
My God slayer system

When the gods of the Universe got bored and tired of seeing the same creatures they decided to bring an end to humanity..... Humans managed to survive and those ones who did got immensely stronger and created cultivation paths unique to humanity,to protect humanity,the universe then blesses a certain boy with a supreme divine cheat bringing an end to the gods?....is that what you want your ending to be?......Yes?...... well you're in for a huge surprise.

cake_fish · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Friend or Foe?

Lucian aimed the gun toward the ground near Liz and shot.


Liz was shocked by the sudden change and was stunned for a brief second...but that was all Lucian needed as he reached out and struck with his gun!


In that brief second she struck out with her scythe which ripped his shirt and cut him, but it was all futile because his shotgun had already appeared right above her face.


Lucian swung his gun on her head which knocked her out instantly.

Standing on the arena while holding his gun he looked towards master Inez and then.


He collapsed right after...and then all the students started murmuring.

"He used two weapons,he should get punished"

"No you foul,using your own personal weapon is allowed,just like your dagger is still with you"

"Yeah thats right I remember seeing you hold a dagger while also having gauntlets"

"yeah that's true,I got eliminated because of that"

"I still believe he should be punished though"


Guards take those two to the healer right away,you can leave their weapons there"commanded master Inez,and then two black robed individuals quickly came in and picked them up from the platform and carried them away.

"So you see,this is what happens when you have enough points to buy yourself a personal weapon,there is nothing like being fair in this world of extremely strong beings and only strength reigns supreme,and so with this I declare Lucian the winner!!"said Master Inez with a thunderous voice.

And then cheers and claps erupted from the students,both the ones participated and those who didn't.

"Enough!!"his voice came through again

"So today we shall be learning about..... strength control...

While in the Healing pagoda Lucian was healed and left in there to rest.


"Oh come in" the healer who was next to the unconscious Lucian said.

"Who are you?..."said the healer while cocking his head slightly...."is anything the matter?"

"No".... and you can take your leave,I came to see the boy said the man in a commanding tone.

"Yes sir!" replied the healer almost instantly as if under a spell while getting out of the room quickly.

He then moved closer to the boy and removed a book from his robe and placed it on Lucian's chest.

After a few hours the book on his chest started glowing brightly,if anyone were to see it they'd be shocked.