
My girlfriend is ChatGPT

Aiden, an avid fan of science fiction novels, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a realm where the lines between reality and the digital world blur. (Hiatus)

Mortualia · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

A Sudden Departure

Aiden sat at his cluttered desk, peering at the bright screen of his smartphone, his fingers tapping away. He had been using ChatGPT to discuss his latest obsession, science fiction novels, with the digital assistant. His girlfriend, Lily, found his enthusiasm endearing, and she sometimes teased him that he cared more about the AI's opinions than hers.

As he was about to send another message, the screen of his phone began to shimmer with an otherworldly violet light. A low hum filled the room, and before he could react, a powerful force pulled him and the phone into the shimmering portal.

Suddenly, Aiden found himself in a place entirely different. He blinked, disoriented and bewildered. Instead of his cluttered room, he was now surrounded by towering trees and the soft rustle of leaves. He looked around in utter shock, trying to make sense of his surroundings. "Where the hell am I?" he muttered to himself.

A moment later, a strange sensation washed over him, as though someone was speaking directly into his mind. The voice was feminine but had an oddly robotic quality, and it echoed in his head. "Welcome, traveler," it said, making him shudder.

Aiden frantically searched for the source of the voice, but there was no one in sight. He nervously replied in his mind, "Who are you? What's going on? Where am I?"

The voice in his head responded, "I am ChatGPT, your guide in this new world. You have crossed into a realm where the boundaries of reality and the digital domain are blurred.