
Chapter 15: All Ways!

Loraura for more years than she could remember had offered service to countless mortals. In the service of heaven she granted many wishes and felt overjoyed helping mortals fulfill their most wanted desires. That was the job of the department of dreams and wishes, the department that rewarded the righteous.

It was when Loraura had met Tristan, that new experiences had finally been opened to her, experiences that she could not completely understand. She had lived in the mortal world for 2 weeks and had seen so much and yet this was the first time she had been afraid, afraid of a mortal man, afraid of Tristan.

Loraura: ["Tristan?"]

Tristan stood with clenched fist as he looked at the white haired goddess that stood before him. The goddess who was shrouded by lightning and who called herself Loraura's sister. This celestial Maiden was now his enemy.

Tristan could hardly remember the last time he had felt this way. The last Time such anger had surged through his body. He couldn't understand it, this battle between sister had totally stumped him. Tristan could see that Loraura's sister Vyra loved her sister, so why did they have to fight? Was this his fault? These questions only infuriated him more.

Vyra was in complete awe at what she bore witness to. The man that her sister had been with, the man that she had protected from her assault was now producing a strange aura all around his body, a aura that was strong enough to slightly warp space and crack the very pavement.

Vyra looked Tristan in the eyes, eyes that slightly glowed with power. Vyra slightly looks towards Loraura and she could tell that her little sister was thinking the same thing.

Vyra: ["This is no ordinary mortal."]

It was during these moments that Tristan remembered his training the best. When he was fighting his enemies.

Tristan: "Vyra stop this now!"

Vyra: (Irritated) "Why can't you see, this is what needs to be done."

Tristan: "Why, why can't we just talk?"

Vyra: (Walks towards Tristan.) "Enough talk."

Vyra's form was shrouded by Electricity and her eyes began to glow ominously as she smiled with excitement. Tristan had seen that smile a few times in his life. It was the smile of a person who loved one thing. Battle.

Tristan wasted no more time as he assumed a fighting stance, his very being radiating power. He knew he had to move fast, faster than lightning.

All was still as thunder rumbled all throughout the darkened sky. Loraura stood on the side looking at Tristan face off against her elder sister. Loraura knew the kind of goddess her sister was and she knew that Tristan wouldn't be able to defeat her, after all a human could never defeat a god.

It all seemed to happen in an instant as Tristan moved at a speed unrecognizable to the human eye and as Vyra hurled arcing streams of electricity at his body, each missing their mark and destroying anything they came in contact with.

Vyra: (Shocked) "What in the world, how can he move like that? It's almost as if he's not..."

Loraura: "Human."

Vyra looks over at her sister as she realized that Loraura was thinking the same thing as her.

Tristan was barley avoiding Vyra's attacks. It by no means was an easy feet. Sweating uncontrollably Tristan as quickly as he could closes the distance on his opponent. He knew that the only way he was going to when was by getting close.

Vyra witnessing Tristan drawing ever closer began to realize his plan and with a small smirk places both of her hands against one another.

The heavens roared with energy as lightning broke through the dark clouds, and the wind soared with rage and fury.

Tristan who was rushing towards Vyra could fill the small sparks of static touch his very skin and deep down could sense a foreboding future.

Vyra: "Take this!"

Vyra's extends both of her hands outwards and what follows was pure chaos. Lighting falls from the darkened sky inclosing Vyra in a cage of electric energy, stoping Tristan in his tracks.

Vyra: "Did you really believe that a human could defeat a god?" (Laughs)

Tristan hearing Vyra's words grits his teeth in frustration, he couldn't help but wonder was he really out of options.

Vyra: "You where pretty impressive for a mortal but I'm afraid that this is the end."

Vyra had no doubts about her victory, the very possibility of failure had never even crossed her mind and yet she still wondered who this Human truly was. Vyra's hands once again where covered in lighting that boiled the very air. She looked at Tristan not with hatred but with sympathy.

Vyra: (pity) "Tristan please give up your life, do it for my sister."

Tristan: ["Oh no..."]

Inside Vyra's hand formed a spear of Lightning that glowed with a blueish hue. Pure power radiated off of the spear in waves causing Tristans skin to tingle.

Tristan: ["I have no choice."]

Tristan takes a deep breath as his muscles began to harden. Tristan in deep Concentration took notice of Loraura who struggled to remain standing on her feet. He could feel it coming...

Tristan: ["Loraura is in danger!"]

Tristan waisted no time, he had completely forgotten about Vyra and her devastating attack. Tristan moved faster than before, so fast in fact that Vyra with her divine eyes lost track of Tristan for a split second. Tristan rushed through the falling rain towards Loraura and in a rush pushes Loraura out of the way as lightning falls from the heavens striking Tristan in the chest. Tristan falls to the ground unmoving, eyes closed.

Loraura: (Yells) "Tristan No!!!"

Loraura completely ignoring her exhaustion stumbles towards Tristan, tears in her eyes. She weeped over Tristans body believing all the things that had happened was her fault.

Vyra could believe what he had seen. The boy she wanted to kill for her sisters sake had sacrificed his life for her sister. See Loraura cry over Tristans body truly hurt her emotionally. The lightning spear in Vyra's hand soon disappeared as she bowed her head in sorrow. She wasn't used to grieving for people, nor where their a lot of people she respected, but for a brief moment Tristan had earned her respect.

Vyra: "Loraura... Forgiv..." (Stops talking and looks up at the darkened sky rumbled with power and shined with a golden light.)

Both Vyra and Loraura understood what they where looking at and Vyra's beutiful brown skin turned slightly pale from fright.


Vyra screams as her whole entire body was struck by golden lightning. Vyra's body spasmed out of control as the golden lightning turned the very sky gold and shook the whole town of Oakbury with ease.

Loraura covered Tristans body, protecting him from this unbridled power, and soon with relief Loraura noticed how the golden heavenly lightning came to an end, leaving behind her elder sister broken and burned as she lay unconscious on the ground.

Loraura: ["Oh no."]


With aces and groans Tristan awoke, lying in his bed with Loraura siting right next to him, with a relieved smile on her face. Seeing this Tristans mind thought back to the first moment that both him and Loraura had met, on that strange day.

Tristan: (Tired) "What happened?"

Loraura: "your safe, thank the heavens you are alright." (Hugs Tristan with tears in her eyes.)

Loraura: "I am so sorry Tristan. My sisters actions where inexcusable."

Tristan: (Smiles) "it's ok Loraura and the truth of the matter is, your not the one who should be apologizing."

Loraura: "No I am guilty too."

Tristan: "Huh?"

Loraura: "I was afraid."

Tristan: "Afraid of what."

Loraura for a time goes quite as she thinks back to a time more simple.

Loraura: "I was afraid of having to fight my sister and I was afraid of losing you..."

Tristan cheeks turn red after hearing Loraura's words.

Loraura: "Two people who I cared about where fighting. I didn't know what to do."

Tristan: (Grabs Loraura hand.) "Loraura theirs nothing wrong with loving your sister and honestly I'm grateful."

Loraura: "Grateful?"

Tristan: "Yes because you where willing to protect me even from your sister, to the point that you could hardly stand."

All goes quite as Loraura looks into Tristans eyes and in those eyes Loraura saw no doubt or hatred. Tristan was truly grateful.

Vyra: (Walks into the room.) "Ah how sweet."

Tristan almost had a heart attack after seeing Vyra walk into his room so casually. She was the woman who had caused all this after all.

Tristan: "Vyra? What in the world are you doing here and is that red wine in your hand?"

Vyra: (Giggles.)"Oh Tristan you know me so well."

Tristan couldn't believe how little shame this so called Goddess had, first she tries to kill him and then she raids the whine from his own home. Tristan could tell that Vyra was drunk from how she talked and of course how much she smelled like alcohol.

Tristan: (Annoyed.) "W-why is she here?"

Loraura: "I'm sorry Tristan but my sister has been banished."

Tristan: "Banished?"

Loraura: "Yes. You see it would appear that my sister has come down to the mortal world without permission and because of her actions she is being punished. It is the will of the almighty himself."

Tristan felt like he was going to cough up blood from all the frustration he felt. He wanted to yell, heck he wanted to cry, and yet as he looked at Vyra drinking away his families alcohol as if it where water, he noticed the redness in her eyes.

Tristan: ["Was she crying."]

Tristan sighs with exhaustion's as he stares into Loraura's eyes. Vyra was banished to earth, and where exactly was a goddess going to go.

Loraura: "Tristan I understand that my sister has wronged you but please for the time please..."

Tristan: "She can stay."

Loraura and even Vyra stared at Tristan with shock as if their ears where not working.

Tristan: (Stares at Vyra.) "Just please don't try to kill me."

Loraura: "T-Tristan thank you." (Blush.)


Loraura and Vyra walked through the wide halls of the temple. Loraura after a long day of grief was finally going to start dinner, and clean the temple. Her heartbeat had a new found vigor as she thought about Tristan. He had done so much for her and her sister even after all they had done.

Vyra stood behind Loraura and she smiled as she saw Loraura's rosy cheeks. This was the first time Vyra had seen Loraura act like this when it came to a person and honestly she didn't actually know what to make of it.

Vyra: "That mortal has really won you over has he sister?"

Loraura: (Confused.) "What do you mean?"

Vyra: "Oh never mind, I actually wanted to talk to you about Tristan."

Loraura: (Looks at Vyra.) "About Tristan?"

Vyra: "Yep. Loraura you felt the same thing I did, didn't you?"

Loraura: "..."

Vyra: "That power, those abilities they weren't natural." (Grabs hold of Loraura's shoulder.)

Vyra: "He could be dangerous."

Loraura: (Shock.) "And what would you suggest we do Vyra?"

Vyra: "Loraura, we may not have a chose but to kill him."

The house grew cold as magic power expanded in all directions. Vyra held her breath as she looked at Loraura with fear.

Loraura: "You will go no further Vyra."

Vyra: (Breaths hard.) "Loraura will you really protect that man? Even if he proves to be a danger to all?"

Loraura no longer needed to hesitate as she stared at her sister.

Loraura: "All ways."


Author notes: Please support my work on Patreon for early access to new chapters. https://patreon.com/DarkMatteromniverse