith responded, acknowledging his comfort with the situation.

Eldric then shifted the conversation to the purpose of their visit. "Then why have you come here?" he inquired

"Sivel." Lilith voiced.

Eldric's reaction was instantaneous; his eyes widened slightly at the mention of Sivel's name, "What about her?" he asked.

"What do you think of her," Lilith asked.

"Do you know about our marriage?" Eldric asked, believing that Lilith would already know.


"I do not know how to describe it but I..." Eldric muttered, unable to find the right words to say.

"Did you not go find for Sivel last night?" Lilith asked.

"I did," Eldric smirked finding the current situation entertaining.

"Was that not because you were worried for her?"

"Worried? Perhaps."

Thorin observed the exchange between Lilith and Eldric with a sense of disbelief, his gaze lingering on Eldric. The duke's position in his home nation was one of considerable authority and responsibility. As the ruler of the northern continent, Eldric wielded significant power, albeit in a region known more for its harsh conditions.

The northern part of their nation was characterized by its unforgiving climate and terrain. It was a cold wasteland where few chose to reside, with the duke's palace and a smattering of sheds being the only significant structures in the vast, icy expanse.

Eldric's unique circumstances had shaped him in ways distinct from other nobles. Due to the isolation and the harsh environment of his domain, he didn't have the usual opportunities for socializing and diplomacy that his counterparts in more populous regions might have had. Instead, Eldric had honed his skills in a different arena – monster hunting in the cold wastelands. This unusual lifestyle had undoubtedly influenced his character, making him adept in survival and combat but perhaps less versed in the intricate social dynamics.

Eldric's admission, though softly spoken, carried significant weight. "I guess I like her..." he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper

Thorin, overhearing this rare display of personal sentiment from Eldric, couldn't contain his surprise. "Sir...?" he exclaimed.

Lilith, having achieved her objective of understanding Eldric's feelings towards Sivel, acknowledged his response with a simple, "I see." She then prepared to take her leave.

As she was about to exit, Eldric called out to her with a question. "Will you be coming to tonight's banquet?" he asked,

"Yes..." Lilith nodded.

"Then I'll be looking forward to it," Eldric responded.

With the conversation concluded, Lilith left the palace, her thoughts now turning to Sivel. 'How will she respond? She would definitely be annoyed. Love shouldn't be forced but it can be grown...' Lilith thought.


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