
My girlfriend is a BL Writer !? (SEASON ONE)

Meet Satsuki Mariangela Fukumoto, a 20 years old college student at the Seaton Intergrated University of Naga. She’s already in her 3rd year and she’s taking a BS in Digital Illustration and Animation. But her parents were not favorable and to them, she was just nothing but a disgrace and the fact that she holds a disgusting secret which is why they don’t want her to waste her time on the hobbies that she had. And they didn’t want her talent to go to waste just because she was obsessed with her BL. As of now, she was forced to work as an intern content marketing in Wei & Hua Group. She’s one of the illustrators that they needed for the brand designs of the company. The company was owned by the soon heir, Chang Heng Wei. He’s one of the youngest heirs in this company, he’s just the same age as Satsuki. And as the heir, he needs to take his business course seriously because of his father’s wish. That’s why he’s currently taking a BS in Accountancy at Delos Rios University of Manila. Just like Satsuki he’s one of the interns too and his father has been training him in their company because once he graduates automatically he’s going to be the Vice-Chairman of the company. He was known as strict, prideful and he was really scary. Other people can’t take his attitude when they work with him so it’s quite a miracle that Satsuki can continue working with someone like him. In the morning, Satsuki appears to be an innocent and pure girl but what they didn’t know is that she’s a Fujioshi. She's a BL manga artist and writer. She fantasize about him and made him a character in her own story and she imagines him as a bottom due to his cute face.

MissNerdyGirl20 · Urban
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50 Chs

CHAPTER 29 (2)

Part ways -2.

I need to think of another way to save her. She looked so broken, just like how she is before. I can never forget that day when she cried in front of me. I thought I wouldn’t see her like that again. And it was Cheng’s fault that she was this hurt. He did it again. All the people with him, he only thinks nothing but to hurt them. I could never forgive him for hurting Satsuki like this. She shouldn’t be involved here but she was still involved.

“I’m sorry.” I bit my lip and I don’t know how I can face her. I could see Cheng who looked so satisfied with what was happening between us. Well, of course, this is what he wanted. For sure he was so happy right now.

I’m sure that he’s happy. I can never forgive him for what he did to us. He smirked at us and he crossed his arms, “I’m enjoying what I see right now, Satchan. Hey, why don’t you try on hating him? As I said, this will be his downfall.”

“Shut up!” Satsuki shouted and she glared at him.

He doesn’t have any hope anymore.

“But I’m not content with this—” Cheng Yaozu said and I was surprised when he called his bodyguards. They were armed and they looked like goons. I glared at him and I hissed at him. Just what is he up to?

“What are you planning?” I asked him. He’s not right on his mind right now. But whatever he’s planning right now, I’ll never let him hurt Satsuki. So I looked at Satsuki and moved her a bit, “Satsuki please close your eyes.”

“I don’t wanna! What if they tried to hurt you? I can’t do that!” She shouted.

This stupid girl.

So I got closer to her and I pulled her close to me and I kissed her. She was surprised at what I did and she blushed at it. Is this a time for her to get so shy on me after revealing herself as a fujioshi? She’s something else. Plus, we already kissed a lot. I couldn’t help but chuckle and I touched her chin and I whispered, “Just listen to me. This is an order from me. Everything will be okay soon. So I’m ordering you not to open your eyes until I said so.”

I don’t want her to get involved with Cheng. He managed to hurt Satsuki whom I didn’t even know. I will accept it if I was the one that he will hurt but if it’s another person then I can never let him. She got nothing to do with this. That’s why Satsuki went to the bed she closed her eyes and I smirked at her, “Good girl.” I said.

I thought that she would make me shut up like she always does but she listened to me. As expected of her, I wasn’t wrong to choose her. I can take any pain if it’s Cheng, but I won’t let him hurt Satsuki until I’m alive. I know my brother. He won’t be satisfied until he gets what he wanted from me. That’s the reason why I’m here. I will protect Satsuki from his hands. I won’t let anyone be hurt again. If he wants to get his revenge on me then go ahead. I am not stopping him.

“You can start now,” Cheng told his men and he flick his hand. His men quickly charged towards me and they hit me with a baseball bat. I won’t let them hurt me like this so I quickly got closer to them and I punched them back. No one dares to hurt me. Cheng knows that. I won’t let anyone hurt me like this. I’m a stubborn man. I don’t plan on losing to anyone.

I smirked at them and brushed up my hair and act a little arrogant, “Is that all? You didn’t even manage to hit me. Is this how you want to get revenge on me?”

Cheng frowned his eyebrows and he was starting to get a little irritated, “I know that you will fight. So go ahead and fight. If you fight again then I will blow up this girl’s head!” He shouted at me and he quickly took his gun and pointed it towards Satsuki. He can’t mean that isn’t he? I already know that he’s a jerk but he can’t just hurt her like that.

“Dude, you’ve gotta calm down now..” I sighed deeply and I tried to stop him.

He’s insane! I don’t know what he’s planning but he’s not going to kill Satsuki right? I can’t let him! I want to go there and punch his face but I can’t. I gritted my teeth and I glared at him. I feel so nervous about what he’ll do to her. What is he planning to do with her? He’s crazy! How can he point a gun toward an innocent girl!? Damn it, for all we know I can just fight his men too easily. I am not someone that he should look down at. Why did he think that I practiced taijutsu, huh? It’s because I want to protect myself and Satsuki from a bastard like him! I know he’s crazy but I didn’t think that he’ll do this crazy thing.

Does he really need to do this? Come on, there are other ways to settle this! Not this! Please, not like this!

Does he really need to go overboard like this? I know that he’s mean but I didn’t think that he was scum. I hope that my assumptions were wrong but I do think that my twin brother is far worse than trash. Because even though I know that he’s a bad man I am hoping that there was still goodness in him, but from what I can see right now he can’t be changed anymore, isn’t he? He can’t hurt Satsuki and he can never do that. So I got closer to him and I glared at him, “If you want to take me down then go ahead. Like what you always wanted...my downfall. I can promise you that you can have it just don’t hurt Satchan please.”

Satsuki cried and she tried to struggle around Cheng, “Stop that!” She shouted

I just don’t care anymore whatever happens to me as long as Satsuki will be alright then it’s all good. That’s the only thing that I wanted. To see that she is safe. And this time, I will be the one who will save her. The other guys got closer and they punched me around my chest and I decided not to fight back this time. I could feel the pain while they were punching me and making a mess out of me. They were quite muscular and I am quite smaller than them so what can I even do at this point? I guess it was okay that I’ll be the one who gets hurt not Satsuki. So I’ll just stand here and accept everything.

Cheng enjoys what he sees right now. To make my life miserable like what he always wanted. I just wanted this to end then so be it. I don’t care anymore. Let this end, please. If he wants to hurt me then go ahead and hurt me. I already received a lot of pain other than this so even if they hurt me I won’t budge at all. With the number of bruises that I received, I suddenly feel blurry out of the sudden. I couldn’t help but smirk because I am happy that finally, I can protect her.

But before I can close my eyes, I heard a loud shout and a guy who kicked the room.


I couldn’t see who it was. My whole body is already hurting, the only thing that I know right now is that I finally protected Satsuki from my trashy brother. At least I finally protected her at less, even if..it would cost my life. She was that important to me, no one is more important than me than her.