
Chapter 20: Test of Strength!

Charles Alfonso smiled with evil intent as he stared at the man he would conquer.

Charles: (Smiles.) "Well what do you say... Tristan was it?"

Tristan didn't like this, he could see a look of mischief in his eyes.

Tristan: (Smiles while scratching his head.) "Sorry but I'm afraid I'm not all that strong."

Charles: "Nonsense, from the talk of the town I can tell that you must be amazing and I have just the way to prove your amazing strength."

Charles had no intentions of letting Tristan walk away, for he had something that Charles wanted. The angel on earth, Loraura herself.

Charles: (Turns around.) "Erwin!"

The Crowd of collage students grew quite and many students made way as a man wearing a black suit and a pair of black sunglasses walked towards Charles.

Charles: "This man is my bodyguard, he served two tours in Afghanistan and I have found that he has excellent combat abilities."

Tristan: "Uh that's impressive but I don't think that..."

Bodyguard: (Steps forward and takes off his glasses.) "Don't fight it, the young master always gets his way."

Tristan looked in the eyes of the man who would be his opponent, his eyes where cold and dark, his hands twitched with a readiness that told Tristan one thing.

Tristan: ["This guy knows what he is doing."]

Bodyguard: (Cracks knuckles.) "Don't worry young man, I promise I'll make it quick.

Charles looked at the situation unfolding right before his eyes. He couldn't ask for a better situation. Soon the Hero of Oakbury would be defeated and he would have his prize.

Loraura could sense the desire for combat radiating from this man's very body. This man of mortal flesh and bone for an instant seemed like a beast of battle

Loraura: (Looks at Tristan.) "Tristan is everything alright?"

Tristan: (Glances at Loraura and smiles.) "Don't worry, this will be over soon."

To Loraura, Tristans words where  like a spell that seemed to calm her mind with every passing word. Deep down she felt like she could trust those words. 

Bodyguard: "Prepare yourself young man." (Gets in a fighting stance.)

Tristan: (Confused.) "Uh?"

The Bodyguard waisted no time as his body moved ever closer to Tristan with hostile intentions. His fists where clenched, and his eyes where as sharp as daggers.

The man's fist raced through the air at remarkable speeds, its target ever true and unwavering.

Bodyguard: ["This battle is over."] (Smirks.)

Tristans heart was calm as it's very vibrations where felt all throughout his body. His deep brown eyes held a steady focus as the world for a brief moment began to slow down.

Tristan moved with a weightless vigor as a dozen of punches blew pass his body with only a few inches to spare.

The Bodyguard was unrelenting as he attacked with punch after punch and yet not one found its mark, not one made contact with flesh and bone.

Bodyguard: (Shocked.) "What's happening! How the hell did you dodge all my punches?"

The Bodyguard shook with fear and astonishment as he stared at the young man he could no longer look as inferior.

The gazes of many fell on this battle, and many eyes where flabbergasted on what they had witnessed.

Student 1: "How can anyone move that fast?"

Student 4: "I couldn't see anything."

Student 45: "This fight is the coolest!"

Student 33: "Who do you think will win?"

Charles could no longer look at the woman of his dream, all he could do was look at his plans fall apart.

Charles never believed the stories of Tristan Cunningham, he never believed his heroic acts, or his mighty strength and yet at the moment, the bodyguard he had placed so much faith in was breathing hard from exhaustion, and Tristan wasn't even stressed.

Tristan: (Crosses his arms.) "Sorry sir but I think you should give up."

Bodyguard: (Anger.) "What? Do you think that this battle is over?! You haven't even attacked me yet you little Bastard!"

The Bodyguard Alfonso once again rushed forward with a new sense of purpose. Seeing this Tristan couldn't help but let out a small breath of air.

Tristan: (Closes his eyes.) "Very well you leave me no choice."

The whole world seemed to fade away as Tristan focused deep within his very soul. His muscles clenched with great power as he took deep breath.

Tristan opens his eyes that glowed ever so slightly with a yellowish light, a light that rushed out in all directions with Tristan himself in the center.

The Bodyguard stopped moving as his legs began to shake uncontrollably. The man fell to the ground with white eyes, that seemed to lose the will to fight. The man's mouth moved up and down at great speeds, unable to speak, letting out small mumbling sounds that made no sense.

Tristan: "This battle is over." (Walks away slowly.)

The Crowds of students went silent as they saw the unexplainable happen right before their very eyes. They all saw one man attack with a dozen fast punches and another do nothing but dodge, and yet the man who dd nothing but defend actually won without having to lift a single finger.

Tristan: (Walks towards Loraura.) "Sorry this took so long. Let's go home."

Loraura smiled as she heard these words. She had witnessed the whole fight, her divine eyes where able to effortlessly see every move made, and yet she still had faith that in the very end Tristan would not change and yet something still bothered her.

Tristan and Loraura under the gaze of many students walked off campus. No one dared to stop them.

Charles: (Looks at his beaten Bodyguard.) "What the hell was that!?"

Bodyguard: (Continues to shake with fear.) "...."

Charles: "You where suppose to beat him,not look like a total fool!"

The Bodyguard could barely regain his senses as his gaze fell on the man he called his master.

Charles: "Now, how am I suppose to get Loraura as my chosen girl?"

Bodyguard: "D-don't do I-It..."

Charles: "What?"

Bodyguard: "Don't F-Fight that man, forget about that girl, you won't win."

Charles was taken aback by his own man's words.

Charles: "Do you really think that I cannot defeat that nobody."

Bodyguard: "Trust me Young master, if you fight that man you very well may die."


Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters. https://patreon.com/DarkMatteromniverse